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April Wrasslin |OT| WrassleMania Sucked

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I'm curious what they will do on Smackdown, I mean the obvious thing would be to set up the ladder match at Extreme Rules.

But I can also see them moving over someone like Punk or Orton to win the title and become the champion/dominate force on Smackdown.
After Raw went off the air, Randy Orton gave the RKO to Alex Riley. John Cena then gave the Attitude Adjustment to The Miz.

Both Cena and Orton paid their respects to Edge, who announced earlier in the show that he would never compete again due to a serious spinal condition. Cena referred to him by his real name, Adam Copeland. Cena recalled Edge winning the WWE Championship from him in the Elimination Chamber and that people thought he would never amount to more than a tag team champion.

Cena mentioned that when Edge said he was leaving due to medical reasons, he wasn’t joking. Cena asked for one more send-off from the audience so Edge could hear them backstage.

Cena placed the microphone in the center of the ring and the crowd gave Edge a standing ovation. Both Cena and Orton left the ringside area to conclude the event.
- Vince McMahon was said to be furious at Sin Cara's botched entrance on RAW last week when he attacked Sheamus. When the botch happened on RAW last night, there were guys watching monitors in the back that were joking around that "that was it" for Cara and Primo would probably be fired out of spite.
Wrekt said:

... =(
Bootaaay said:
She's Amazing Kong on the indies and in Japan, Awesome Kong in TNA - I'd guess she owns the rights to Amazing Kong, which was probably why it was altered for TNA.
I wouldn't be surprised if she uses a new name, too.

BoboBrazil said:
- Vince McMahon was said to be furious at Sin Cara's botched entrance on RAW last week when he attacked Sheamus. When the botch happened on RAW last night, there were guys watching monitors in the back that were joking around that "that was it" for Cara and Primo would probably be fired out of spite.
I thought this was a joke until I checked out NoDQ.com. Why would Primo be fired for that situation? I'm sure Primo would be fired with the culling of the roster, though...
BoboBrazil said:
- Vince McMahon was said to be furious at Sin Cara's botched entrance on RAW last week when he attacked Sheamus. When the botch happened on RAW last night, there were guys watching monitors in the back that were joking around that "that was it" for Cara and Primo would probably be fired out of spite.

Who reported that? I heard Mike Johnson talking about it on the PWInsider RAW post game audio and he basically said that same thing, but the Primo thing was said as a complete joke and not something serious (although, as Spin said I could see him being part of a jobber bloodletting soon anyways).


AdawgDaFAB said:
Because they needed a face to go against Miz, plus since it is a triple threat they can play up the whole friendship they have built over time with Truth-Cena.
A natural elevation of Truth to the main event would have worked last year with Cena-Truth-Barrett fighting for the title. Truth could have turned heel on Cena after John "sold out" his principles to the Nexus and we would have naturally bought into it.

Whereas what they're doing now just reeks.
UberTag said:
A natural elevation of Truth to the main event would have worked last year with Cena-Truth-Barrett fighting for the title. Truth could have turned heel on Cena after John "sold out" his principles to the Nexus and we would have naturally bought into it.

Whereas what they're doing now just reeks.
Out of all the previous complaints about this situation in this thread, I finally agree with this one. Now a match up like that during that time would have been something.

Maybe they can revisit that moment in the current feud somehow.


matthardybrand : Heard Adam is retiring because of physical issues that won't allow him to safely continue wrestling. He'll be missed, we've certainly had our fair share of issues.. Both good and bad. But I tip my hat to Edge who is one of the greatest I've ever been in the ring with.

Adam resides in NC now-sure I'll run into him down the road. Glad that him & I are in a good place. We came in as friends, & went out that way.


It is nice to see all of the wrestlers coming out and showing their support of him. Hogan, as much as I admired him as a child, is a fucking dick.
JdFoX187 said:
It is nice to see all of the wrestlers coming out and showing their support of him. Hogan, as much as I admired him as a child, is a fucking dick.


They need a face for Smackdown now. I'd imagine they'd put the strap on Del Rio and build some faces to go at him in addition to Christian. Del Rio can pull off the rich JBL-esque angle very well and could do so for a long time.

Sin Cara on Smackdown would be an easy one. They'd work well in the ring. Del Rio can gain heat as he'll talk. Cara will get over with his ringwork.

