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April Wrasslin' |OT2| The Coronation of The King of Swing


Will WWE really bury Bryan's title run before it even gets a chance to begin by Cena'ing his first PPV title defense?

He has to at least main event ER after main eventing Wrestle-fucking-mania, right?

I swear to god if ER ends with Cena sitting on top of the cage doing his goofy hand sign...

Bryan is headlining because
the shield and Cena
are going to lose and his win at the end will make everyone happy.

bryan vs kane is about as exciting as Big show vs Orton. Shield getting that main event RUB!

Its not a regular match its extreme rules so they have all the shortcuts and crazy bumps available.

PInk Tape

He needs to bring back that scarf and wear a Devo hat. He'll be a heat magnet for sure then!

Maybe it would work if he went back to the Mexican aristocrat gimmick. I think that's why I thought he would fit...


Will WWE really bury Bryan's title run before it even gets a chance to begin by Cena'ing his first PPV title defense?

He has to at least main event ER after main eventing Wrestle-fucking-mania, right?

I swear to god if ER ends with Cena sitting on top of the cage doing his goofy hand sign...

I don't think so. They still have one more Raw to really build up the Kane/Bryan angle. I think Bryan's father passing just stalled a few things.

I like how HHH completely forgot about Daniel Bryan once Shield got involved.


Will WWE really bury Bryan's title run before it even gets a chance to begin by Cena'ing his first PPV title defense?

He has to at least main event ER after main eventing Wrestle-fucking-mania, right?

I swear to god if ER ends with Cena sitting on top of the cage doing his goofy hand sign...

You're basically gonna get this again:


Cena would have done the exact same sequence if the arena had 2 people in it.

Love him or hate him he sticks to the script.

Man God

Non-Canon Member

That Evolution shirt is PERFECT* and I won't here anything else bad about it.

* For making a friend wear when he loses a bet.


You know the Hispanic community is supposed to be liberal, but they still turn their back on such issues.

Fuck your so called machismo.

There's a fast growing latino youth population that doesn't associate with the church that will overpower the traditional latino social issue population. Latinos will hit a pro-gay marriage majority before African-Americans do.

New GFW announcement . They have a working relationship with AAA
This will only be good if we get Daga, Fenix, Jack Evans, Australian Suicide, Angélico, Steve Pain and Pentagon Jr in the states. Since they're the best
You have my attention. Do they have the authentic La Parka, or perhaps Super Calo on their roster?
Authentic La Parka/LA PARK is a freelancer. He will be on iPPV this sunday vs Dr Wagner in what will be a massive massive brawl!

Super Calo is retired more or less

Yo, Parka Negra is pretty great


Has it already been discussed how Cesaro's new theme sucks?

AlsoJoey Styles is still employed at WWE? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DYL3iSS9hZU

Put him pack on commentary for fuck's sake! JBL is supposed to be the GM of NXT and is absolutely unable to sell how good "his" talent is during the Paige match. Maggle was even trying REALLY hard.


I wonder how many shirts need to be sold to make a profit. WWE makes so many shirts, but I have a hard time believing most of them ever get purchased.


NeoGAF's smiling token!
The lesson to learn from Barrett is even if you get handed a dumb gimmick with crummy material, absolutely throw yourself into it and commit to it, and you might just make it work and get over.
Do some people on the roster even have gimmicks?
Do some people on the roster even have gimmicks?

HHH is evil COO mastermind who wants to protect his boys and no one else

Steph has basically the same gimmick

Batista is ...crummy washed up wrestler who says to deal with it?

Orton is the protected chosen one of the evil Authority

Kane is back to being a monster

Cena's gimmick is company pitchman who the crowd hates

Bryan's gimmick is humble champion that chants Yes. The authority feud I think has allowed him to be more like himself, which as we all know, is usually a good thing. (hasn't been around much to see how his character is different now that he's champion)

Wyatt is evil cult leader that wants to destroy people, has minions to help

and the rest... mostly, are just dudes.

Rusev is bulgarian? and he is a monster kind of thing who destroys people?

Most of the actual gimmicks you see these days are NXT guys throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks. Please tell me what Sandow, Miz, Ziggler etc. gimmicks are these days. Not what they used to be, what they are right now.

BHZ Mayor

Please tell me what Sandow, Miz, Ziggler etc. gimmicks are these days. Not what they used to be, what they are right now.

Miz is some clown from the Real World that used to get punked out by Coral and should have never been taken seriously. Now Coral, that's who should've become a wrestler. She would've made mincemeat out these wannabe models in the Divas Divison, and some of the guys too, like Miz.


Jeeeeeeeeeezus, the "She doesn't owe you an explanation" and "Dear girls who are finally ready..." threads are unbolievable. I wonder how many people on GAF literally can not function in every day life. Maybe everyone on the internet (which is pretty much everyone everywhere) really DOES have Asperger's. I can think of no other explanation.


