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April Wrasslin |OT| WrassleMania Sucked

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No One Remembers
Plywood said:
Was announced as a Lumberjack match, the wrestlers got crazy and attacked each other, Teddy made it a Royal Rumble and Khali won it.





Ugh. Fucking stupid. I was actually looking forward to that match.

evil ways

If anything good came out of this years WM is that both Rey & Cena lost and Cody's building a pretty good gimmick if they decide to follow through.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Plywood said:
Was announced as a Lumberjack match, the wrestlers got crazy and attacked each other, Teddy made it a Royal Rumble and Khali won it.





once again...





Anyway this is us

captmcblack said:
So is WWE really better off with the PG style and the new-school writing?
The only way they'll learn is for them to make less money and have to change...

it's a risk. If they go all "Attitude" and the teens and adults don't give a shit because it's not 1998 anymore and they are busy watching UFC now, they could end up in an even worse spot. Isn't it at all possible that wrestling just has a lower ceiling now than it did 15 years ago? For a variety of reasons?
This is a strange feud. The Rock has buried and completely exposed Cena to the point where, unless Cena turns full heel and becomes the world's biggest dick to the Rock, Cena is the pansiest face in the history of wrestling.

He has no momentum or support right now. He's just this corny white guy looking like a bitch all the time. If he stays face with this corny act against the Rock, he'll look like Santino trying to have a serious feud with Austin.


What you can expect from tomorrow til next WM:

WWE Champion being booked badly. Miz will never look strong. Did he even perform any moves in this match? Another assisted win. WWE title shitcanned along with the US, IC and TT titles.

I'm not mad that Cena lost, I'm just mad about the predictability that went with it. WWE had a chance here to let Miz have a nice long clean win that would put him over. Nope, instead Alex Riley and The Rock do more than him. Sad.

Glad I only paid 2 bucks for that shit.
Why did the main event just feel like a regular match on Raw? I was expecting holy shit moments like with HHH and Undertaker. Is it because they don't want their younger talent taking risks like that in case of injury since it would really shake up the storyline? That was just like a regular match and it was short. We saw a pin attempt like 90 seconds into it, and like 8 in the first 5 minutes. What a terrible match.


Ninja Scooter said:
Is it confirmed that Rock is full on sticking around though? If it's a bunch of guest spots like the last month of RAW no thanks, but if he's a regular for the rest of the spring/summer I'll take my words back.

He's sticking around for 1-2 months, but they have to save it for WM28. This is Hogan/Rock II for them, you don't waste it on Over the Limit, Extreme Rules, etc etc etc.

The Rock comes out tomorrow and says "Miami, Florida. My home town. Wrestlemania 28. You. Me."


Did anybody get a screen of whatever ridiculous outfit HHH had on when the Metallica song was playing? It looked worse than his Conan outfit.
Kyoufu said:
I'm not mad that Cena lost, I'm just mad about the predictability that went with it. WWE had a chance here to let Miz have a nice long clean win that would put him over. Nope, instead Alex Riley and The Rock do more than him. Sad.

Could tell something was up by the way they were saying something was wrong with Cena. Miz was never going to get it clean.


I enjoyed The Rock and am pleased Miz retained, but there was something distinctly odd about that match. I cannot place it. I wonder what the guys on LAW think.

Deleted member 8095

Unconfirmed Member
DMczaf said:
He's sticking around for 1-2 months, but they have to save it for WM28. This is Hogan/Rock II for them, you don't waste it on Over the Limit, Extreme Rules, etc etc etc.

The Rock comes out tomorrow and says "Miami, Florida. My home town. Wrestlemania 28. You. Me."

If it happens at Over the Limit I will go to that show.


I forgot to add that JR announcing was awesoime as always - far superior to Cole, Booker or anyone else. Get your head out of your ass Vince and let JR commentate full time!
I think the Triple H/Undertaker match had way to somber of an ending to close the show out on. They want fireworks, music blaring and somebody with their arm raised.


Kyoufu said:
What you can expect from tomorrow til next WM:

WWE Champion being booked badly. Miz will never look strong. Did he even perform any moves in this match? Another assisted win. WWE title shitcanned along with the US, IC and TT titles.

Miz is a heel. He's has never look strong. He's supposed to be the guy that gets through everything by sheer luck. I don't know why people are obsessed with heels looking strong and winning cleanly. It has never being a part of pro wrestling. Even Trips was a bitch who needed large amount of help when he was a heel champion.
Kyoufu said:
What you can expect from tomorrow til next WM:

WWE Champion being booked badly. Miz will never look strong. Did he even perform any moves in this match?
Yeah, he didn't even perform any cool moves. I just don't get how that could be a main event match for the biggest PPV they have.

