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April Wrasslin' |OT| Porsha! Get my damn shoe!


Big E's problem has always been his inability to merge his entertaining off-screen persona with his on-screen persona. His in ring stuff has never been a huge problem.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
People would have said Bray was better in every way than whoever the last Cena leach was. In a year, this whole place will be, 'I never liked Rollins/Rusev/whoever. Balor/Itami/Zayn/whatever is the future'

Rinse and repeat.

Also Dragon Age Inquisition has way too much bogus filler shit. It's like a NJPW card.


I don't think Russev will recover. Dude is walking the green mile with that I Quit match. It's unfortunate that once a wrestler loses to Cena, it's like a career paradox. That's like my main grief with Cena, dude means well but dammit when it comes down to wrestling him...it's like trading your soul to the devil for a refurbished xbox 360 with a red ring.


People would have said Bray was better in every way than whoever the last Cena leach was. In a year, this whole place will be, 'I never liked Rollins/Rusev/whoever. Balor/Itami/Zayn/whatever is the future'

Rinse and repeat.

I wouldn't say that's true though, not if you consider CM Punk a 'Cena leach'. Outside of that though, the quality of the opponents being fed to Cena have steadily gotten better. Bray was pretty good, Rusev is a better wrestler than Bray, and Balor/Itami/Zayn are all better than Rusev already.

Since you mentioned Rollins, I have a terrible feeling that Rollins first feud after he eventually drops the belt is going to be against Cena.


Extreme Rules was disappointing. This was the last PPV I was going to have the time to watch for a few months, but I couldn't even get the one thing I wanted. All I wanted was to see Big Slow be destroyed. That was it. I'm not asking for much really.

What happened to the days where WWE was all about the WWE Universe?! WHAT HAPPENED?! All this lip service, but Reigns can't even beat the crap out of him for fifteen minutes?

I should have known there was some conspiracy when Vince tossed this dude's salad all those years ago. That's why he survived so long in the WWE. This is some messed up fuck Jay Z kind of shit.









There, I feel better. Now I can rest in peace.


There was no reason for Roman/Show to go on for as long as it did. And Roman getting up after being chokeslammed out of the ring through two tables was disgusting Super Cena bullshit.


Extreme Rules was disappointing. This was the last PPV I was going to have the time to watch for a few months, but I couldn't even get the one thing I wanted. All I wanted was to see Big Slow be destroyed. That was it. I'm not asking for much really.

What happened to the days where WWE was all about the WWE Universe?! WHAT HAPPENED?! All this lip service, but Reigns can't even beat the crap out of him for fifteen minutes?

I should have known there was some conspiracy when Vince tossed this dude's salad all those years ago. That's why he survived so long in the WWE. This is some messed up fuck Jay Z kind of shit.

go watch big show brock


So I really enjoyed Extreme Rules (kick off match included) overall. Here's my ranking category for each match.

Stinker matches:
Dolph Ziggler vs Sheamus - Kiss My Arse Match
. I honestly thought these guys might work a good match. Everything about this was aimless and indecisive, I felt like I wasted my time watching it. Only positive was Sheamus getting himself over as a real dick. The prolonged ass kissing scenario at the end was hilarious to watch since it was obvious they were really stretching for time. I was just glad when it was over I could stop hearing commentary say "kiss my arse" over and over. I'm sure Vince loved this one.

John Cena vs Rusev - Russian Chain Match for US Championship. The whole thing was weak as fuck. Russian pillow fight. Come on guys. Repeated spots galore. Shameless crowd pandering to make crowd cheer for Cena. Cena wins again. Fuck off with this kind of booking.

Passable matches:
Dean Ambrose vs Luke Harper - Chicago Street Fight
. Two guys who came up in the indies together doing death matches. Considering the potential that was there, it really under-delivered. Another weak ass PG type hardcore match. I thought things were about to amp up when they filled the ring with chairs. Which was followed by a couple of pretty light spots, then, oh...the match is over. Only thing that saved it from being completely ass was the whole driving out into the Chicago streets and still fighting, as well as Ambrose finally landing a PPV singles victory.

