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The fuck pays $70 to watch a show headlined by John Cena? I'll order a ppv again the day he is out of wrestling for good.


I almost wish the WM29 thread would be locked, I'm tired of trying to keep up with two threads now :| and you just know some people are going to post in the WM29 thread about Raw tonight

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I almost wish the WM29 thread would be locked, I'm tired of trying to keep up with two threads now :| and you just know some people are going to post in the WM29 thread about Raw tonight

Usually the NEOGAF ECOSYSTEM tends to use Mania thread to talk about WWE till Raw tonight when we transition. It'll die :p
Some gifs from the SHIMMER show on Saturday;

Mia Yim demonstrates some impressive strength as she just about manages to hit a briding German suplex on Amazing Kong;


But despite showing some good fight and kicking out Kong's spinning backfist, Mia falls prey to the Amazing Bomb;


Kalamityville Horror Driver!


Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Kong is such a fucking badass, so strong too. Glad I managed to catch THAT match live before my life got stupid.


What a horrible Wrestlemania. There was one good match. One. How does this even make sense? Look at Wrestlemania 17 and then look at this crap show. It's over produced and it has no worthwhile matches. Back then, even the undercard matches got solid time and were good. Seeing The Rock lose sucked even though it was happening no matter what. I hope Batista returns and kills Cena. He is more like the actual the face of this era. Cena is more like the heel. Such an annoying wanker.
Now that I've had time to reflect on it, I had a really great time at Wrestlemania. Shield won, Henry won, Bryan won, Fandango won, Undertaker/Punk was the greatest match I ever saw live.

I wanted Swagger to win or Ziggler to cash in and I'd rather have had Brock win, but you can't have everything. The last two matches were just SO BAD that it gave me a negative feeling at first, but going back and thinking about it we had a great time.


I have completely fallen off of NJPW/ROH and DGUSA in the last few years but I'm looking forward to watching this weekends stuff. Was anything at EVOLVE worth checking out?

Also had a really fun time at Wrestlemania this year. Some drunk guy fell like 6 rows down and landed on my friends lap during Cena/Rock, highlight of the show for sure. You really have to go into WWE PPVs with tempered expectations on undercard match quality or it's going to be a serious bummer. I actually thought it was a pretty fun show.


I had a hard time on keeping up on all of the wrestling action this past weekend due to my son getting sick and having to take him to the doctor's office and such, so I'm only caught up on the WM29 results.

What were some of the highlights from this weekend's indy shows and New Japan?

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I had a hard time on keeping up on all of the wrestling action this past weekend due to my son getting sick and having to take him to the doctor's office and such, so I'm only caught up on the WM29 results.

What were some of the highlights from this weekend's indy shows and New Japan?

NJPW = required viewing
Shimmer = nearly required viewing

I watched nothing else.
New Japan was an amazing show, two top-tier matches in Kazuchika Okada vs Hiroshi Tanahashi and Shinsuke Nakamura vs Davey Boy Smith Jr, plus the undercard was pretty great, too. The replay is available for the next week at; http://www.ustream.tv/njpw

SHIMMER was excellent, a lot of enjoyable matches, namely the 5-woman singles match, Mercedes Martinez vs Ayumi Kurihara, Saraya Knight vs Cheerleader Melissa in the cage and, in the match of the night, Ayako Hamada faced Athena.

ROH was good fun too - Elgin vs Jay Lethal in a no.1 contenders match was the best of the lot, but I also really enjoyed the tag title match (once it got going) and the main event that saw
Jay Briscoe become the new ROH World Champion in a good match with Kevin Steen

I didn't see the first night of DGUSA, but their 2nd show on Sunday didn't really grip me in any major way. Shingo vs Tozawa was good, but complete overkill. EVOLVE was somewhat of a disappointment, a ton of technical issues, extreme tournament overbooking, a shitty crowd who only seemed into it when dudes were half killing themselves and a main event where one guy seemingly forgot the leg injury he acquired earlier in the night.


New Japan was an amazing show, two top-tier matches in Kazuchika Okada vs Hiroshi Tanahashi and Shinsuke Nakamura vs Davey Boy Smith Jr, plus the undercard was pretty great, too. The replay is available for the next week at; http://www.ustream.tv/njpw

SHIMMER was excellent, a lot of enjoyable matches, namely the 5-woman singles match, Mercedes Martinez vs Ayumi Kurihara, Saraya Knight vs Cheerleader Melissa in the cage and, in the match of the night, Ayako Hamada faced Athena.