I'd also take JoMo over there. I think Del Rio and JoMo would work nicely too. A mixture of technique, good spots, high flying etc.
Not often I say it but props to Hardy for this one.

One thing I forgot to mention about Raw was that HHH - Taker segment infuriated me, the match was good but not worthy of this weekly cocksucking session, it's really quite obnoxious.
bill0527 said:
Yeah seriously. I'm scared. I'm only 36 and my wife says they'll probably order a colonoscopy on me. Normally you don't have to get one until you are 40 or 45.

3 weeks ago I wiped and it was nothing but blood. And blood all over the poopie. I freaked out. Next morning same thing, although not quite as bad. Hasn't happened since although there was a week or so where it felt like someone was trying to ram a baseball bat up my ass when I was letting go on the toilet. Haven't had any pain or blood for a couple of weeks though.

Is this in the right thred?

Anyway I've had a colonoscopy, not fun but not the worst thing ever.
Hmm that Dixie Carter news hasn't been posted on any sites yet. It could be bs by the Honky Tonk Man, although he was right about Jimmy Hart.


Kyoufu said:
JoMo isn't going to get anywhere, send him off to smackdown and give me Cody Rhodes on RAW!
Why would Smackdown make such a negative trade

RAW can't use guys like Bourne, Ziggler, Bryan, and Morrison correctly now. Why would it suddenly change with Rhodes? And Cody isn't getting the WWE title with poops in bags and Cener on the show, unfortunately. Plus Miz and Punk would be above him on the totem poll. He's better suited on Smackdown where he has the best opportunity to shine. Ziggler should have been kept there as well.


NeoGAF's smiling token!
BoboBrazil said:
- Vince McMahon was said to be furious at Sin Cara's botched entrance on RAW last week when he attacked Sheamus. When the botch happened on RAW last night, there were guys watching monitors in the back that were joking around that "that was it" for Cara and Primo would probably be fired out of spite.
How about you fuckers raise the trampoline a couple damn inches already. I mean I don't mind laughing every time his feet hits the top rope but damn.


Plywood said:
How about you fuckers raise the trampoline a couple damn inches already. I mean I don't mind laughing every time his feet hits the top rope but damn.

I think he's just not going to use it going forward. Why take the risk? He's barely clearing the top rope and he needs to hit the trampoline perfectly to make a dive.
Plywood said:
How about you fuckers raise the trampoline a couple damn inches already. I mean I don't mind laughing every time his feet hits the top rope but damn.

Really who thought this would be a good idea to do every time he comes to the ring. It's guaranteed to be botched and to put it week after week on live tv is asking for it. His match with Primo was kinda horrible though. He should have squashed him.
Just got done watching wXw - KREUZZUG ZXI which is German promotion wXw's first show ever in the US and first ever iPPV, live from the ECW Arena last Saturday.

Show kicks off with an inter-promotional 4-way match - Brandon Gatson, representing PWG vs Chuck Taylor, representing EVOLVE vs Johnny Gargano, representing DGUSA vs Emil Sitoci, representing wXw. Really fun opening match, although a bit of a spot-fest. Chuck Taylor is as great as ever, but it's Johnny Gargano who looked above and beyond in this match - he is going to be one of the biggest indy stars of 2011, mark my words. I love his Diced Bread finisher (which is a standing Sliced Bread #2, but Gargano lands on his feet and hits a spiked neck breaker) and his low-altitude Ace Crusher is very impressive. PWG's Brandon Gatson is another one to look out for. He's got such power and size, but moves about the ring so athletically - his Handspring Suicida and front-flip Sidewalk Slam have to be seen to be believed. Emil Sitoci is the odd man out here, despite having more experience than half the other guys in the ring. He picks up the win after a quick roll-up.

Next up is the monster Bad Bones against the 16 Carat Gold 2011 winner Sami Callihan. This match didn't click with me for whatever reason, but I often find that with Bad Bones matches - for every Chris Hero vs Bad Bones encounter, there's a half-dozen dull matches againt guys Bones doesn't seem to work well with. This was one such match, but both guys put a lot of effort in. Bones hit a sick elevated backbreaker across the ring apron early on, but Callihan picked up the win with his unique kneelock submission.

