Guys, I just got to work and read the terrible news. CJ Parker released?! Truly a dark day for fans of comedy jobbers.
Being released and asking for your release are two different things, don't think he wanted to be a comedy jobber.
Guys, I just got to work and read the terrible news. CJ Parker released?! Truly a dark day for fans of comedy jobbers.
Being released and asking for your release are two different things, don't think he wanted to be a comedy jobber.
Here are New Japan's April Fools jokes. The Evangelion they signed last year gets piloted by Taguchi for a match, Nagata endorses his own contact lenses and Nakamura gets his own 80s action movie.
Not a fan of Sheamus' hair..
CJ Parker was a softbody in a land of hardbodies and giants.
Speaking of, when do Mizdow and Bryan plan to stop being softbodies. Barrett putting them to shame.
Too bad for Barrett there aren't any weight training exercises that make you an entertaining wrestler.
Happy April Fool's ya'll.
Don't get worked!
Sandow looks like he hasn't hit the gym in a while.CJ Parker was a softbody in a land of hardbodies and giants.
Speaking of, when do Mizdow and Bryan plan to stop being softbodies. Barrett putting them to shame.
I have no doubt some doDoes Jericho think people care if he shaves his head?
Sandow looks like he hasn't hit the gym in a while.
And it's so stupid they took the pink trunks away from him. Was it because of the Cena Month, aka Breast Cancer Awareness?
Well, he was The Miz' stunt double soooo...
I said this here when this first started. I agree and it's sad. The guys life work and legacy being wiped away.Man, Hideo Kojima is getting full on Benoit'd by Konami
I said this here when this first started. I agree and it's sad. The guys life work and legacy being wiped away.
Happy April Fool's ya'll.
Don't get worked!
Does Jericho think people care if he shaves his head?
Cull predictions? Cull predictions.
Sadly, Zack is all but gone. Matadors have their work cut out. Titus and Heath could be on borrowed time too...
I don't want to read the SD spoilers. Any world on the reaction to Reigns?
Already got worked into a shoot with that "Back to the Future" trailer.
Fuck the internet today man...I hate April's Fool day.
Cull predictions? Cull predictions.
Sadly, Zack is all but gone. Matadors have their work cut out. Titus and Heath could be on borrowed time too...
Undertaker shared a locker room backstage with Sting and the two actually shared the same flight back to Texas. There was a lot of "if we do this" talk between the two about a potential match. The original idea when Sting came in was to eventually lead to the Undertaker bout at a Wrestlemania, although WWE management has cooled on long-term plans for the former WCW World champion.
Hideo Itami got the nod to win the tournament for the NXT tournament for the Andre the Giant Battle Royal at the last minute. The original plan was for Finn Balor or Adrian Neville to go over. Once the match was moved to the pre-show, the decision was made to go with Itami as a way to tie him into Tatsumi Fujinami going into the WWE Hall of Fame, since there was a lot of Japanese media in town covering Fujinami.
do you guys think they'll recycle CJ Parker's contract on air as the ultimate sign of respect?
I would buy a poster of this for sure.
I would buy a poster of this for sure.
Cull predictions? Cull predictions.
Sadly, Zack is all but gone. Matadors have their work cut out. Titus and Heath could be on borrowed time too...
Don't forget the mid life crisis tattoos.This isn't me being hyperbolic. Does anyone like Chris Jericho in 2015?
Despite being a smark favorite back in the day, Jericho is the ultimate corporate kiss ass. While I've seen 'chosen one'/'face of the company' guys like Nash or Austin criticize the WWE in one manner or another, Jericho always seemingly nods and thinks 'good idea, boss!'
Every time he comes back it's to put somebody young over. This would be a good thing you might say. Not when it's obvious that's all he comes back to do. The intentions are good but the outcome does nothing for the other star and only hurts them. Instead of putting them over, a star with momentum usually ends up having it completely halted by a 1-2 month long feud that gives them nothing in the end because beating Jericho means nothing. A Jericho feud is a 2 month long squash match.
Hasn't been entertaining since 2010. And that's stretching it. 2009 at the absolute latest.
His dismissal of the Bill DeMott story by saying 'I had it worse.'
His music that is ridiculously lame even by 80s Metal Tribute band standards.
His phony as fuck podcast hosting.
Nope. He's terrible and has been boring as shit for a while now. The thought of a Jericho return is always better than him actually showing up. I still like that entrance though.This isn't me being hyperbolic. Does anyone like Chris Jericho in 2015?