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April Wrasslin |OT| WrassleMania Sucked

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Matt Cross holding onto the belt when Stone Cold went to grab it was pretty sad. I felt bad for him since he is really talented. He was in Colt Cabana's podcast and he seemed like a decent guy too.
Qatar said:
Goodbye Edge :( you'll be missed
my two favorite wrestlers have retired, Jericho last year, and now Edge

He is just on another long leave. He said in interviews he would be back once he is done with other contentments.

He probably has the right idea to prolong his wrestling career.


Hate is a strong word but it sums up everything that I feel for you Cena.
I hate your hat.
I hate your t-shirts.
I hate your wristbands.
I hate your shoes.
I hate your music.
I hate the Ce-nation.
I hate EVERYTHING that you staaand foour!


So just watched RAW on youtube, actually JR is an asset to King, JR beat Trips in a No DQ match. It will probably end up with JR delivering his finisher to Cole.


Keyser Soze said:
He is just on another long leave. He said in interviews he would be back once he is done with other contentments.

He probably has the right idea to prolong his wrestling career.

Awesome, I thought he retired
Would be cool to see him wrestle again

BTW did Edge take any breaks from wrestling before, other than injuries?
Qatar said:
Cool, I thought he retired
Would be cool to see him wrestle again

BTW did Edge take any breaks from wrestling before, other than injuries?

I don't think he took time off, and If I remember right, he came back from quite a few of his injuries/surgeries quicker than expexted

Neck injury (2003)
Groin injury (2004)
Pectoral muscle injury (2007)
Achilles tendon injury (2008)
Kusagari said:
WWE pushes someone new who is actually over and GAF bitches.


I just watched Raw whilst reading through this thread, throughout the show people are all 'Obviously Cena will be in first and go all the way' then Cena comes in last against a guy that just beat 2 men and they are still claiming 'Super Cena' will obviously win now. Then they moan when it doesn't happen.

It's not great booking but I really enjoyed Raw for what it was , some good wrestling and the Apple stuff had me cracking up.

As for Edge, at one point one he mentioned Christian saying it was the right thing to do I pictured a Christian heel turn down the line with him saying he talked Edge into retirement so he could have his time. Either way Christian will get the belt now.

The Kong vignette was awesome, please bring Tarver back with her as her brother, WWE needs Tarver.
Heard someone mention this last night and I agree. In a way the various injuries he had since coming back from the fusion surgery probably stretch out his career. If he didn't have those times off healing his injuries his spine probably would have ended up this way much, much faster than it did. Basically, we wouldn't have gotten a lot of the stuff we did from him in the past few years.
GraveRobberX said:
Also spindashing hope your AJ gets every STD in the world from your snarky ass comment
We'll also be without his sharpshooter, what ever can we do?!
Edgecution > Spear and Sharpshooter

Although I have high hopes for a Christian boost after this occurrence, for some reason, I feel that he'll be released. But then again, with Edge gone, we need someone else at the top of the card.

Keyser Soze said:
Fix your avatar's I have no idea who any of you are. Lunchbox seems like just a normal person
The same applies to you, motherfucker.
spindashing said:
Although I have high hopes for a Christian boost after this occurrence, for some reason, I feel that he'll be released. But then again, with Edge gone, we need someone else at the top of the card.

While Im a big fan of E & C as a tag team (loved the mentioning of 'those with the benefit of flash photography', been too long) and both as individual wrestlers, Ive always preferred Christian. But since I want Christian to have a solid main event push, thats probably a GREAT indication that they will go the complete opposite direction with it.
Jeff Albertson said:
Kong breaking the heads of anime dolls!

Nicely done promo obviously suggesting that she's out to destroy the quintessential "diva."

@TheApatheticOne, Christian was always my favorite out of the two as well. He was/is so corny, but I can't help but appreciate his mic/ring efforts.

I liked his run in TNA too.

You're right though, WWE is bound to mess this up, but if something like R-Truth at the main event spot happened, anything can.
spindashing said:
We'll also be without his sharpshooter, what ever can we do?!
Edgecution > Spear and Sharpshooter

Although I have high hopes for a Christian boost after this occurrence, for some reason, I feel that he'll be released. But then again, with Edge gone, we need someone else at the top of the card.

The same applies to you, motherfucker.




