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April Wrasslin |OT| WrassleMania Sucked

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Galvanise_ said:
They need Jericho back with the ability to say what the fuck he wants. His latest mic works were all mediocre compared to the stuff we know he can pull.

I'm not even thinking about promos...I just think the company needs someone that can put a match together that tells a story. Thinking back on the entire card, the only match that did that was Undertaker/HHH.

RBH: did Dwayne get booed when he Rock Bottomed Cena?
The funny thing is that despite the internet complaining about the Miz's booking, he's gone over every major face on raw in the past year.


Magnificent Eager Mighty Brilliantly Erect Registereduser
I stayed away from wrestlegaf for most of the show so without the constant bitching and moaning I actually enjoyed wrestlemania somewhat. But the ending was complete horse shit. Who shall we have be the last man standing at our most important PPV of the year? The champion in need of some help with being over? The franchise player that love him or hate him draws money? Or the guy who showed up to try and reclaim some of the fans he had hoped would follow him into movies? Unless they plan on having Rock lose against Miz or Cena at Summerslam, they just made their champion and their top guy look like two pathetic jobbers.
Also forgot to mention, lolRoyal Rumble.

What the f**k is the point of winning that thing anymore, WOOOOOOO I BEAT 40 MEN TO OPEN WRESTLEMANIA!!!!!


Kyoufu said:
What you can expect from tomorrow til next WM:

WWE Champion being booked badly. Miz will never look strong. Did he even perform any moves in this match? Another assisted win. WWE title shitcanned along with the US, IC and TT titles.

I'm not mad that Cena lost, I'm just mad about the predictability that went with it. WWE had a chance here to let Miz have a nice long clean win that would put him over. Nope, instead Alex Riley and The Rock do more than him. Sad.

Glad I only paid 2 bucks for that shit.

Yeah, this is the problem with their current booking. The heels look so weak when the only way for them to win is through cheating.


Unconfirmed Member
Azuran said:
Miz is a heel. He's has never look strong. He's supposed to be the guy that gets through everything by sheer luck. I don't know why people are obsessed with heels looking strong and winning cleanly. It has never being a part of pro wrestling. Even Trips was a bitch who needed large amount of help when he was a heel champion.
Not to mention Miz kicked out of an Attitude Adjustment, which is not something you would have ever seen from Miz before.
WinoMcCougarstein said:
It wouldn't matter if they found some heel that made Andre the Giant look tame. GAF would still bitch about it.
Uh, this isn't just a GAF thing. This is an everyone I've ever talked to about wrestling and everyone on the Internet thing. Everyone thinks the Miz is booked poorly.

You're doing the "you guys whine a fucking lot" gimmick while posting non-stop whines yourself. Get out of here with that shit.


Kyoufu said:
WWE Champion being booked badly. Miz will never look strong. Did he even perform any moves in this match? Another assisted win. WWE title shitcanned along with the US, IC and TT titles.

Did we watch the same match? Miz dominated most of it till the end. They kept referring to Cena being "off his equilibrium". He even kicked out of back to back AAs. I thought it made him look a lot stronger than normal.


One thing that sucks about this WM is that it feels like it's setting up next year's WM. Like it's Part 1 of a 2 part series.

We're going to get Triple H/Taker finale next year

We're going to get Rock/Cena next year

We're going to get Cody Rhodes main event next year

No titles changed hands. Nothing was concluded besides Snooki vs Laycool
MetatronM said:
Not to mention Miz kicked out of an Attitude Adjustment, which is not something you would have ever seen from Miz before.

When Triple H and Undertaker kicked out of each other's finishers like 15 times apiece, it kinda dampens the effect.


MetatronM said:
Not to mention Miz kicked out of an Attitude Adjustment, which is not something you would have ever seen from Miz before.

Its a WM main event, you are expected to kick out of finishers (at least the first 3 of them lol).

Oh well, maybe something cool will happen on RAW tomorrow.

Deleted member 8095

Unconfirmed Member
Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
Uh, this isn't just a GAF thing. This is an everyone I've ever talked to about wrestling and everyone on the Internet thing. Everyone thinks the Miz is booked poorly.

