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April Wrasslin |OT| WrassleMania Sucked

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Miz vs Cena - Cena 5 points
Edge vs Del Rio - Del Rio 5 points
Undertaker vs HHH - Undertaker 5 points
Cole vs Lawler - Lawler 4 points
CM Punk vs Orton - Orton 4 points
Rhodes vs Mysterio - Mysterio 4 points
Sheamus vs Bryan - Bryan 3 points
Snooki's team vs LayCool - Team Snooki 3 points
Babyfaces vs Nexus - Babyfaces 3 points

Tie-breaker - Cena vs Miz

Second tie-breaker - 23:46



All of the Divas came out to induct Sunny. Laycool said everyone came to see them. Michelle said she is speechless and Layla joked that was the first time. They said tonight wasn't about them but someone who made it possible for them to be an us.

They said the term WWE Diva would not exist about her, she was groundbreaking and was ahead of social media by being one of the most downloaded women ever. They said she was the original Diva and now the Hall was flawless.

Sunny came out and pointed out the Divas saying look at what she started. She said that she's still been in shock at this. She said everyone knows her life was a roller coaster and now her life has come full circle.

She talked of being a huge fan of the business and meeting wrestlers as a child. She said that she never intended to get in the business and was just the girlfriend of a really underrated wrestler Chris Candido. There was a huge pop for Candido.

She told the story of being recruited into SMW by Jim Cornette when she wanted to go into medical school. Two years later, WWE offered her a tryout and she flew to Stamford on her birthday. She said she had no idea how to be an announcer and had a horrendous audition. She put WWE out of her mind forever but they asked her to start several weeks later.

She began working as Tamara Lynn Murphy and six months later Sunny was born. She said she had the chance to show what a woman had to offer. She said it was all thrown at her and she did it all from refereeing, announcing, managing and doing the first on location bikini video.

She said there was a debate on who was the first Diva and tonight they can put that debate to rest.

Tammy thanked her parents and her boyfriend, saying he got her back in Sunny shape. She thanked the makeup artists for making her look so great and thanked WWE for always inviting her back.

She talked of Terry Funk giving her advice to give the same show no matter how large the crowd is. She noted she was the youngest inductee and said you never know if she might be able to come back for another run since what Sunny wants Sunny gets.

Please give us one more run for Sunny if only to drive that guy with an irrational hatred of her completely insane.


drawer by drawer
So Bryan Alvarez is at the HOF ceremony and apparently they are telling the presenters/inductees to not say wrestling.

@BryanAlvarez said:
Guys just told to stop saying wrestling

Fucking ridiculous.

Oh and this made me laugh.

@BryanAlvarez said:
Dude right next to me thrown out for booing Drew Carey

Anyways...get ready for next year guys. Get ready for:

dxhc99 said:
Hey guys first post here and was hoping that someone could hook me up with that super lamp from the royal rumble. If willing just PM me.
I would also like that lamp if anyone wouldn't mind sending me a PM. Thanks!


The "wrestling" censorship is getting out of hand. I'm actually starting to believe Vince is off his rocker in his old age.


Dambrosi said:
I know it's begging, but I literally have no other way to see this live. Thanks in advance.

Me too! I've not watched wrestling in years, but am curious about this!


They played the awesome Shawn Michaels music video.

Lawler introduced Triple H. He asked if they were sold out. The crowd yelled yes. Triple H said that now Shawn is going to be able to brag about this the rest of his life. He joked that Shawn asked him to do this so he had to say nice things about him.

Triple H joked about what he could talk about, making cute smart ass remarks about Shawn's height and wardobe. He said he could talk about the titles or The Rockers or the unbelievable matches like the Iron Man match against Bret Hart, the ladder match against Razor Ramon or the Hell in a Cell against Undertaker.

He said he could talk about about the guy who returned after four years following back surgery on PPV and had a great 45 minute match. He said the second they touched he knew Shawn was the best he was ever in the ring with.

He said he could talk about the clique but those stories won't play in a PG environment. He could talk about DX but those shouldn't have played even in the Attitude era. He could talk about the wrestlers he inspired. He could talk about the family man or his best friend or what a giving performer Shawn was.