Nikki Bella vs Naomi - Divas Championship. Match was just fine but the pacing was poor. I was highly distracted by Naomi's light up shoes and ring wear that made it impossible to not have my eyes affixed to her insane booty. Could have really done with out Brie yelling like a fucking banshee non-stop, "COME ONNNNNN NIKKIIII!!". Came really close to skipping the match because it was so grating on my ears. Either way Nikki again shows she can actually go in the ring now, and Naomi was her normal athletically impressive but sloppy self.

Good matches:
Roman Reigns vs Big Show - Last Man Standing
. Fucking what? I came into this one ready to zone out. The whole thing is a spot fest, but they got through the entire match smoothly and got across some top notch story telling. I actually cared about a mother fucking Reigns and Big Show match by the end. Never thought that would happen. This match has no business being as good as it was. Props to Reigns and Show for putting in the extra effort on a B level PPV where they really didn't have to. Reigns continues to make serious improvements, and is getting what could be considered an actual build (instead of being hot-shotted) for the first time in his singles career.

Seth Rollins vs Randy Orton - Cage Match. The build into this was actually pretty decent, it was nice having some investment coming into a match for a change. I thought Seth was really wonderful thought out this entire match and Randy did a great job at keeping up. Quality pacing through out. There was nothing overly impressive in this one but you could tell they were holding off for something down the road. Kane's contribution to the the match actually added to it, he's finally become an interesting character again which is a major improvement. Seth winning with the banned RKO was hilariously nonsensical in typical pro-wrestling form. If Seth calls it a Diamond Cutter tonight on RAW I will be so happy.

Fantastic matches:
Bad News Barrett vs Neville (filling in for Daniel Bryan)
. Initially it was really disheartening to hear the DB was unfit to wrestle but what we got instead was really nice. First thing you notice is that both Barrett and Neville are in absolutely incredible shape. This match was crisp as fuck, these guys work really well together. Neville though out was amazingly smooth and came off as a superstar. The huge Red Arrow at the end was a great cap for a really fun showcase. Barrett did a really great job at helping put Neville over. I hope this spells good things ahead for Neville...like the return of his first name.

Cesaro & Tyson Kidd vs The New Day - Tag Team Championship. Hands down best match of the night, god damn. Everyone in the match was on fire. Xavier Woods is quickly becoming a quality and absolutely hilarious manager, a big part of New Day's recent turn around. Natty had awesome ringside presence. Everything about this match was stellar, really can't think of a weak point. Everything clicked beautifully. Cesaro had his best showing since joining the UpperCats and showed why he is one of the best things going in WWE. Tyson Kidd is one of the best workers they have, a prowrestler-ass-wrestler. Big E stepped up his game and Kofi added some nice stability to the whole thing. New Day wins and I think they will make really fantastic heel champions. Tag division has honestly been much better since the Usos have been out. Here's hoping they can keep this momentum going, but this is the WWE that loves to shit on a good thing, so I'm not getting my hopes up too high for that.
I really don't think the Cena program killed Bray dead. It wounded him and then WWE finished the work by having him spend a month giving vague pointless promos before jobbing to the Undertaker's desiccated remains.


Rusev's in that Bray and Umaga mold where I don't see them changing much to their character, and once you lose in that feud against a babyface main eventer (which is fine, but four matches in a row style) isn't going to be good for him. I still say Bray hasn't recovered even though he's only really lost to Cena and Undertaker. He beats no one. Or should I say, has beaten no one of significance since that time. Those filler feuds with Jericho and Ambrose, despite winning all but one match, did nothing for him.

Rusev will feud with Reigns when he becomes champ and probably with Orton as well, but other than that, what else is there for him at a main event level.


I really don't think the Cena program killed Bray dead. It wounded him and then WWE finished the work by having him spend a month giving vague pointless promos before jobbing to the Undertaker's desiccated remains.

Bray was effectively "killed" after it took all 3 Wyatt Family members plus a demon kid in order to beat Cena in a cage match.


I really don't think the Cena program killed Bray dead. It wounded him and then WWE finished the work by having him spend a month giving vague pointless promos before jobbing to the Undertaker's desiccated remains.

Yeah I think Bray would have been fine if he had won over Taker. Sadly not only did he lose, he lost in a bad match against a very old performer while carrying an injury himself.