ROH was good fun too - Elgin vs Jay Lethal in a no.1 contenders match was the best of the lot, but I also really enjoyed the tag title match (once it got going) and the main event that saw
Jay Briscoe become the new ROH World Champion in a good match with Kevin Steen

I didn't see the first night of DGUSA, but their 2nd show on Sunday didn't really grip me in any major way. Shingo vs Tozawa was good, but complete overkill. EVOLVE was somewhat of a disappointment, a ton of technical issues, extreme tournament overbooking, a shitty crowd who only seemed into it when dudes were half killing themselves and a main event where one guy seemingly forgot the leg injury he acquired earlier in the night.

You should watch the first night of Dragon Gate USA, it was the best top to bottom show of the weekend.



<3 Kalamity.
I'm bored and pissed off, so here's some fantasy booking using the vast majority of the same card that would have made Wretlemania much better (IMO)

1) No fucking video packages. We already bought the show, stop showing the same video packages that were on the pre-show.

2) Shield/Super friends: Keep the same match, but have Orton turn. Why? Because it's a new direction and NOBODY cares about Show turning.

3) Henry/Ryback: Cut the match time in half, and have a pair of balls and pick a fucking direction. One of these guys needed to come out of this match strong and neither did.

4) Tag title match: This match gains the extra time from the Ryback/Henry match. Also either Hell No drops the belts and split, or win the match and a split is teased (and followed through with on Raw the next night)

4) Fandango/Jericho is scrapped in favor of a six man IC/US title unification ladder match. Participants are Barrett, Cesaro, Fandango, Jericho, Miz, and Kofi. Give this match 15 minutes and let them fly all over the place and kill each other. Just imagine Cesaro giving "Swiss Death" to Kofi after he jumps off of a ladder, now THAT is a Wrestlemania moment. If they are super high on Fandango, give the strap to him and put him over strong.

5) Del Rio/ Swagger: Cut three minutes off this match and have Swagger beat down Del Rio after the match leading to the cash in by Ziggler that everyone wanted to see.

6)Taker/Punk: Change nothing

7) Put the 8 person mixed tag match here. Keep it short (about 4 minutes) and it doesn't matter who wins.

8) HHH/Brock: Cut at least five minutes off this match and have both guys bleed, because it needed it.

9) Kaitlyn/AJ for the women's title. Give them five minutes and have A.J. win the title

10) Rock/Cena: Both guys needed big entrances and at least five minutes cut off of the match time. I don't think you can really save this match and the suggestion of Cena turning heel is just too much "fantasy" for me.

Would this Wrestlemania be great? No, but it would be world's better than that crap last night. You absolutely must have a buffer match after a Taker match and one before the main event. Also, with this card you have new, interesting things going forward, like Ziggler is the new world champ, Fandango is the new U.S./IC champ, A.J. is the new women's champ, Hello No is on the verge of (of did) break-up, Orton turned heel, and one of Ryback or Henry came out looking super strong. Compare that to what we have now...


New Japan was an amazing show, two top-tier matches in Kazuchika Okada vs Hiroshi Tanahashi and Shinsuke Nakamura vs Davey Boy Smith Jr, plus the undercard was pretty great, too. The replay is available for the next week at; http://www.ustream.tv/njpw

SHIMMER was excellent, a lot of enjoyable matches, namely the 5-woman singles match, Mercedes Martinez vs Ayumi Kurihara, Saraya Knight vs Cheerleader Melissa in the cage and, in the match of the night, Ayako Hamada faced Athena.

ROH was good fun too - Elgin vs Jay Lethal in a no.1 contenders match was the best of the lot, but I also really enjoyed the tag title match (once it got going) and the main event that saw
Jay Briscoe become the new ROH World Champion in a good match with Kevin Steen

I didn't see the first night of DGUSA, but their 2nd show on Sunday didn't really grip me in any major way. Shingo vs Tozawa was good, but complete overkill. EVOLVE was somewhat of a disappointment, a ton of technical issues, extreme tournament overbooking, a shitty crowd who only seemed into it when dudes were half killing themselves and a main event where one guy seemingly forgot the leg injury he acquired earlier in the night.