You're doing the "you guys whine a fucking lot" gimmick while posting non-stop whines yourself. Get out of here with that shit.

It isn't just Miz though. So many people in here are whining and crying about so many things it isn't even funny. If you hate the product so much why even watch it?
Buckethead said:
lol @ people griping about Miz.
Dude carried Cena while Cena botched or oversold every move in the match.

I wouldn't say anybody carried anyone there. It was such a disjointed, let's-go-down-the-spot-list match. There was nothing in the way of transitions or heat-building work to indicate that either man even mildly disliked the other until they started cheating. This was the worst work Miz has turned in in a big match in a long time.


WinoMcCougarstein said:
It isn't just Miz though. So many people in here are whining and crying about so many things it isn't even funny. If you hate the product so much why even watch it?

We don't hate it, we just wish it could be better. We like it enough to want it to be better.

Can't believe you asked that.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Full Metal Jacket said:
First wrestlemania in a long time, WTF was that shit.
The most strangely booked mania ever.

It's not that they needed to make a ton of changes.

All they had to do:

1. Put Sheamus vs. Danielson on the card.

2. Move Del Rio vs Edge to... NOT curtain jerking.

3. Put HHH vs. Taker as the last match

That's basically all they had to do and it would have come off as solid. As it is now, everyone's scratching their heads trying to figure out what they just watched.


The booking from top to bottom was horrible, US title match bumped and Snooki match between the two BIG main events?!?!

The Taker finish was just odd, I mean a UFC submission and then Taker needing to be taken out by medical staff.

And the main event was just awful, Cena has had some pretty good WM matches but this one seemed like it came from a taping of RAW.

Rock should have come in and made it a 3 way dance, he was about as involved move wise as the other 2 lol

I did like Miz promo though, that was super tight but then it was wrecked by him coming out to the inflatable awesome
GaimeGuy said:
The most strangely booked mania ever.

It's not that they needed to make a ton of changes.

All they had to do:

1. Put Sheamus vs. Danielson on the card.

2. Move Del Rio vs Edge to... NOT curtain jerking.

3. Put HHH vs. Taker as the last match

That's basically all they had to do and it would have come off as solid. As it is now, everyone's scratching their heads trying to figure out what they just watched.

It was a fantastic match, but that would have been a strange fucking way to end Wrestlemania, with Johnny Cash playing and Undertaker convulsing on the floor?


I thought the show was alright. I'm glad they kept the title on Miz and I liked Triple HHH/Taker as well as Rhodes/Mysterio. I was a little disappointed in Orton/Punk, I thought their match would be a bit better. This has also got to be the only WrestleMania where no titles changed hands at all!
GaimeGuy said:
The most strangely booked mania ever.

It's not that they needed to make a ton of changes.

All they had to do:

1. Put Sheamus vs. Danielson on the card.

2. Move Del Rio vs Edge to... NOT curtain jerking.

3. Put HHH vs. Taker as the last match

That's basically all they had to do and it would have come off as solid. As it is now, everyone's scratching their heads trying to figure out what they just watched.

...and what exactly was the reason to pull a Dusty Finish in King vs. Cole? "Hey, we're in Georgia, let's do a Dusty Finish and a Double-count-out..."

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Cody Rhodes over Mysterio was the show-stealer of the night.


NeoGAF's smiling token!
On LAW they're saying CM Punk and Orton had an excellent finish.

Hahaha, no.

Surprise RKO is not fucking cool/great finish/anything. Match was great besides that.


markatisu said:
The booking from top to bottom was horrible, US title match bumped and Snooki match between the two BIG main events?!?!
It was a bathroom break match. The WWE/TNA do this all the time. There is almost always a poor match before the semi or main event.

evil ways

Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
You're reimagining history. Cowardly heels cheat to win because they can, not because they have to. They always look like they could beat the shit out of someone if they really had to. Miz just looks like a teenager playing in the ring.

