Best may be the wrong term. Most frequent? Maybe. Most consistently stupid? Probably. But not best. TNA is not the best anything.
It's Adam Cole.
The structure of the WWE in terms of narrative is really strange to me. Just bizarre things like apparently having the commentators being instructed NOT to emote strongly during impressive sequences, to be quiet and stay out of the way of the match - that just hampers one of their key storytelling devices.
Also, it seems like the entire midcard is just randomly kinda thrown up against each other. You've got a few guys like Cesaro who is on the way up, and The Shield who probably are, too, but then you've got all this kinda anonymous chaos and no real competition around the IC and US title belts. Where are all the storylines? Raw is 3 hours long now and it just feels like there isn't that much going on outside of the main championship storyline and the feuds surrounding that.
It's weird. The WWE feels kinda small.
There's just no way any wrestler would choose TNA over even NXT unless it pays really well and we all know TNA doesn't have a single adam cole wishes.
If Devitt fucks up his chance to even consider TNA, I get to laugh at all you Devitt marks for all of 2014.
You don't use "TNA" and "best" in the same sentence. Not even as a joke.
So...Global Force Wrestling apparently has a roster of over 500 workers already. Curious to see how this will all look in the end. The Biggest Loser guy says it won't be "match after match," but will feature more reality TV elements. Could be interesting for storytelling.
I wonder if TNA could even afford to pull of a triple cage match.
So...Global Force Wrestling apparently has a roster of over 500 workers already. Curious to see how this will all look in the end. The Biggest Loser guy says it won't be "match after match," but will feature more reality TV elements. Could be interesting for storytelling.
Best backstage segments. In that, they actually have them.
Happy Good Friday, everyone
Bret is down to make that swirl.Bret wasn't always sad
You mean to tell me Bret 'boner scale' Hart is a huge fucking perv? I don't believe you.
You mean to tell me Bret 'boner scale' Hart is a huge fucking perv? I don't believe you.
With her family it is hardly news she celebrates Good Friday. I bet she believes in creationism as well.RED ALERT
Eva Marie is on the way to conquering the divas division. She also celebrates Good Friday unlike the rest of you blasphemers.
#Queen #RedMovement
Boner scale?
Lord have mercy!Happy Good Friday, everyone
Imagine how dope a triple cage of the 6 sides of steel would look.
Is she wrestling inside a Wal-Mart?Happy Good Friday, everyone
What? Good Friday is evolving!Happy Good Friday, everyone
Unlike the WWE they have no concerns over extra floor space for tickets so they should do all of the double and triple ring events WCW used to do.
Imagine the entire TNA roster in a World War 3!
Boner scale?
I know in his heart of hearts, the King of Kings wants nothing more in life than to have a full on War Games and bleed the entire time.
I don't even. How did they agree to this?
I think I'm going to have more salsa and another beer. Undecided on what to watch on the Network. I've been mostly trying to go in a mostly chronological order. I'm up to Starrcade 1993 and Survivor Series 1993 for PPVs, September 1993 for Raws, early 1994 for ECW. NXT looks like garbage this week. I've seen all the other original programming besides Legends House. I think I'm somewhere in the middle of 1999 for ECW PPVs.