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April Wrasslin |OT| WrassleMania Sucked

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Host Samurai said:
For wrestling to become good/popular again it must ditch the dumb story lines and treat it more like a sport like in Japan and WWF in the 80's and to a certain extent ECW. It needs a more serious tone with minimal story. Also bring back some gimmicks, nothing cartoony but give the wrestlers a bit more character. Wrestling story lines are one of those things that have a tough time adjusting in pop culture these days. Pro wrestling is just one of those things that has not aged well and must return to its basic "wrassling" roots for it to win fans back.

Not going to work. It worked back then when they were still trying to play it off as real. Now that the cat is outta the bag you can't do that.

I say just work on building the characters. Honestly, without the story lines I wouldn't even watch it. Granted I want cool matches but overall you need story. In retrospect the attitude era was silly but hell it was fun to watch. Wrestling SERIOUS BUSINESS!? No sir, not for me. Not all the time.
Host Samurai said:
For wrestling to become good/popular again it must ditch the dumb story lines and treat it more like a sport like in Japan and WWF in the 80's and to a certain extent ECW. It needs a more serious tone with minimal story. Also bring back some gimmicks, nothing cartoony but give the wrestlers a bit more character. Wrestling story lines are one of those things that have a tough time adjusting in pop culture these days. Pro wrestling is just one of those things that has not aged well and must return to its basic "wrassling" roots for it to win fans back.
What a dumb idea. Wrestling became mainstream pop culture huge in the 80s when they STOPPED trying to play it off as a real sport and storylines based on over the top, larger than life personalities like Hogan, Warrior, Dibiase and Undertaker took over.


jmdajr said:
that is indeed a classic clip..

do you have the one with Vader flipping out?

I haven't seen the clip of a Vader freak out. I'd like to see it if anyone else has it though.

That video of Schultz and Mean Gene was great! Gene was always good at keeping a straight face, and I never saw him crack up like that before.

Edit: Actually, I found it. Here's a jolly Big Van Vader on Good Morning Kuwait: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q_QuQtnxWMU
Jeff Albertson said:
I'm not so sure personally, I think I'd rather hae Beth than Maria. Definitely Lita over Maria.

I would do evil things to get with Beth. Unforgivable things.


maria was hot from 04-06/07 during that dumb blonde interviewer part

after that she dyed her hair and got weird. punk smanged her during her prime, and then dumped her right before the downturn


cartoon_soldier said:
Morrison's behavior can not be excused. But I can see why Melina and other Divas would be upset at them not having the chance to take a spot in Wrestlemania because WWE had to promote Tough Enough.

Trish could have fulfilled a variety of other roles at WM and let an existing diva take the stage. There was no reason for even having JoMo and Ziggler in the match, should have just made it a 3v3 divas match.

WM booking had to go to shit because we removed MITB, where they could have easily fit in 10 superstars and given us an awesome match.
It's not like they didn't have time either. Even with the anemic card, they still shorted many of the matches on time, filled the remainder of the program with shit skits that no one cared about and still spent a lot of time fiddling around trying to cover up while they got ready for the next skit or match. A MitB would have brought some excitement the PPV needed.
So I haven't been into wrestling for years but bought into the hype and caught Wrestlemania. I thought it was bad(like most) but had to see what happened with The Rock and Stone Cold. So I decided to watch the Wrestlemania documentary on Netflix and damn... It brought back memories.

It's amazing how great wrestling used to be especially compared to what it is now. So my question is, did Vince just lose "it"? He seemed to have so many great ideas back then but it seems like he has just given up.

I'm a huge UFC fan now but would still watch wrestling if it were good. Like many of you mentioned, they need to get away from being realistic. We now know what "realistic" wrestling and fighting looks like..so quit trying to be like that. I laugh my ass off when they try to incorporate real submissions because I know an armbar, ankle lock, triangle choke does not that THAT long for someone to tap or get their arm broken.

So stick to the gimmick submissions that aren't real and just sell that it hurts like hell. I would also like to see the return of the jobber and squash matches. We see the same people fight day in and day out. Shit even after Wrestlemania, there were rematches from the night before. I would also be happy with the WWE having an off-season where they just show reruns after Wrestlemania.

