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April Wrasslin' |OT2| The Coronation of The King of Swing

It's cause the spring semester is almost over and all the guys are trying to cram in their last minute offense of love before it's too late. I mean that's clearly the only explanation behind this influx right?
This actually accurately represents what's happening with me right now.

Of course I'm not going to make a GAF thread, lol.
He/she probably didn't tip enough when they went out to dinner.

First date on a five-star restaurant I might add.

This actually accurately represents what's happening with me right now.

Of course I'm not going to make a GAF thread, lol.

Well, there's a reason why I think this way as well. This is why you start early and don't look back. Often times near the end of the semester is always the busiest. We all can't be Roman Reigns.

Half of the guys in the ring don't have a gimmick so much as they exist.

A 3 hour show yet I don't see enough promos happening or misc. storylines developing. They'd rather develop Hornswoggle vs El Torito.

Yeah, most don't have one at all, but I used that gif cause Fandango is great. I've said this before, but it sucks that they're making us rely on the announce team to develop everyone's character. An example would be with Emma. JBL is the GM of NXT and he can't tell us shit about Emma or why she's doing certain things.

Promos are done on the app rather than on TV and I have no clue why. No more backstage segments and that sucks too. Come to think of, there are only 3, maybe 4 actual storylines going on right now. Everything else is basically the same match that was on Smackdown.

Now, I know I kinda shat on the announce team, but Hornswaggle v El Torito from Smackdown was a MOTY contender. Not for the wrasslin', but solely for Cole and JBL.

BHZ Mayor

How the fuck do you turn Bray Wyatt babyface? Randy Orton style "he's being a bad guy to the bad guys now"?

Hmmm. His current gimmick is a cult leader. So, have him out with an injury for a few months, then when he returns have him save the current top face from the current top heel stable with his new gimmick of basically Windham Rotunda, only playing up his love for one of his real life hobbies, complete with a flavor of the month buttrock theme song.
Then Bray's already a face

Well, not in WWE's eye. This is actually a major issue because they're already light on heels so someone has to turn if Bray is going face. The Shield yes, but I suppose Sheamus is probably turning too.

Cena and Bryan will need people to feud with still, so they need to build some more heels and quick. It's already pretty embarrassing that the next best thing they had behind Evolution and Bray was fucking KANE.


Well, not in WWE's eye. This is actually a major issue because they're already light on heels so someone has to turn if Bray is going face. The Shield yes, but I suppose Sheamus is probably turning too.

Cena and Bryan will need people to feud with still, so they need to build some more heels and quick.

Turn Cena heel

But really, Cena could and probably should be a heel at this point. The heel roster is pretty light right now, and there's literally nothing Cena can do that's worth a crap as a face right now especially with Bryan and Shield getting super face pushes. The next wave of heels are all midcard level at best right now.


Reigns as a singles guy is going to be such a train wreck. Can't wait to see it happen and be bored to tears.

This is why the Shield needs another 6-8 months together. The guy WWE wants to push as the singles guy is the only guy in the group who right now would be an awful singles guy.
Reigns is unknown as a singles. He's still at the point where he needs to be carried, and we still haven't seen how he'd do in a 10+ minute match. If I was him, I'd be begging to keep the Shield going for another while. You don't want to be the guy coming out of the Shield with a big push and stinking up the joint. He'll get pushed regardless if he fails, but they will probably protect him more and I could see them even reforming the Shield if they need.
A friend just shared this pic with me. Damn. I really hope it was his choice to go out there.


I missed the opening segment last night and your post made me go and check it out on hulu... I could see why Brie Bella was there in the ring with him, dude was fighting back tears like crazy.


Ahaha what is it this time

After spending all of last week blasting Luke Hawx, Steve O'Neill has now cancelled all shows, deleted all social media accounts and pulled out of a scheduled interview with PWInsider. Luke Hawk was right. Fucking hilarious
D-Bry update:

WWE officials have noted that given the circumstances, Daniel Bryan won't be appearing on the weekend shows in Toronto, Rockford and Peoria.

His status for Raw on Monday in St. Louis is to be determined. He insisted on doing the show to tie up everything and set up the program with Kane before returning home.

Bryan found out on Monday that his father had passed away.
After spending all of last week blasting Luke Hawx, Steve O'Neill has now cancelled all shows, deleted all social media accounts and pulled out of a scheduled interview with PWInsider. Luke Hawk was right. Fucking hilarious
Lmao. What a train wreck of a promotion


Warrior hanging on just long enough to make peace with WWE and bury the hatchet, Bryan's dad hanging on just long enough to see his son achieve his dream and win the title on the big stage, this fucking month
Extreme Rising...

My new rule: If you don't pay me up front I get to run you over with a ferris wheel

Pathetic situation. #HawxWasRight
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