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April Wrasslin |OT| WrassleMania Sucked

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The discoloration of his face is consistent with what Hall's publicist said about a drop in blood pressure. Some people at the show said he was still wearing a hospital bracelet.
zoner said:
It's not like Jericho's got the cleanest record of all time.

Oh right, he's got good workrate. Sorry.

Just out of curiosity, what dirt does Jericho have on him?

I'm one of his biggest fans, but there was something about his second book that rubbed me the wrong way.
canadian crowe said:
Just out of curiosity, what dirt does Jericho have on him?

I'm one of his biggest fans, but there was something about his second book that rubbed me the wrong way.

There were some pictures of him being really close and kissy with Kelly Kelly that came out a few years ago despite being married with children.
AnEternalEnigma said:
There were some pictures of him being really close and kissy with Kelly Kelly that came out a few years ago despite being married with children.

Oh right, I remember those. I didn't think too much about it though, but after reading Bret's book he makes all wrestlers sound like cheats.
RBH said:
I couldn't even watch more than 1 minute of the video before I just decided to close it.


Edit: Oh God, those pictures on the previous page are even worse.

No, the video is worse. Because he cuts a promo about being in the UK. He had no idea he was in the USA.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
canadian crowe said:
Just out of curiosity, what dirt does Jericho have on him?

I'm one of his biggest fans, but there was something about his second book that rubbed me the wrong way.
Well there's also the well publicized fight between him and Goldberg. I mention that because every interview with Goldberg makes him come off as the nicest guy on the planet, and he even praises Jericho's WCW work. Paul London, not the best example in the world, says he's his own biggest fan. London's incredibly bitter, but he doesn't seem to just randomly point at people as the reason. the people he's bitter against, he seems to have a good reason for it.

And lest we forget, the episode where he got incredibly drunk with Matt Hardy and a fleeing Gregory Helms

And to be fair, I think the majority of wrestlers come off as immature jackasses. The stories out there really make you think that it's a junior high school business.
I still love how Randy Orton totally trashed a hotel room in Europe out of being angry with the company and nothing happened to him, but Rhyno accidentally broke a flower pot in a hotel lobby during an argument with his wife and got shitcanned.
Buckethead said:
So depressing, but not exactly new news.

Hall has been a mess since WCW.

Hall's been a mess since his last days in the WWF. His increasing drug/alcohol use was the reason they suspended him for WrestleMania and eventually released him. WCW was willing to look the other way (sounds eerily similar to Jeff Hardy/TNA) and it only allowed him to get worse and worse.
AnEternalEnigma said:
I still love how Randy Orton totally trashed a hotel room in Europe out of being angry with the company and nothing happened to him, but Rhyno accidentally broke a flower pot in a hotel lobby during an argument with his wife and got shitcanned.




Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
lol @ today's Universal HD's schedule. This could be the start of the WWE Network? 6pm-5am with nothing but WWE programming. Not including the 2 hour block on USA. Jeez.
Urgh that Hall vid is hard to watch, I heard he was a mess but that looked like a guy on the way out.

Horrible stuff, they should never have let him go out like that.
AnEternalEnigma said:
I still love how Randy Orton totally trashed a hotel room in Europe out of being angry with the company and nothing happened to him, but Rhyno accidentally broke a flower pot in a hotel lobby during an argument with his wife and got shitcanned.

Not to long ago I heard that the Randy thing was him taking the fall for someone else who did it, but IDK who that was. Also, the flower pot Rhyno broke wasn't just some small thing, it was a pretty big huge one.


Also didn't Rhino do it publically, in the hotel reception, on their biggest weekend whereas what Orton did wasn't actually seen by many.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Great, maybe we could have Miz and JoMo feud over the title. They can call it "absolutely nobody gives a fuck XVIIXIXIV"
Yeah, Sheamus, and also Dolph Ziggler is on Raw now, according to wwe.com. I would bet that Del Rio will go to Raw after losing to Edge again. And Triple H could go heel any time.


Ryan Drew from Top Rope Promotions sent word that at their iPPV taping last night, Scott Hall had another episode. He said that Hall showed up to the building in the afternoon under the influence of something and was belligerent and incoherent.

There was an autograph signing and Hall fell asleep during it and when he was awake, his signature consisted of a line, not a name.