Also, CZW was incredible! If only for the brutal main event and the great tag match
X-Posting from Mania thread.


I've went through the thread and read every prediction made before April 7th. Well done to the owner of the following prediction: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=52907949&postcount=1915


Please choose your Steam game: X-Com, Bioshock, DoW Franchise Pack or Saints Row 3 Complete Collection.

Also a very honorable mention to: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=52397172&postcount=209

I might be able to sort you out with a game too.

Even though the winner's winners weren't 100% correct, he called some spots to perfection.


With regard njpw, is there anywhere you can keep up to date with and watch their events online?

After Wm29 I think I need to follow a promotion that puts on a good wrestling show, not JUST a show.


Taker-Punk really does show how shitty Cena Rock was. Both had predictable outcomes but one got there in an entertaining fashon and put on a good match, The other was a steaming pile of shit.


Taker-Punk really does show how shitty Cena Rock was. Both had predictable outcomes but one got there in an entertaining fashon and put on a good match, The other was a steaming pile of shit.


Cena/Rock also really showed me that Cena can't carry a match and Rock is really past his prime. Or at the very least, Rock needed a warmup match or two before Mania.


Taker-Punk really does show how shitty Cena Rock was. Both had predictable outcomes but one got there in an entertaining fashon and put on a good match, The other was a steaming pile of shit.

Pretty hard to have a good match when either can't carry a match.

The last 5 minutes was fucking awful.


I think the problem with Rock Cena was it skipped the part of the match where they build the tension by going back and forth before entering the finisher exchange phase. It went from rest hold exchange to finisher exchange. I felt like they rushed it and I actually said it seemed like they were starting the end sequence way too soon.
Oh snap, Tetsuya Naito is returning to New Japan in June! Just in time for the Dominion iPPV.

With regard njpw, is there anywhere you can keep up to date with and watch their events online?

After Wm29 I think I need to follow a promotion that puts on a good wrestling show, not JUST a show.

For results & news, check out; www.purolove.com & www.puroresufan.com - also, this blog (http://blog.livedoor.jp/hbkidcool) is from a Japanese fan who translates news often missed by western fans into English.

For PPVs; http://www.ustream.tv/njpw - the replay of Invasion Attack is still available until next Sunday, while the next PPV is on May 5th!

For catching up on matches, check out these video channels;


Here's the play-list for the last show released before the previous PPV;


<3 Kalamity.

She's really been impressing me lately - very hard-hitting, energetic wrestler. I just ordered a couple of shows from her home promotion, NCW Femme Fatales in Quebec.


Cody Rhodes and his fiance have gone on sabbatical from Twitter. I know "lol Twitter", but everyone involved in that must be so pissed. The match should have just been on the pre-show. Instead, we got to see his dad's chewed up forehead while Kofi tried to banter about what a big night it was for everyone on the card but himself.

I just hope Cody doesn't do something drastic like shave his mustache.

Holy shit maybe we are all getting swerved and Vince is going to start regularly fucking people over at WM to get them over through sympathy. Sunflower is right he is still a mad genius.


Cena will give a speech tonight!
Cena will invite the Rock to ring to congratulate him.
Once Rock steps in the ring the light goes out
Lights come back and the Shield is beating the crap out of The Rock
Ryback, Sheamus and Orton go out to help the rock
Punk and Lesnar help the shield to overtake the superfaces!
Paul comes and reveals the shield in his payroll, paln to overtake wwe.
Cena is standing in the sideline in disbelief.
So is the shield, punk and Lesnar vs the rock, sheamus, orton and ryback
The superfaces are outnumbered and BOOMMMS here comes Undertaker to save the day.
Before Undetaker hits the ring, Cena hits The undertaker with the bealt.
Cena beats the living hell out of the undertaker
After the beatdown, Cena reveals that he is now a heyman guy. He is sick of pandering little kids and soccer moms and they all can kiss his ass.
Heyman guys vs WWE. It's ON!!!


Heyman guys vs WWE. It's ON!!!
This sounds vaguely familiar. Where have I seen this before?
In fact, Heyman was involved then as well. Hmmm...

Yeah, I don't think so.
Shame too... I want to see comedy segments with Cena rapping to Nikki Bella while she bakes muffins for him.
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