WiiU generation should be completely side stepped for whatever comes out next. You'll most likely be able to play the WiiU library anyway. Might as well wait.
There's no chance in hell that the next Nintendo system will be backwards compatible
WiiU generation should be completely side stepped for whatever comes out next. You'll most likely be able to play the WiiU library anyway. Might as well wait.
There's no chance in hell that the next Nintendo system will be backwards compatible
There's no chance in hell that the next Nintendo system will be backwards compatible
HHH must feel like Evolution is a success with that ratings bump.
It's also probably safe to say any interest in Cena/Wyatt after WrestleMania was killed after Cena's horrible promo last week.
Wouldn't the NHL playoffs eat into more of WWE's ratings?
Backwards compatibility is a pretty overrated feature IMHO
Digitally it will. Why wouldn't it be? Most games don't even use the screen on the controller anyway. Sure If you want to play Zombie WiiU or whatever the fuck it's called, yeah, you might be hosed.
Gotcha.It seems like more they loss people from the usual 3rd hour drop plus the Memphis vs Oklahoma game went ovetime so that most likely did it.
Well WII U compatibility won't be worth much, there's literally no games for it... it's not even a meme.Backwards compatibility is a pretty overrated feature IMHO
Backwards compatibility is a pretty overrated feature IMHO
Backwards compatibility is a pretty overrated feature IMHO
You're giving Nintendo way too much credit, they're too lazy to even let you play wii games on the gamepad
I used to disagree so much but...
you're right.
Well WII U compatibility won't be worth much, there's literally no games for it... it's not even a meme.
It's a convenience thing, but since I decided to keep all my old consoles and be all super trendy guy and have them all on display still I'm not bothered. I've decided to embrace my collection and buck the trend of the digital future.
Boxes for me.
it's not long, but not interesting at all. the match after it is pretty good thoughI think I might fall asleep if I continue watching this Hercules vs Haku match from Wrestlemania 5
There's actually enough to make buying one worth it IMO. NSMBU, 3D World, Wind Waker, Wonderful 101, Pikmin, plus Bayonetta 2, Smash, and MK8 are coming. It's a complimentary system, not a primary.
It's a convenience thing, but since I decided to keep all my old consoles and be all super trendy guy and have them all on display still I'm not bothered. I've decided to embrace my collection and buck the trend of the digital future.
Boxes for me.
I ran out of hdmi ports four devices ago though.
I still bought a PS4 and Xbox One on launch. Regret both.
How is the Young Bucks competing for ROH in a ROH/NJPW show be any kind of big deal?
No doubt I could have lived without a PS4. I could have been with PS3 for 2 more years with that PS+ library. At same time PS4 will probbaly be 399 for years to come so I didn't necessarily lose money.
I know people think PS3 looks like caca these days but alternate PC? Can't justify an upgrade JUST to play games. It be over 1 bucks once it's all set and done.
I finally get to watch the greatest tag team wrestle live.
The weird thing is that I know that if I didn't pick up either system already, I'd be sitting here constantly thinking about going and getting one. I hate that. Sometimes it's better to ease your mind with disappointment than wonder what could be.
Hunter crying is rough. Hate Vince tears more though, old men crying man I tell ya I can't take it.
But don't they already wrestle for ROH?
The Jumping Bomb Angels came back?!
hush marky mark. go back to your iwams love fest
You are aware if I'm Marky Mark, y'all are the Funky Bunch
So with The Shield saying it's war between them and Evolution, I'm demanding War Games at Extreme Rules, each team having a secret 4th partner.
Warrior doc.
BronsonLee confirmed as racist and bigot.
I need to stop watching these old pay-per-views because I'm slowly realizing that Monsoon kind of sucks.
SWERVE Deacon Batista is the 4th member says Darwin can suck it
So with The Shield saying it's war between them and Evolution, I'm demanding War Games at Extreme Rules, each team having a secret 4th partner.