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April Wrasslin |OT| WrassleMania Sucked

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spindashing said:
I miss the tag team division on WWE TV. Hell, I miss tag team wrestling altogether on WWE TV. It's become so scarce.

It blows my mind that they neglect the tag division. Not only is great tag wrestling so damn entertaining, but it frees up some of the lower-mid card wrestlers from having to be singles competitors, allows wrestlers who aren't so hot on the mic to just WRESTLE, and can take up a 10-15 minute portion of the TV shows which makes booking the rest of the show that much easier without resorting to filler.

The WWE tag division is an absolute disaster. I can almost say the same about TNA with their tag titles being tied up in a stable war, Alex Shelly is injured, Desmond Wolfe is MIA, Generation Me are feuding, Team 3D broke up, Ink INC constantly in matches that don't do a thing for them, Gunner and Murphy suck, etc. etc.

Thank God for ROH who are doing great tag wrestling even with a small roster.
Penguin said:
Its interesting to think... but this is the first time... we're guaranteed a new world champion... in years really... I guess... perhaps not since Rock/Mankind at Survivor Series 98
Edge is gonna come back at Extreme Rules, spear everyone, and regain the World Heavyweight Championship while the announcers scream "The Ultimate Opportunist!" right?

Right? :(


Heath Slater = King Slender

HHH really needs to let people have their moment. Fucking hell, son.

The only people there that should have got into that ring were Christian, Chavo, Big Show and Kane. If Taker was there, him too.

Its a real shame that the opponents that helped make Edge a name in the WWF/E aren't with the company any more. (Hardys, Dudleys, Too Cool).

Edge is a lock for HOF at Montreal.
spindashing said:
Are any of the WWE Movies good, or at least tolerable? The Condemned looked okay judging from the previews.

I liked See No Evil, really fun and Knucklehead was decent enough.

Pretty sure Christian will end up with a title run due to this Edge stuff but he was surely due a feud with Edge for the title soon anyway.

HHH being there is obvious, even if the two hated each other he would have come out, surprised he didn't do a promo on his match with Taker and ask Edge what he thought about the match.

Deleted member 47027

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Jeff Albertson said:
I liked See No Evil, really fun and Knucklehead was decent enough.

See No Evil was in a "so bad it's almost good" category. I still hated it!

During the writing of the script, Vince McMahon wanted a masturbation scene for Kane where he had a TWENTY FOUR INCH LONG PENIS. Not even making that up. Vince is crazy.

The Condemned was alright, I liked it.


The Condemned is actually the most enjoyable of the WWE movies, I think. Vinnie Jones is over the top, but awesome. And Austin's not too bad of an action star.
Sunflower said:
See No Evil was in a "so bad it's almost good" category. I still hated it!

During the writing of the script, Vince McMahon wanted a masturbation scene for Kane where he had a TWENTY FOUR INCH LONG PENIS. Not even making that up. Vince is crazy.

The Condemned was alright, I liked it.

I like cheesy slashers though so I enjoyed it
If Edge got that much of a sendoff with no news buildup/hype prior to the announcement, imagine how extravagant, exhausting, and masturbatory HHH's retirement is gonna be.

I'm thinking fireworks, balloons, fighter jets, live band, 40 minute retirement speech, and pedigrees for the entire roster, including the agents and cameramen.


Dork Knight said:
If Edge got that much of a sendoff with no news buildup/hype prior to the announcement, imagine how extravagant, exhausting, and masturbatory HHH's retirement is gonna be.

I'm thinking fireworks, balloons, fighter jets, live band, 40 minute retirement speech, and pedigrees for the entire roster, including the agents and cameramen.

Full Raw episode, he Pedigrees the entire crowd, and we get one hour recaps on smackdown and the following PPV.


Man I hope they put the title on Christian. After Beniot killed himself they didn't put the title on Punk right away, they gave it to Morrison and continued the Punk plan. Hopefully Christian doesn't sink like Morrison did.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I don't want to see
Christian as champ. First, all it is, is an "attaboy" for being Edge's friend at this point. He's a good worker but not a draw. I guess it's okay to give it to him briefly, but I don't feel he's main event level material (and never will be) -
and you guys will think I'm crazy, because the internet disagrees with how I feel. And that's okay.


