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April Wrasslin |OT| WrassleMania Sucked

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AdawgDaFAB said:
actually WON
tonight on SS!
Here is the match in question...


Zack Ryder vs. David Hart Smith - Airdate = April 28th, 2011
* Non-Title Match - WWE Internet Championship not on the line *


Look how creative DH Smith's gimmick change is.
He's like Malibu Stacy! He comes with a new hat! How exciting!
WTF was up with Cowboy wannabe DH Smith? Give him a hat and make his DH on the trunks look "Western" and now he is a cowboy? :lol . Malibu Stacy indeed.

Man I'm really disappointed in whats happened with DH Smith, he has the size, he has the ability, he really should be someone who can make it big in the WWE. It really would of done him good to stay in a Tag Team with Tyson for a few years to build up his character and mic skills. Just a pity that it looks like hes just going end up being a mega jobber and doing nothing until he gets FE'd.

I still don't get why they split up the Hart Dynasty, they were doing all right with the fans, they worked well together and could put on good matches. I'd understand had they split them after a few years together but they had only really been together on TV for a year or so, maybe if we had gotten a deep and meaningful feud out of it, but we got nothing at all, just 2 or so matches and then nothing. I just think of all the good tag teams that they have split over the years for nothing to happen like Cryme Tyme or whatever Tag Teams they've bought in during the last few years.

Tag Team wrestling can be a really good stepping stone for the future legends of the industry but the WWE just treat it like utter crap. The biggest joke is when you look at where some of the best Superstars in the WWE have come from or gotten mega over in tag teams like Bret Hart, HBK, The Miz, Edge, Steve Austin, Eddie or Jeff Hardy. All came up thanks to Tag Teams. Its a shame to think in this day and age if you had a team like The Rockers or the Hart Foundation they would be broken up in 12 months, feud with each other and never be heard from again.

Also Scott Stamford is awesome, they need him to do Raw, hes actually quite funny. Loved how they referenced the Youtube show a few times. Also the small Zack Ryder chant you could hear in the background a few times was win, but not loud enough.
AdawgDaFAB said:
WTF was up with Cowboy wannabe DH Smith? Give him a hat and make his DH on the trunks look "Western" and now he is a cowboy? :lol . Malibu Stacy indeed.
Cowboy? well if he is trying to move further away from the British Bulldog then mission accomplished.

As far as the whole tag team stuff goes I wonder just how many tag teams we've been through over the last 5 or 6 years, most are broken up too soon and the there are the others that just vanish. Who else here remembers such classic teams as....
- Gymini (screw twin magic! these guys were doing it first, bonus points for Simon Dean manager)
- The Heart throbs
- The Dicks (most unfortunate team name ever, must have been around for like 1 month if that)
Nocturnowl said:
Cowboy? well if he is trying to move further away from the British Bulldog then mission accomplished.

As far as the whole tag team stuff goes I wonder just how many tag teams we've been through over the last 5 or 6 years, most are broken up too soon and the there are the others that just vanish. Who else here remembers such classic teams as....
- Gymini (screw twin magic! these guys were doing it first, bonus points for Simon Dean manager)
- The Heart throbs
- The Dicks (most unfortunate team name ever, must have been around for like 1 month if that)

I had to look them up because I had never heard of 'em before. After seeing their gimmick, I now understand why I don't remember them. :D


Dork Knight said:
I had to look them up because I had never heard of 'em before. After seeing their gimmick, I now understand why I don't remember them. :D

Me too, they stole Tokyo Magnum's pants ripping bit.
Once Scott Stanford gets right with WWE history and some move names he'll be their top announcer. He reminds me of Mean Gene. Though CM Punk's ribbing him about how little he knows about wrestling was highly entertaining too.
Matthew Gallant said:
Once Scott Stanford gets right with WWE history and some move names he'll be their top announcer. He reminds me of Mean Gene. Though CM Punk's ribbing him about how little he knows about wrestling was highly entertaining too.

Considering the WWE has banned this word, there's no reason he shouldn't be in the prime time spot already!


Watching the Smackdown episode on Youtube. Quick notes:

-Cody Rhodes remains one of the few reasons to watch. I have no idea where they plan on going with his match at ER, but his feud with Mysterio, like every other fucking feud since pre-Mania, should have ended by now. But this will end by default due to the Rey movement to RAW.

-Keep Randy off the mic. He's god awful.

-Since Swagger is off Smackdown, can we fucking stop with the Cole segments? I don't want to see it on one show, much less fucking two. His inconsistent behavior on both the mic and commentary is beyond annoying, and I just change the channel or mute the TV/audio when he's on. Get a plan. Put him off commentary and make him a "GM"/manager for Swagger or others. His current angle is just overplayed, boring, and taking away from other guys who can use the ring time.

