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April Wrasslin |OT| WrassleMania Sucked

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Let that be a lesson, Zach Ryder fans. Keep up all the viral shit and his future will look something like this:



Bryan Alvarez of Wrestling Observer said:
But this is WWE, and in almost EVERY case historically, if a guy gets over and it was not WWE's doing, then WWE has to prove that, in fact, he can't get over, and that he's really no good at all.

You get over huge on the indy scene and it's WWE's "job" to prove that you are not, in fact, really any good at all, and if you do finally get over in WWE, like CM Punk, it's after a long period of having to suffer, do jobs, be booked in a ridiculous manner with ridiculous people, hear that you "can't work", etc.
Is this a joke? These two sentences are nearly the same and both of them have about a dozen more commas than they need.
Sounds like how Austin said WCW got frustrated with him and Pillman exploding as the Hollywood Blondes. He said WCW hated the fact they got themselves over as huge heels when WCW only wanted them to be a trash mid-card team to put over babyface tag teams. So they split them up, turning Pillman back babyface when they were still red hot. After an absolutely terrible feud that involved Col. Robert Parker convincing Austin to turn on Pillman (the feud's payoff was Col. Parker ending up in a chicken outfit while Pillman led the crowd in a "KFC" chant...yep), Austin went on to a nice U.S. Title reign. But he ended up dropping the belt to Jim Duggan in 21 seconds and was a jobber until he was released in September 1995. Pillman ended up disappearing after the shitty feud with Austin and didn't come back until early '95, when Austin had already been converted back into low-card trash.

Wrestling companies have always been like this. That's why I laugh my ass off everytime I hear these speeches when they say you have to go the extra mile and get yourself over. It's a pile of shit. Getting yourself over without the office's push is a guaranteed trip to permanent jobber status. Yes, it's totally childish.


sleepykyo said:
Screw that. What´s going be left on Smackdown ? Come to think of it though the draft does normally leave Smackdown a wasteland.

edit: WWE kind of takes care of its talent right ? Vickie was given a shot to be on screen talent after Eddie died. Naked chair shots to the head and pile drivers are banned.

Not just Vickie, but both Reyrey and Chavo were also given pushes (iirc Chavo declined his push as he didn't feel it was right given the circumstances).


lupinko said:
Not just Vickie, but both Reyrey and Chavo were also given pushes (iirc Chavo declined his push as he didn't feel it was right given the circumstances).

Was he ever given a push? I like Chavo.


Kusagari said:
Man Wrestling 'journalism' is a joke. They can't even spell ZacK's name right.

Also none of his points even make any sense. They changed Bryan's name so they could copyright it. Him and Kaval's mentoring with Miz and Laycool let the two of them get over far more than being paired with bums like the rest of the NXT people. I'm not even going to touch the Punk stuff. Just LOL at him going under a 'long' period of suffering. He got the title within 2 years of being in the company which is an amazingly fast span for the WWE.
I love everyone on this forum proclaiming every facet of trade journalism a "joke."

That being said, he's telling the truth. Miz was a joke when he first started NXT. He was the least talented, and still is, of the entire group of "pros." LayCool was an even bigger joke for Kaval. Does it not seem like a pattern where you take the guy with the most talent and largest in the indy scene and pair him with "pros" that are shit compared to everyone else? Keep drinking the WWE Kool-Aid if you think otherwise.

And Punk did go through a lot of shit. He won the title and then subsequently lost it a month or so later without ever even being in the damn match. He then gets jobbed to hell and back for months, including an embarrassing squash against Undertaker. The only way he even got a big push was through his feud with Jeff, which pretty much wrote itself. And if Hardy hadn't quit, I imagine Punk would have never become champion post-feud, as evidenced by the fact the man cannot seem to get any sort of push at all here lately except to job to Randall weekly on Raw(tm).
Source: Pwinsider

As noted earlier here on the website, Abyss suffered some severe dental injuries in his iMPACT! match against Rob Van Dam that aired this past Tuesday.