Then he could gone into a program where he retired Bryan heheheh


Bray was effectively "killed" after it took all 3 Wyatt Family members plus a demon kid in order to beat Cena in a cage match.
Cena going over the entire Wyatt family got me really close to stepping completely away from watching the WWE again. Instead I stayed for more punishment.


John Cena isn't the reason Bray Wyatt has been a one-note his entire WWE main roster career, a fact only (by me, at least) realized once the new car smell wore off him.

I believe there were some here who were onto this from day uno.


Yeah I think Bray would have been fine if he had won over Taker. Sadly not only did he lose, he lost in a bad match against a very old performer while carrying an injury himself.

Then he could gone into a program where he retired Bryan heheheh
At least a victory would've allowed his promos to make sense. Cutting the same promos pre and post Mania is turrible.


I don't think Cena will kill Rusev like he killed Bray. Rusev is in a different class. Bray is an okay wrestler who gets by by having a great character, and that is why Cena killed his momentum. When people stopped believing in the character, it was hard for some to get behind him again. Rusev on the other hand is a great character and a great wrestler. He's the whole package. Down the line, they could have Lana break from him and give him some good feuds to come back on after the losses to Cena and he'll be just fine. Just hope they don't put him on a loosing streak the rest of the year, that will kill him....but it would be hard to make him look totally weak, even when he's lost in the jobber shuffle.


John Cena isn't the reason Bray Wyatt has been a one-note his entire WWE main roster career, a fact only realized once the new car smell wore off him.
Wyatt is absolutely fucking fine. Not at all fair to shit on him when he's gotten some of the worst writing and some of the worst booking. WWE has failed him first and foremost. So he wasn't able to make gold from a shit sandwich, just means he's still learning.


It is largely a problem with WWE writing. They don't know how to carry on momentum after they're done with a character's big arc. They seem to go to the well of treading water storylines till they need them again and that just doesn't work. For such a large staff of writers, their vision is so narrowly focused on the superstars they are actively working with. The rest get lost in the mid card jobber shuffle.
Barrett's gonna emerge the new King of the Ring and obtain that long awaited main event push, count on it friends.
At least that's what I'm foolishly hoping for, what happened with the last king? oh yeah, Sheamus' weakest run.

Well Regal before that was pretty great, Barrett's just got to channel that Brit monarchy power for the gimmick.


Bray is still in the hole Cena left him in (you could argue that Harper and Rowan are still there too). Sandow needed to straight up steal someone's gimmick in order to get noticed again. Barrett needed a few years and a rising podium in order to get out of the pile of chairs Cena left him in. Ryback floundered for a long time after Cena was done with him (he's bouncing back now though). The future isn't exactly looking great for Rusev.


It is largely a problem with WWE writing. They don't know how to carry on momentum after they're done with a character's big arc. They seem to go to the well of treading water storylines till they need them again and that just doesn't work. For such a large staff of writers, their vision is so narrowly focused on the superstars they are actively working with. The rest get lost in the mid card jobber shuffle.
With the roster filled with great ring workers at the moment, it really sucks that they've all be saddled with some of the worst writing the WWE has ever had. Completely uninspired and often insultingly stupid. It's the #1 problem in that company today.
Have we talked about Billy Corgan joining TNA's creative team?

TNA Entertainment today announced Billy Corgan, founder of the Smashing Pumpkins and creative icon, is joining TNA Wrestling as Senior Producer, Creative and Talent Development, effective immediately. In this position, Corgan will develop characters and create story lines for TNA's flagship program IMPACT WRESTLING, broadcast Friday nights at 9/8c on Destination America, as well as other TNA programming.

"I've known Billy for years and have always been blown away by his musical artistry, as well as his knowledge and understanding of professional wrestling," said TNA President Dixie Carter. "He has always impressed me with his creativity and passion for our business. Billy is truly gifted and understands the emotion tied to the psychology of connecting with an audience. The more we talked, the more I realized his perspective has the potential to make a huge impact on our brand."

"Saying I'm humbled and honored by this opportunity to be part of TNA, a world-class wrestling organization, is an understatement and a dream come true," said Corgan. "What's great is the entire TNA organization stands in full support of my music life with the Smashing Pumpkins. In return, I'm fully committed to using my 30 years of entertainment experience, along with my deep-rooted passion for pro wrestling, to take on the thrilling challenge of creatively contributing to IMPACT WRESTLING, finding and developing new talent, and working eye-to-eye with the best-of-the-best. For as cultures currently evolve at great speed, so must pro wrestling meet and supersede such expectations to thrive."

