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April Wrasslin |OT| WrassleMania Sucked

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best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Matthew Gallant said:
Uh, guys, he fought Captain America underneath a giant Cosmic Cube, obviously he is the Red Skull. Or Translucent Skull, I guess.
Hes been acting like a few comic characters with the mask. He was acting like nolans two face on friday.


Cole vs. Lawler was an overbooked pile of garbage. No need for him to walk down the ramp doing a self promo. We get it. Cole is a douche. Cole has no business being in the ring so what do you guys have him doing ... working on Lawler's legs. I get that he was "trained" by Swagger but he was so out of place in the ring. As a result, the crowd started the "boring" chants. Match started out fun with fight in the "Cole Mine" but the minute they went in the ring, it went downhill. Should have made it a street fight with max involvement from Swagger. Closing would then be in the ring. Booker coming into the ring was stupid. Why, what reason did he have in coming to the ring? I can see JR, but why Booker? Like I said, overbooked garbage. Lawler deserved better for his one and probably ONLY Wrestlemania match.
Cena really seemed to be half assing that main event. Usually I would praise Cena with his ability to deliver in big match ups regardless of how much I may dislike the end result but DAMN did he disappoint!
Miz looked like he was trying hard out there even with his so-so wrestling ability, hell he even threw in some new moves (well a side effect) but Cena just went through the motions. A mostly apathetic crowd (for this match at least, no doubt waiting for The Rock) and fake count out finish make it arguably one of the worst WM main events in years. Also I found Cena's entrance plain horrible.

As far as Trips and Taker go i'm kind of torn. It was incredibly slow with ridiculous amounts of dead time from selling every damn move like death itself. It did have pretty good content but so very slow and too damn long.
I anticipated both tag matches and Bryan/Sheamus (didn't know it was bumped off the card at the time) so I can't help but feel annoyed at the stupid length of time the match, entrances and even aftermath took up. (see also: King/Cole travesty)

Rhodes and Mysterio put on the match of the night for me, solid match with nice use of the face protector and knee brace.

Like many i'm disappointed with this years WM, I watched with 2 of my friends and we all felt pretty underwhelmed by the event. The kicker for me being that many good mid carders who would have put on some entertaining matches got shafted (Morrison, Ziggler, Kofi, Barrett, Sheamus, Bryan and more!)

Also no highlight reel again!


sajj316 said:
Cole vs. Lawler was an overbooked pile of garbage. No need for him to walk down the ramp doing a self promo. We get it. Cole is a douche. Cole has no business being in the ring so what do you guys have him doing ... working on Lawler's legs. I get that he was "trained" by Swagger but he was so out of place in the ring. As a result, the crowd started the "boring" chants. Match started out fun with fight in the "Cole Mine" but the minute they went in the ring, it went downhill. Should have made it a street fight with max involvement from Swagger. Closing would then be in the ring. Booker coming into the ring was stupid. Why, what reason did he have in coming to the ring? I can see JR, but why Booker? Like I said, overbooked garbage. Lawler deserved better for his one and probably ONLY Wrestlemania match.

KING should have pile drived Cole.
Anyway, Cody vs. Rey was my match of the night. And the announcers managed to pull it off too, talking about how Cody was focusing a lot of attacks on Rey's face. Cody had a great match, and no Rey botches. The only match with a decent finish, too, except for Taker. I mean, the flying RKO was a good spot and everything, but it's such a brick wall of a finish. Maybe they're setting up a match where the RKO isn't legal.

Point is, whoever is behind the Cody and Rey match should be handling Miz. Miz needs an impetus for a better direction now that his (awesome) video package has come true.


Nocturnowl said:
Cena really seemed to be half assing that main event. Usually I would praise Cena with his ability to deliver in big match ups regardless of how much I may dislike the end result but DAMN did he disappoint!
Miz looked like he was trying hard out there even with his so-so wrestling ability, hell he even threw in some new moves (well a side effect) but Cena just went through the motions. A mostly apathetic crowd (for this match at least, no doubt waiting for The Rock) and fake count out finish make it arguably one of the worst WM main events in years. Also I found Cena's entrance plain horrible.