Drew wrote, "Unfortunately, Top Rope Promotions does not own the footage, the iPPV company does. And they plan on running the iPPV as planned with Scott Hall segment intact. TRP would like to issue an apology and would urge fans not to order the iPPV, as the Scott Hall footage is disturbing. He needed several people to get him in and out of the ring. And he even fell over in the ring. Please pray for the guy. We wish him the best."

This comes on the heels of a report earlier this week of Hall being hospitalized for an overdose, which Hall's people disputed by saying he was being treated for low blood pressure. It also comes a short time after Hall stated he wouldn't go to The WWE Hall Of Fame ceremony to see his good friend Shawn Michaels get inducted because he didn't want to be in a situation where there would be temptations.

Then why the fuck did you even send him out to the ring in the first place?
I'm going to the TNA house show here in Pittsburgh tonight, since Russo doesn't write the house shows I'm going to hope that the show is good with a lot of fun wrestling. But, its TNA so I'm not going to get my hopes up too high.
lessthananth725 said:
I'm going to the TNA house show here in Pittsburgh tonight, since Russo doesn't write the house shows I'm going to hope that the show is good with a lot of fun wrestling. But, its TNA so I'm not going to get my hopes up too high.

No wonder they get good buzz.


A message from Steve Ricard, the promoter of Top Rope Promotions:

Damned if we do, damned if we don't.... Scott Hall's conduct at tonight's show was far from what we were looking to get out of him. We are all just as upset with it as you were. If we had not let him appear everyone would be on here going crazy for false advertising him. Once he arrived at the airport we knew something was wrong, in Scott's defense he just wanted to give everyone a good show, his medical condition did not allow him to do so tonight. The fans need to realize somethings are out of the company's hands, we did the best to deal with the situation, and give the fans the best show possible. Im quite sure if we kept him in the back all night, there would of been just as many, if not more complaints about us false advertising the main draw on the show. TRP cares about there fans and about its product, Scott Hall is not a member of TRP, nor a regular roster member, you will never see such conduct from our core roster, we appreciate all the support tonight, celebrating our Bitter Sweet 30th Anniversary, and look forward to brining you many more years of Shows...

What a bunch of horseshit.
zoner said:
Pro wrestling chews people up and spits them out. Atleast Xpac seems to be doing better. I like how he talked on a shoot about how it's great that the guys are playing playstation instead of partying every night.

I don't buy this, at least not for Scott Hall. He had the industry by the balls at one point, one of the biggest stars around, there's no reason he couldn't have aged the same way like Sting, Nash, Rock, Goldberg, ect...He probably made a shitload of money during his career. He just has an addictive personality. He would have been a drunk/junkie whether he was a pro wrestler, a plumber, a cop or a construction worker.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Matthew Gallant said:
Yeah, Sheamus, and also Dolph Ziggler is on Raw now, according to wwe.com. I would bet that Del Rio will go to Raw after losing to Edge again. And Triple H could go heel any time.
Sheamus or Del Rio would work better as a face than Miz. Because they're both actually liked for their talent. Not because they say the same catchphrase all the time.
zoner said:
Sheamus or Del Rio would work better as a face than Miz. Because they're both actually liked for their talent. Not because they say the same catchphrase all the time.

I disagree. First of all, since when is talent required to be a babyface (Orton, Cena, etc). Secondly, The Miz has plenty of talent. I don't get this severe Miz hatred around here.
I was thinking how they can save Dibiase before releasing him. Partnering him with Del Rio in a new Money, Inc. type of stable would be nice. Del Rio is portrayed as coming from money and his character never uses it aside from driving into the arena in Bentleys. Dibiase is boring as shit and Del Rio could help him out instead of being paired with Clay. Clay is a pretty cool monster though but the combo of him and Del Rio is strange (despite their NXT connection).
zoner said:
Sheamus or Del Rio would work better as a face than Miz. Because they're both actually liked for their talent. Not because they say the same catchphrase all the time.
??? Miz got over and got his world title shot because of his talent.
Four_Chamber said:
I was thinking how they can save Dibiase before releasing him. Partnering him with Del Rio in a new Money, Inc. type of stable would be nice. Del Rio is portrayed as coming from money and his character never uses it aside from driving into the arena in Bentleys. Dibiase is boring as shit and Del Rio could help him out instead of being paired with Clay. Clay is a pretty cool monster though but the combo of him and Del Rio is strange (despite their NXT connection).

