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April Wrasslin |OT| WrassleMania Sucked

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BoboBrazil said:
Vince Russo opened up a twitter http://twitter.com/Vince_Russo Unfortunately I don't think he has a grasp on how to make a relevant tweet as he just says hi to everybody lol



Jeff Albertson said:
Is Tarver still injured? I just looked over some recent FCW results and it seems like he's been reduced to accompanying people to the ring even there!
Does he play an agent as his gimmick? I have no idea what his role with the company is. He is ok in the mic though so I figured they have something for him by now.
Vince Russo's twitter said:
I heard Adam Copeland "Edge" retired 7 minutes ago via web

realMickFoley A sad day for wrestling, but what an amazing career for Edge. I was so fortunate to have been his opponent, his partner, his friend. about 15 hours ago via web Retweeted by Vince_Russo

@Christian4Peeps Hey Christian how you doing its Russo about 19 hours ago via web

@TheRealMorrison How are you? 10:34 AM Apr 11th via web in reply to TheRealMorrison

Is this for real?


Hmm what will happen tonight

I can foresee a Fatal Fourway match at extreme Rules between Rey, Cody, Del Rio and Christian, assuming they don't just give the title to someone in a Battle Royale tonight.
Jeff Albertson said:
Look like a fake account trying to get wrestlers to follow him

That was the first thing I thought too. Reminded me of that fake Dixie account that tricked Hogan into promoting her "return to twitter" a little while ago.
AdawgDaFAB said:
That was the first thing I thought too. Reminded me of that fake Dixie account that tricked Hogan into promoting her "return to twitter" a little while ago.

Nah, a few TNA people confirmed it was really him. Why he would say he heard Edge retired after he retweeted Mick Foley about him retiring is hilarious though. Maybe that is why he keeps creating the same angles over and over in wrestling.


formerly cjelly
Penguin said:
Hmm what will happen tonight

I can foresee a Fatal Fourway match at extreme Rules between Rey, Cody, Del Rio and Christian, assuming they don't just give the title to someone in a Battle Royale tonight.
I'm sure there'll be some bullshit of Teddy handing over the title to someone tonight or something.

Common sense would be a series of knockout matches and the finalists competing at Extreme Rules for the title.
If Vince was as angry about things as it has been said, then I wonder if Mistico just stood there and got berated by Vince; only to turned to a translator and ask him what Vince was yelling about. :lol
AdawgDaFAB said:
That was the first thing I thought too. Reminded me of that fake Dixie account that tricked Hogan into promoting her "return to twitter" a little while ago.
A similar thing happened when someone made a fake Hogan twitter (or was that Bischoff?) and was really successful in making people believe he was Hogan (or Bischoff).

Oh, TNA you gullible bunch, you.


The whole "Vince is mad at Sin Cara for botching his entrance" story is just another example of bullshit. It was initially a joke on PWInsider Audio that later got turned into a newz~! story by garbage second-hand sites like NoDQ.
RBH said:
The whole "Vince is mad at Sin Cara for botching his entrance" story is just another example of bullshit. It was initially a joke on PWInsider Audio that later got turned into a newz~! story by garbage second-hand sites like NoDQ.

That is what I pointed out about the quote said previously. The Vince being mad part wasn't a joke, but the Primo getting fired out of spite part was.

In a text recap of the audio Mike Johnson wrote:
*Vince McMahon absolutely hates the Sin Cara trampoline entrance, especially after Cara nearly messed it up two out of the first three times he performed it on television. It was nearly killed after Raw and may end up completely scrapped.

NXT Opening Spoiler:

*Maryse comes out and says if she has to pick between NXT and Ted DiBiase, she picked NXT.

LOL, Ted still being made to look like a tool.
Kyoufu said:
Why is vince so afraid of botches?