I saw that too. It all started out with the WM conference. He looked dejected. Just out of it. The reality is, people wanted to see Cena get a Rock Bottom and that's what happened. I didn't like the double count out. I've never liked them. It's fine for a RAW match but not a PPV. As suggested earlier, Rocking coming out to distract Cena made more sense. The last thing we needed was the Rock on the mic again (with all due respect). He had his promo/gethype/igotgoosebumps bit before the opening promo .. plus the 2 backstage segments.


Matthew Gallant said:
I agree that it all went downhill after the fight in the Cole Mine, which was really funny.

Lawler squishing his face against the glass was classic! The look on Cole's face .. someone must have a gif of that!!! Cole learns to take a bump or two or ten. You could learn something from Shane O' Mac.
They have to turn Cena heel. The story is all layed out for them. Cena isn't getting he cheers he usually gets, faces the Rock @ Extreme Rules, wins but nearly gets booed out of the building. Turns heel, destroys the Miz for the title. And I mean just wrecks him, leaves him a bloody pulp in the ring. Then Cena goes on a year run as the most hated man in wwe.

Or, he dances around like a goof, overcomes the odds, and Vince pretEnds people aren't booing while counting the $ from the latest t shirt.
The main problem with the Cena Miz match was everyone knew rock would be involved so why care before that point as the Rocks involvement was all that was hyped.


Magnificent Eager Mighty Brilliantly Erect Registereduser
x Power Pad Death Stomp x said:
They have to turn Cena heel. The story is all layed out for them. Cena isn't getting he cheers he usually gets, faces the Rock @ Extreme Rules, wins but nearly gets booed out of the building. Turns heel, destroys the Miz for the title. And I mean just wrecks him, leaves him a bloody pulp in the ring. Then Cena goes on a year run as the most hated man in wwe.

Or, he dances around like a goof, overcomes the odds, and Vince pretEnds people aren't booing while counting the $ from the latest t shirt.

Any other wrestler that was getting booed that much for that long would have been turned heel loooong ago. The optimistic side of me says the are waiting to build it up proper and make it an epic turn. The realistic side of me says as long as kids are buying his T-shirts, vince will never ever turn him heel.
What WWE should have done was simple,

Rock vs Cena instead of the BS we got
Miz vs JoMo. They could have a clean, awesome match.

Any other wrestler that was getting booed that much for that long would have been turned heel loooong ago. The optimistic side of me says the are waiting to build it up proper and make it an epic turn. The realistic side of me says as long as kids are buying his T-shirts, vince will never ever turn him heel.

Agreed, if it's bad for business there is no reason for Vince to turn him heel.
What's a good site/twitter that has rumors of stuff and is actually right most of the time? Maybe has some connections so you can find out if Taker's really hurt, that type of thing...


Kusagari said:
I'm talking about in current WWE. They don't even want wrestlers taking pile drivers!

Right. Well it says something to the neutered nature of things these days that they won't even take that chance for their biggest show. And it's Lawler, not Mr. Anderson or some hack like that.
Re that Cena kid clip:

Aw thats kinda nice their whole family sits around to watch the wrestling.

It would be like having all you guys in my lounge lol'ing at everything.


Balya said:
Right. Well it says something to the neutered nature of things these days that they won't even take that chance for their biggest show. And it's Lawler, not Mr. Anderson or some hack like that.

Yeah there are always exceptions. Taker took a "banned" chair shot towards the noggin' last night. I also remember for awhile Taker wasn't even doing tombstones, only last ride and choke slams. Yet...he brought back the tombstone at mania (can't remember which).

I just think there should just be exceptions. Look at Vince. He's taken a beating multiple times.
They should have put Cole through a table or something. A stunner? Something....
People were dying to see him get DESTROYED.
Galvanise_ said:
I wonder if Cena deliberately half-arsed the match. If he did, poor show.

Doubt it, it looks like the way it was booked. Commentators even had the script talking about how Cena has lost his "equilibirium"

Whatever one's opinion of the Cena character, he has been a hard worker through the years.