TNA sources say that he underwent dental surgery on Thursday. Repair work was done to his upper lip and 4-5 damaged teeth were pulled.

Abyss informed TNA that he would be ready to return within a week and would not miss any ring time.

It's a shame what TNA did to Abyss. When sinister minister was managing him a few years ago his matches were always one of the best on the PPVs. Abyss vs. AJ Styles at the first Lockdown is one of my favorite matches.
The Culture Vulture said:
It's a shame what TNA did to Abyss. When sinister minister was managing him a few years ago his matches were always one of the best on the PPVs. Abyss vs. AJ Styles at the first Lockdown is one of my favorite matches.
Although Abyss has always been a one tone character, his character took a step down when he started speaking.

When he was billed as a legit freak of nature being managed by James Mitchell, Abyss was so much better.

Mr. Sam

I just remembered something funny a friend told me:

"If you're going to build someone up as Hulk Hogan's protege, why not have the big guy that yells a lot, can't really wrestle all that well and looks the part, Matt Morgan? But who do they give the push to? Mankane."


Cody currently lacks a catchphrase. I think the problem with all the Mankane gimmicks are they usually don't have a catchphrase, thus leaving them in the Mankane league where he'll be over but not a main eventer.

Look at JoMo, the guy will never get out of mid-card because he has zero catchphrases and zero mic skills.

Even R-Truth has catchphrases lol


JdFoX187 said:
That being said, he's telling the truth. Miz was a joke when he first started NXT. He was the least talented, and still is, of the entire group of "pros." LayCool was an even bigger joke for Kaval. Does it not seem like a pattern where you take the guy with the most talent and largest in the indy scene and pair him with "pros" that are shit compared to everyone else? Keep drinking the WWE Kool-Aid if you think otherwise.

They paired Miz with Bryan because they were complete polar opposites and they wanted to show that you need more than just ring skills to succeed in the WWE. Of all the rookies, Bryan was the only one who ever got to feud with his pro. Bryan, along with Barrett, were the ones who benefited the most from NXT. Pairing him with Miz was the right choice. They were both midcarders atm so it wasn't unrealistic to see Bryan being able to beat Miz. There was no way anyone was gonna believe he could beat former world champions like Jericho and Punk at that time. Miz also wasn't a joke when NXT began. He was the US Champion and was always winning his matches.

Kaval was horrible. His mic skills were horrible and he didn't have half the talent Bryan had.
U.S. Sen. Richard Blumenthal says he's supporting legislation in Washington that would curb the practice of worker misclassification in hopes of creating a level playing field for workers and businesses.

Blumenthal has scheduled a news conference on Monday in Wethersfield to discuss the Senate bill.

Representatives of the construction industry and labor are also expected to be on hand to discuss the effects of companies designating employees as "contractors" or "part-time" workers to in order to avoid providing proper wages, taxes and benefits.

Worker misclassification came up during Blumenthal's 2010 Senate campaign when it was revealed World Wrestling Entertainment was being investigated by the state for possible violations. Linda McMahon, the Republican candidate, is the former CEO of WWE. McMahon at the time questioned whether the audit was politically motivated.

About time. The only reason the lawsuit by Raven, Kanyon and Mike Sanders against WWE didn't go through a few years ago is because the statute of limitations had run out.

I can't believe they've gotten away with this for so long. Calling them "contractors" is totally inconsistent with how they are treated.
Kyoufu said:
Cody currently lacks a catchphrase. I think the problem with all the Mankane gimmicks are they usually don't have a catchphrase, thus leaving them in the Mankane league where he'll be over but not a main eventer.

Look at JoMo, the guy will never get out of mid-card because he has zero catchphrases and zero mic skills.

Even R-Truth has catchphrases lol
Cody has merch now, though lol.


