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When I wake up in a few hours its time for WRESTLEMANIA!!!!!!!! :D




Daniel Bryan! *clap clap clap*


The first part of this show has been a snoozer for me. Neese vs Soldier Ant was ok, but not a fan of The Scene and not a fan of Kendrick and only sometimes a fan of Chucky T.


Ladders Are Legal: Matt Jackson vs. Nick Jackson vs. Samuray Del Sol vs. Facade vs. Christina Von Eerie vs. AR Fox vs. Uhaa Nation

Is the stream laggy for anyone else?

I've had it up to here with WWNLive this weekend. Think these might be the last DGUSA shows I buy the live streams for.
No dice, still freezing every couple of minutes or so. Distracting.

SHIMMER, NJPW & ROH (other than the fuck-up at the end of the show) were perfect for me - DGUSA & EVOLVE have been somewhat problematic.


It's so odd having people chant for the Young Bucks and have it not be FUCK THE YOUNG BUCKS. I don't like it!
Guess CVE was in this match entirely to get some heat on the Young Bucks...who people are, for some reason, chanting for?

*edit, fuuuuck, how does Fox not die?


It's been a pretty great weekend of wrestling so far.

Ring of Honor: Jay Briscoe becomes new champ.
Dragon Gate: Gargano chokes Shingo, cheats to win, and turns heel.
New Japan: Okada defeats Tanahashi for the title in what many on here are already calling the match of the year.

If either Punk/Taker or Rock/Cena kills it, this could be quite a spectacular weekend overall.


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New CM Punk shirt



Jamie OD

It's been a pretty great weekend of wrestling so far.

Ring of Honor: Jay Briscoe becomes new champ.
Dragon Gate: Gargano chokes Shingo, cheats to win, and turns heel.
New Japan: Okada defeats Tanahashi for the title in what many on here are already calling the match of the year.

If either Punk/Taker or Rock/Cena kills it, this could be quite a spectacular weekend overall.

Don't forget Chikara with Liger appearing for them and Sugar Dunkerton doing the Prime Time Players "Millions of Dollars" dance with Marty Jennetty.


Ack! I completely forgot to spoiler tag my comments about Okada vs. Tanahashi last night/this morning. I was so cracked out and inebriated. My apologies! :(

That being said, despite getting some sleep, I'm still riding the high that was that match.
Don't forget Chikara with Liger appearing for them and Sugar Dunkerton doing the Prime Time Players "Millions of Dollars" dance with Marty Jennetty.

Or SHIMMER, with Cheerleader Melissa becoming the first 2 time champion and Athena getting the biggest win of her career against Ayako Hamada!

MoosiferX said:
Ack! I completely forgot to spoiler tag my comments about Okada vs. Tanahashi last night/this morning. I was so cracked out and inebriated. My apologies! :(

No worries man, seems we all forgot to use the spoiler tags for that one. What a show, though - the VOD's already up, gonna maybe watch the main event again before Mania.


Ack! I completely forgot to spoiler tag my comments about Okada vs. Tanahashi last night/this morning. I was so cracked out and inebriated. My apologies! :(

That being said, despite getting some sleep, I'm still riding the high that was that match.

Okada-Gaf don't care!

6-man time!


If you could somehow combine PWG, Ring of Honor, Dragon Gate USA, Evolve and CZW's rosters and run one big show out of them, it would be a company worthy of taking on WWE/TNA. I would add Chikara characters into it too but only a few, they have their own thing going which is different from the others and should be kept separate.


If you could somehow combine PWG, Ring of Honor, Dragon Gate USA, Evolve and CZW's rosters and run one big show out of them, it would be a company worthy of taking on WWE/TNA. I would add Chikara characters into it too but only a few, they have their own thing going which is different from the others and should be kept separate.

I doubt it. Indy wrestling isn't for everyone
That's why indy wrestling was so much better in 2004-2006, because ROH were a clear cut above the rest in terms of size, audience and quality (for the most part). Now, it's too fragmented and ROH are only a step ahead of the competition by virtue of their TV show - think of all the awesome matches guys like Sami Callihan could have been having in ROH these past few years, had he not signed with DGUSA.


Pinfalls this early in these kind of matches that fans expect will go 30+ minutes and get super crazy before they're over are kind of stupid.
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