I've never thought fans should be allowed to attend Hall of Fame. Like stream it and let people watch, but it should really just be wrestlers and their peers.
sad truth. fucks don't know how to behave.
I've never thought fans should be allowed to attend Hall of Fame. Like stream it and let people watch, but it should really just be wrestlers and their peers.
"John Cena suuuuuuuuuuucks, John Cena suuuuuuuuuuuuucks"
"John Cena suuuuuuuuuuucks, John Cena suuuuuuuuuuuuucks"
Cena's just happy to ruin wrestling for the rest of his life. That's what's so scary about Cena.
She's got to work on her Flair flop
i don't think the rest of us are gonna enjoy it eitherI'm surw sunny will enjoy the amazing Spider-man 2 like the rest of us
"John Cena suuuuuuuuuuucks, John Cena suuuuuuuuuuuuucks"
Did you guys here that Connor, the young fan of Daniel Bryan, has passed away from his battle with cancer? So damn sad.
Shawn's HOF speech on WWE Network is hilarious. Dude was legit pissed off at the dumb ass fans who yell random shit (ONE MORE MATCH! I LOVE YOU SHAWN! WOOOOOO) during speeches. Almost makes me wish they wouldn't let fans into these things when they do that shit.
Hey, if someone fucks up, it's our right as members of the audience and participants in the show to make them aware of itHey man, they're a part of the show!
Reminds me of the guy chanting "You still got it!" by himself as The Undertaker left his hotel room at WrestleMania. Learn to conduct yourselves, ya fuckin' ingrates. I bet these same people try to start "You fucked up!" chants at a ballet performance if someone misses their cue.
It caught on really fast because of this:I'm really upset that didn't catch on. Kurt Angle's YOU SUCK caught on FFS. This one was so much better.
Hey man, they're a part of the show!
Reminds me of the guy chanting "You still got it!" by himself as The Undertaker left his hotel room at WrestleMania. Learn how to conduct yourselves, ya fuckin' ingrates. I bet these same people try to start "You fucked up!" chants at a ballet performance if someone misses their cue.
Hey man, they're a part of the show!
Reminds me of the guy chanting "You still got it!" by himself as The Undertaker left his hotel room at WrestleMania. Learn how to conduct yourselves, ya fuckin' ingrates. I bet these same people try to start "You fucked up!" chants at a ballet performance if someone misses their cue.
Surprised Orton never used his arm sling as a weapon a la Bob
No one here would ever do this.
Easy solution to fix the HoF - enforce a dress code. Problem solved.
So extreme rules is coming up, what is gonna happen with the shield? Do you think it is to early for them to break up? I mean I can see Ambrose as a heel, and Reigns/Rollins as faces, but for some reason I see it a little early for them to turn one of them. They practically just became faces and to turn one of them to quickly would be odd. What do you guys think? Were they faces before wrestlemania? I thought they were heel for a long time before wrestlemania.
I think it's great that Randy's not at all like his father, the whole 2nd/3rd generation thing wears thin when it's the only thing worth a damn about a wrestler.
I hate that they're calling Charlotte "the dirtiest Diva in the game" - what's she done to warrant that? It's not like Ric started calling himself that on day 1.
Oh good, another Tamina
'Hey guys, I can't get over by myself so let me hit you over the head with who my dad is.'
Surprised Orton never used his arm sling as a weapon a la Bob
Real talk about a second season of Legends House.
I think it would be BRILLIANT to do father/son teams or mother/daughter. The drama you would get from that would be off the fuckin tank. Think about it.
Flair and his daughter
Ted DiBiase and his son (assuming he comes back for it)
Dusty and Cody
Bob and Randy Orton
Jim Neidhart and Natalya
IRS and Bo and Bray
It'd be gold Jerry, gold!
Real talk about a second season of Legends House.
I think it would be BRILLIANT to do father/son teams or mother/daughter. The drama you would get from that would be off the fuckin tank. Think about it.
Flair and his daughter
Ted DiBiase and his son (assuming he comes back for it)
Dusty and Cody
Bob and Randy Orton
Jim Neidhart and Natalya
IRS and Bo and Bray
It'd be gold Jerry, gold!
Umfortunately she will be a future champ brah.Oh good, another Tamina
'Hey guys, I can't get over by myself so let me hit you over the head with who my dad is.'
Surprised Orton never used his arm sling as a weapon a la Bob
Does Shane McMahon count as someone who "made it"? Because he acted a lot like Vince.
Umfortunately she will be a future champ brah.
Poor Bayley.no merchandise yet.
His ridiculous over the top mannerisms are Vince inspired.Where do you see Vince in Shane? I see Stephanie as more similar to Vince. Most wrestlers have said Shane came off more like one of 'the boys' than Vince did(for good reason)
.Bayley seems like a no brainer for merchandise, she would easily sell big to manchildren.