Most of the bigger indies use a lot of the same people anyway. It's not like there are many matches you'll get in ROH, but not PWG, or DGUSA and Evolve.
The main problem here is ROH. Their contracts and Dragon Gate USA's contracts are essentially there to prevent them from working with each other. It's the dumbest thing I've ever heard of. It's like they don't like the money they're giving to PWG who makes matches using stars from both companies.
Ole chant?
Where is El Generico?
The main problem here is ROH. Their contracts and Dragon Gate USA's contracts are essentially there to prevent them from working with each other. It's the dumbest thing I've ever heard of. It's like they don't like the money they're giving to PWG who makes matches using stars from both companies.
Pretty sure Sapolsky has a lot to do with this.
Ochet! As in Ricochet, the Brits came up with it.Ole chant?
Where is El Generico?
Ochet! As in Ricochet, the Brits came up with it.
Great match.
Decent IPPV, but yesterdays show was way better.
And I was in luck, because right next to LIGERs table was Scotty Polo himself, the man they call Raven.
There was exactly zero people in line to see him, so I approached him and began the conversation that would ruin Wrestlecon for me forever. Heres a brief (but accurate) transcript of what occurred:
Me- Hey Raven, how much for a photo together?
Raven- Thatll be $20.
Me- *Hand him the $20*
Me- *To guy standing near me* Hey, can you take a pic with me and Raven please?
Guy- Sure!
Raven- Whoa, if you want to be in the picture too, thatll be an additional $20.
Me- Are you serious?
Raven- Yeah.
Me- So Im paying you $20 to take a picture of you?
Raven- Yeah.
Me- Well Id like my money back.
Raven- Well you cant have it.
Me- >:-(
Raven- -_-
Me- Alright, smile asshole.
Raven- Thanks a lot man.
Me- Go f**k yourself Raven.
I then loudly proclaimed to everyone within earshot DONT GO TO RAVENS BOOTH, HE WILL TRY TO EXTORT MONEY FROM YOU and then flipped him off every time I passed him after that. I understand that my $20 is like his rent, but if you cant be upfront and honest with the people that are paying money to see you then Im sorry, but youre an asshole.
There's only one dude who sounds like an asshole in that story and it ain't Raven.
There's only one dude who sounds like an asshole in that story and it ain't Raven.
There's only one dude who sounds like an asshole in that story and it ain't Raven.
Kinda hoping Taker requests JR for his match with Punk. Need some Good Old JR
I'd say there is a damn good chance JR will be calling the big 3 matches.