They do need to make more tag team pairings, but I think Del Rio is too strong on his own to have him weighed down by DiBiase. I'm all for putting lowcard guys into tag teams just to see if something sticks, but don't burden ACTUAL talent with guys like Ted Jr.
worldrunover said:
They do need to make more tag team pairings, but I think Del Rio is too strong on his own to have him weighed down by DiBiase. I'm all for putting lowcard guys into tag teams just to see if something sticks, but don't burden ACTUAL talent with guys like Ted Jr.

I definitely see your point.

There are just so many boring guys without any compelling characters in wrestling nowadays. We need more guys like CM Punk, he's just always fun to listen to on the mic.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
worldrunover said:
I disagree. First of all, since when is talent required to be a babyface (Orton, Cena, etc). Secondly, The Miz has plenty of talent. I don't get this severe Miz hatred around here.
Watch this

Compare Mr. Perfect's promo to Miz's lines. Everything is far more natural. All of Miz's lines are the same thing with synonyms replaced in to basically say 'derp i'm awesome'
Not saying you are wrong, but Perfect was one of the very best to ever step foot in a ring and do anything he did. No way I could hold Miz up to that standard yet.


Miz will be even cheesier as face than he is a heel. That said, guys like Sheamus, Punk, and Ziggler would be better main event heels than Miz anyway, at least for their ring ability, and for Punk, he tops Miz in every category there is. He just doesn't have a silly catchphrase; Miz forces it down our throats and has no really direct line of talk each time he speaks. Cheap heat, I'm da Miz, and I'm awesome! ^_^

Just gotta hope Dolph and CM Punk get what they have earned.
Ziggler isn't ready for the main event yet, the crowd doesn't care about him. Turn him face and have him break up/feud with Vickie and maybe that can change.


Basileus777 said:
Ziggler isn't ready for the main event yet, the crowd doesn't care about him. Turn him face and have him break up/feud with Vickie and maybe that can change.
What's wrong with Ziggler being a heel? He has shown he can be capable in a World Title match on a big PPV, as seen in the Royal Rumble. He got a great reaction from the crowd.
Striker said:
Miz will be even cheesier as face than he is a heel. That said, guys like Sheamus, Punk, and Ziggler would be better main event heels than Miz anyway, at least for their ring ability, and for Punk, he tops Miz in every category there is. He just doesn't have a silly catchphrase; Miz forces it down our throats and has no really direct line of talk each time he speaks. Cheap heat, I'm da Miz, and I'm awesome! ^_^

Just gotta hope Dolph and CM Punk get what they have earned.

Punk is a 3-time champion. He's the top heel in the company at the moment. I love how people always think the WWE is somehow disrespecting Punk. He's been in feuds with Orton and Cena for the past 3 months and had one of the most hyped Wrestlemania matches. WTF else do you want?

Also, Punk and Miz, as far as mic skills go, are very close. I personally give the edge to Miz, but I don't want to open up that can of worms...


worldrunover said:
Also, Punk and Miz, as far as mic skills go, are very close. I personally give the edge to Miz, but I don't want to open up that can of worms...


worldrunover said:
Punk is a 3-time champion. He's the top heel in the company at the moment. I love how people always think the WWE is somehow disrespecting Punk. He's been in feuds with Orton and Cena for the past 3 months and had one of the most hyped Wrestlemania matches. WTF else do you want?

Also, Punk and Miz, as far as mic skills go, are very close. I personally give the edge to Miz, but I don't want to open up that can of worms...
Punk can't buy a win in a feud to save his life. He takes over the Nexus, supposedly to make them something special, only to job out to Cena at every encounter. Then Orton single-handedly takes out every single member of Nexus before taking out Punk at 'Mania. Yep, he's getting booked wonderfully.

As far as the Miz goes...really? All Miz can do is string catch phrases together and, as someone else already said..."derp I'm awesome." That's his entire promo each and every week. Punk is the best mic worker in the business right now. I'd love to see he and Rock go at it on the mic.
JdFoX187 said:
Punk can't buy a win in a feud to save his life. He takes over the Nexus, supposedly to make them something special, only to job out to Cena at every encounter. Then Orton single-handedly takes out every single member of Nexus before taking out Punk at 'Mania. Yep, he's getting booked wonderfully.

Punk been put in a Jericho role because doesn't need to win feuds to stay relevant. He can lose every feud and still get heat. He's a heel, losing to the #2 guy in the company at Wrestlemania isn't the end of the world.
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