Triple H talked about their comedy vignettes in DX. He said that he gave Shawn the comedy of his nose and Shawn gave him the comedy of his wardrobe, his Mullet and Playgirl. Shawn told him the chicks were going to love it. He said Shawn doesn't want to admit his place in the Hulk Hogan haircut and that's a comedy gift...as is his google eye.

Triple H said he could talk about all that or just talk about his best friend. He got choked up as he said Shawn was his brother. He told Michaels that he loves him. He said Michaels was the greatest performer he has ever seen in his life and the greatest he ever stepped in the ring with, period.

He started recounting Michaels' nicknames and said he has a new one that is more deserving than any other. Mister Hall of Fame.

He introduced Michaels.

Juicy Bob

upJTboogie said:
Some sort of moisture came up in my eyes when I watched Vince and Shawn, don't know what that was about.
Don't worry. It's just a perfectly natural sign that you're finally going through puberty.


dream said:
They played the awesome Shawn Michaels music video.

Lawler introduced Triple H. He asked if they were sold out. The crowd yelled yes. Triple H said that now Shawn is going to be able to brag about this the rest of his life. He joked that Shawn asked him to do this so he had to say nice things about him.

Triple H joked about what he could talk about, making cute smart ass remarks about Shawn's height and wardobe. He said he could talk about the titles or The Rockers or the unbelievable matches like the Iron Man match against Bret Hart, the ladder match against Razor Ramon or the Hell in a Cell against Undertaker.

He said he could talk about about the guy who returned after four years following back surgery on PPV and had a great 45 minute match. He said the second they touched he knew Shawn was the best he was ever in the ring with.

He said he could talk about the clique but those stories won't play in a PG environment. He could talk about DX but those shouldn't have played even in the Attitude era. He could talk about the wrestlers he inspired. He could talk about the family man or his best friend or what a giving performer Shawn was.

Triple H talked about their comedy vignettes in DX. He said that he gave Shawn the comedy of his nose and Shawn gave him the comedy of his wardrobe, his Mullet and Playgirl. Shawn told him the chicks were going to love it. He said Shawn doesn't want to admit his place in the Hulk Hogan haircut and that's a comedy gift...as is his google eye.

Triple H said he could talk about all that or just talk about his best friend. He got choked up as he said Shawn was his brother. He told Michaels that he loves him. He said Michaels was the greatest performer he has ever seen in his life and the greatest he ever stepped in the ring with, period.

He started recounting Michaels' nicknames and said he has a new one that is more deserving than any other. Mister Hall of Fame.

He introduced Michaels.
E-excuse me, I've...just got something in my eye. *sniff*
Thanks for posting Dave's "true True Story of Wrestlemania" write-up, dream. That was good stuff.

and zomg @ Shawn + Sunny pic. "We used to have sex with each other!"

:eek: Shawn/Vince extended hugfest


Michaels came out and hugged Triple H for a long time. The entire place gave him a standing ovation for a LONG time before he was able to speak.

Michaels said somehow a roast broke out on the greatest night of his life. He said that he knew there was no way Hunter was going to say anything nice about him. He said that it was a huge deal for Hunter to even recognize Michaels worked in this business.

Michaels said he didn't bring a speech and was thinking about what he was going to say and what would happen if he forgot someone. He joked with fans catcalling him, asking if for once it could be about him.

Shawn said he didn't know where to start and there are things you aren't supposed to say and there are politically correct things you have to say, which was a reason he was happy he was retiring since he can't do those things. He joked that he wasn't on TV because it was him and he couldn't be trusted.

Michaels said when he was 19 he didn't want to be a sports entertainer but wanted to wrestle in front of 25 people in San Antonio and his life would be complete. He said that now he's 45 years old and he's had a hell of a ride and is so blessed.

Michaels said that when he got into the business he was searching for validation and he didn't know why. He said he worked himself into the ground

He spent his life wanting all the fans and his peers to think he did a good job. He said he's very thankful to all the other inductees and Triple H for making tonight fun.

He said he doesn't want this to become a cryfest but he wanted and worked so hard to do this for so many years. He said that has brought up questions of whether he would be OK away from wrestling and Undertaker said he was going into the Hall full of regrets.

Michaels said if he was done and went in in 1998 there would have been a lot of sadness for himself and someone backstage he can't mention.....Vince obviously. He said he came back for one more match and that, as they joke, was nine years ago.