A true heavyweight tag match next, as wXw's Big Van Walter & 'Big Rig' Brodie Lee take on the team of ROH's Michael Elgin & 'The Englishman' Johnny Moss. Elgin & Moss are pretty huge, but they're both dwarfed by Lee & Walter in this one. Walter isn't the best worker, but he's just such a monster. This one had some great back and forth action and a ton of spots that sent the crowd wild. Most impressive was either Brodie Lee catching Moss in mid-air and hitting a sit-out powerbomb or Johhny Moss hitting a dead-lift German suplex on Big Van Walter. Michael Elgin was a force to be reckoned with in this match, his strength is truly insane as he hit a front suplex on Walter, a savage scoop slam on Brodie Lee, a freaking Blue Thunder Driver on Walter and for the run into the finish he did Cena's double Attitude Adjustment spot on both Walter & Lee! That's 630 pounds across his shoulders! Elgin then picks up the win with his smooth as silk Tumbleweed Senton. Great match.

Next up is Karsten Beck vs The Necro Butcher - ugh, not a fan of Beck and he doesn't endear himself much in this match against the Butcher. Speaking of Necro, he's looking even more overweight since he left ROH. Match starts with Necro busting himself open by headbutting Beck before going through all the usual Necro spots (fist exchanges, scoop slam with a chair, attempted Tiger Driver) - Beck wins with a roll-up.

Another tag match now, this time between two of the best junior heavyweight teams in the business - ROH's Adam Cole & Kyle O'Reilly vs IPW:UK's 'LDRS of the New School' (Zach Sabre Jr. & Marty Scurll). Starts off with both teams going flat-out. Scurll & Sabre are sooooo smooth with their double-teams, reminicent of The Young Bucks, but less flashy and more shoot-style orientated. Scurll hits a savage kick to the back of Cole's head and the match slows down into a usual tag formula, until Cole gets the hot tag to O'Reilly. Great double team move here as O'Reilly holds Skurl in a powerbomb position while Cole drop-kicks him in the head. They work over Scurll's arm and keep him away from his corner, but he eventually gets the hot tag to Sabre, who is one of the most impressive young wrestlers today. Sabre hits a very inventive spot as O'Reilly goes for the leap-frog, Sabre hangs onto his leg, slamming him face first into the mat. O'Reilly is trained by Davey Richards, and it really shows as he and Sabre get into an excellently worked strike exchange;

Sabre gets the better of O'Reilly with a stiff kick to the sternum, he goes for another kick but O'Reilly hangs on and transitions cleverly to try for a reverse fisherman buster, but Sabre gets the knee up to O'Reilly's face, freeing himself from the hold. He goes for another kick attempt, only for O'Reilly to hang on again and this time try for a short-arm clothesline, but Sabre catches the arm into a rolling cross arm-breaker! Goddamn! That whole segment took less than 8 seconds. These guys are lightening fast.

The match starts to break down as all four guys are in the ring, but it looks like the LDRS have the advantadge as they go for their double team finisher - Sabre holds Cole over his shoulder, Scurll hits a dropkick onto the back of Cole's head, propelling both Cole & Sabre backwards into a Michinoku driver, Scurll comes down in a senton across O'Reilly, but before the ref can count the Michinoku driver O'Reilly roles up Scurll for the 3-count. Excellent tag match and match of the night so far.

Next up BJW star Daisuke Sekimoto defending the wXw Unified Title for the 6th time in just one month against ROH's Chris Hero. Daisuke has been a pro for over ten years now, but these past two years he has been on fire, gaining notice the world over as a member of Team BJW in CHIKARA's King of Trios tournament and now as wXw's Unified Champ. Hero has been wrestling for just as long and not only has made a name for himself in the US as one of the best heavyweights and tag team wrestlers on the indy circuit, but it starting to become a big name in Japan as well, with a number of successful tours of Pro Wrestling NOAH. Needless to say, I'm expecting great things from this match.

