lovely ladies
Thuganomics foreva
Were you part of his chain gang?
Thuganomics foreva
Were you part of his chain gang?
Same here, if Punk is happy eating it:I really need to make this one day.
Were you part of his chain gang?
Man, HHH is such a mark. His office has a 24/7 camera on the performance center, every version of the WWE Championship, the original US Championship shaped like the US, and the Golden Dome NWA Championship. Him breaking down in the Warrior thing was harder to watch than Vince for some reason.
My man. Bad man is good stuff.
I believe Macho spit words with more ferocity.
I don't own the cena album, but I did buy this album on itunes
In one of Macho Man's appearances on the Arsenio Hall show, Macho started rhyming a bit about how amazing the Macho Man is and Arsenio commented, "You should make a rap album!" Randy laughed and said, "I can handle that!"
That happened at least 20 years before Randy actually made a rap album.
Watching that doc, another reason it just completely sucks that he's gone is that it seemed like he was back for good. He was part of the family again. It wasn't a one off thing for him or Vince, this was his "Welcome Back" weekend. :\
I would mark hard for cena if he did this every week
Still to this day think this was fucking awesome of Cena.
I think it was. I remember him tossing an Ultimate Warrior action figure away from Arsenio too lol.Lol, was that when he showed up as the Macho King? It wouldn't surprise me if he indeed ended up remembering the convo 20 years later.
Except for Aiii and Stro, they're good peoples
Boots/FallingEdge/Sunny, on the other hand, HACK-TOOEY
It's amazing. Really really amazing.
I hope Triple HHH has a microphone connected to that performance centre feed so he can shout down at his minions any time he wants.
I hope Triple HHH has a microphone connected to that performance centre feed so he can shout down at his minions any time he wants.
Does Bret have something like that at Bret Mart? So he can regale the entire store with his woes?
I just worked out for 2 hours straight listening to Ultimate Warriors theme on repeat. tfw peaking on PWO.
The production values are out of this world.
Warrior music should be blasted inside the White House when Obama is making crucial decisions.Did a 90 minute bike ride listening to nothing but his theme and YOUR LIFE MATTERS speeches. I feel like I could shoot laser beams into the universe and have them respond with life and POWER.
That's why they pay me the big bucks. get paid?!
Do people not do anymore FirePro Edits? I wanted to get an updated roster but couldn't find anything.
There's a WWE roster here
I know it says 2013 at the top but a bit lower is a 2014 file. I dunno about other feds though.
Another reason why I love the Ascension:
Their soul patch game is on point.