Evening Musuko

Black Korea
BigBlackGamer said:
for people that had the premium lamp you should check the main page. they're giving out credits.

That's nice of them. It took me a while to put in the password after the 15 min mark and it went out twice most notable near the end of the Miz/Cena match.

Argh, what a shitty PPV and what a shitty end. We already saw Miz Rock Elbow'd last week. What the hell was the point? People wanted to see CENA get his ass kicked by The Rock!

dream said:
This company desperately needs Kurt, HBK, or Jericho back.

They need Jericho back with the ability to say what the fuck he wants. His latest mic works were all mediocre compared to the stuff we know he can pull.


Jackson50 said:
I enjoyed The Rock and am pleased Miz retained, but there was something distinctly odd about that match. I cannot place it. I wonder what the guys on LAW think.

It was obvious Cena was going to lose from the beginning. Miz was extremely happy in the pre-show press conferences and interviews, whereas Cena was depressed.

Then his entrance...

He has shown more emotion on a RAW than that.

Guess he wasn't happy about jobbing to poorly booked Miz.


love on your sleeve
Kyoufu said:
I'm not mad that Cena lost, I'm just mad about the predictability that went with it. WWE had a chance here to let Miz have a nice long clean win that would put him over. Nope, instead Alex Riley and The Rock do more than him. Sad.
Miz couldn't beat Jerry Lawler clean but you thought he was going over Cena clean? Come on, brah.

Deleted member 8095

Unconfirmed Member
Azuran said:
Miz is a heel. He's has never looks strong. He's supposed to be the guy that gets throight everything by sheer luck. I don't know why people are obsessed with heels looking strong and winning cleanly. It has never being a part of pro wrestling. Even Trips was a bitch who needed large amount of help when he was a heel champion.

It wouldn't matter if they found some heel that made Andre the Giant look tame. GAF would still bitch about it.
Plywood said:

Tomorrow night Danielson will cut a shoot promo on RAW akin to his NXT shoot where he tears the company apart for placing Cole/King on the card above him after spending 11 years getting to that spot and becomes the number 1 heel on the show, dominating any face opponent that stands in his way with his superior technical wrestling ability. Believe!

Can't believe I'm getting 3 hours sleep before work for that shit, night ya'll.
:'( Del Rio losing


overall, thanks GAF for the lamps, it was an alright mania.

i'm still laughing over that short 8 man tag team match, how long was that? like 2 minutes lol
Ninja Scooter said:
it's a risk. If they go all "Attitude" and the teens and adults don't give a shit because it's not 1998 anymore and they are busy watching UFC now, they could end up in an even worse spot. Isn't it at all possible that wrestling just has a lower ceiling now than it did 15 years ago? For a variety of reasons?

yep, the attitude era was the blooming of the years leading into it (and the talent honing their crafts without the huge spotlights on them when they are green and lame). Wrestling will never hit that peak again, and to those who were there and not 5, you either leave, try and like the current stuff, or be like me and just get the old dvds, biographies, and watch shoot interviews :lol


Heavy said:
Yeah, he didn't even perform any cool moves. I just don't get how that could be a main event match for the biggest PPV they have.

Because he's awesome.

Suck it Miz haters. 133 days and counting.


You know what? Im glad I only pay $2. The stream was top quality and only went down for like 2 minutes combined. There is no way in hell I'll be paying $65 buck for craptastics shows like these. I'll stick to lamps all year long.

The last great WM was 24.
Azuran said:
Miz is a heel. He's has never look strong. He's supposed to be the guy that gets through everything by sheer luck. I don't know why people are obsessed with heels looking strong and winning cleanly. It has never being a part of pro wrestling. Even Trips was a bitch who needed large amount of help when he was a heel champion.
You're reimagining history. Cowardly heels cheat to win because they can, not because they have to. They always look like they could beat the shit out of someone if they really had to. Miz just looks like a teenager playing in the ring.


I'm still here at the Georgia Dome now.

My thoughts on the PPV?

Very mixed. :/

Great live experience for sure, but feel a bit underwhelmed overall.


Chamber said:
Miz couldn't beat Jerry Lawler clean but you thought he was going over Cena clean? Come on, brah.

Nope. What I thought was Rock was going to Rock Bottom him and cost him the title. I was right (along with everyone else).

But still, they keep failing to make Miz look strong. That had to be the worst main event at WM since...when?
Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
You're reimagining history. Cowardly heels cheat to win because they can, not because they have to. They always look like they could beat the shit out of someone if they really had to. Miz just looks like a teenager playing in the ring.

This. Even when Miz does traditionally "heel" stuff, like sneak attacks and run in's, he gets his ass handed to him.
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