It's the WWE's fault that they are losing viewers like me. Give me something I can't find anywhere else. Great storylines, great gimmicks, fine divas(not women wrestlers), larger than life personalities. Because the UFC has storylines that are sometimes real and sometimes not. But those storylines make the match and the title they are fighting for that much more important and interesting.

Damn that was long! haha


cena cursing on twitter, hes probably drunk-

CeNation. This is a new year. From 26 to 27 wasn't exactly a banner year. Which means it time to dominate the whole f+cking game.
NEVER GIVE UP. Miz. Id watch yourself if I were you. It may not be tomorrow ...but u will NOT defeat me again.


So Cena on Raw says he doesnt care about Miz and never wants to face him again, writers go "WTF! You guys have a rematch you moron!" and now Cena is trying to save face by doing another promo via Twitter during the rest of the week?


diamondstar said:
So I haven't been into wrestling for years but bought into the hype and caught Wrestlemania. I thought it was bad(like most) but had to see what happened with The Rock and Stone Cold. So I decided to watch the Wrestlemania documentary on Netflix and damn... It brought back memories.

It's amazing how great wrestling used to be especially compared to what it is now. So my question is, did Vince just lose "it"? He seemed to have so many great ideas back then but it seems like he has just given up.

I'm a huge UFC fan now but would still watch wrestling if it were good. Like many of you mentioned, they need to get away from being realistic. We now know what "realistic" wrestling and fighting looks like..so quit trying to be like that. I laugh my ass off when they try to incorporate real submissions because I know an armbar, ankle lock, triangle choke does not that THAT long for someone to tap or get their arm broken.

So stick to the gimmick submissions that aren't real and just sell that it hurts like hell. I would also like to see the return of the jobber and squash matches. We see the same people fight day in and day out. Shit even after Wrestlemania, there were rematches from the night before. I would also be happy with the WWE having an off-season where they just show reruns after Wrestlemania.

It's the WWE's fault that they are losing viewers like me. Give me something I can't find anywhere else. Great storylines, great gimmicks, fine divas(not women wrestlers), larger than life personalities. Because the UFC has storylines that are sometimes real and sometimes not. But those storylines make the match and the title they are fighting for that much more important and interesting.

Damn that was long! haha

Lack of any real competition is the short and sweet answer. When you have no real competition, you can pretty much do what you want.


DMczaf said:
So Cena on Raw says he doesnt care about Miz and never wants to face him again, writers go "WTF! You guys have a rematch you moron!" and now Cena is trying to save face by doing another promo via Twitter during the rest of the week?
he also hasnt updated his profile pic and background. still the outdated purple merch

cena slacking


diamondstar said:
So I haven't been into wrestling for years but bought into the hype and caught Wrestlemania. I thought it was bad(like most) but had to see what happened with The Rock and Stone Cold. So I decided to watch the Wrestlemania documentary on Netflix and damn... It brought back memories.

It's amazing how great wrestling used to be especially compared to what it is now. So my question is, did Vince just lose "it"? He seemed to have so many great ideas back then but it seems like he has just given up.

I'm a huge UFC fan now but would still watch wrestling if it were good. Like many of you mentioned, they need to get away from being realistic. We now know what "realistic" wrestling and fighting looks like..so quit trying to be like that. I laugh my ass off when they try to incorporate real submissions because I know an armbar, ankle lock, triangle choke does not that THAT long for someone to tap or get their arm broken.

So stick to the gimmick submissions that aren't real and just sell that it hurts like hell. I would also like to see the return of the jobber and squash matches. We see the same people fight day in and day out. Shit even after Wrestlemania, there were rematches from the night before. I would also be happy with the WWE having an off-season where they just show reruns after Wrestlemania.

It's the WWE's fault that they are losing viewers like me. Give me something I can't find anywhere else. Great storylines, great gimmicks, fine divas(not women wrestlers), larger than life personalities. Because the UFC has storylines that are sometimes real and sometimes not. But those storylines make the match and the title they are fighting for that much more important and interesting.

Damn that was long! haha
Wow... literally everything you said applies to me.... brother?