Today he can say he has no regrets. That is in thanks to God and his family in the front row. He introduced his wife, son and daughter. He said that from the moment they came into his life there hasn't been a second that he isn't thankful for them and the best gift of all is his family. He thanks them for being so selfless in letting Dad finish what he started.

Michaels said it was important to walk away on his own terms. He thanked his son for letting daddy go play wrestling.

Michaels said there are lots of many special moments he had a chance to create with. He said he didn't want to be that guy keeping people up late because someone goes long. Shawn said that those wrestlers know who they are because he pulled them aside and thanked them for dealing with him when he went nuts dissecting a match and getting deep into the job.

He said that a lot of times all they have is each other. He said they love their women but when they are together, it's like being in a foxhole. They may stab each other in the back but don't someone else do it.

Michaels thanked them for letting him into their fraternity.

Michaels thanked the fans for supporting him even when they bother him at 5 a.m. at airports. He said they have been part of his life and his world for many years. He said it comes down to why a kid wanted validation from a bunch of strangers. He said he doesn't know if he's connected to the fans but they are so connected to him.

Michaels said he was never prom king but what was important was knowing how the fans felt about him. He said tonight he knows it, he feels it and he loves his ring. He said if you aren't down with that he has two words for you.

Shawn and Hunter hugged and they played the DX theme. They recreated the curtain call with Sean Waltman and Kevin Nash coming on stage with him. Shawn acknowledged Ric Flair with a wave. Flair was never shown on camera.

The others left Shawn alone on stage and his Sexy Boy music played. Michaels jumped off the stage and hugged his children then kissed his wife forever and a day.

Shawn returned to the stage and received a long standing ovation before departing. The building chanted his name.

Sounds awesome


Wrestlemania buyrate history over the past 10 years:

WM 16 : 824,000
WM 17 : 1,040,000
WM 18 : 880,000
WM 19 : 560,000
WM 20 : 1,007,000
WM 21 : 1,085,000
WM 22 : 975,000
WM 23 : 1,250,000
WM 24 : 1,041,000
WM 25 : 960,000
WM 26 : 885,000

The low buyrate for WM 19 still baffles me to this day.


$55 to watch Wrestlemania 27 in SD.

$65 to watch Wrestlemania 27 in HD.




UFC's the same price and they do like 400-500k at minimum now. And they sometimes have 2 shots a month. I don't think it's the price - it's the product.


RBH said:
$55 to watch Wrestlemania 27 in SD.

$65 to watch Wrestlemania 27 in HD.



I'll be at Buffalo Wild Wings trolling the hell out of everyone. Worth it.
Kyoufu said:
The "wrestling" censorship is getting out of hand. I'm actually starting to believe Vince is off his rocker in his old age.
Unfortunately, Vince has been off his rocker for a very long time. It's really been a slow decline into insanity since buying WCW.

Honestly, I'm pretty sure he's always hated wrestling and the only reason he's stuck with the company up till now is so he could crush his competition. If TNA wasn't a joke, I don't think he'd be so intent on discarding the term "wrestling".


RBH said:
$55 to watch Wrestlemania 27 in SD.

$65 to watch Wrestlemania 27 in HD.



I'm ashamed to admit that I'm planning on paying that ridiculous price again. I just can't watch Mania on a stream site. Already deposited the money on the bank account so they don't cut my cable when the bill comes.


dream said:
Goddamn, Luger does not look well.

Years and years of drug abuse will do that too you, but at least he is still here

I saw DDP last year, he is pretty worn but almost always happy to talk to
dream said:
UFC's the same price and they do like 400-500k at minimum now. And they sometimes have 2 shots a month. I don't think it's the price - it's the product.

UFC is marketed at adults. WWE keeps marketing more and more to kids, who might have some trouble getting their parents to order a $65 PPV for them.
Wonder how many times Vince cringed at all the mentions of "wrestling" and "fans" instead of "sports entertainment" and "WWE Universe".


Even though Taker is really the last one of the old school left I dont think overall his retiring will really be as big a deal to me personally. Shawns was really that end of an era one


RBH said:
Wrestlemania buyrate history over the past 10 years:

The low buyrate for WM 19 still baffles me to this day.

surprised wm18 didn't do at least 1mil and didn't expect wm23 to be #1

trump vs vince > rock vs hogan??!!