They just need to Fire Cole and bring back JR.
cartoon_soldier said:
Doubt it, it looks like the way it was booked. Commentators even had the script talking about how Cena has lost his "equilibirium"

Whatever one's opinion of the Cena character, he has been a hard worker through the years.

Yeah definitely hard working.

It just seems really odd for him to come out and look lackluster. Maybe we'll find out tonight, who knows?


I didn't really get the point of restarting the last match, Cena already blew his title shot. It's like it was just to troll people who thought Rock was going to challenge Miz for the belt after the draw while he was walking to the ring. I get the logic of making it a draw and restarting it as No Holds Barred so Rock could fuck Cena up, but seems like there could've been a more exciting way to book it. What Rock did could've been accomplished with a simple ref bump.


Balya said:
I didn't really get the point of restarting the last match, Cena already blew his title shot. It's like it was just to troll people who thought Rock was going to challenge Miz for the belt after the draw while he was walking to the ring. I get the logic of making it a draw and restarting it as No Holds Barred so Rock could fuck Cena up, but seems like there could've been a more exciting way to book it. What Rock did could've been accomplished with a simple ref bump.

Yeah I thought we were going to have a wrestlemania 9 moment there for a second.
ZeroRay said:
These titles don't seem to hold any value anymore. This was a RAW thing at first with the Intercontinental, but it spread to Smackdown in recent years. Don't worry though,
the WHC is their midcard title now.

Is the WHC title treated like crap simply because it wasn't "their" title to begin with. It's a shame, the history behind the WHC title is far more impressive when compared to the spinning wheel WWE title.


Restarting the match actually made Miz look worse. In the count-out ending it at least displayed that Miz was equals with Cena. Then in the restarted match he needed Rock's help to win which made him look worse.
Kusagari said:
Restarting the match actually made Miz look worse. In the count-out ending it at least displayed that Miz was equals with Cena. Then in the restarted match he needed Rock's help to win which made him look worse.

The restart made both of them look like shit and made the WWE look like shit.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
WWE probably blew a huge opportunity last night. The Rock and SCSA being actually involved with the card was huge and probably drew back a ton of fans who had left over the years.

Then they put on a terrible show.


DoctorWho said:
Is the WHC title treated like crap simply because it wasn't "their" title to begin with. It's a shame, the history behind the WHC title is far more impressive when compared to the spinning wheel WWE title.

Pretty much, its too much of a trophy piece to get rid of it buts its not the completely awesome rad spinner belt from RAW (sigh)

I hate that spinner belt, to me its a farce of what the heavyweight belt should look like. I wish they would go back to the unified belt and have 1 champ. Why do both shows need 1 champ when ultimately the WHC is like Heavyweight Jr (which makes the Intercontinental and the US what like training belts?)


DoctorWho said:
The restart made both of them look like shit and made the WWE look like shit.

Things actually looked like it was going to pick up when they went outside. Then the count out happened. In a reverse TNA moment, Rock restarts the match after talking way too long, only to Rock Bottom Cena. It was just awkward and I definitely felt Rock fatigue by the end of the match. GAFers could have written a better ending than that.


Kusagari said:
Restarting the match actually made Miz look worse. In the count-out ending it at least displayed that Miz was equals with Cena. Then in the restarted match he needed Rock's help to win which made him look worse.
Seriously, looking back, that's some awful TNA Nitro booking shit, and it only looked a wee bit better because The Rock (who was kinda terrible all night) was out there. Totally awful thinking back now the next morning. You put this Rock-Cena shit above the champ and title. Man...

Really, other than Taker-Trips it was a total non-event. And even the good Cody-Rey match as well as the average ADR-Edge/Blady-Punk stuff was all so mild/bland and was generally stuff you could easily see on Raw/Smackdown/even Superstars.

Everything else was either too short (hello eight man tag), too long (Cole-King, easily), not funny (everything fucking celebrity skit they tried) or not relevant (Snooki Match, even if it was arguably among the best things on this card, sadly).