But seriously I did the exact same thing, that documentary was awesome. There is also a really good WCW one on instant streaming. Gonna watch the Bobby Heenan one tonight possibly.
PsychoRaven said:
Lack of any real competition is the short and sweet answer. When you have no real competition, you can pretty much do what you want.

They may not have sports entertainment competition but mma is handing them their ass. MMA killed their PPV's revenue. I didn't even know Wrestlemania's buyrates were in that much of a decline. If it weren't for SCSA and The Rock, this may have been their worst year ever.
Ryck said:
Wow... literally everything you said applies to me.... brother?

But seriously I did the exact same thing, that documentary was awesome. There is also a really good WCW one on instant streaming. Gonna watch the Bobby Heenan one tonight possibly.

From anotha motha!

Yea I caught that one too and again forgot how cold GOLDBERG was. He has one of the best entrances of all time. GOLDBERG! GOLDBERG! I remember seeing him spear someone for that first time. I was like holy fucking shit he fucked that dude up! I miss those days.

I know it is fake, everyone does. So go back to being fucking fake! Just like when we watch a damn movie, you suspend belief. Wrestling needs that back. And make it believable fake..Not the shit like Vince getting blown up in a car yet a month later he is back. Sell me something like a broken back, broken arm, burned skin..etc.. Shit that we can belief can happen but can be recovered from. Don't say shit like "OMG he killed him!" because then I will be like " so he is a murderer now?!" But that can work for someone like Kane or the Undertaker but not someone like D'lo Brown.
I think WWF late 96/97 era had the most realistic characters and story lines. Seriously, watch reruns from that era and you will agree. It was a very dark time and worked perfectly. It was the perfect mix of wrestling, drama and characters.


diamondstar said:
They may not have sports entertainment competition but mma is handing them their ass. MMA killed their PPV's revenue. I didn't even know Wrestlemania's buyrates were in that much of a decline. If it weren't for SCSA and The Rock, this may have been their worst year ever.

Ah but Vince has never seen MMA as a competitor.


DMczaf said:
So Cena on Raw says he doesnt care about Miz and never wants to face him again, writers go "WTF! You guys have a rematch you moron!" and now Cena is trying to save face by doing another promo via Twitter during the rest of the week?
In Cena's defense, I have to think this all boils down to Vince changing his mind over and over again. When Cena delivered his promo, the gameplan was for him to not face Miz again and to move them over to new, exciting feuds (possibly following a draft). Vince changed his mind shortly afterwards.

Heck, Vince may change his mind again tomorrow. Vince doesn't know what he wants any more.

Except that he really REALLY despises wrestling. And WWE being associated with wrestling. Clearly he wants to be considered a circus instead. Or Saturday Night Live. Some combination of those two things.


Host Samurai said:
I think WWF late 96/97 era had the most realistic characters and story lines. Seriously, watch reruns from that era and you will agree. It was a very dark time and worked perfectly. It was the perfect mix of wrestling, drama and characters.

Watching it now. The Hart Foundation is amazing.

I think it gets better post-screwjob, though. McMahon used that whole situation like a fucking boss.
diamondstar said:
So I haven't been into wrestling for years but bought into the hype and caught Wrestlemania. I thought it was bad(like most) but had to see what happened with The Rock and Stone Cold. So I decided to watch the Wrestlemania documentary on Netflix and damn... It brought back memories.

It's amazing how great wrestling used to be especially compared to what it is now. So my question is, did Vince just lose "it"? He seemed to have so many great ideas back then but it seems like he has just given up.

I'm a huge UFC fan now but would still watch wrestling if it were good. Like many of you mentioned, they need to get away from being realistic. We now know what "realistic" wrestling and fighting looks like..so quit trying to be like that. I laugh my ass off when they try to incorporate real submissions because I know an armbar, ankle lock, triangle choke does not that THAT long for someone to tap or get their arm broken.

So stick to the gimmick submissions that aren't real and just sell that it hurts like hell. I would also like to see the return of the jobber and squash matches. We see the same people fight day in and day out. Shit even after Wrestlemania, there were rematches from the night before. I would also be happy with the WWE having an off-season where they just show reruns after Wrestlemania.

