Look at the posts in this thread. Matches which have received "that was pretty good" or "that was a good match" posts from multiple posters:
-Wolves vs. BroMans
-Sanada vs. Tigre Uno
-Gunner vs. Storm
-Angelina vs. Madison
There have been three straight solid matches on this show, and Bully and Bobby are in the midst of potentially making it four in a row.
Whenever stro types Fandanger I can help but pronounce it Fan Dan Ger instead of Fan Danger and I start smiling.
...Why does a table match need a ref bump?
...Why does a table match need a ref bump?
Look at the posts in this thread. Matches which have received "that was pretty good" or "that was a good match" posts from multiple posters:
-Wolves vs. BroMans
-Sanada vs. Tigre Uno
-Gunner vs. Storm
-Angelina vs. Madison
There have been three straight solid matches on this show, and Bully and Bobby are in the midst of potentially making it four in a row.
Why is she wearing a disguise? This doesn't make sense.
I don't know! The ref was down anyway!
It doesn't matter if the ref was up or down, it's no DQ!
If the main event has a screwy finish, then TNA just shit on the bit of good they did tonight.