Saw a pick of Sting from the Worrier thing last night and he looks like Robocop without his helmet on.
They should give Sting some lessons.
Saw a pick of Sting from the Worrier thing last night and he looks like Robocop without his helmet on.
Starrcade '83: A Flair for the Gold - B
Starrcade '84: The Million Dollar Challenge - C
WrestleMania - B-
The Wrestling Classic - D+
Starrcade '85: The Gathering - C
WrestleMania 2 - C+
The Big Event - C-
Starrcade '86: The Sky Walkers - C+
WrestleMania III - B-
Starrcade '87: Chi-Town Heat - C+
Survivor Series '87 - C-
Bunkhouse Stampede '88 - C-
Royal Rumble '88 - C-
WrestleMania IV - C
The Great American Bash '88 - B
SummerSlam '88 - D
Survivor Series '88 - D
Starrcade '88: True Gritt - B
Royal Rumble '89 - F
WrestleMania V - B-
WrestleWar '89 - C
The Great American Bash '89 - B+
SummerSlam '89 - C
Halloween Havoc '89 - C+
Survivor Series '89 - D+
Starrcade '89: Future Shock - C+
Royal Rumble '90 - D+
WrestleWar '90 - C
WrestleMania VI - B
Capital Combat: The Return of Robocop - B-
The Great American Bash '90 - B-
SummerSlam '90 - D
Left a girl legit shook when I asked her out, now I'm just sittin here with you 6/10's to entertain me. This and being a bit short to be in the Top 10, I need some Super Junior matches GAF to sort of cheer me up kinda, help a brother out.
I'm watching the raw from the night they did the wcw purchase. It had the my way promo before tey spliced in the Debra crap and had highlights from the Austin Rock interview. Damn that was good stuff. I always goes they'd do a Rock v Austin DVD like the hart michaels one. Maybe the network will.
According to Meltzer, this WM was much more successful than WWE expected.
Daniel Bryan > Rock
My god, I asked StroMomo to make me some of her home made salsa. She made FOUR QUARTS of legit home made salsa.
Imma chow down, drink a beer, and watch Warrior/Hogan WM Rewind.
Company BBQ again.
4 burgers. 4 hot dogs. Hot damn this place is amazing.
Company BBQ again.
4 burgers. 4 hot dogs. Hot damn this place is amazing.
Today is truly the day for all the food to be eaten.
I'm about to go to the shop for a Magnum ice cream.
Left a girl legit shook when I asked her out, now I'm just sittin here with you 6/10's to entertain me. This and being a bit short to be in the Top 10, I need some Super Junior matches GAF to sort of cheer me up kinda, help a brother out.
Hot goddamn.
I'm going to go tell my apartments I'm going to break my lease. I wonder how that'll go (probably not well)
Not the kind of Magnums you thought you would be shopping for today.[/MG][/QUOTE]
Are you talking about this one?
Hey at least you tried. Even if you failed you are the winner in the most important game of all!
F you guys for this. I'm stuck eating fish.
Hope the hot dogs had ketchup, mustard and relish on it
ketchup fan. Yes!!keep dreaming mark
Just a bit of ketchup
4 patties in one bun. 2 hot dogs per bun.
Getting my calories and carbs. Gonna use it all today on arms and delts.
@WWECesaro: Add another country to the list I beat @iLikeSamiZayn in #WWERiyadh #KingOfSwing
Not the kind of Magnums you thought you would be shopping for today.
Filthy meat eaters.
Saudi Arabia got Cena/Orton as their main event. Our generation's Cena/Orton.
There was an update to FirePro returns uploaded for WWE and Japanese promotions. I can send you links if you'd likeDo people not do anymore FirePro Edits? I wanted to get an updated roster but couldn't find anything.
worst event so far in Straight Shooters history.
big man Vince, did you disable Twitter sharing?
I am starting to fear WWE cannot work a competitive Zami/Cesaro match on the main product. Cesaro is already on his way up the card, and Zami is still wait to debut.
I am starting to fear WWE cannot work a competitive Zami/Cesaro match on the main product. Cesaro is already on his way up the card, and Zami is still wait to debut.
Wrestling fans...I get off on the thought of the Cow's screams as I bite into a burger.
Filthy meat eaters.