It's the WWE's fault that they are losing viewers like me. Give me something I can't find anywhere else. Great storylines, great gimmicks, fine divas(not women wrestlers), larger than life personalities. Because the UFC has storylines that are sometimes real and sometimes not. But those storylines make the match and the title they are fighting for that much more important and interesting.

Damn that was long! haha

Jobber and squash matches? In a sense, those wrestlers and matches still exist but we do not need a return of that. I don't care to watch Mark Henry or Shaemus beat his opponent in 45 seconds. It is not needed.

Fine divas(not women wrestlers)? That is awful. They have that now. It is called the WWE Women's division.

I watch wrestling for the wrestling. I want to see matches. Watch an episode of Nitro or Raw from 97/98. You had actual wrestling. You had the crowd pop for the midcarders. The titles actually meant something. Wrestling should be the main focus with the gimmicks and storylines complimenting it, not the other way around. Now, that's not to say that during the golden era, that it was all good. There were tons of awful things. Val Venis getting his dick cut off, Droz and the suicide angle with the Road Warriors, Hogan seeing Warrior in the mirror, and so on.

You are right that it is a show, but what is wrong with being "realistic"? Indy and Japanese matches are just as fake but the in-ring product is better. In get that you are appealing to a difference audience but why can't the WWE do the same? Now, I'm not expecting the WWE to put on 5* matches every time they get in the ring and go all out. I get the fact that they are on the road a lot more and wrestle more. But why are matches between Ziggler/Danielson the exception rather than the rule?

Creative is in a huge slump right now. People don't want to buy PPVs because there is no reason to. For the most part, the matches are predictable. Titles are damn near worthless. Storylines are hit or miss. So what do you have left? The actual in-ring action. And when a match is over in 4 minutes, why would I spend money on that? There is no reason for a 4v4 squash match at WrestleMania. What is the point of the CORRE? Or the Nexus? What happened to tag team wrestling? Hell, Vince doesn't even want the WWE to be know as "wrestling" anymore. That is a damn shame.

You need a good mix of both wrestling and entertainment. The WWE is failing in both.


PsychoRaven said:
Ah but Vince has never seen MMA as a competitor.

Which is just mindblowing. I get a lot of shit from my MMA purist friends for thinking this but it's really the natural evolution of pro wrestling.
Biggest-Geek-Ever said:
Is there any chance Vince will step down as the CEO within say, the next two years? Or is it going to have to be pried from his cold, dead fingers?

He's going to run the company until he dies. Unless he does something monumentally stupid that shareholders force him out.


FallingEdge said:
You need a good mix of both wrestling and entertainment. The WWE is failing in both.
Good thing they took both the wrestling AND the entertainment out of their name then.


AnEternalEnigma said:
He's going to run the company until he dies. Unless he does something monumentally stupid that shareholders force him out.
Won't happen when they own the majority of shares in the company, realistically I would honestly expect him to wind down after he
creates his wwe tv network.


Linkified said:
Won't happen when they own the majority of shares in the company, realistically I would honestly expect him to wind down after he
creates his wwe tv network.
Vince is going to go until he physically can't
diamondstar said:
So I haven't been into wrestling for years but bought into the hype and caught Wrestlemania. I thought it was bad(like most) but had to see what happened with The Rock and Stone Cold. So I decided to watch the Wrestlemania documentary on Netflix and damn... It brought back memories.

It's amazing how great wrestling used to be especially compared to what it is now. So my question is, did Vince just lose "it"? He seemed to have so many great ideas back then but it seems like he has just given up.

I'm a huge UFC fan now but would still watch wrestling if it were good. Like many of you mentioned, they need to get away from being realistic. We now know what "realistic" wrestling and fighting looks like..so quit trying to be like that. I laugh my ass off when they try to incorporate real submissions because I know an armbar, ankle lock, triangle choke does not that THAT long for someone to tap or get their arm broken.

So stick to the gimmick submissions that aren't real and just sell that it hurts like hell. I would also like to see the return of the jobber and squash matches. We see the same people fight day in and day out. Shit even after Wrestlemania, there were rematches from the night before. I would also be happy with the WWE having an off-season where they just show reruns after Wrestlemania.

