Hey at least Bray Wyatt put him over.This isn't me being hyperbolic. Does anyone like Chris Jericho in 2015?
Despite being a smark favorite back in the day, Jericho is the ultimate corporate kiss ass. While I've seen 'chosen one'/'face of the company' guys like Nash or Austin criticize the WWE in one manner or another, Jericho always seemingly nods and thinks 'good idea, boss!'
Every time he comes back it's to put somebody young over. This would be a good thing you might say. Not when it's obvious that's all he comes back to do. The intentions are good but the outcome does nothing for the other star and only hurts them. Instead of putting them over, a star with momentum usually ends up having it completely halted by a 1-2 month long feud that gives them nothing in the end because beating Jericho means nothing. A Jericho feud is a 2 month long squash match.
Hasn't been entertaining since 2010. And that's stretching it. 2009 at the absolute latest.
His dismissal of the Bill DeMott story by saying 'I had it worse.'
His music that is ridiculously lame even by 80s Metal Tribute band standards.
His phony as fuck podcast hosting.
Hey at least Bray Wyatt put him over.
Jericho is the personification of carny, a mediocre corporate ass kisser
Man, I was such a huge Jericho mark in WCW and his early WWE run. He'll never drop off my all-time fave five but he is such a cringey combination of mild self-delusion and dad jokes now.
He talks about getting into shouting matches with Vince multiple times in his book. I don't think he loves WWE as much as you think. Sure..he appreciates what they did for him.
The only person who bullshits more in their books than Jericho is Hogan.
They sell autographed copies of his what I think is his latest book (believe it had a yellow cover) at Barnes and Noble stores, lol. It seemed like the book was written in 15 font.The only person who bullshits more in their books than Jericho is Hogan.
He also talks in his book about when he got there Vince told him to his face that he "sold him a bill of goods", how the Undertaker got pissed because Jericho said his promo was boring, how he got heat because Chyna claimed he stiffed her, and how he was told to shadow X-Pac because that was somehow an example he should have been following.He talks about getting into shouting matches with Vince multiple times in his book. I don't think he loves WWE as much as you think. Sure..he appreciates what they did for him.
The only person who bullshits more in their books than Jericho is Hogan.
Where's my 100% kayfabe podcast
When is that Ric Flair podcast going to debut? I need the Ric Flair podcast in my life.
If you don't bullshit, don't be a pro wrestler.
It's why Punk left. The most honest ones are the most doomed ones.
WWE should produce a Livewire 2K15. They could still get Todd Pettengill to host it.Where's my 100% kayfabe podcast
If I had money I would so try to get better tix along with all the costs of traveling for Mania next year and beyond. Didn't get Raw tix but NXT and Mania were unbelievable. Had such a good time and would love to make it an annual thing.
Yeah Raw was almost better than WM for me. More intense crowd, louder everything (being indoor helped with that), and far better seats.Raw last night was crazy. I've never seen a crazy amount of people trying to enter SAP Center before. I'm totally down to do this again in the future, but I think I have watched enough live wrestling for an entire year.
Monday Night Raw will be at the SAP Center on August!
That's why Vince doesn't respect D. Bry. On the first interview ever Goat man said he was just...ok.
WWE should produce a Livewire 2K15. They could still get Todd Pettengill to host it.
When is that Ric Flair podcast going to debut? I need the Ric Flair podcast in my life.
I'm not sure how people manage to go to all those shows on one weekend. When I went to a Wrestlemania, I was worn out just after that show. Couldn't imagine trying to fit in several other shows and stuff unless I had the rest of the following week off, heh.
That's why Vince doesn't respect D. Bry. On the first interview ever Goat man said he was just...ok.
PWInsider said:The Undertaker was telling those backstage after his match with Bray Wyatt that he felt great and intended to work next year's Wrestlemania in Dallas, Texas.
Undertaker shared a locker room backstage with Sting and the two actually shared the same flight back to Texas. There was a lot of "if we do this" talk between the two about a potential match. The original idea when Sting came in was to eventually lead to the Undertaker bout at a Wrestlemania, although WWE management has cooled on long-term plans for the former WCW World champion.
It's a work brother!
Oh boy.
Yeah Raw was almost better than WM for me. More intense crowd, louder everything (being indoor helped with that), and far better seats.
Nelo, definitely hit up Raw next time you go. All the packages have the option to add Raw tickets when you sign up for them at a very reasonable price so that should help.
Short hair trips too soft.Short hair HHH > long hair HHH
Short hair HHH > long hair HHH
You have evidence to back this up? No doubt he has to make the stories sound interesting, but straight up lying?
Where is this proof of this?
Man, this thread gets real negative sometimes its hilarious. A bunch of Brian Mann's in here.
I'm not sure how people manage to go to all those shows on one weekend. When I went to a Wrestlemania, I was worn out just after that show. Couldn't imagine trying to fit in several other shows and stuff unless I had the rest of the following week off, heh.
Glad to be back! Too bad our Beast didn't win, but I'm glad to see the Future of the WWE is making moves.wb NWS.
Winchester Mystery House