Bootaaay said:
I'm glad Edge got out before he did himself irreparable damage, but some of these guys are far too attached to the business to leave, even when seriously injured, and others plain can't afford to give it up for whatever reason. Hell, try telling Terry Funk to stop wrestling - how many years ago was Beyond the Mat? The doctor in that tells Terry Funk that he has no cartilage left in his knees and his knee joints are just bone rubbing on bone, yet 12 years later and Funk's still working. Fucking Abby's still hauling his ass to ringside in Japan and any sleazy indy that'll pay him enough, the dude can't even get in the ring unassisted any more. Gypsy Joe still wrestles for fucks sake, and he's nearly 80.

And yet Lawler had a great match at 62 with Miz. It's the shape you're in, though I think working Memphis-style really helps improve the longevity. Bill Dundee and Jimmy Valiant wrestle great for old men also, and Jarrett's in much better shape then most folks in his age group.

I think the modern style of wrestling with the head drops really shortened careers and worsened lives. The guys who didn't work that style, or worked in Japan mostly where they give plenty of time off, seem to have lasted a lot longer.


Glad Edge retired... only because his body is wearing down. Yeah, I think the dude is really entertaining but man I don't want him to be a walking relic and having to be in a wheel chair years from now. He can't feel his arms anymore sometimes... yikes.

Ans regarding the main event for Extreme Rules... hey, it seems like R-Truth being in the ME was for JoMo, but I guess if the sheets are to be believed then he fucked that up too. =p
Swagger face scares the hell out of me. Dat stare.

Swagger should be at the top of the card at Smackdown and not delegated to goofy story lines. Maybe have Cole as his mouthpiece if they're not too happy with his mic skills.

They'll need to fill Edge's gap somehow. We'll see how it goes.
I've seen people say that the Draft is April 18th but doesn't WWE usually do a 3 hour show for it and advertise it the week before? If it was happening next week you would think they would have said something last night. Also, Isn't the next 3 hour show not until June?
I still find it odd that CM Punk was no where to be seen last night, especially during the New Nexus interference on Orton.

Oh, and I'm happy Edge is retiring. Mostly because it's yet another wake-up call for the WWE to actually start pushing new talent. Of course, their idea of "new talent" is a 40 year-old, dude, but, hey, it's a start at least! :D


JavyOO7 said:
Glad Edge retired... only because his body is wearing down. Yeah, I think the dude is really entertaining but man I don't want him to be a walking relic and having to be in a wheel chair years from now. He can't feel his arms anymore sometimes... yikes.

Ans regarding the main event for Extreme Rules... hey, it seems like R-Truth being in the ME was for JoMo, but I guess if the sheets are to be believed then he fucked that up too. =p

But... why R-Truth? :lol :lol :lol

Seriously, I can't believe I'm going to watch a main event with him in it.
Kyoufu said:
But... why R-Truth? :lol :lol :lol

Seriously, I can't believe I'm going to watch a main event with him in it.

He wasn't a focal point or anything, but he was in the Elimination Chamber main event just 2 months ago so it's not like this has been the first time for him. If it was a one on one match with Miz then I would be more surprised.

Mr. Sam

When they didn't put Edge's retirement speech on last, I was sure they had a massive surprise planned. Well, not massive, but a decent surprise. My money was on JoMo and Cena having a twenty minute match, Cena just pulling out the win and then it being revealed that Punk was the sixth man. Instead, I get Cena condescending to R-Truth ("WTF? He kicked out of my suplex, lol!") and then a double DQ ending with R-Truth inexplicably being put into the main event.

Yeah, Edge's retirement speech really couldn't have followed that.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Basileus777 said:


What the hell?
That pisses me off.

Hogan's career (notwithstanding his work in Japan) has consisted of punches, kicks, clotheslines, and leg drops.

Edge has made a career off of high riisk matches that were NOT spotfests (but still almost all of which climax with an amazing bump, even those as a singles competitor. Take his matches with ric flair and foley for instance).

Hell, Edge's finisher is a high impact move with regards to his own shoulder/neck area.

No one likes to see Hogan limp around in the ring anymore, but what's even more offensive is his insinuation that the real boys don't retire and his almost condescending attitude towards edge quitting.

Edge is probably in a much riskier situation than those guys (except maybe Angle). The risk to guys like Flair and Hogan is crippled bones and perpetual aches and pains. Edge's issue is the thinning of the upper spinal cavity and three of the seven cervical vertebrae.