Exactly. Dibiase, Savage, Mr. Perfect, Rude, Flair. All heels, all played the cowardly role once or twice, but when it came to match time, especially championship matches, they looked credible, even if they lost or cheated for a win.


Plywood said:
On LAW they're saying CM Punk and Orton had an excellent finish.

Hahaha, no.

Surprise RKO is not fucking cool/great finish/anything. Match was great besides that.

They are typically very nice to Orton matches.


markatisu said:
The booking from top to bottom was horrible, US title match bumped and Snooki match between the two BIG main events?!?!

The Taker finish was just odd, I mean a UFC submission and then Taker needing to be taken out by medical staff.

And the main event was just awful, Cena has had some pretty good WM matches but this one seemed like it came from a taping of RAW.

Rock should have come in and made it a 3 way dance, he was about as involved move wise as the other 2 lol

I did like Miz promo though, that was super tight but then it was wrecked by him coming out to the inflatable awesome

Yeah can't disagree with any of that.

I just think WWE needs better writers/bookers/whatever.

edit: good title lol



Sunny looked great.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Pristine_Condition said:
...and what exactly was the reason to pull a Dusty Finish in King vs. Cole? "Hey, we're in Georgia, let's do a Dusty Finish and a Double-count-out..."
you mean cena vs. miz.

That too was odd. And your explanation is the only sense I can make of it. they wanted to pay homage to dusty.


4 hours is too long for wrestlemania. get rid of some of the shit matches and just put on the good ones. the crowd was dead by the end of the night because of all of the matches(mostly shitty matches, too) being concluded by a shitty main event.


mania hasnt been good since 2001. lol @ marks getting mad with their expectations not being met

watch the royal rumble if you want a good ppv


GaimeGuy said:
you mean cena vs. miz.

That too was odd. And your explanation is the only sense I can make of it. they wanted to pay homage to dusty.

No, the Dusty finish is when the babyface goes over (usually for a belt) and the decision gets reversed later on. It's a real town killer.


Just got back from watching it from a bar. What the fuck was wrong was Cena tonight? Did he hang out with Jeff Hardy before the match? He looked like he was main eventing Botchamania instead of Wrestlemania.

Also whats the story of Danielson and Sheamus getting screwed? Who took too long?
There hasn't been a good title match with heat since Benoit/HHH/HBK. This isn't unusual.

Ninja Scooter is right. Taker/HHH would've gone on last if it weren't for that ending. That would have been a strange as hell way to end the show. And whoever's complaining about the women's match being second to last: this has always been how it's done. You need a bathroom/emotion break between the two big matches or else the last one falls really flat.
parasight said:
They are typically very nice to Orton matches.

They're the only people in the world that don't seem to hate the fact that...

















NeoGAF's smiling token!
parasight said:
They are typically very nice to Orton matches.
Ah okay. :/

Title change tells the truth outside of a couple matches and Snooki displaying some amazing athleticism that I just would not have believed until it actually happened, the crowd totally stopped booing her right after she did that.


Junior Member
HHH vs Taker to me made this WM along with the Rock..

Miz vs Cena was a trainwreck waiting to happen since the match was booked. Cena needs a strong antagonist in the ring to be able to perform, and the Miz is just not that. He doesn't have the look that tells you he could beat Cena nor does he have the inring skill of say a Shawn Michaels that says he can beat Cena.(This is all based on how cena is booked for matches)

The only thing that comes to mind as to why they didnt finish WM with Taker/HHH was the finish were both were broken men.. Cause Cena vs Miz was horribly booked. Don't get me wrong I enjoyed the RB and the fact that Cena didn't win the title, but not like I find Miz a believable Champion holding the top prize in the company.. When in reality it should be Edge holding that belt, or hell give it back to the Cerebral Assasin, atleast HHH shows up to PPV matches and puts on a good show.

WWE needs to go back to the drawning board as far as how you book matches, particuarly for your biggest show of the year. FFS You see what you did in the Taker/HHH match, you know make the crowd care wtf is going on?? DO THAT FOR EVERY FREAKING MATCH
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