Corgan joins a gifted group of creative writers led by TNA Executive Vice President of Television and Talent John Gaburick. In addition to partnering with his creative colleagues in writing compelling and emotionally engaging story lines for TNA programming, Corgan will attend TNA television tapings where he will serve as a senior producer, working with TNA's roster of world-class athletes including veterans such as TNA World Champion and Olympic Gold Medalist Kurt Angle, Jeff Hardy and Gail Kim, as well as a fresh crop of Superstars led by Ethan Carter III, Bram, Rockstar Spud and more.

"As an iconic songwriter and performance artist, Billy stands as a true powerhouse," said Gaburick. "I also find him to be an ardent historian of professional wrestling and a true visionary. We knew Billy would bring a great viewpoint when we offered, and he graciously accepted, to attend a recent creative summit. During those meetings, Billy's pioneering perspectives and collaborative approach made it quickly evident we needed to bring him on as a permanent member of our team."

TNA programming, which features unparalleled professional wrestling entertainment through its innovative high-flying X-Division, the best women's division on the planet in the TNA Knockouts, and incomparable Tag Team action, is seen by millions of viewers each week in more than 120 countries around the world.
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (April 27, 2015) --- TNA Entertainment today announced Billy Corgan, founder of the Smashing Pumpkins and creative icon, is joining TNA Wrestling as Senior Producer, Creative and Talent Development, effective immediately. In this position, Corgan will develop characters and create story lines for TNA’s flagship program IMPACT WRESTLING, broadcast Friday nights at 9/8c on Destination America, as well as other TNA programming.

“I’ve known Billy for years and have always been blown away by his musical artistry, as well as his knowledge and understanding of professional wrestling,” said TNA President Dixie Carter. “He has always impressed me with his creativity and passion for our business. Billy is truly gifted and understands the emotion tied to the psychology of connecting with an audience. The more we talked, the more I realized his perspective has the potential to make a huge impact on our brand.”

“Saying I’m humbled and honored by this opportunity to be part of TNA, a world-class wrestling organization, is an understatement and a dream come true,” said Corgan. “What’s great is the entire TNA organization stands in full support of my music life with the Smashing Pumpkins. In return, I’m fully committed to using my 30 years of entertainment experience, along with my deep-rooted passion for pro wrestling, to take on the thrilling challenge of creatively contributing to IMPACT WRESTLING, finding and developing new talent, and working eye-to-eye with the best-of-the-best. For as cultures currently evolve at great speed, so must pro wrestling meet and supersede such expectations to thrive.”

Corgan joins a gifted group of creative writers led by TNA Executive Vice President of Television and Talent John Gaburick. In addition to partnering with his creative colleagues in writing compelling and emotionally engaging story lines for TNA programming, Corgan will attend TNA television tapings where he will serve as a senior producer, working with TNA’s roster of world-class athletes including veterans such as TNA World Champion and Olympic Gold Medalist Kurt Angle, Jeff Hardy and Gail Kim, as well as a fresh crop of Superstars led by Ethan Carter III, Bram, Rockstar Spud and more.

“As an iconic songwriter and performance artist, Billy stands as a true powerhouse,” said Gaburick. “I also find him to be an ardent historian of professional wrestling and a true visionary. We knew Billy would bring a great viewpoint when we offered, and he graciously accepted, to attend a recent creative summit. During those meetings, Billy’s pioneering perspectives and collaborative approach made it quickly evident we needed to bring him on as a permanent member of our team.”

TNA programming, which features unparalleled professional wrestling entertainment through its innovative high-flying X-Division, the best women’s division on the planet in the TNA Knockouts, and incomparable Tag Team action, is seen by millions of viewers each week in more than 120 countries around the world.

new boom coming


So not worth it
new boom coming

A press release that essentially says: here is this music guy that essentially pumped a bunch of money into our program and in return we made him boss of everything, because surely someone with so much money knows what he is doing, right?

Also we employ these former WWE people like Jeff Hardy, Kurt Angle and also Gail Kim's here, she was there once.

Please watch our program, we're somewhere at the back of your channel list, we think.
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