Sunflower said:
I don't want to see
Christian as champ. First, all it is, is an "attaboy" for being Edge's friend at this point. He's a good worker but not a draw. I guess it's okay to give it to him briefly, but I don't feel he's main event level material (and never will be) -
and you guys will think I'm crazy, because the internet disagrees with how I feel. And that's okay.

I think this is the best chance he has. And really now that Edge is retired, perhaps the only main event feud he has with some type of heat on it.

That said, not sure who should win...either has future opponents, but Smackdown's roster is so thin on both sides now.


Sunflower said:
I don't want to see
Christian as champ. First, all it is, is an "attaboy" for being Edge's friend at this point. He's a good worker but not a draw. I guess it's okay to give it to him briefly, but I don't feel he's main event level material (and never will be) -
and you guys will think I'm crazy, because the internet disagrees with how I feel. And that's okay.
Nope, spot on. But I expect most here will disagree.


Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
Agreed: Christian sucks. I've been fighting that fight forever in here. None of us gave a shit when he was on top in TNA.

He'll be a great mid-card comedy heel forever.

Does anyone give a shit when anyone is on top of TNA? lol

Personally, I can stomach Christian more than Edge. Edge annoys me when he escapes every damn finisher/slam in the book. zzz


In re: to Christian

I loved him when he was ECW champ. He made everyone on that show look good... Yoshi Tatsu, Dreamer, Jackson and of course, Zack Ryder. I haven't watched Smackdown since late '09 but intend to watch it now but if Christian becomes Smackdown champ then its not really the worst decision in the world. I'm not too sure about ADR since I've never actually seen him yet though just watching some short clips on him he seems to have this weird charisma. =p

Mr. Sam

will never be the next Steve Austin. However, he's a solid worker and he'll be all the more invaluable as an upper midcarder and enhancement talent with a world title reign under his belt. He's fantastic at making others look good; it's what he does.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
If Christian
wins the championship and eventually puts Del Rio over, it could do a lot for Del Rio. It's just the time while Christian is champion might devalue the championship a little (to be fair, it's been devalued enough) - so this could work out well depending on how things go.
I don't mind Christian but don't particulary want him as champ, he's OK but nowhere near the level the internet makes him out to be IMO.

Rather Kofi got a push to the top.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Jeff Albertson said:
I don't mind Christian but don't particulary want him as champ, he's OK but nowhere near the level the internet makes him out to be IMO.

Rather Kofi got a push to the top.

Well, in that case, don't watch Smackdown this week...

Deleted member 47027

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Qatar said:
did anyone get to watch The Chaperone? it's on Netflix instant

I've been afraid to. I keep looking at it and saying "...naaah" and I watch an episode of Airwolf and I'm content.


Guys, guys, I know who's winning the World Title at Extreme Rules:

Primo! Instead of being punished for the Sin Cara botch, he's getting pushed to the moon
Man, I must have like THE POLAR OPPOSITE taste in wrestlers as wrestleGAF has.

This page, hating on Christian. Continually see hating on Daniel Bryan.

And my favorite two wrestlers in the WWE right now are..... Christian and Daniel Bryan!


TheApatheticOne said:
Man, I must have like THE POLAR OPPOSITE taste in wrestlers as wrestleGAF has.

This page, hating on Christian. Continually see hating on Daniel Bryan.

And my favorite two wrestlers in the WWE right now are..... Christian and Daniel Bryan!
Most people here like Daniel Bryan and just hate the way he's booked. I think dream is the only one who trolls him. And you can't pay attention to Jackson50 or Azuran, they try to act like trolls but fail miserably at it and are just joke characters.
TheApatheticOne said:
Man, I must have like THE POLAR OPPOSITE taste in wrestlers as wrestleGAF has.

This page, hating on Christian. Continually see hating on Daniel Bryan.

And my favorite two wrestlers in the WWE right now are..... Christian and Daniel Bryan!
I can see them being a favorite in that they have potential that will probably never be utilized, but are you saying you watch just for these two guys? They haven't done anything interesting in a long time.


Sunflower said:
If Christian
wins the championship and eventually puts Del Rio over, it could do a lot for Del Rio. It's just the time while Christian is champion might devalue the championship a little (to be fair, it's been devalued enough) - so this could work out well depending on how things go.
So, Miz holding the WWE title isn't devaluing it, despite all the shit that's gone through the past several months, but Christian holding the World Title would be, somehow?

Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
I can see them being a favorite in that they have potential that will probably never be utilized, but are you saying you watch just for these two guys? They haven't done anything interesting in a long time.
Which I can say the same thing for many other guys in the WWE, notably the top ones like Cena and Orton. What interesting moment have they created? The biggest one that's defined Cena was being planted on concrete and beating two guys. That's outstanding.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Striker said:
So, Miz holding the WWE title isn't devaluing it, despite all the shit that's gone through the past several months, but Christian holding the World Title would be, somehow?

Definitely. Miz has shown he WANTS this, and is willing to do a ridiculous amount of PR and representing the company with it. Christian doesn't have a good feud built around him like Miz has, and there's no magnetism to him on the media like the Miz.

Of course, moot points because I think the titles in their current scheme of things are losing a TON of prestige - when was the last time someone wanted the championship itself, and that was the driving force? It's no longer something that people aspire to, with the exception of Del Rio right now needing it because it will legitimize him and show people he is the best.

The entire way Cena "didn't care" if he won the title devalues their entire feud with him, Miz, and Rock. Completely buries the title as being meaningless, and that bums me out too.
Striker said:
Which I can say the same thing for many other guys in the WWE, notably the top ones like Cena and Orton. What interesting moment have they created? The biggest one that's defined Cena was being planted on concrete and beating two guys. That's outstanding.
No one in this thread has said Cena or Orton is their favorite wrestler. (???)

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Striker said:
Which I can say the same thing for many other guys in the WWE, notably the top ones like Cena and Orton. What interesting moment have they created? The biggest one that's defined Cena was being planted on concrete and beating two guys. That's outstanding.

I dunno, I really enjoyed when Orton tried to make Cena DIE from the pyro. That was fun stuff.


Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
No one in this thread has said Cena or Orton is their favorite wrestler. (???)
I see plenty of Cena and Orton enthusiasts, mang.

Sunflower, Cena and Miz is hardly a great feud - either. What point is that concerning Christian? Christian and Del Rio wasn't suppose to be one, but it has subsided into a great sub-feud with Edge then-holding the strap. Both guys had great matches on Smackdown and really made the shows worth watching. Last time I've watched RAW and saw Miz and Cener altercate, it was either sleep inducing or WWE forced the Great One to appear to put life back into the crowd.


JdFoX187 said:
Most people here like Daniel Bryan and just hate the way he's booked. I think dream is the only one who trolls him. And you can't pay attention to Jackson50 or Azuran, they try to act like trolls but fail miserably at it and are just joke characters.
Dream just speaks the truth and you guys don't want to hear it. Bryan has no charisma, doesn't identify with the crowd, and is about as entertaining as watching paint dry.

It doesn't matter how poorly he's written. It's his job to make the fans care, and he fails miserably at that. Even the boogeyman was over with the crowd, and that dude ate worms.


Shick Brithouse said:
Dream just speaks the truth and you guys don't want to hear it. Bryan has no charisma, doesn't identify with the crowd, and is about as entertaining as watching paint dry.

It doesn't matter how poorly he's written. It's his job to make the fans care, and he fails miserably at that. Even the boogeyman was over with the crowd, and that dude ate worms.
Dream is a troll looking for a snarky reply. There's a reason Bryan got over with a lot of people, there's a reason he was the top guy on NXT despite losing every match and there's a reason he was the star of the show when Nexus originally debuted. You give him a good character, you book him properly and the people will get behind him, plain and simple.

You put him in five minute squash matches, you give him absolutely no mic time, you put him in dumbfuck storylines with the Bellas as a nerd and of course he's going to look ridiculous. No one could make a good angle out of that shit.
Malenko was booked as an Iceman. A no gimmick wrestler who just went out there and did his thing and was incredibly over with the crowd. Giving Danielson a similar gimmick would be fine but the problem is from a creative standpoint. Book him in fueds that matter and let him do his damn thing, which is that he will win by out-wrestling you.