Possibly the Wrestlemania match order:


* United States Champion Sheamus vs. Daniel Bryan

* Jerry Lawler vs. Michael Cole with special referee "Stone Cold" Steve Austin

* Rey Mysterio vs. Cody Rhodes

* Big Show, Kane, Santino Marella and Vladimir Kozlov vs. Ezekiel Jackson, Heath Slater, Justin Gabriel and Wade Barrett

* John Morrison, Trish Stratus and Snooki vs. Dolph Ziggler and Lay-Cool

* Randy Orton vs. CM Punk

* World Heavyweight Champion Edge vs. Alberto Del Rio

* The Undertaker vs. Triple H (No Holds Barred Match)

* WWE Champion The Miz vs. John Cena

If that's true, then that'll be quite a bathroom break in the middle of the card.

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
markatisu said:
Years and years of drug abuse will do that too you, but at least he is still here

I saw DDP last year, he is pretty worn but almost always happy to talk to

DDP doesn't look like he's in bad shape. He's just old.


more money than God
antonz said:
Even though Taker is really the last one of the old school left I dont think overall his retiring will really be as big a deal to me personally. Shawns was really that end of an era one
I think it's because it's so damn overdue. He should have retired last year.


SoulPlaya said:
I think it's because it's so damn overdue. He should have retired last year.
Very true. Shawn could have gone a few more years more than likely and there was talk when he did retire that Vince was upset over that fact.

Taker is honestly washed up and has been for awhile.

Now for another topic. Another Pic of Sunny who is without a doubt looking her best in a long time


Biggest-Geek-Ever said:
Possibly the Wrestlemania match order:


* United States Champion Sheamus vs. Daniel Bryan

* Jerry Lawler vs. Michael Cole with special referee "Stone Cold" Steve Austin

* Rey Mysterio vs. Cody Rhodes

* Big Show, Kane, Santino Marella and Vladimir Kozlov vs. Ezekiel Jackson, Heath Slater, Justin Gabriel and Wade Barrett

* John Morrison, Trish Stratus and Snooki vs. Dolph Ziggler and Lay-Cool

* Randy Orton vs. CM Punk

* World Heavyweight Champion Edge vs. Alberto Del Rio

* The Undertaker vs. Triple H (No Holds Barred Match)

* WWE Champion The Miz vs. John Cena

If that's true, then that'll be quite a bathroom break in the middle of the card.

Saw it a few days ago. Probably gonna be changed seeing as how there's no "buffer match" between the main event matches.

On a another note, I was bored and added up the match times for the past seven Wrestlemanias. Only 19, 20 and 22 had more than 2 hours of actual wrestling and 20 was a 5 hour show IIRC. Those entrances and videos eat up a lot of time mang.


Ninja Scooter said:
UFC is marketed at adults. WWE keeps marketing more and more to kids, who might have some trouble getting their parents to order a $65 PPV for them.

Yep, it seemed a lot easier to get my dad to order In Your House for $10 I think it was.
Petrie said:
I'll be at Buffalo Wild Wings trolling the hell out of everyone. Worth it.

Crap! I got one of those right down the street from me, I'm call them and see if they are playing it. Didn't know they showed wrestling at them.


Biggest-Geek-Ever said:
Possibly the Wrestlemania match order:


* United States Champion Sheamus vs. Daniel Bryan

* Jerry Lawler vs. Michael Cole with special referee "Stone Cold" Steve Austin

* Rey Mysterio vs. Cody Rhodes

* Big Show, Kane, Santino Marella and Vladimir Kozlov vs. Ezekiel Jackson, Heath Slater, Justin Gabriel and Wade Barrett

* John Morrison, Trish Stratus and Snooki vs. Dolph Ziggler and Lay-Cool

* Randy Orton vs. CM Punk

* World Heavyweight Champion Edge vs. Alberto Del Rio

* The Undertaker vs. Triple H (No Holds Barred Match)

* WWE Champion The Miz vs. John Cena

If that's true, then that'll be quite a bathroom break in the middle of the card.

The second match alone makes me really doubt that order. No way in hell it goes that early.
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