It's the WWE's fault that they are losing viewers like me. Give me something I can't find anywhere else. Great storylines, great gimmicks, fine divas(not women wrestlers), larger than life personalities. Because the UFC has storylines that are sometimes real and sometimes not. But those storylines make the match and the title they are fighting for that much more important and interesting.

Damn that was long! haha

I disagree 100%.

First of all, the WWE ISN'T realistic, where is that coming from? We have Cody Rhodes walking around as an insane super villain, The Undertaker and his supernatural promos, Kane still being Kane, Santino using a finisher worst than Hogan's Leg Drop or the People's Elbow, John Cena overcoming the odds, The Rock coming back after so long and still owning both main eventers at Wrestlemania, submissions that wrestlers hold off for like a minute for the "drama", etc. etc.

If anything, they need to move away from that old school style, and push competition and athleticism MORE. Yeah, everyone knows it's staged, but that doesn't mean you have to go all 80's on the audience again, nobody really wants that. They limit the wrestlers so much, and the matches are so formulaic nowadays. There's nothing wrong with giving the show a presentation of legitimacy just because people know it's staged. In that case, why bother with any conflict in ANY form of entertainment?

And (more)jobber matches and "fine divas"? Uhhhh, no thanks, we get a TON of that as it is already.
Net_Wrecker said:
I disagree 100%.

First of all, the WWE ISN'T realistic, where is that coming from? We have Cody Rhodes walking around as an insane super villain, The Undertaker and his supernatural promos, Kane still being Kane, Santino using a finisher worst than Hogan's Leg Drop or the People's Elbow, John Cena overcoming the odds, The Rock coming back after so long and still owning both main eventers at Wrestlemania, submissions that wrestlers hold off for like a minute for the "drama", etc. etc.

If anything, they need to move away from that old school style, and push competition and athleticism MORE. Yeah, everyone knows it's staged, but that doesn't mean you have to go all 80's on the audience again, nobody really wants that. They limit the wrestlers so much, and the matches are so formulaic nowadays. There's nothing wrong with giving the show a presentation of legitimacy just because people know it's staged. In that case, why bother with any conflict in ANY form of entertainment?

And (more)jobber matches and "fine divas"? Uhhhh, no thanks, we get a TON of that as it is already.

Im talking about them trying to do things like Undertaker doing a "triangle choke" on HHH, Del Rio's "armbar", Big Show punching with a closed fist..etc.. We all admit that the cat is out of the bag and we no longer believe wrasslin is real so why try to walk the fine line?

And everything I mention is IMO. It is what I personally want to see. Let me elaborate on the "fine divas" comment since you both brought it up. When I say fine divas(not women wrestlers), I mean I hate that they tried to make divas into women wrestlers. I like REAL women wrestlers that have talent first, looks second. So when I say bring back "fine divas" I mean valets and eye candy that will only get in the ring for distraction.

And I'm sorry but I do miss squash matches and jobbers you know why? Because then maybe I won't see a Cena vs Edge PPV match on Monday Night Raw. Then they can use the time on Raw to build the storyline for the eventual Cena Vs Edge at Summerslam. Jobbers and squash matches help this aspect.
FallingEdge said:
Jobber and squash matches? In a sense, those wrestlers and matches still exist but we do not need a return of that. I don't care to watch Mark Henry or Shaemus beat his opponent in 45 seconds. It is not needed.

Fine divas(not women wrestlers)? That is awful. They have that now. It is called the WWE Women's division.

I watch wrestling for the wrestling. I want to see matches. Watch an episode of Nitro or Raw from 97/98. You had actual wrestling. You had the crowd pop for the midcarders. The titles actually meant something. Wrestling should be the main focus with the gimmicks and storylines complimenting it, not the other way around. Now, that's not to say that during the golden era, that it was all good. There were tons of awful things. Val Venis getting his dick cut off, Droz and the suicide angle with the Road Warriors, Hogan seeing Warrior in the mirror, and so on.

You are right that it is a show, but what is wrong with being "realistic"? Indy and Japanese matches are just as fake but the in-ring product is better. In get that you are appealing to a difference audience but why can't the WWE do the same? Now, I'm not expecting the WWE to put on 5* matches every time they get in the ring and go all out. I get the fact that they are on the road a lot more and wrestle more. But why are matches between Ziggler/Danielson the exception rather than the rule?