Things start off slow with some technical exchanges as both guys try to take the advantadge, Sekimoto utilising his power and Hero utilising his height and technical wrestling skill. Hero starts to get frustrated as Sekimoto has a slam in answer to every hold Hero tries apply, so he tries to take the big man off his feet and finally manages to do so with a big kick and knee combination. Hero hits the running senton, but Daisuke locks his hands and powers out into a dead-lift German attempt which Hero counters with a rolling elbow that Daisuke neatly avoids, having done his homework on Hero. Both guys get fired up and instigate a nasty strike exchange in the center of the ring. Hero's chest is bright purple from Sekimoto's savage chops. Hero starts to get frustrated as Sekimoto just WONT go down, no matter how many strikes he hits. Finally, Hero takes the champ off his feet with a sick reverse elbow and goes on a run of moves as he uses his height & high flying ability to good use. Sekimoto fights back and locks Hero into the torture rack, but Hero counters with a cravate choke that forces Daisuke to drop Hero to the floor, only to obliterate Hero with a DISGUSTING Saito Suplex. Daisuke goes for the frog splash, but Hero gets the knees up and takes Sekimoto down with a kick to the head and savage KO Elbow for a 2-count. Daisuke looks really rattled, so Hero goes for a power move and after a bit of struggling hits a sit-down Piledriver for another 2-count. Hero goes for the KO again, but Sekimoto counters into a flash pin for 2. Hero is enraged and hits a nasty-ass rolling big boot, but can't make the cover. He goes for the KO once more, but Sekimoto escapes and lariats him to hell. Daisuke goes for the finish, but Hero counters with elbows so Daisuke runs him into the corner and tries for the Okana roll into a German, but it's only a 2-count. Daisuke can't believe it, he hits another savage looking lariat. 2-count again! The big man from Japan is enraged, he stalks over to Hero's lifeless form and picks him up for ANOTHER dead-lift German suplex and this time Hero finally stays down for the count. Goddamn, what a great heavyweight match - it started a bit slow, and I think Daisuke could've sold Hero's elbows better in the beginning, plus the ECW Arena crowd freaking suck, but even so this was a fantastic heavyweight encounter between two of my favourites working today. Match of the Night!

The next match is a deathmatch, so they take an intermission while getting everything set up and meanwhile we're treated to the final of the wXw AMBITION Shoot Style tournament between Bryan Danielson & Johnny Moss. This is a fantastic match that I raved about when the tournament took place last year. Moss is the much larger of the two, and Danielson makes him look like an utter beast here, selling his ass off for Johnny's huge suplex's. Danielson picks up the win after locking in the Triangle Choke and KO'ing Moss with elbows to the top of the head. BEST IN THE WORLD!

It's main event time, as CZW's Drake Younger takes on deathmatch wrestling legend 'The Crazy Monkey' Jun Kasai in a barbed wire ropes & boards deathmatch. Things start off, bizarely, with some actual wrestling, before quickly spilling outside where Drake opens Jun's forehead with the barbed wire ropes. Back in the ring, they tustle for the advantage, trying to desperately keep away from the ropes, until Drake sends Jun through a barbed wire board at crazy velocity for a 2-count. They both try to whip each other into the ropes, but Drake goes to the eyes and hits a sick suplex on Jun, draping his legs over the barbed wire for 2. Ouch. Drake picks up Jun and scoop slams him back first onto the ropes, but still can't get more than 2. Kasai is bleeding buckets now, as Drake gets a load of paraphanalia from under the ring. He sets up a ladder and places a chair on Kasai. Climbing the ladder he hits a double stomp onto the chair, but can still only get two! Kasai fights back and flapjacks Drake chest-first onto the wire, then hits a disgusting snap suplex for 2. Drake counters a suplex attempt and goes for Drake's Landing (Cop Killa/Kudo Driver), but Jun escapes out of it only for Drake to hit him with a Death Valley Driver onto the ladder. To quote Gabe Sapolsky...DAAAANNNGGEEERROOUUSSSSS!!!!! Both guys are bleeding buckets by this point. Drake sets up the ladder again, but Jun follows him up and suplexs him off the ladder onto a barbed wire board! But instead of going for a cover he picks Drake up again and hits a brainbuster on the board. Somehow Drake kicks out, so Jun hits a goddamn Angel's Wings onto the barbed wire. He goes back up the ladder, but Drake follows him and now it's his turn to hit a suplex onto the barbed wire - only Kasai fucking NO-SELLS a suplex off a ladder onto a barbed wire board and gets straight back up and hits a German onto the barbed wire. Fucking 2-count AGAIN. Ugh. Kasai goes back up to the top, dons his goggles and hits the frog splash onto Drake who is wrapped up in barbed wire. Drake kicks out at ONE! WTF? Kasai picks up Drake and hits a goddamn Jay Driller right onto the barbed wire to FINALLY get the 3-count. Drake is so fucked up at this point, seriously bleeding buckets.

