Copy-pasting from the Wrestlemania thread...
Alright, here's my full run-down.
IC Title Match - Blech. Wade got a huge reaction (considering not everyone was in their seats yet), Miz's reaction was pretty mixed. Goddamn is that figure four shitty. Short and expected, though seeing Wade pull out Wasteland was pretty cool. It also rained rather hard during this match and was the coldest and windiest it was all night. Pretty much once the show started the weather went back to being nice and normal, and it actually got warmer as the night went on. They got incredibly lucky with the weather.
Shield vs. Superfaces - Good match. Crowd was VERY pro-Shiled. They liked the faces too and all, but everybody wanted the Shield to win. Lots of "Let's Go Shield" and "Shield! Shield! Shield!" chants. They exited and entered from right below where I was sitting. Nobody really gave much of a shit about Show turning, considering he was face for, what, a week? Everybody really dug this one, though, and the finish made everyone happy. Nice start.
Mizark vs. Skip Sheffield - GOLDBERG chants right from the start. Some Sexual Chocolate chants too. Crowd was definitely pro-Henry but was really into seeing Ryback try to do Shellshock on him. Cool spot, went over big live.
Hell No vs. Ziggler and Big E - Fun little match, everybody here is super over (well, maybe not Big E). Not much to say about it, but quality stuff. Ziggler losing seemed to set up for a MITB cash-in...
FAAAAAN DAAAAAAN GOOOOOOO vs. Y2J - The expected outcome, a solid if not spectacular match. I imagine this feud will be continuing. Fandango seems pretty over. His gimmick got a lot of love at Axxess, and people seemed to be into him tonight too.
Bathroom break.
ADR vs. Swagger - There was a guy on the floor with a "BLACK REPUBLICAN FOR JACK SWAGGER" sign. Thought that was pretty amusing. Solid match, nice back and forth submissions. Crowd was somewhat lukewarm to start but really got into it near the end. Most importantly, though, BIG "WE WANT ZIGGLER" chants throughout almost the entire match. Hot finish. By the way, we knew there was going to be no cash-in because they started building Living Colour's set at the entrance as soon as the match started. Even still, when the lights went down during ADR's celebration and the show "moved on" there was a HUGE chorus of boos. People really wanted that cash-in. Stray "WE WANT ZIGGLER" chants would continue to pop up for the rest of the night.
Undertaker vs. CM Punk - This was incredible. This was also my first time seeing Undertaker live, and it's hard to explain but he just feels..."different" from everyone else. I love that he even got a different name graphic from everyone else in his entrance. He feels like the secret superboss in an RPG, the one that's waaaaaaay more powerful than the actual boss of the game yet gives you no real reward other than satisfaction if you beat him. This is the one match that felt like an "event" in and of itself. Punk was amazing too, his histrionics and faces and interactions with both Taker and Heyman were golden. Crowd was 100% into both guys and wanted both guys to win, and the atmosphere was amazing. A stark contrast to what was to come...
HHH vs. Brock - Total snoozefest. The crowd was bored, the match was boring, and both guys seemed like out of shape part-timers. HBK didn't add terribly much to this one, though him taking an F-5 was pretty fun. There was definitely a moment of "if they make Brock tap out to HHH..." moment in there. Crowd was palpably anxious during that sequence, and when Brock finally fell away from HHH after the third or fourth time he broke the hold the crowd erupted in relieved cheers. HHH winning with a pedigree on steel steps is fine. I can live with that. A very predictable ending, but the whole point of the match was for Hunter to get his win back, right?
Cena vs. Rock - Huh? What? Wasn't there another match in here? Where are the Funkadactyls? And why was there like no fanfare signalling this match was next like there was with the last two matches? The reaction when Cena's music hit was genuine surprise. Followed by lots and lots of boos. Very enthusiastic boos. One of the issues with the crowd response to this match, though, is that even though it was nearly 100% anti-Cena, it was NOT entirely pro-Rock the way it was last year. I would say it was maybe 70% pro-Rock, 30% anti-Rock (but not necessarily pro-Cena). So reactions were kind of all over the place on this one. One thing that was unanimous, though, is that this match fucking sucked. Boring as shit, rest holds out the ass, waaaaaaay too many uses of the exact same moves. There were actual shouts of "THIS SPOT AGAIN?!" and things like that numerous times. "Boring" chants. "Rest hold" chants. "UNDERTAKER/CM PUNK" chants. Extremely mixed and subdued pop for the finish immediately melted into a chorus of boos again. The entire ending and aftermath was booed basically constantly by the fans who were left, which just a tiny smattering of applause. And I do mean "by the fans who were left," because people were making for the exits the second the 3 was counted at the end of the matches. Just really really bad. Rock seemed visibly upset by the response to the match pretty much right from the start.
In that moment in the Cena-Rock match where John seemed frustrated and started making his faces that lead into his People's Elbow fakeout, there were lots of "turn heel!" type chants. "YOU CAN DO IT!" was a big one from one corner of the stadium.
The show clearly peaked with Taker-Punk. I could have left after that match and felt like I saw a much better PPV than I do now.
The view from my seat: