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April Wrasslin' |OT2| The Coronation of The King of Swing

Remember Wrassle GAF a few years ago during the Summer of Punk when we had no gimmicky posters? Now it's full of Cena marks.

I remember we had a daily release in the whee hours of the night to get all the crazy out of our systems but then some yellow bellied creampuff went into business for himself and set forth a course of events that eventually led to what you see here today.

I know it was you, Shadowlink.

Brodus Clay being punished for being down with the swirl.


Total Divas is canon, Brie is a face there because her and Daniel Bryan like enviromental thingies.

You also can't say the Total Divas cast is a face on the show, because AJ was actually the face, as in, being booked in an awfully unfair match and coming out on top, who then did her heel turn by being mean to Paige, and then disappeared.

The notion that AJ is a heel comes from a sexist point of view where an independent, outspoken woman who have a true friend that is loyal to her without being her lover is somehow evil, because it's weird, women should hate each other and love boys. smh.

Now Paige is the face and when/if she retains against Tamina, who is a heel after ditching her friend babyface, she will probably feud with the Total Divas cast who will, again, be the old fashioned divas, the ones who only exist for the creation of gifs in 18-35 male forums, against a proper woman's champion, who says, and is not wrong to say, that she builds up the division.

See, the whole AJ vs Total Divas feud is about progressive women versus conservative women, with the more feminist half of the feud being the babyface; other ways to make you a babyface is by being progressive in another area, i.e., enviromentalism or by being victim of slut shaming and religious parents, like Eva Marie.

Like when people believed that Triple H and Stephanie believed what they were saying during their heel act, I don't really fault people for believing the narrative that these old fashioned women are somehow more babyfaces than our new, progressive, pro-feminist heroines like AJ and Paige. Lack of critical thinking and the hability to discern the sociopolitical metanarrative speaking out against the heteronormativity of a busisness still on the hands of known old mysoginists is comprehensible due to the fact that the message has to be subtle enough so those still in power doesn't shut them down.

But Total Divas is a step beyond the old black hat, white had mode of thinking that highlights the humanity of the female characters of the show, even if mainly to point out their flaws in order to create contrast with the characters who speak not on that WWE show, but on the others, more wrestling-related, WWE shows.

Natalya is human because she is a catholic old lady discovering her sexual side; Eva Marie is human because she is growing from someone hungry for the spotlight to someone who values the concept of marriage and family, even if that concept differs from the previous generation; by contrast, AJ is human as she refused to take part on the reality show because wrestling is more important to her and she passed the torch to a Paige who is also human because her ferocity on the ring, her passionate shrieks, her flow of emotions that emanate from having that title, all of that is a direct contrast from a Nikki worried about being a power couple with Cena, Naomi worried about magazine covers and the fact that the title is so important to Paige would not matter if we couldn't look at the life of those women who, sometimes for reasons we approve, sometimes for reasons we disapprove, values other things.

Why Daniel Bryan is the champion when he doesn't even like to use twitter while Zack Ryder is doomed on the undercard despiste success with a youtube series? Because WWE understands that what truly makes you a babyface is not having a camera in your face, but having passion for what you do. And so they branched without making it explicit to us: The Miz make movies, the Total Divas do reality shows, people who like to show off (poor Ziggler) get to show off while the ring, oh the squared circle, the ring is for the champions.

And right now, Paige is the champion. Because she is the face. And the Total Divas star a reality show because they are not.

I thank you all for your attention.
I remember we had a daily release in the whee hours of the night to get all the crazy out of our systems but then some yellow bellied creampuff went into business for himself and set forth a course of events that eventually led to what you see here today.

I know it was you, Shadowlink.

[pours a 40oz on the ground for our beloved Observer Newsletter posts]

To me, Observer Newsletter Snitchgate was when trust went out the window. It's our fault though. We should've been old school like the Hulkster and had somebody's legs get broken in the locker room area to send a message. But we were soft, and now look at us...geeze...just look at the Total Divas analysis post directly above this one.


I bet you like Daniel Bryan, though.

I do. He looks unkept and he should shave his fuckin' beard a little!

But if the story of why he has it so long is true, I can understand it.

He also hasn't been wearing ill fitting suits forever, like Cena. He probably doesn't want to get married just for that reason. He'd have to wear a good suit that fits.

PInk Tape

Detailed explanation on why I dislike the Bellas.

Ok, I see what your saying and I agree on certain things. It sucks that The Bellas don't have likeable characters to prove to the audience that they're faces and that they need their guys to show that. But remember a lot of this is on Creative's shoulders; they come up with the feuds, story lines, and scripts (unless you have creative control or you freestyle on the mic a la Punk or Jericho). This is just a theory but maybe this is the only way they think they can get over without the aid of creative because they aren't really sure what to do. I honestly believe that they do love wrestling and working for WWE; they just aren't sure on how to get themselves over as faces (which is a challenge for most). You know what creative should of done: they should of let them talk on the mic to rebuttal AJ's pipe bombshell. That may of showed the crowd that they are baby faces now.

Btw: Calling them leeches is a bit harsh though...

PInk Tape

Not if gaming side gets to it first

*some random next gen game's specs get released*

PS4: 1080p with some sort of Banderas gif to follow it.

Xbox One: 900p that gif with a ton of other edited versions to follow. That gif will be posted so much it gets its own thread, to the annoyance of some and to the delight of others.