-Mark Henry looked strong in his match with Rey. I suspect he's going to be one of the top heels on Smackdown. Whether it's against Christian, Orton, or what, I have no clue. They need to elevate Cody Rhodes in that area as well, though.

-One week before his big World Title match, Christian now finally gets mic time? What about the other several weeks?


noclevername620 said:
I've said since TNA started that there is something inherently wrong with the idea of a promotion that proudly pushes the hell out of guys that the leader in the industry wants nothing to do with. It would be like a movie studio only making movies starring people that are proven box office suicide.

I'm in no way Hispanic but I'm offended as shit right now.

I do like MCMG though. I'd say I'd love for them to go to WWE but I don't watch Superstars or NXT.

Vince would have loved to grab Sting.


Bootaaay said:
What the fuck is occurring in this thread? Yuji Nagata is displeased.


I'm going to watch his match against Kobashi again now. Thanks. =p
That Nagata gif combined with the Sin Cara gifs and pics were awesome. I don't know how the hell that all happened, but WrestleGAF can be amazing sometimes.

Interesting Smackdown spoiler concerning The Great Khali of all people.
NoDQ.com said:
Cohen Morrison sent the following spoiler note for tonight's WWE SmackDown:

WWE FCW developmental talent Jinder Mahal, from India, makes a cameo on tonight's edition of SmackDown.

Mahal appears in a segment with Rey Mysterio, The Great Khali and Ranjin Singh where Khali and Singh wish their best to Mysterio on RAW. Mahal greets Khali in their native tongue and walks off
Okay, I pop into these threads here and there every few months but what is up with this Zack Ryder stuff?

Reason I'm asking is that I was really into wrestling from Wrestlemania 3 up until the Triple H era and lately only watch a few minutes of RAW whenever I fall onto that channel. A few years back I saw Zack Ryder and was like, "I will watch wrestling again if this guy is in it" and I never really see him. I just assumed he was cut because whenever I watch RAW he's nowhere to be found.

Is he getting a push or something? BTW, he had a great theme song, hope it's the same.


formerly cjelly
The Internet said:
Okay, I pop into these threads here and there every few months but what is up with this Zack Ryder stuff?

Reason I'm asking is that I was really into wrestling from Wrestlemania 3 up until the Triple H era and lately only watch a few minutes of RAW whenever I fall onto that channel. A few years back I saw Zack Ryder and was like, "I will watch wrestling again if this guy is in it" and I never really see him. I just assumed he was cut because whenever I watch RAW he's nowhere to be found.

Is he getting a push or something? BTW, he had a great theme song, hope it's the same.
He's the current WWE Internet Champion.

That belt replaced the Hardcore title.


formerly cjelly
The Internet said:
So if i tune into RAW I'll see him going around as the Internet champion? I am The Internet btw.
No. He's the Internet Champion so he only appears of Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. He's too good for TV.
The Internet said:
So if i tune into RAW I'll see him going around as the Internet champion? I am The Internet btw.

He's usually on the show WWE Superstars. His push on the old ECW brand has dissolved into nothing. He hardly gets used on the main brands (RAW and Smackdown) and when he does, he's usually used as a jobber.

Edit: It is so great to see new faces around here.


The Internet said:
Okay, I pop into these threads here and there every few months but what is up with this Zack Ryder stuff?

Reason I'm asking is that I was really into wrestling from Wrestlemania 3 up until the Triple H era and lately only watch a few minutes of RAW whenever I fall onto that channel. A few years back I saw Zack Ryder and was like, "I will watch wrestling again if this guy is in it" and I never really see him. I just assumed he was cut because whenever I watch RAW he's nowhere to be found.

Is he getting a push or something? BTW, he had a great theme song, hope it's the same.
Zack Ryder is getting a lot of fan support due to his amazing twitter and youtube videos.


Here's the first episode of his show on youtube: Z! True Long Island Story
Really looking forward to the mix up the draft will bring. It'll be nice to see Sheamus back at the top end of the card. Hopefully they give Daniel Bryan a better crack of the whip. More Mic time and longer matches were he can show off his abilities. Oh, and a better farking entrance.
Wow @ that Superstars match.

I wasn't sure what I was watching at first, as it wasn't just a spot fest. Both opponents sprinkled some spots in between normal mat work, holds, etc.

They both could've tried to get the crowd in more, but they're both still a little green. Both have potential.

It's too bad Old Vince isn't like Old Vince in that he tried to develop his roster and give everyone shine. These guys could be involved in the mid card.