Magnificent Eager Mighty Brilliantly Erect Registereduser
AnEternalEnigma said:
About time. The only reason the lawsuit by Raven, Kanyon and Mike Sanders against WWE didn't go through a few years ago is because the statute of limitations had run out.

I can't believe they've gotten away with this for so long. Calling them "contractors" is totally inconsistent with how they are treated.

You know what other business refers to it's employees as contractors? Strip Clubs. And funnily enough it's got the same backstabbing politics charged atmosphere as wrestling where you can't shake the feeling that most of the people around you would shit all over you to get an extra buck or a better rep with management. And the normal employees are often treated like pawns in the contractor's and management's games to get the upper hand.


JdFoX187 said:
That being said, he's telling the truth. Miz was a joke when he first started NXT. He was the least talented, and still is, of the entire group of "pros." LayCool was an even bigger joke for Kaval. Does it not seem like a pattern where you take the guy with the most talent and largest in the indy scene and pair him with "pros" that are shit compared to everyone else? Keep drinking the WWE Kool-Aid if you think otherwise.

And Punk did go through a lot of shit. He won the title and then subsequently lost it a month or so later without ever even being in the damn match. He then gets jobbed to hell and back for months, including an embarrassing squash against Undertaker. The only way he even got a big push was through his feud with Jeff, which pretty much wrote itself. And if Hardy hadn't quit, I imagine Punk would have never become champion post-feud, as evidenced by the fact the man cannot seem to get any sort of push at all here lately except to job to Randall weekly on Raw(tm).

No he's not telling the truth. Miz was a joke? He was the U.S. champion and a major part of Raw every week. Nobody except smarks give a shit about Miz having no 'talent'. To the other 99.9% of the wrestling audience Miz is a just a douchebag heel whose feud with Bryan helped him get over far more than if he was paired with some jobber like Chavo Guerrero. Laycool likewise helped Kaval by giving him a pair of ditsy heels to play off of. The only thing that's a joke is you taking WWE so seriously when both of those pairings gave the two more spotlight than they likely would have gotten otherwise.

And give me a break with this Punk going through shit crap. I've been a Punk fan since his days in IWA-MS and the smarks constant moans of him jobbing are the most annoying thing in the online wrestling community. He had a 6 month win streak in ECW going on from his debut. He won the ECW title. Then he went to Raw and became intercontinental champ and then won the title. Yeah, his first reign was a joke but he still had the title. After that he got the title again in the Hardy feud twice. And affter that he's had a couple of big feuds with Rey, Cena, and Orton. The main complaint is he never wins his feuds. WHO CARES? He gets major focus every single week and is always a focal point of the show. If feuding with main eventers all the time is being jobbed out then 99% of the WWE could only be so lucky.
Kusagari said:
No he's not telling the truth. Miz was a joke? He was the U.S. champion and a major part of Raw every week. Nobody except smarks give a shit about Miz having no 'talent'. To the other 99.9% of the wrestling audience Miz is a just a douchebag heel whose feud with Bryan helped him get over far more than if he was paired with some jobber like Chavo Guerrero. Laycool likewise helped Kaval by giving him a pair of ditsy heels to play off of. The only thing that's a joke is you taking WWE so seriously when both of those pairings gave the two more spotlight than they likely would have gotten otherwise.

And give me a break with this Punk going through shit crap. I've been a Punk fan since his days in IWA-MS and the smarks constant moans of him jobbing are the most annoying thing in the online wrestling community. He had a 6 month win streak in ECW going on from his debut. He won the ECW title. Then he went to Raw and became intercontinental champ and then won the title. Yeah, his first reign was a joke but he still had the title. After that he got the title again in the Hardy feud twice. And affter that he's had a couple of big feuds with Rey, Cena, and Orton. The main complaint is he never wins his feuds. WHO CARES? He gets major focus every single week and is always a focal point of the show. If feuding with main eventers all the time is being jobbed out then 99% of the WWE could only be so lucky.