So aside from one match, there was nothing especially WM about this, and with a $50+ asking price, that's just terrible.
Plinko said:
WWE probably blew a huge opportunity last night. The Rock and SCSA being actually involved with the card was huge and probably drew back a ton of fans who had left over the years.

Then they put on a terrible show.
It doesn't help that by also shortchanging the midcarders they missed a prime opportunity to get old fans behind the new wrestlers. People who for example have seen next to nothing of Ziggler, Morrison and Kingston aren't likely to have been impressed by their performance at WM, hell their combined amount of moves was probably less than 8.
markatisu said:
Pretty much, its too much of a trophy piece to get rid of it buts its not the completely awesome rad spinner belt from RAW (sigh)

I hate that spinner belt, to me its a farce of what the heavyweight belt should look like. I wish they would go back to the unified belt and have 1 champ. Why do both shows need 1 champ when ultimately the WHC is like Heavyweight Jr (which makes the Intercontinental and the US what like training belts?)

I think they should unify all of the belts. Only to add significance and meaning to them.

United States
Tag Team

and supplemental titles like MITB, Royal Rumble, King of the Ring, etc.

There could be one main event scene that could play out on both shows, so people can tune into Smackdown too, as the stars can come from both shows.

And to really push people or slow burn have them compete for the intercontinental or united states on each show.


Am I right to assume that Wrestlemania ended with Miz jobbing to The Rock to wipe away the nasty aftertaste of Wrestlemania ending with a heel winning? My lamp died right after the Rock Bottom on Cener.


krae_man said:
Am I right to assume that Wrestlemania ended with Miz jobbing to The Rock to wipe away the nasty aftertaste of Wrestlemania ending with a heel winning? My lamp died right after the Rock Bottom on Cener.
You are correct, my good man.
DoctorWho said:
Is the WHC title treated like crap simply because it wasn't "their" title to begin with. It's a shame, the history behind the WHC title is far more impressive when compared to the spinning wheel WWE title.

Not sure if you're aware, but the WHC does not have a lineage going back to the NWA titles, despite the fact that the belt looks the same (it does seem a bit smaller and more yellow, but maybe that's just me). All the NWA/WCW history was merged into the WWE title when Chris Jericho became unified champ. :D


jmdajr said:
looking back at all these wrestlemania's on wikki... it's no way the worst.

Naw, I still think that 9,11,15,2000 are probably worse than this.

Depends on how you feel in the long run about the undercard, I thought Punk/Orton was an awesome, old school type match with the focus on one body part.

And I enjoyed Edge/Del Rio just made it feel so unimportant at the start of the show.

I think Corre vs Show/Kane/Kofi/Santino should have gone on first to get the crowd into the show quickly especially since they had that long Rock promo.
Wait, they let that Real World guy become a WWE superstar? LOL

I can't tell if I feel that's awesome or just hilariously bad. Its kinda both at the same time.

mind = blown


Spiderjericho said:
I think they should unify all of the belts. Only to add significance and meaning to them.

United States
Tag Team

and supplemental titles like MITB, Royal Rumble, King of the Ring, etc.

There could be one main event scene that could play out on both shows, so people can tune into Smackdown too, as the stars can come from both shows.

And to really push people or slow burn have them compete for the intercontinental or united states on each show.

contraction, contraction!


Green Goblin said:
Wait, they let that Real World guy become a WWE superstar? LOL

I can't tell if I feel that's awesome or just hilarious bad. Its kinda both at the same time.

mind = blown

I don't mind this at all. The guy obviously is passionate about this business. The Miz character has been there since the Real World days. He went the route of Tough Enough and got crapped on for not paying his dues. Slowly but surely he's built enough credibility to win the championship. I like the story.
Kyoufu said:
...how did The Rock being there not make it the biggest clusterfuck in wrestling history? Looking forward to your answer, but don't tell me "because its the rock".

Really late answer, but The Rock is one of the main the reasons most people got into the PPV and got their tickets in the first place. Without him, the event not only would've sucked even more (if that's even possible), but the buy rates would've probably been the lowest in Wrestlemania history. No wonder Vince probably begged on his knees in front of him to make an appearance.

I wasn't talking about the booking. The whole event was a downward spiral.
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