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I think we're more likely to see Punk/Austin than Rock/Cena III at this point. I just think Taker/Cena is a possibility since he's the only person left of relevance who hasn't challenged the streak. And lets be honest, the crowd would be super into that match simply because absolutely nobody wants Cena to be the guy who kills the streak.

I'd Like to submit an early entrance for the WM 30 |OT| Give the People What They(Don't) Want

Spider from Mars

tap that thorax
Cena is going to be the guy to kill the streak, Sephzilla.
Just accept the inevitable.

I have tried to run so far away from Cena for so long that I have come around the other side. I want him to end the streak. I want him to pin every person in that locker room in squash matches and I want him to smile while doing it. I want him to bang every woman in the crowd while their husbands boo and their children cheer. I want 3 hours of Cena's grinning mug every Monday. I want Vince to live in that twilight zone episode where the criminal goes to "heaven" and everything is so plain and predictable and nothing is ever shaken up, only to realize that he is in hell.
I have tried to run so far away from Cena for so long that I have come around the other side. I want him to end the streak. I want him to pin every person in that locker room in squash matches and I want him to smile while doing it. I want him to bang every woman in the crowd while their husbands boo and their children cheer. I want 3 hours of Cena's grinning mug every Monday. I want Vince to live in that twilight zone episode where the criminal goes to "heaven" and everything is so plain and predictable and nothing is ever shaken up, only to realize that he is in hell.

If we believe it, he's a heel.


Neo Member
I'm sort of glad I missed out on the avatar bet this time around...although the month of big show was the best thing ever..Sunflower can we run it back next month?


I think we're more likely to see Punk/Austin than Rock/Cena III at this point. I just think Taker/Cena is a possibility since he's the only person left of relevance who hasn't challenged the streak. And lets be honest, the crowd would be super into that match simply because absolutely nobody wants Cena to be the guy who kills the streak.

Austin hasn't appeared on WWE TV since WM27. Since then he's missed important Raw shows, Wrestlemanias and more. It's safe to say I'd mark out hard if he did return but it's been too long and I'm so soured on Cena and Rock that I don't see it happening yet, if ever. :(


Is anyone willing so make some face avatars? I'd try, but I don't have PS and GIMP makes me feel like I'm taking crazy pills.


I feel like that maxes out his emotional range. Three of those are from one segment and the last one is just an excuse to post AJ.
I am not watching RAW for a while but I bet RAW sucks tonight.

We will get Cena smiling, Rock looking sad and a tease for the rematch of the rematch, Punk getting written off TV for a a few months, Brock and HHH will probably vanish for another few months and no big returns.

Crowd should be fun though.

Also I dont see Punk versus Austin ever happening. If Austin does return they will farm him out to Cener first.

Spider from Mars

tap that thorax
If Bray Wyatt, MVP or Benjamin are on Raw tonight then I will just push Mania into the recess of my mind and hope it doesn't consume me. If they do not show up, I will just let the madness course through my veins.


Now that I think about it, there was one thing that makes this Wrestlemania worse than 27. After 27, we had things to look forward to. This Mania leaves us with nothing but Cena as champ. No other storylines advanced, nothing else happened. Cena is champ, see you next year.

Maybe Raw tonight can change my mind, but I doubt it.
Looks excellent. I feel like I'm in the minority here but hopefully Okada shuts down Suzuki and moves on as I can't stand him. Wonder what's gonna happen with Nakamuraaaaa.

Okada's winning for sure, but it's going to be an excellent match. Because Suzuki's awesome :p

They brought Takayama back recently, so I would LOVE to see Nakamura vs Takayama - if there's a guy who can carry Tak to one more awesome match, it's Nakamura. Also, that carries on the CHAOS vs Suzuki-gun theme of recent months.

YES! Tanaka/Honma! Called it! I'm confused about the NWA Heavyweight title thing in that match

Tanaka & Honma had a fucking AMAZING, outta-nowhere awesome match for the IC title back at the end of 2011, so I'm reeeeeeeally looking forward to this! Hope Honma takes the title.