Overall this was a fun show that was hampered by a lacklustre crowd (probably because wXw aren't all that well known), but there were a bunch of great matches, namely the heavyweight & cruiserweight tag matches and Hero vs Sekimoto. The main event was fine for a deathmatch, but too many kicks out and too much overkill. Shouldn't have been on last, but I get that Jun Kasai in the US was the main selling point.
AnEternalEnigma said:
Joey Styles:

Which makes it all the more perplexing that they'd pick a guy like Matt Cross and not a guy like Austin Aries. Both are physically gifted, but Aries is one of the best talkers on the indies whereas Matt Cross has ALWAYS been as dull as ditch-water, which is the reason he never got over in ROH.


AnEternalEnigma said:
Joey Styles:

I'm sure a Matt's a nice guy .. but he totally blew it with his one-on-one with Luke. I agree 100% with Styles. He wrestled to their level and that cost him, however, I can't get past the feeling that it was more of a statement elimination than anything else.


Bootaaay said:
Which makes it all the more perplexing that they'd pick a guy like Matt Cross and not a guy like Austin Aries. Both are physically gifted, but Aries is one of the best talkers on the indies whereas Matt Cross has ALWAYS been as dull as ditch-water, which is the reason he never got over in ROH.
Yeh I really can't blame them for cutting him. He was given a chance to show what he could do and decided not to do any high flying since it would be showing off too much. That was the point of the excersie. Then Austin is trying to tell him to be assertive and he responds with "permission to speak sir?" Its a shame because he is talented and seems like a nice guy but he doomed himself. Seems everyone on the show is getting a developmental contract though so seems he is getting a second chance.
I really don't get why Austin Aries wasn't picked to be on this. He would have been great.


Dork Knight said:
Curious: Why do you troll Daniel Bryan so much? Is there a real reason beside the lulz? If so, I'd honestly like to hear it! :D

I don't know. I think I'm just trying to get all my Daniel Bryan hate out before he gets future endeavored.
dream said:
I don't know. I think I'm just trying to get all my Daniel Bryan hate out before he gets future endeavored.

Ah! Makes more sense now. Haha! Just wondering.

And I seriously doubt he will get FE'd.

Speaking FE's...let's start our prediction pool! Maybe we can do something similar to our 'Mania predictions? I'm not good at setting that stuff up, so I'll just throw out my 10 predictions (all male, btw, 'cause I don't keep track of the divas).

1. Curt Hawkings
2. Primo
3. Yoshi Tatsu
4. Ted Debiase (yeah, I'm going there!)
5. Uso 1
6. Uso 2
7. Trent Barreta
8. Tyler Reks
9. JTG
10. David Hart Smith

Seems like a lot...but, honestly, when have any of these guys done anything lately? Besides Primo botching it up last night?


My only thought on why they would take Cross instead of Aries is that Aries is more high profile than what they might be looking for. His body of work already speaks for itself, if they wanted to give him a deal they would have by now, I would imagine.

I think them getting rid of Cross was a statement thing. Chances are he could have gotten far, but maybe they took the educated guess knowing he wasn't gonna win it all, so they made an example of him.


Dork Knight said:
Ah! Makes more sense now. Haha! Just wondering.

And I seriously doubt he will get FE'd.

Speaking FE's...let's start our prediction pool! Maybe we can do something similar to our 'Mania predictions? I'm not good at setting that stuff up, so I'll just throw out my 10 predictions (all male, btw, 'cause I don't keep track of the divas).

1. Curt Hawkings
2. Primo
3. Yoshi Tatsu
4. Ted Debiase (yeah, I'm going there!)
5. Uso 1
6. Uso 2
7. Trent Barreta
8. Tyler Reks
9. JTG
10. David Hart Smith

Seems like a lot...but, honestly, when have any of these guys done anything lately? Besides Primo botching it up last night?
I'm not joking when I say this, I really have no idea what Trent Barreta looks like.


