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These last few years have been like the New Generation, same kind of problems. I think we've now entered 1994/1995 levels of bad.

Nah. Imagine if Hogan was still hogging the spotlight in WWF in 95 and burying HBK and Taker. That is what WWE is like now.

We are in WCW 1999/2000 territory with Cena and HHH as the replacements for Hogan and Kevin Nash.


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Poor Rhodes and Sandow getting bumped like that, though they'll probably have their match on RAW they lost their pay day...

We still have AJ

She still winless at Mania!!!!! LOL!!!


The silver lining to all of this was that the rest of Wrestlemania weekend besides Wrestlemania was fantastic.

Yeah, can't say I didn't watch a crap ton of awesome wrestling so weekend was still a mega-success. Plus, this just cements me not watching anymore WWE and getting even more into the indies, which I'm fine with until WWE gets me back.


Um exCUSE me Sakurai but CLEARLY the best choice for Smash Bros would be my fav niche character HOWEVER you are clearly INCOMPETENT and
Cenation harbors terrorists.


formerly cjelly
Poor Rhodes and Sandow getting bumped like that, though they'll probably have their match on RAW they lost their pay day...
Yeah that was really bad.

The booking was shocking all night. Dunno how they burnt through three or four matches in an hour and still didnt have time for that. Having three big matches one after the other was a mistake, as well. It's why the crowd was dead. The whole first hour was filler matches that should have separated the main events.


Man, I'll be dropping RAW like a bad habit. I've got 38 discs of the best Japanese matches from the 80's, a whole year's worth of Memphis TV and house shows, plus an 18 disc Stan Hansen best-of to work through.

That's the beauty of wrestling - when the modern day product is shite, there's always something from wrestling's past worth discovering.

Zoinks. Does it have the match from the NJPW vs AJPW show where he popped Big Van Vader's eye out?

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Also wasn't the whole Bellas thing supposed to be feuding with Kaitlyn over Cody? When did Brodus Inc get involved?


First my Thunder lose, then this crapfest of a Wrestlemania. The worst I can remember. The only match I even remotely enjoyed was Punk/Taker. I love CM Punk, but I still feel that the last couple Taker matches have been better. Not one memorable moment the whole show. Depressing day.


thanks for the link to this LAW show. i never listened to it before and it seems like no one is in the mood to give a rundown of the show.


Wow. That was disappointing. Nothing to get excited about or even mad at. The entire show just felt flat and by the numbers. Boring really.


There's only one dude who sounds like an asshole in that story and it ain't Raven.
Having met Raven about 30 times over the years i have yet to see him act this way towards any of his fans. Not saying he doesn't but every time i have been around him or talked to him he never came off like this, he was always super polite.


thanks for the link to this LAW show. i never listened to it before and it seems like no one is in the mood to give a rundown of the show.

There really wasn't anything to write home about. This felt like a bad Monday Night Raw.
Just thinking about the show makes me angry I wasted 4 hours of my night. Main Event was AWFUL!!! Rest Holds galore, followed by infinite finisher fest to end it.


A filler Wrestlemania. How do you even manage that?

The past three Manias 27 - 29 have been filler I think. Think about it. They brought in The Rock to put over Cena and start this new Cena era that began tonight. It was all filler to get to this.


I kind of liked the last 3 matches. Both HHH/Brock and Cena/Rock were better than their last matches together. Not that that is saying much.

Crowd was on fire for Taker and Punk.


I kind of liked the last 3 matches. Both HHH/Brock and Cena/Rock were better than their last matches together. Not that that is saying much.

Crowd was on fire for Taker and Punk.

I think Cena vs Rock was slightly better last year.

Taker vs Punk was the only match highlight of the show.

A.E Suggs

First my Thunder lose, then this crapfest of a Wrestlemania. The worst I can remember. The only match I even remotely enjoyed was Punk/Taker. I love CM Punk, but I still feel that the last couple Taker matches have been better. Not one memorable moment the whole show. Depressing day.

That may be the only highlight of my night.


The Shield's entrance was cool.

Daniel Bryan finally getting to wrestle at Mania and the spot at the end of the match where they zoomed out and the entire crowd was chanting yes was cool.

Ryback hitting shell shock on Henry was cool.

Punk vs Taker was match of the night.

The rest was a mix of meh to shit to headache inducing.


Brock and HHH was super slow, but I really liked HHH doing the kimura. The crowd was dead though. Maybe it shouldn't have followed the very exciting Punk/Taker.

Does Ryback doing the shellshock on Henry confirm Tensai botched on purpose? lol
That WM with Cena and Miz was still worse but thats not saying much.

CM Punk vs Undertaker this year and Daniel Bryan winning happiness just ups this show from the depths of shit the other guys tried to put it in.


WM27 is still worse than anything.
And yet it had the best build between Dwayne & Cena.
And the better Trips vs. Undertaker match.
And featured Edge's last major pay-per-view wrestling appearance.
And a Daniel Bryan vs. Sheamus match that lasted longer than 18 seconds.
And perhaps the finest bit of any WWE programming The Miz has ever been involved with (that pre-main event match promo).
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