Masato Tanaka (c) vs Tomoaki Honma - IWGP Intercontinental Title - (NJPW 11/23/11)

As for the NWA thing, KES are wrestling the 'Kingz of the Underground' Scott Summers & Ryan Genesis at an NWA Houston show on the 20th - it's a double title match with the IWGP & NWA tag titles on the line, so I assume KES are taking the NWA belts.

Announcing most of the card a month out? What craziness is this? Clearly Jado and Gedo need to watch more WWE and TNA to find out how to really book wrestling. You announce your main event 2-3 weeks out, most of the card the week before the show and then you slip in a couple of other unannounced matches the day of.

It really is remarkable how good the booking has been under Jado & Gedo, for the most part. Also, it's so simple and effective, all the characters are so well defined shit practically writes itself.
Now that I think about it, there was one thing that makes this Wrestlemania worse than 27. After 27, we had things to look forward to. This Mania leaves us with nothing but Cena as champ. No other storylines advanced, nothing else happened. Cena is champ, see you next year.

Maybe Raw tonight can change my mind, but I doubt it.

Batista return will make it all ok.
Quote of the Night: Backstage before WrestleMania, CM Punk met with the media and was asked if he’s disappointed he’s not in the main event. Punk replied: “Normally I would just grin and bear it, eyes forward, head down and work harder, but I don’t know how much harder I could possibly work. This business takes its toll and ages you. Obviously, I made it very well known that I would like to main event, but you have to understand, it’s because I’m a businessman. The difference between where they’re at [in the main event] and where I’m at is millions of dollars. If there’s one person in this room who wouldn’t like to get paid an extra couple million dollars for their hard work, I’d like to see you right now and punch you in the face.”



You gotta build a base, it'll make the push that much better. I mean, Vince is a genius some of the time, and having Bryan get squashed like that made a LOT of diehard Bryan fans into lifers for the guy. Now look at last night, and look at what the coming year may have for him. He'll get his. These things take time. Sure, you could give it to him now for the cheap cash-in, or you could build it slow and make it even sweeter.

But, but, but I don't trust the E' to build anything further out then 2 weeks. How could I believe they can do the right thing with DBry?


I think Team #Face should have to change their avatars too due to WM's ending being pure crap. Because lets be honest here, we all lost.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Batista return will make it all ok.

Batista is coming bro I've never been so sure of anything in my life. I can feel it in my bones.

If anyone's gonna feel it in his bone it'd be me, and I feel nothing but Drax. Batista's not gonna be here anytime soon, gotta get that Marvel paycheck.

It's a shame GotG is going to bomb, because if people give it a chance and it's done faithfully, it'll be the fuckin good kind of bomb.


pft, fuck that, at least we had no illusions about the shitshow we were walking into

Haha, yeah, I was aware the odds were against me going into it.

But seriously, I didn't expect WWE to play it that pathetically safe. RAW will probably open with Rock and Cena jerking each other off for 10 minutes

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Haha, yeah, I was aware the odds were against me going into it.

But seriously, I didn't expect WWE to play it that pathetically safe. RAW will probably open with Rock and Cena jerking each other off for 10 minutes

You don't need to have faith in the WWE, you need to have faith the WWE is going to be the WWE.

It's like Ordell in Jackie Brown about Melanie. He can't trust Melanie, but he CAN trust Melanie to BE Melanie.



Thank you Bootaaay. Your contributions are numerous and legendary. It was hard not to take Tears of a Clown, but I can at least have a little peace in knowing Ziggler was involved with the one I chose.
Are they doing replays of NJPW Invasion Struggle anywhere or has the match been uploaded? I wanna see Okada make it rain on Tanahashi's to make up for that main event last night

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Some nice pictures from Tanahashi vs Okada;

Great photos. Anyone looking to wash the taste of Cena out of their mouths, watch this - one of the most promising young wrestlers beating Japan's Cena!
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