And despite it being terrible, glad Mania scored a million buys. I think next year should topple it with Rock/Cena, the Streak, etc.
PWinsider.com is reporting that after Smackdown was taped that the
McCool vs Layla
match for the PPV was changed from
Loser Leaves Smackdown
Loser Leaves WWE match
and that
McCool is expected to be leaving the company


formerly cjelly
AdawgDaFAB said:
PWinsider.com is reporting that after Smackdown was taped that the McCool vs Layla match for the PPV was changed from Loser Leaves Smackdown to Loser Leaves WWE match and that
McCool is expected to be leaving the company
Technically, all of that post should be a spoiler as SD hasn't aired yet.

I wanted to see her get squashed by Kharma. Melina, McCool, Kelly Kelly, Eve, the Bellas. Kharma could be female version of Umaga, Big Show, Big Boss Man, Earthquake, etc, which could lead to some fueds with Gale Kim, Natalya and Beth Phoenix. Of course, that's not entertaining.
spindashing said:
Interesting Smackdown spoiler concerning The Great Khali of all people.
Jinder Mahal is a guy who went by Tiger Singh up here in PWA (the successor to Stampede Wrestling). He was their champion for a long while, and while I only managed to catch two of his matches live, he was a huge highlight.
Hopefully being booked in a program with Khali won't hurt him too much, he deserves to do really well.
AdawgDaFAB said:
PWinsider.com is reporting that after Smackdown was taped that the McCool vs Layla match for the PPV was changed from Loser Leaves Smackdown to Loser Leaves WWE match and that
McCool is expected to be leaving the company

Unless she gains a bit of weight, and goes back to her school teacher gimmick I don't care


AdawgDaFAB said:
PWinsider.com is reporting that after Smackdown was taped that the McCool vs Layla match for the PPV was changed from Loser Leaves Smackdown to Loser Leaves WWE match and that
McCool is expected to be leaving the company

wow thanks :\
cjelly said:
Technically, all of that post should be a spoiler as SD hasn't aired yet.

Well it's been quoted a few times already, but I edited my original post anyways. I didn't know that the match was announced this week. I'm behind on my SD watching. Planning to get caught up by Tuesday since I may go live.


UberTag said:
Here is the match in question...


Zack Ryder vs. David Hart Smith - Airdate = April 28th, 2011
* Non-Title Match - WWE Internet Championship not on the line *


Look how creative DH Smith's gimmick change is.
He's like Malibu Stacy! He comes with a new hat! How exciting!


I need to start watching SS again. It's always fun to see what the jobbers are up to.
AdawgDaFAB said:
PWinsider.com is reporting that after Smackdown was taped that the
McCool vs Layla
match for the PPV was changed from
Loser Leaves Smackdown
Loser Leaves WWE match
and that
McCool is expected to be leaving the company

Now, it's like a government document.
Azuran said:

I need to start watching SS again. It's always fun to see what the jobbers are up to.

Too bad there's no such as jobbers in post wrestling entertainment. Superstars merely grapple to further the entertaining story and musings of Vincent Kennedy McMahon.
Azuran said:

I need to start watching SS again. It's always fun to see what the jobbers are up to.

Indeed, I would have never known Chris Masters actually became a good wrestler if it wasn't for a few SS matches I saw of his a while back. The show has become similar to what ECW was in that it is a good show for decently lengthy undercard matches that noone watches.
Seriously I hope the ryder revolution takes off even more. Would be a hilarious story. How this guy doesn't get a push is crazy. He's more over than half the Raw roster.
-Pyromaniac- said:
Seriously I hope the ryder revolution takes off even more. Would be a hilarious story. How this guy doesn't get a push is crazy. He's more over than half the Raw roster.

If you get over using means other than an official WWE push, you need to be humbled. You are only allowed to be over in WWE if Vince wants you to be.
Galvanise_ said:
If you get over using means other than an official WWE push, you need to be humbled. You are only allowed to be over in WWE if Vince wants you to be.
sad realities

And I also I never in my life will be a wearer of headbands but even I'd buy a woo woo woo headband from the wwe shop just to decorate my room with for the lulz.
When Matt Hardy got fired all those years back, and the IWC stared chants for him, and were booing Lita just for appearing on in the ring, WWE bright him back, and pushed him decently for a while. He fucking got Austin/Rock level pops when he came back and attacked Edge. They then just completely shat on him. I can see the same thing happening with Ryder.
But Matt also completely screwed up with a horrid promo the first time he was given a chance to talk after coming back. If they were to push Ryder I don't see him making that same mistake. Plus, if Zack DOES get a push it will only be to upper midcard level anyways vs Matt being pushed hard then failing and thrown down the card.
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