So not worth it
Ok, I see what your saying and I agree on certain things. It sucks that The Bellas don't have likeable characters to prove to the audience that they're faces and that they need their guys to show that. But remember a lot of this is on Creative's shoulders; they come up with the feuds, story lines, and scripts (unless you have creative control or you freestyle on the mic a la Punk or Jericho). This is just a theory but maybe this is the only way they think they can get over without the aid of creative because they aren't really sure what to do. I honestly believe that they do love wrestling and working for WWE; they just aren't sure on how to get themselves over as faces (which is a challenge for most). You know what creative should of done: they should of let them talk on the mic to rebuttal AJ's pipe bombshell. That may of showed the crowd that they are baby faces now.

Btw: Calling them leeches is a bit harsh though...

It's the proper term for what they're doing, so it's not THAT harsh really.

The reason they never did a rebuttal to AJ's worked shoot is because "someone" from the Total Divas were hurt by the promo and complained about it backstage and the angle was dropped. Putting everything on creative is unfair, because there are women that got over despite creative not caring about women. Eve got over at the end, AJ herself got over, Kaitlyn got over in the end. Sure, it's probably a lot harder, but the Bella's have yet to connect to the crowd to the point where WWE will ever get behind them.

Full disclosure, AJ stating that she told the execs she didn't want to be on Total Divas and getting heat about it to the point where Vince let her go out there and cut that promo to tell everyone why she didn't want to be on TD is completely false according to the Bella's: AJ was never asked to be on Total Divas, but when they had one final spot to give away (that ultimately went to JoJo), they asked every diva in WWE to audition for a role on the show and AJ was asked to do that and declined.


So not worth it
AJ was in like 10 romance angles. Emma is in one and you all cry like it's the worst thing in the world.

The difference is AJ was the lead in those romance angles, she was the one manipulating the men and thus had the power. The only one that was a bit different was Cena, who romanced her and cost her her job, but that was redeemed when she turned on him for that swerve I suppose.

Emma's can be redeemed too, but I don't see her turning on Santino and she will legit be reduced to being a lower card comedy character for the rest of her career (God, WWE, please don't :( )


So not worth it
Also, for the record, I just watched the opening of Raw and I'm perfectly fine with how that went down.

Bryan looked terribly heartbroken, kudos to him for going out there and doing this even though he just lost his dad, what a champ.

PInk Tape

It's the proper term for what they're doing, so it's not THAT harsh really.

The reason they never did a rebuttal to AJ's worked shoot is because "someone" from the Total Divas were hurt by the promo and complained about it backstage and the angle was dropped. Putting everything on creative is unfair, because there are women that got over despite creative not caring about women. Eve got over at the end, AJ herself got over, Kaitlyn got over in the end. Sure, it's probably a lot harder, but the Bella's have yet to connect to the crowd to the point where WWE will ever get behind them.

Full disclosure, AJ stating that she told the execs she didn't want to be on Total Divas and getting heat about it to the point where Vince let her go out there and cut that promo to tell everyone why she didn't want to be on TD is completely false according to the Bella's: AJ was never asked to be on Total Divas, but when they had one final spot to give away (that ultimately went to JoJo), they asked every diva in WWE to audition for a role on the show and AJ was asked to do that and declined.

Well that's a deflating way to end something that could of been good. But, I think we'll have to wait and see if they establish themselves and connect more with the audience because I do think they can do it. It's just when and how.

Also, I apologize for calling you out on this without knowing your whole opinion.
I fell asleep at some point last night - and I don't remember when. I did not have RAW set to record. I have no idea what happened.I remember the Shield and Hunter Hoarse Helmsley. I'm confused.


So not worth it
You can't spell challenge without change.
It's hard for an egg to become a bird.
But an egg can never learn to fly.
If you're going to rise to the challenge.
You have to be prepared to change.
You just have to BO-lieve.


Emma being paired with Santino wouldn't be bad if they used them in moderation. They have chemistry, that's undeniable and both characters can be surprisingly funny, much more so then other comedy stuff WWE thinks of as hilarious. The problem is we're getting this twice a week, it's being run into the ground in typical WWE fashion. Emma hasn't been established as a serious wrestler yet and this feud with Fandango and his girls won't lead to anything for any of them. Had they used it for a quick comedy match in their loooong WM 30 pre show, they could have given Fanango his second (proxy) WM win and have him bragging about his streak which would have been hilarious and given him some heat since the Undertaker lost. The best (worst) we can probably hope for is another dance off as the culmination of all of this.


When did we start talking about wrestling in popgaf? Seems weird

In actual stuff, the next pwg show is at the start of memorial day weekend. Probably cant get that off. Dammit excalibur

PS: sok is a proven thug


So not worth it
You know what's weird guys? They won't do intergender matches in WWE, to the point where tag-matches have rules where when one woman gets tagged in, the other team has to tag as well.

But then they have no problem with doing midget-wrestling where the little people are able to fight the big men. If the argument is the women can't match up with the men because of the power difference, then the same should be applying here.


Ryback might be the most underrated talker in the company

Yeah. His Cena promos were all good.

God, if Ryback had the wrestling ability of Axel we'd have a completely great wrestler.

You know what's weird guys? They won't do intergender matches in WWE, to the point where tag-matches have rules where when one woman gets tagged in, the other team has to tag as well.

But then they have no problem with doing midget-wrestling where the little people are able to fight the big men. If the argument is the women can't match up with the men because of the power difference, then the same should be applying here.

The reality is that nobody wants to see women get beaten up on TV and dumbfucks would sooner believe that a male little person could beat a normal sized man than believing a normal woman could.

I would kill to see Sara Del Ray wrestle Sami Zayn or Cesaro in the non-sexual way.
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