Sorry bro....I got future endeavored today.
Sorry bro....I got future endeavored today.
Yup, got a few months severance. Very above and beyond of them. It's rough. Last week we were doing some training in preparation for some of the changes, and I had this nagging feeling of, "Where do I fit in in all of this?"
I have a good network of connections. Taking it easy for the rest of the week/end. Enjoy some beers, going to Toronto to hang out with some friends/family then get at it on Monday.
Yup, got a few months severance. Very above and beyond of them. It's rough. Last week we were doing some training in preparation for some of the changes, and I had this nagging feeling of, "Where do I fit in in all of this?"
I have a good network of connections. Taking it easy for the rest of the week/end. Enjoy some beers, going to Toronto to hang out with some friends/family then get at it on Monday.
I got future endeavored today.
Yup, got a few months severance. Very above and beyond of them. It's rough. Last week we were doing some training in preparation for some of the changes, and I had this nagging feeling of, "Where do I fit in in all of this?"
I have a good network of connections. Taking it easy for the rest of the week/end. Enjoy some beers, going to Toronto to hang out with some friends/family then get at it on Monday.
Reminder of Beef's fame:
Also a really nice guy! My brother at his first indy went up to him after seeing him for the first time and said he loved his style and Ciampa loved it
Bryan news is disappointing if it affects his career. It almost looked like the main event scene was slowly freshening up with him, Reigns, Seth, and maybe a couple different people in the future. He'll be a big loss if this is the end. You do what's best for yourself at the end of the day though.
What's funny is that today's softass "wrestlers are human beings with feelings too, and all feelings are precious" wrestlinggaf culture would have eviscerated Beef for that.
I was do disappointed when I discovered that Dusty was cutting that hard times promos on multiple shows/venues.
Love to see Mack vs CageWonder who's gonna be in this match. Cuerno, Havoc, and Mack would be awesome.
That was awesome by Cage
The catch into the suplex got me marking out too!!Weapon X, gotta love it.
Dah Animaahl!That's what he gets for beating Batista though.
God, they are way overstating the belt being thrown in the trash thing.
To be fair, it was a pretty major deal back then. It also contributed to the whole Montreal thing and what not.
Actually, they aren't. It's a huge deal.
Yeah I do not think they are understanding that she showed up on the COMEPETITION the very next night and threw it in THEIR garbage on live tv
Natalya did an introduction speech for Alundra Blayze. They played up more her throwing the belt in the garbage can, saying how a revolutionary act of defiance changed history forever. She tried to say that started the Monday Night War, although it started as soon as Nitro went on the air, and the big public shot was Lex Luger jumping to WCW the first week. She tried to portray her as the person who changed the course of sports entertainment forever. In reality it was a memorable moment far more years later. At the time, it was a story for a week and there were bigger stories before and after, and it had no bearing on history.
The rule is to have a woman inductee. Madusa (Debra Ann Miceli) inducted not so surprisingly as Alundra Blayze, a name she used in WWE but was not the name she was best remembered as during a long career that extended long past wrestling and into the monster trucks world, fit the bill here. But it was made clear that to get inducted, she would have to do a skit where she would pull the old WWF women's title belt out of the garbage can, to make amends for one of the stories WWE has been pushing as this major thing in its version of the Monday Night Wars history.
You should look at his old gimmicks ring gearDrago has the best ring gear.