You can argue your points all you want, but ratings are low, buy rates are low, the in ring product is sub par to terrible 95% of the time, and there hasn't been a new major star in forever...Something is obviously wrong here. If pairing a Kaval with 2 divas (another division the company doesn't treat properly), and giving Daniel Bryan the most "going nowhere" angles in recent memory were good moves, they would've been somewhere by now. And as for CM Punk, well sure he gets mic time and feuds with big names, but what's he got to show for it? Loss, after loss, after loss. Everybody needs wins sometimes to keep the product compelling. Big feuds don't mean anything if the outcomes are so predictable.
Net_Wrecker said:
You can argue your points all you want, but ratings are low, buy rates are low, the in ring product is sub par to terrible 95% of the time, and there hasn't been a new major star in forever...Something is obviously wrong here. If pairing a Kaval with 2 divas (another division the company doesn't treat properly), and giving Daniel Bryan the most "going nowhere" angles in recent memory were good moves, they would've been somewhere by now. And as for CM Punk, well sure he gets mic time and feuds with big names, but what's he got to show for it? Loss, after loss, after loss. Everybody needs wins sometimes to keep the product compelling. Big feuds don't mean anything if the outcomes are so predictable.

I must have missed the part where Punk beat Rey at Wrestlemania last year. Face it, heels usually lose feuds. When Orton was a heel he would lose to Cena and HHH just about every week. When Batista was a heel he lost to Cena a bunch of times. Top heels in the company almost always lose feuds, because people want to see the babyface win. It's been a pro wrestling staple for all of eternity. Punk is the biggest heel in the company, therefore he's going to lose feuds to people like the Big Show and Randy Orton. It doesn't mean creative hates him or he's being buried. It means he's the freaking HEEL.

As for Bryan, I see no reason why the 'E would rehire him last year if they didn't have something for him, eventually. Yes he's being booked like shit right now, but please tell me the midcarders who AREN'T being booked like shit right now? Cody Rhodes is the only one I can name. The rest are all floundering in midcard hell just like Bryan. So you can complain about creative's incompetence with midcarders in general, but to pick out Bryan and say they're doing it to him soley because he came from the indies seems unfair.
An open letter from Scott Hall's ex-wife, Dana:

“To Whomever still cares,

I never wanted to have to write a letter like this again, and it definitely deeply saddens me to do so.

This is not a letter to bash Scott, nor wrestling. This is only the sad truth of them both.

So if you can’t handle it, or don’t want to hear it, then please don’t read this. Denial doesn’t help anyone, and will certainly not help Scott Hall at a time like this.

Nothing has changed since my letter of 13 years ago, except things have gotten worse. Scott is no longer famous; he is infamous.

The only difference is now instead of the big wrestling companies enabling Scott, it is the little independent promoters, a whole lot of wannabe wrestlers, marks and other unsavory people in which he has chosen to surround himself with in his sickness. He has so many wrong people in his life, there is no room for the right ones any longer, most importantly his children and family.

You all know who you are, and whom has been a part of dragging him out like a piece of meat to embarrass himself further. You people are only helping him kill himself, and he is doing a bang-up job of it on his own, he needs no more ‘help!’

Scott was in no shape physically, mentally or emotionally after his heart failure and pacemaker last year. He was not sober for any length of time, nor in recovery. Every door should have been closed to him at that time. It should have been over then, because look where we are right now. Anyone who gives a sick man a job who is not capable of being 100 percent sober, responsible or reliable must be a fool, or worse. I vote for worse.

Anyone with half a brain in his head could see he was not well and he should have been seeking help or his family, not engaging in this profession which only fuels the fire of his addictions. It always has.

Scott is hanging by a very thin thread at best.

Our children, myself and Scott’s family have suffered many, many years of ongoing hurt, pain, disappointment, frustration and embarrassment due to his addictions and the consequences which have followed. Scott has chosen to continue drinking, drugging and to self-destruct. Every attempt at rehabilitation, sobriety and recovery has failed. You can’t help someone who doesn’t want to help himself, and when you do, you are just an enabler and part of the problem.