The risk is a matter of paralysis or death, not chronic pain or needing a walker/wheelchair to get anywhere.

Tons of respect lost for Hogan for dismissing the damage the profession does like that.


AdawgDaFAB said:
He wasn't a focal point or anything, but he was in the Elimination Chamber main event just 2 months ago so it's not like this has been the first time for him. If it was a one on one match with Miz then I would be more surprised.

You can't count EC as a "main event". That's like putting 30-40 superstars as main eventers in the royal rumble.


NeoGAF's smiling token!
Kyoufu said:
But... why R-Truth? :lol :lol :lol

Seriously, I can't believe I'm going to watch a main event with him in it.
I really think it was cause of Jomo douching it up. Welcome to midcard hell Jomo! There are plenty of superstars willing to take your place.
Regardless of Truth's presence in the main event scene ranging from minuscule to nonexistant, it is always great to have someone else in the main event scene other than Punk/Cena/Miz/Orton.

He'll cut a promo next week explaining his obvious intentions to win the belt, et cetera. I don't see what's so wrong about it. It all boils down to whom you would rather see in the main event. If this is preventing me from seeing another Cena vs. Miz match, sign me up.


NeoGAF's smiling token!
But the issue here is that Cena said that he wants his match with The Rock to be a match for the title, so this means a year of him chasing the gold regardless of who has it.


Plywood said:
I really think it was cause of Jomo douching it up. Welcome to midcard hell Jomo! There are plenty of superstars willing to take your place.

JoMo has been in midcard hell forever, but my question still stands... why R-Truth and not Ziggler? lol


The Faceless Master said:
wow, i can't believe that RAW ended with R-Truth's music playing!

I thought the general manager was going to announce the #1 contender to be Awesome Kong.

Imagine that, Awesome vs Awesome for the WWE title.
Kyoufu said:
JoMo has been in midcard hell forever, but my question still stands... why R-Truth and not Ziggler? lol

Because they needed a face to go against Miz, plus since it is a triple threat they can play up the whole friendship they have built over time with Truth-Cena.
spindashing said:
Regardless of Truth's presence in the main event scene ranging from minuscule to nonexistant, it is always great to have someone else in the main event scene other than Punk/Cena/Miz/Orton.

He'll cut a promo next week explaining his obvious intentions to win the belt, et cetera. I don't see what's so wrong about it. It all boils down to whom you would rather see in the main event. If this is preventing me from seeing another Cena vs. Miz match, sign me up.

What we are all afraid of is the fact that Truth will get buried at the PPV anyway


cartoon_soldier said:
What we are all afraid of is the fact that Truth will get buried at the PPV anyway

You can't bury something already six feet under.

And trust me, I would rather have SuperCena win than GREEN BAY WHATS UP!!!!


Plywood said:
But the issue here is that Cena said that he wants his match with The Rock to be a match for the title, so this means a year of him chasing the gold regardless of who has it.

If Cena goes into Mania with the title, we'll know Rock is going to lay down for him.

This scenario might be easier to stomach if they can somehow turn Cena full-on heel. Not a tweener where the ladies and little kids still love him - but where everyone in the building hates his guts.
spindashing said:
Does Awesome Kong own the rights to her name?

I know she goes by "Amazing Kong" as well.

TNA owns Awesome Kong, I believe she owns Amazing Kong. I don't think they will use that as her name though.


bill0527 said:
If Cena goes into Mania with the title, we'll know Rock is going to lay down for him.

This scenario might be easier to stomach if they can somehow turn Cena full-on heel. Not a tweener where the ladies and little kids still love him - but where everyone in the building hates his guts.

Gotta keep on selling those shirts!


I just watched Wrestlemania...wow what shit that was.

NOTHING about that wrestlemania felt "epic" outside of Undertaker vs Triple H. It felt so Hollywood and just bad...I don't understand it. I think that it's great if the WWE breaches out and becomes more mainstream, but damn don't water down Wrestlemania...

I still think Wrestlemania 19 is the best Wrestlemania IMO as it combined old school, the attitude gen and the new gen.
spindashing said:
Does Awesome Kong own the rights to her name?

I know she goes by "Amazing Kong" as well.

She's Amazing Kong on the indies and in Japan, Awesome Kong in TNA - I'd guess she owns the rights to Amazing Kong, which was probably why it was altered for TNA.
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