Creative is in a huge slump right now. People don't want to buy PPVs because there is no reason to. For the most part, the matches are predictable. Titles are damn near worthless. Storylines are hit or miss. So what do you have left? The actual in-ring action. And when a match is over in 4 minutes, why would I spend money on that? There is no reason for a 4v4 squash match at WrestleMania. What is the point of the CORRE? Or the Nexus? What happened to tag team wrestling? Hell, Vince doesn't even want the WWE to be know as "wrestling" anymore. That is a damn shame.

You need a good mix of both wrestling and entertainment. The WWE is failing in both.

I think we both want the same things but just express ourselves differently because I pretty much agree with everything you said.
I guess while everyone's chiming in with their What-I-Want-Out-Of-Wrestling dreams, I'll post mine:

Basically, wrestling just needs two things to be successful: characters and stories. That's it!

The two go hand-in-hand, and when both work harmoniously, magical things happen. No, not magic like Mordecai. But you, uh, get the point. You don't? OK, analogy time:

To me, wrestling is lot like comics -- you pick your favorite character and want to see them beat up bad guys. Take Superman for instance -- guy is pretty cool, right? Strongest man in the world. Can leap tall buildings and all that jazz. It's fucking awesome watching him beat the shit out of dudes. But the problem with Superman is he's almost too powerful. If no one can beat him, why continue reading? Case in point: Cena, Rey, Orton, etc.

But does that mean there's no good Superman stories? Hell no! Some of the best comics I read have been Superman books (Superman: Secret Identity and All-Star Superman). But the key to success is this: the interesting character needs an interesting STORY. Easy as that. The best comics are the ones where the reader ACTUALLY THINKS their favorite hero might get defeated. You watch WWE now and there's not a whole lot of unpredictability (well, aside from the random depushes some guys get). It's too cookie-cutter. They need to think outside the box. Try new things. When I say that, I mean it's OK for Cena/Rey/Orton to lose big feuds. Because, to me, the best story is the hero coming back for redemption.

So yeah, that's the problem with the WWE right now. They either have A) Interesting characters stuck in uninteresting/predictable stories or worse, B) UNINTERESTING characters stuck in UNINTERESTING stories.

And Vince is a creativity-killer. The dude is so afraid to hurt the status quo that he's keeping anything interesting from happening.

What was everyone's favorite angle of last year? Nexus invading. Why? Because it was a GOOD story. Dudes coming back for revenge, tearing shit up, beating everyone up. But, of course, they couldn't keep interesting. And now we're stuck with option B) Uninteresting characters stuck in uninteresting stories. LOL.


RBH said:
Smackdown airs first in Australia, and then people upload that airing onto YouTube.

Oh okay. Thanks.

Kofi looked damn good in that match. Cody had a squash match yet again, but zzzz mysterio came out. Will watch the rest tomorrow.

Buckethead said:
Diva ratings? Count me in.

Lita around debut > Mickey > Beth > Stacy > Everyone else > Awesome Kong > Angelina

Natalya takes a dump on all their candy asses. She needs to be champ again since shes like, the only "Diva" who can wrestle.
Sin Cera has done zero to impress in WWE so far. WWE are handling the debut awful.

If I did not watch his previous stuff, I would not care, and I cannot see how the regular WWE audience could give a shit about him right now


Keyser Soze said:
Sin Cera has done zero to impress in WWE so far. WWE are handling the debut awful.

If I did not watch his previous stuff, I would not care, and I cannot see how the regular WWE audience could give a shit about him right now
I was impressed at how over he seems to be already.


Keyser Soze said:
Sin Cera has done zero to impress in WWE so far. WWE are handling the debut awful.

If I did not watch his previous stuff, I would not care, and I cannot see how the regular WWE audience could give a shit about him right now

Well people do know him because when he showed up at smackdown he was already over.
DKehoe said:
I was impressed at how over he seems to be already.

On RAW, his appearance on stage got nothing. His top rope to outside dive got a pop, but that big move would anyway. He did nothing really great on SD, and the cheers he got there could have been pipped in for all we know

The interrupt, three move, run away thing is silly IMO.
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