I am praying anyone still enabling this man will stop now. Anyone telling him what he wants to hear, and not the brutal truth, is not his friend. Anyone aiding in, or giving him an open door/opportunity or participating in any type of wrestling-related event, appearance, video, etc. with him are going to be the last nails in his coffin, and God help you.

He cannot be a part of wrestling at all anymore, and live.

I know the fans love him despite his issues and all of the bad. I know they don’t want to hear this, but I am begging you no matter what you think of me, for the sake of our kids, ‘please let him go.’ Before you have to let him go for good. Our kids need a dad for once, and not a dead wrestler. Let them have what is left of him, in the time he has left.

I pray his true friends will get him to a safe place where he can’t hurt himself anymore. I pray he will get away from the last of the enablers clinging to him. I pray he will devote every second to making amends to his children and making them a priority in this life while he is still here. That is all that matters. My prayer is that Scott would finally realize this before it’s too late. We love you Scott. We do care, we are here, but something’s gotta give, or it is your last call for real.”

— Dana Hall

She last wrote an open letter to Hall and WCW in 1998 when WCW began using Hall's alcoholism as a television angle.


Azuran said:
They paired Miz with Bryan because they were complete polar opposites and they wanted to show that you need more than just ring skills to succeed in the WWE. Of all the rookies, Bryan was the only one who ever got to feud with his pro. Bryan, along with Barrett, were the ones who benefited the most from NXT. Pairing him with Miz was the right choice. They were both midcarders atm so it wasn't unrealistic to see Bryan being able to beat Miz. There was no way anyone was gonna believe he could beat former world champions like Jericho and Punk at that time. Miz also wasn't a joke when NXT began. He was the US Champion and was always winning his matches.
Jericho put over Heath Slater clean in an NXT match. Just saying.


Super Member
:( Scott Hall's situation. That letter sounds very genuine. I hope he gets the help he needs

was hogan sent to prepare tna for a wwe acquisition lol


worldrunover said:
I must have missed the part where Punk beat Rey at Wrestlemania last year. Face it, heels usually lose feuds. When Orton was a heel he would lose to Cena and HHH just about every week. When Batista was a heel he lost to Cena a bunch of times. Top heels in the company almost always lose feuds, because people want to see the babyface win. It's been a pro wrestling staple for all of eternity. Punk is the biggest heel in the company, therefore he's going to lose feuds to people like the Big Show and Randy Orton. It doesn't mean creative hates him or he's being buried. It means he's the freaking HEEL.

As for Bryan, I see no reason why the 'E would rehire him last year if they didn't have something for him, eventually. Yes he's being booked like shit right now, but please tell me the midcarders who AREN'T being booked like shit right now? Cody Rhodes is the only one I can name. The rest are all floundering in midcard hell just like Bryan. So you can complain about creative's incompetence with midcarders in general, but to pick out Bryan and say they're doing it to him soley because he came from the indies seems unfair.
Punk lost to Rey at 'Mania. Then barely beat him at Extreme Rules, only to lose to him for the rubber match and lose his hair and completely render his entire stable useless.

I don't get this excuse that everyone always throws out "it's always the way it has been." Okay, that's great. But when ratings are dropping, buy rates are the worst they've possibly ever been and interest is being lost in the product, shouldn't you do something different?

Perhaps heels should come out on the winning end of more feuds. What would it hurt? It would make them seem more menacing and dangerous in the ring, whether they won dirty or flat out dominated their opponent. Variety is a good thing you know. Why bother watching John Cena fight Dolph Ziggler, one of the up and coming new talents, when you know he's going to win? You know that Ziggler will beat him down for 95 percent of the match and it will look like he just MIGHT win. But anyone with half a brain will realize that Cena will come out with five moves of doom, AA, STF, any other moves with acronyms and will win. How is that remotely entertaining?