IMO the entrance looks impressive when it hits right (like on Smackdown), especially since you can't see the trampoline on TV the way it is shot. However, it was nearly messed up 2 out of 3 times and it would be better to scrap the whole thing than keep using it. They COULD tweak it by setting up the trampoline differently, but it could look REALLY bad if he completely botches it one day, so why risk it?
I know the style is different and it will take him a while to get used to the "WWE style", but is Mistico used to working lots of shorter TV matches in Mexico, like he will have to here, or are they generally given more time to build their stories? I could see that being a growing pain for him if he is used to having much more time in his matches.


AdawgDaFAB said:
I know the style is different and it will take him a while to get used to the "WWE style", but is Mistico used to working lots of shorter TV matches in Mexico, like he will have to here, or are they generally given more time to build their stories? I could see that being a growing pain for him if he is used to having much more time in his matches.
I think the tougher thing for him is having enough competition that can actually perform to his style. We know there are a few guys but those few almost lock him to midcard/jobber for life
antonz said:
I think the tougher thing for him is having enough competition that can actually perform to his style. We know there are a few guys but those few almost lock him to midcard/jobber for life

Yeah, how many guys could he actually do that finisher to?

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
worldrunover said:
Yeah, how many guys could he actually do that finisher to?

That's exactly what got me about his new finisher. Guys like Bourne, JoMo or Danielson could take it, no problem. I'm sure Del Rio could as well. But outside of them, I don't see a lot of the bigger WWE guys being able to flip off the top rope like that.
Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
It's just a front flip. Shit's easier from the top rope than the mat.

I dunno, balancing the guy on the top rope and then executing the flip properly seems like it would be tough on a bigger guy. Maybe not, I guess we'll see.

EDIT: plus, how would the guy even get up there? They'd have to take more liberties than the already ridiculous Rey Mysterio-getting everyone to fall in between the ropes 4 times a match.


Partial Smackdown shit

* Alberto Del Rio comes out and says tonight is about Edge. Del Rio says it is his destiny to win the World Heavyweight Championship but not this way. He says Edge should just come out and present him with the belt. Teddy Long comes out and says it won't be going down like that. Long informs Del Rio he'll still fight in a Ladder Match at Extreme Rules for the belt but a new number one contender will be determined in a 20-man over-the-top battle royal later tonight.

* Ezekiel Jackson b. Kofi Kingston w/The Corre on commentary. After the match, Jackson gets on the mic and says he is the personification of domination and after the battle royal he will be the number one contender and everyone will know including The Corre.

* LayCool are shown talking to a therapist about being a team but Michelle McCool doesn't like it.

* Cody Rhodes comes out and says beating Rey Mysterio at Wrestlemania isn't enough. He says he is going to win the battle royal tonight and win the World Heavyweight Championship at Extreme Rules. Winning the title will be the only gratification for his disfigurement and he will not stop until he disfigures Mysterio's face and gets vindication. Mysterio hits the ring and gives him a 619.

* WWE airs the Awesome Kong vignette.

* Rey Mysterio b. Drew McIntyre after hitting the 619.

* Backstage, Edge is getting an ovation from the Smackdown locker room. Edge and Kane shake hands.
I didn't read the SD spoilers but I hope it's a tournament for the title at the PPV! I'm sure we can get 8 guys in on this and make interesting matches.
worldrunover said:
I dunno, balancing the guy on the top rope and then executing the flip properly seems like it would be tough on a bigger guy. Maybe not, I guess we'll see.

EDIT: plus, how would the guy even get up there? They'd have to take more liberties than the already ridiculous Rey Mysterio-getting everyone to fall in between the ropes 4 times a match.
How does anyone ever do a superplex?


dream said:
Partial Smackdown shit

* Alberto Del Rio comes out and says tonight is about Edge. Del Rio says it is his destiny to win the World Heavyweight Championship but not this way. He says Edge should just come out and present him with the belt. Teddy Long comes out and says it won't be going down like that. Long informs Del Rio he'll still fight in a Ladder Match at Extreme Rules for the belt but a new number one contender will be determined in a 20-man over-the-top battle royal later tonight.
Battle royals that aren't the Rumble should be banned from television. What a waste of creative energy they are!