Sting to make a rare appearance at a TNA house show in June:

The superstars of Total Nonstop Action (TNA) Wrestling’s “TNA iMPACT” on Spike (Thursday at 8pm CT) are invading Memphis! “TNA Wrestling’s BaseBrawl” presented by Direct Auto Insurance will hit AutoZone Park on Saturday, June 11 starting at 7:30pm for an unforgettable night of action. Hit a Grand Slam this summer with “TNA Wrestling’s BaseBrawl!”
This event will feature a rare appearance from the TNA World Heavyweight Champion, “The Icon” Sting. Sting will be returning to Memphis where his career began over twenty years ago.

“TNA Wrestling’s BaseBrawl” is a family oriented wrestling event complete with your favorite TNA superstars, fireworks and all the hot summer action you can handle! After the show, stick around for the special fireworks brought to you by TNA Wrestling and the Redbirds!

Appearing live in person at AutoZone Park will be:

-“The Icon” STING
-Olympic Gold Medalist KURT ANGLE
-“King of the Mountain” JEFF JARRETT
-“The Blueprint” MATT MORGAN

* Ring announcer Jeremy Borash will hide a backstage pass at AutoZone Park and announce its location on Twitter before the show!
* At “TNA Wrestling’s BaseBrawl” in Memphis, fans can GET CLOSER to these Superstars and the LOUDEST FANS will be invited backstage for a special TNA experience!
* Fans that purchase a $50 ticket will receive a special meet and greet with TNA Superstars at 5:30pm! (Redeemable with ticket the night of the show)

Additionally, TNA Wrestling is offering a once in a lifetime opportunity, “TNA BaseBrawl VIP Icon Xperience”, which includes:

* Field Level Seating - $50 ticket including a special meet and greet with TNA Superstars at 5:30pm
* Special Edition Sting Louisville Slugger BaseBrawl Baseball bat (valued at $150)
* Post-Show Private VIP Meet and Greet with “The Icon” Sting to receive the bat and get it signed!
* Official TNA BaseBrawl event t-shirt (valued at $25)
* Official 2011 TNA Program (valued at $20)

Only 60 of these exclusive packages will be available and the price is only $199. Visit http://www.ShopTNA.com for more details.

TICKETS: On sale Friday, April 15 at http://www.memphisredbirds.com and charge by phone at 901-721-6000. Tickets will also be available for purchase at the AutoZone Park box office. With each TNA ticket purchased, fans receive a free field box ticket to a Memphis Redbirds game the week of July 17-21, 2011. The TNA ticket must be presented in person at the AutoZone Park Box Office for redemption. ($13 value, subject to availability; details at http://www.memphisredbirds.com


Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
Dork Knight said:
I still find it odd that CM Punk was no where to be seen last night, especially during the New Nexus interference on Orton.

Oh, and I'm happy Edge is retiring. Mostly because it's yet another wake-up call for the WWE to actually start pushing new talent. Of course, their idea of "new talent" is a 40 year-old, dude, but, hey, it's a start at least! :D

He's also been MIA from Twitter for the past 5 days, which is pretty odd. Maybe it's just a coincidence.

Or maybe WWE sent him to a reeducation camp over the "wrestling" tweet.


formerly cjelly
Lost Fragment said:
He's also been MIA from Twitter for the past 5 days, which is pretty odd. Maybe it's just a coincidence.

Or maybe WWE sent him to a reeducation camp over the "wrestling" tweet.
He could be in Europe doing press before next weeks tour. Sheamus is over here already, as well.


Lost Fragment said:
He's also been MIA from Twitter for the past 5 days, which is pretty odd. Maybe it's just a coincidence.

Or maybe WWE sent him to a reeducation camp over the "wrestling" tweet.

Maybe SCSA got his hands on Punk and gave him a stunner! Poor Punk :(
Bootaaay said:
Which makes it all the more perplexing that they'd pick a guy like Matt Cross and not a guy like Austin Aries. Both are physically gifted, but Aries is one of the best talkers on the indies whereas Matt Cross has ALWAYS been as dull as ditch-water, which is the reason he never got over in ROH.

They probably picked him on purpose for the cast knowing this would happen. That way they could use it as a "lesson to prove" or some such nonsense. At the very least, it should have sent a message to the rest of the cast that what WWE wants is more than just being great in the ring.

Mr. Sam

BoboBrazil said:
They should send Daniel Bryan to Smackdown. He would be better off probably being on the 2nd brand.

If they were going to give JoMo's push to someone, I would have thought Daniel Bryan would have been the perfect choice. Apparently not.
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