As far as Daniel Bryan, I think it would be impossible NOT to see that he's been shit on because he came from the indies. You pair him with the worst talent as a pro on NXT, then keep him off television for weeks at a time in a storyline that creative uses to put over the Bellas more than he and then job him out a couple times to Sheamus. His U.S. Title run was a complete joke due to booking. He's done absolutely nothing since losing it, even to be paired with a group codenamed APPLE. It's fucking embarrassing.


Okay, I double-checked to make sure, I'm not even sure why or how people are calling Miz the worst pro of season 1 when we had Matt Hardy, R-Truth and Carlito as pros.

That just seems wrong.

And the fact of the matter is, Bryan got the only built in story with NXT, he was positioned as a center piece of that program. How that means the WWE was just gonna dump on him is beyond me.
JdFoX187 said:
Punk lost to Rey at 'Mania. Then barely beat him at Extreme Rules, only to lose to him for the rubber match and lose his hair and completely render his entire stable useless.

I don't get this excuse that everyone always throws out "it's always the way it has been." Okay, that's great. But when ratings are dropping, buy rates are the worst they've possibly ever been and interest is being lost in the product, shouldn't you do something different?

Perhaps heels should come out on the winning end of more feuds. What would it hurt? It would make them seem more menacing and dangerous in the ring, whether they won dirty or flat out dominated their opponent. Variety is a good thing you know. Why bother watching John Cena fight Dolph Ziggler, one of the up and coming new talents, when you know he's going to win? You know that Ziggler will beat him down for 95 percent of the match and it will look like he just MIGHT win. But anyone with half a brain will realize that Cena will come out with five moves of doom, AA, STF, any other moves with acronyms and will win. How is that remotely entertaining?

As far as Daniel Bryan, I think it would be impossible NOT to see that he's been shit on because he came from the indies. You pair him with the worst talent as a pro on NXT, then keep him off television for weeks at a time in a storyline that creative uses to put over the Bellas more than he and then job him out a couple times to Sheamus. His U.S. Title run was a complete joke due to booking. He's done absolutely nothing since losing it, even to be paired with a group codenamed APPLE. It's fucking embarrassing.

Listen, I agree with you that heels should win more, and that more variety would greatly improve interest. It sucks going into 90% of matches KNOWING who is going to win, and I'm always more interested in the 10% of matches where I don't know the outcome. I'm in full agreement there. My point is What's happening to Punk isn't because he's CM Punk. It's because he's a top heel, and that's just how these things go.

As for Bryan, who has been booked worse, he or Kofi? Or Swagger? How well was Barrett booked after his initial push? Or Sheamus after his second run? Would you rather have Bryan part of the Corre right now, jobbing to Big Show and Kane every week, which is probably what he'd be doing had he not been initially fired? My point is you're giving creative too much credit by saying they're purposely squashing him. I think they're just utterly inept at cultivating a midcard.
Looks like Desmond Wolfe's in-ring career is over. He was diagnosed with Hepatitis C.

Randy Ricci, a former production manager for TNA Wrestling, claimed in a blog post on Friday that the reason Desmond Wolfe has not been wrestling in recent months is because he has Hepatitis C—a viral disease that leads to inflammation of the liver.

Ricci adds that the former ROH World Champion will be offered an office job.

Wolfe last wrestled for the organization in August. He and Magnus were scheduled to receive a shot at the TNA World Tag Team Championship against The Motor City Machine Guns at No Surrender, but were pulled from the event at the last minute, with TNA citing a "personal issue" as the reason. It was later reported that Wolfe was pulled from the event due to an undisclosed medical situation that would sideline him indefinitely.

Hulk Hogan is the only TNA Wrestling employee to publicly address Wolfe's status with the organization. When asked recently on Twitter about Wolfe returning to television, Hogan responded, "Desmond's situation is beyond TNA's control, the ball is completely in his court."
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