We all wanted a tournament - which would have been compelling - but we get this jobberpalooza shit instead.

On an unrelated note...


"Thank you, Mr. Hogan, for proving once again that NO legacy is safe from technology. When you want to diminutize Edge's injuries by talking about how you wrestled hurt, etc., why not run it by a publicist first? So that way, someone with an education can tell you "Mr. Bollea, I think this is the worst idea you've had since Santa with Muscles." He's tainting his legacy worse than Brett Favre, and he can't even get the dude points for sending his junk to a hot girl. I respect Edge a hell of a lot more for walking away and valuing the time he wants to have with his family than someone who is so immersed in his own superstardom that his family is a broken dysfunctional reality-TV mess. Edge was inspired to enter pro wrestling by watching Hogan at Wrestlemania 6, and then had his dream fulfilled by becoming a tag team champion with Hogan roughly a decade ago. And this is Hogan's repayment? A slap in the face like that? Maybe Hogan needs to watch Edge be a man and take notes from HIM instead."

Couldn't have said it any better myself.


Thank You Edge!
- IWantWrestling.com

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
Professor Beef said:
How does anyone ever do a superplex?

That's usually one guy lifting the other guy up and sitting him on the top rope, then climbing up themselves. I'd like to see Sin Cara do that to someone like Barrett or Punk without it looking ridiculous.
Seraphis Cain said:
That's usually one guy lifting the other guy up and sitting him on the top rope, then climbing up themselves. I'd like to see Sin Cara do that to someone like Barrett or Punk without it looking ridiculous.
People have done superplexes with both guys standing on the top rope before (although it's not very common, I'll admit). I'm just saying that Sin Cara can do his finisher on just about everyone on the roster, with the obvious exceptions.


* Edge comes out and gives a recap of his career. He says he is going to miss all of it. "Thank you" chants fill the arena. Edge says he wants to do his intro one more time. He's pumped now and talking about how great the WWE doctors are and says he's taking his girl and going surfing. Edge is happy he got to say goodbye in Albany because it's the place where he won his first championship. In fact it was in a cab in Albany where Edge came up with the nickname Edge. He introduces his mother who is sitting in the front row and thanks her for all her support. To him his title has meant everything to him but the belt is not his. Edge says every fan holds a piece of it as he relinquishes the belt. Edge says it's been a heck of a ride concluding another emotional shoot of a speech.

* Backstage, Alberto Del Rio interrupts Edge. Del Rio extends his hand but Edge stares him down. Del Rio smiles as Edge walks away.


dream said:
* Backstage, Alberto Del Rio interrupts Edge. Del Rio extends his hand but Edge stares him down. Del Rio smiles as Edge walks away.

Man, no need for Edge to be a dick



* Kelly Kelly vs. Layla. Layla tries to do their entrance but Michelle McCool goes straight to the ring. Kelly wins via roll-up. McCool comes in the ring and shoves Layla across the ring and leaves.

* They air a video package of WWE superstars commenting on The Undertaker vs. Triple H from Wrestlemania.

In the Battle Royal: Big Show, Kane, The Corre, Heath Slater, Jack Swagger, Brodus Clay, Christian, Cody Rhodes, Drew McIntyre, Yoshi Tatsu, Kofi Kingston, Rey Mysterio, Tyler Reks, Chris Masters, Chavo Guerrero, Curt Hawkins, Trent Baretta and JTG. The final four are Christian, Rey, Swagger and Justin Gabriel. Rey eliminated Gabriel. Swagger eliminated Rey


Rafa=FedKilla said:
Winner has already been revealed brah.

I mean, you can tell from that previous spoiler. Christian and Swagger as the final two? Please, like they're going to have Del Rio vs Swagger for the title at Extreme Rules


The ending of Smackdown is pretty fucking crazy:

They air a video package of WWE superstars commenting on The Undertaker vs. Triple H from Wrestlemania.
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