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Ass play
Yknow I did see that interview with Steph on Howard Stern where she talked about fucking Triple H. Pretty wild stuff.
EDIT: New topical page:

Ass play
I think I will get a PS4 sometime soon. I really wanna play The Show.
I think I will get a PS4 sometime soon. I really wanna play The Show.
Holy shit what did they do to Titus' face?
I was already happy with my PS4, then I got Final Fantasy 14 through a stupid cheap PS3 collectors edition and goddamn, that thing never goes off.
Other than Guild Wars 2, I'd never tried an MMO really before and I've gotten sick of sitting at my PC for games (Steam streaming has helped so much in that regard) and now I can just sit back and play it on my big screen and I'm hooked. Ridiculously so.
Barrett, earning that IC title:
Holy shit what did they do to Titus' face?
I know it's pretty, but it's not worth it. I've been burned since 2009 on The Show. Just not a fun game.
And I like beizbol.
Great choice. Unlike the other option you get the best hardware for the price it's gonna be for at least another year, so there really is no chance you're going to be overspending even if you don't find a good game to get for it for another year (which is unlikely in itself).
Some people are like "yeah, I'm not getting it yet because there's no game for it and I might as well wait for a price drop." Come on, who are you kidding? There will be no price drop until the end of 2015 at the earliest, if then.
Barrett, earning that IC title:
Barrett is another one of those bodies I would like to look like physically. Solid build and mass.
Cmon brah get on that Ascension train. Conor looks fantastic, much majesty emergent.
No abs. 2/10. Would not mire.
Why would you want to look like Barrett? He's got one of the worst bodies in WWE. Got the body of a teenager. No definition.
Cmon brah get on that Ascension train. Conor looks fantastic, much majesty emergent.
Why would you want to look like Barrett? He's got one of the worst bodies in WWE. Got the body of a teenager. No definition.
Barrett, earning that IC title:
Why would you want to look like Barrett? He's got one of the worst bodies in WWE. Got the body of a teenager. No definition.
Wade is joe from KOF
Trips and the authority should be geese howard and co
Cape wasn't a thing til kof02 I thinkThe one KoF I played very little of - I don't remember that cape at ALL.
The lesson to learn from Barrett is even if you get handed a dumb gimmick with crummy material, absolutely throw yourself into it and commit to it, and you might just make it work and get over.
The lesson to learn from Barrett is even if you get handed a dumb gimmick with crummy material, absolutely throw yourself into it and commit to it, and you might just make it work and get over.
The lesson to learn from Barrett is even if you get handed a dumb gimmick with crummy material, absolutely throw yourself into it and commit to it, and you might just make it work and get over.
Buff Bagwell and Disco Inferno could outdraw any current WWE midcarder.