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Hey guys, the big three matches were won by a guy who has been the focus of the show for close to a decade, a 48 year old semi-retired guy, and a 43 year old semi-retired guy

The wins and losses aren't really the problem. The problem is out of the three headlining matches, only two guys will be around in a month.

EDIT: And Cena is stale.


That match is what HHH/Brock should been at Mania, obviously minus the high flying stuff. A fast paced, messy brawl. Just total destruction of the ringside area, and big slams in the ring. Likewise, Henry/Ryback should've been more Japanese style "tough guys throwing bombs," but it lacked energy. Rock/Cena was way too safe as well. Did they even leave the ring? And it devolved into nothing, with both guys trading lifts for their finishers.

The great thing about that six-man was that it hid guys' weaknesses, and made everyone look great. All the while, DBry was making sure everyone got where they needed to be. HHH/Brock just went too long, and it didn't even really have the psychology that their SummerSlam encounter had with diverticulitis vs. broken arm. Brock did great making me believe he would tap though, and Brock overall is still the only guy I get legit SHOOK by.

And yes, Ryback/Henry dragged a bit and just felt off. Henry/Show and Show/Sheamus have been good at points so I can't say WWE can't do good big-man stuff on occasion. I wonder if it's a Ryback issue on some level, too.

I want to say Cena/Rock didn't leave the ring. I'm not going to watch again to confirm, but yeah, the finisher-fest was very pronounced. It actually did work to an extent, but the problem is after the Cena-you-can't-see-me callback spot, the match really died.

caps lock necessary
They're great but I don't know what the hell they're doing storyline wise. It's like they just appear out of nowhere to beat up people and head back into the dark corner of the arena until the next show.


Unconfirmed Member
This has made me realise how smart WWE is for not having any seasonal breaks. If Wrestling was done for the next 3 months or something, it probably would be really easy for us to just not care when it eventually comes back, realizing how much better life is without it. But with it being a few hours every single week, it is literally a habitual activity and that makes it hard to stop.


They're great but I don't know what the hell they're doing storyline wise. It's like they just appear out of nowhere to beat up people and head back into the dark corner of the arena until the next show.

They don't need to have some take down the WWE angle or whatever, which is what they were seemingly going for at the start. They just need to progress towards gold and begin to sprinkle in some singles competition to make each one seem legit on their own as well. That, and just keep winning.

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
This has made me realise how smart WWE is for not having any seasonal breaks. If Wrestling was done for the next 3 months or something, it probably would be really easy for us to just not care when it eventually comes back, realizing how much better life is without it. But with it being a few hours every single week, it is literally a habitual activity and that makes it hard to stop.
Sweet lady (triple) H


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Lets just forget this whole ppv happened and just remember Shovel Man's foam job. For sure someone setting that up got fired.

Spider from Mars

tap that thorax
This has made me realise how smart WWE is for not having any seasonal breaks. If Wrestling was done for the next 3 months or something, it probably would be really easy for us to just not care when it eventually comes back, realizing how much better life is without it. But with it being a few hours every single week, it is literally a habitual activity and that makes it hard to stop.

Maybe they could use those three months to write really solid....ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
If anyone wants a new Desktop Wallpaper



WWE needs to capitalize on Bryan being the most over guy at Wrestlemania. Can you imagine the scene of Byan on his knees in tears after just winning the WWE championship in the main event while the whole crowd chants "Yes!"?

he wont be the most over guy when the dvd comes out.


Fuck I think the Cena face in my avatar is the same one as Aiii has, but with a background. The man has only looked sad like four times in his entire career, there just isn't enough material.


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WWE needs to capitalize on Bryan being the most over guy at Wrestlemania. Can you imagine the scene of Byan on his knees in tears after just winning the WWE championship in the main event while the whole crowd chants "Yes!"?
Bryan doing the diving headbutt tells you exactly how much Vince likes him


They don't need to have some take down the WWE angle or whatever, which is what they were seemingly going for at the start. They just need to progress towards gold and begin to sprinkle in some singles competition to make each one seem legit on their own as well. That, and just keep winning.

But they already have an announced motivation: justice, whatever that means. It can be interesting, they just need to flesh it out and let them run with it. Assuming they do that right, the matches line themselves up and gold may not be a necessary part of that picture.
It still hasn't sunk in that I paid $300 to see that...
I paid $70 plus the last minute $500 plane ticket.

I've never been to a Mania, so it was cool. I think I might go to the New Orleans shoe. It all depends.

And I see a lot of Cena complaints, but it's just the character is stale and they haven't bothered to invest in other younger baby faces. The company is definitely going to be in a pickle two years from now. The crowd gave 0 fs about Del Rio/Swagger.


But they already have an announced motivation: justice, whatever that means. It can be interesting, they just need to flesh it out and let them run with it. Assuming they do that right, the matches line themselves up and gold may not be a necessary part of that picture.

I almost thought they were being the sword for the "smarks" for a bit, which would have been funny and potentially interesting if they kept with it. Before the Cena match, it really did feel like a fight against "LOL Cena Wins" but then it stopped after due to Mania coming up.

Either way, I agree they don't need gold to make it work because there are plenty of good things to do with them. They are in a great spot right now, and they'll get stuck in neutral if it doesn't keep moving, but right now they're in good shape.
Tomorrow after RAW ill debut my new avatar. I just can't believe what just happened today...

I'm thinking of going to the puroresu side and never come back to WWE.

Wrestlemania lost it smile today
Wwe needs to hire Russo. The writing would still be terrible but at least we would get a swerve every once in a while. Sad thing is I'm only half kidding.


I really can't understand the sentiment that this was the event that pushes people over the edge as far as caring about the WWE. The show just followed a trend that's been going on for months/years. If anything the product is about to get better without all the movie promotion and part-timers taking away screen time for mid and undercard guys.
I really can't understand the sentiment that this was the event that pushes people over the edge as far as caring about the WWE. The show just followed a trend that's been going on for months/years. If anything the product is about to get better without all the movie promotion and part-timers taking away screen time for mid and undercard guys.

I look at it this way, Cena and Del Rio hold the big belts, Cesaro loses every week, Hell No looks like they will never break up, Ziggler will lose for the rest of his career, and it looks like Punk will be talking time off. Outside of The Shield, things are looking real dim right now.
Can't believe I wasted $70 watching that garbage...

Seriously... I don't know why I still watch Wrestling, there's like no hope that it'll ever improve. Same old same old, couldn't even make Cena heel.

Punk is back to jobbing to Cena, and if Punk doesn't because he takes time off, everyone else will.
Rock is leaving soon, as well as Shawn, who did nothing this time.
Triple H is still burying people.
Everyone on the midcard is still in limbo, never to be pushed, and if they are, they're still not, because no one cares about the WHC, because it's not Cena's belt.


Don't know how you can be a fan of this stuff without taking regular monthly breaks or such, much less watch every RAW and spend $60 a month watching predictable PPVs.
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