In modern day WWE, that will not happen.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Striker said:
Sunflower, Cena and Miz is hardly a great feud - either. What point is that concerning Christian? Christian and Del Rio wasn't suppose to be one, but it has subsided into a great sub-feud with Edge then-holding the strap. Both guys had great matches on Smackdown and really made the shows worth watching. Last time I've watched RAW and saw Miz and Cener altercate, it was either sleep inducing or WWE forced the Great One to appear to put life back into the crowd.

I don't disagree - but having people at Cena's level being around the Miz is helping his star power out immensely. Sure, he can be booked better - who couldn't? But he's making the most out of what he can and is trying to set himself apart.

When I see Christian, it's the same ol' thing every time. I guess this is boiling down to a "Who is better for the WWE to have as champion? Miz or Christian?" and I'm going with Miz. Kind of unfair, though, as Christian hasn't been a world champion in the WWE in...? ECW (sadly) doesn't count.

At the end of the day we're probably just going to disagree outright, and it's not a huge deal - that's how people are, and it doesn't really bother me and I'm not trying to convert you to my way of thinking, but this is just how I perceive things on my end.
Shick Brithouse said:
Dream just speaks the truth and you guys don't want to hear it. Bryan has no charisma, doesn't identify with the crowd, and is about as entertaining as watching paint dry.

It doesn't matter how poorly he's written. It's his job to make the fans care, and he fails miserably at that. Even the boogeyman was over with the crowd, and that dude ate worms.

And why do you think that is? Maybe it's because WWE are trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. Imagine giving a guy like Dean Malenko shit all in terms of compelling feuds, storylines and matches and then sending him out there to try and win over the crowd with his charisma alone, only to tut-tut and call him a failure when he *somehow* doesn't get over. You get a guy like Dean Malenko over by having him WRESTLE, and the same applies to Bryan Danielson.


JdFoX187 said:
Dream is a troll looking for a snarky reply. There's a reason Bryan got over with a lot of people, there's a reason he was the top guy on NXT despite losing every match and there's a reason he was the star of the show when Nexus originally debuted. You give him a good character, you book him properly and the people will get behind him, plain and simple.

You put him in five minute squash matches, you give him absolutely no mic time, you put him in dumbfuck storylines with the Bellas as a nerd and of course he's going to look ridiculous. No one could make a good angle out of that shit.
The dude let the Bellas overshadow him. Those two are the biggest waste of space in the WWE and they have more of a personality than he does.

Let me say that again. The Bellas were more entertaining than he was. Hell even Fail Kim was more interesting.

So don't give me that poorly booked excuse with no mic time. The dude had opportunities almost every week and had Cole making fun of him by being overly obnoxious singling him out to make people get behind him as the underdog everyman, but he failed miserably.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Shick Brithouse said:
Dream just speaks the truth and you guys don't want to hear it. Bryan has no charisma, doesn't identify with the crowd, and is about as entertaining as watching paint dry.

It doesn't matter how poorly he's written. It's his job to make the fans care, and he fails miserably at that. Even the boogeyman was over with the crowd, and that dude ate worms.

You can call em bad booking, bad characters he's given, but the Boogeyman is a RIDICULOUS, stupid character...and based on how well the person behind the Boogeyman worked with it and made it mean something, you had a man who couldn't work for shit in the ring but could still get people excited and interested in a hokey-ass gimmick.

Danielson could have done it. I just don't think it's meant to be, and I don't think he should be in the WWE. He doesn't fit, like Bootaay said. I don't think there's a place for him in the future, either. It pains me to say that because I enjoy watching him, but the WWE's product is not the product he's in love with and shows his dedication for.


Shick Brithouse said:
The dude let the Bellas overshadow him. Those two are the biggest waste of space in the WWE and they have more of a personality than he does.

Let me say that again. The Bellas were more entertaining than he was. Hell even Fail Kim was more interesting.

So don't give me that poorly booked excuse with no mic time. The dude had opportunities almost every week and had Cole making fun of him by being overly obnoxious singling him out to make people get behind him as the underdog everyman, but he failed miserably.
What the hell was he supposed to do? His character called for him to be a fucking nerd who stood there and looked surprised when they hung around him. If anything, the whole fucking storyline was just to get Cole more over as a heel.

As someone else said, give him a Chris Benoit or Dean Malenko style gimmick and he'll be great. You can't fit a square peg into a round hole. That's like bitching that Sheamus would suck in a Nation of Domination reunion.
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