True question, and I hope with a better answer than "Cena buried him", but what exactly happened to Sandow?

He suddenly just started losing and not appearing. Did he do something wrong? Did he just not got over?


NeoGAF's smiling token!
Kofi's gimmick is being the Wildcat... whatever that means.
It means he gets to do spots at PPV's special events.
If they have enough personality or clout, they could always just play themselves like Undertaker's Mark Calaway gimmick, A.K.A. the biker gimmick.
Some have personality but don't have clout (Ziggler), some have clout, but no personality (Alberto del Rio.)
Half of the guys in the ring don't have a gimmick so much as they exist.
Most of them have gimmicks, yeah.
most of the ones with a gimmick do nothing with it. I'll give Barrett and Fandango credit for having the personality to make their gimmicks work
A 3 hour show yet I don't see enough promos happening or misc. storylines developing. They'd rather develop Hornswoggle vs El Torito.
Please tell me what Sandow, Miz, Ziggler etc. gimmicks are these days. Not what they used to be, what they are right now.
and the rest... mostly, are just dudes.
Miz is some clown from the Real World that used to get punked out by Coral and should have never been taken seriously. Now Coral, that's who should've become a wrestler. She would've made mincemeat out these wannabe models in the Divas Divison, and some of the guys too, like Miz.

Coral was the original Titty Master. I think she would be a great manager for someone. Her and Steph could restart Pretty Mean Sisters.
They should have Brock finish off every major wrestler for good at each wrestlemania. Then when there is only one wrestler left it will be the WWE series finale. Brock wins it all.


True question, and I hope with a better answer than "Cena buried him", but what exactly happened to Sandow?

He suddenly just started losing and not appearing. Did he do something wrong? Did he just not got over?

I want to give a better answer, but really, he just got fed to Cena
Jeeeeeeeeeezus, the "She doesn't owe you an explanation" and "Dear girls who are finally ready..." threads are unbolievable. I wonder how many people on GAF literally can not function in every day life. Maybe everyone on the internet (which is pretty much everyone everywhere) really DOES have Asperger's. I can think of no other explanation.

It's cause the spring semester is almost over and all the guys are trying to cram in their last minute offense of love before it's too late. I mean that's clearly the only explanation behind this influx right?
Some guys are just better at being jobbers. Vince didn't see the potential of the Damien Sandow character past a certain level, and that's bad news for your career. That's when you've got to either overachieve or drown. Some, but very few, make it out of the state Sandow's in, but it's not impossible.

That's what happened to Bryan. Every time he was given an opportunity to do anything, he took it and ran with it. In 2011, he was barely on TV at all. If his job was to make the other guy look like a million bucks, he did that. If his job was to try and be a comedy character, he did that and made the most out of Team Hell No which I remember many saying was the death of his career. He's always said that he doesn't squander his opportunities because he's learned from guys like Cena who didn't just take every opportunity as a gimme. He took them and did the best he could with them.


Jeeeeeeeeeezus, the "She doesn't owe you an explanation" and "Dear girls who are finally ready..." threads are unbolievable. I wonder how many people on GAF literally can not function in every day life. Maybe everyone on the internet (which is pretty much everyone everywhere) really DOES have Asperger's. I can think of no other explanation.

Not sure. But GAF is still a chunk of the real world so. Yeah.


Jeeeeeeeeeezus, the "She doesn't owe you an explanation" and "Dear girls who are finally ready..." threads are unbolievable. I wonder how many people on GAF literally can not function in every day life. Maybe everyone on the internet (which is pretty much everyone everywhere) really DOES have Asperger's. I can think of no other explanation.
Just the ones that make threads.


Jeeeeeeeeeezus, the "She doesn't owe you an explanation" and "Dear girls who are finally ready..." threads are unbolievable. I wonder how many people on GAF literally can not function in every day life. Maybe everyone on the internet (which is pretty much everyone everywhere) really DOES have Asperger's. I can think of no other explanation.

I clicked the reply button, but after trying to write some things, I came to the conclusion that I can't offer any explanation.

I just don't know what's up with these guys, at the moment, they're really close to the top of my list of "type of people who I generally consider assholes". The good news is that they are constatly frustrated, so it's not like being assholes is working out for them.

I want to give a better answer, but really, he just got fed to Cena

What if there is no better answer?

...that's just sad.

PInk Tape

Jeeeeeeeeeezus, the "She doesn't owe you an explanation" and "Dear girls who are finally ready..." threads are unbolievable. I wonder how many people on GAF literally can not function in every day life. Maybe everyone on the internet (which is pretty much everyone everywhere) really DOES have Asperger's. I can think of no other explanation.

How bad is it?
*skims both threads*
And people wonder why there aren't more females on this forum. It's mind numbing to see how ignorant people are to us and how they can't seem to grasp that we aren't trying to lead you on anyway. It's mostly awkwardness and trying not to completely hurt your feelings.


I saw a thread titled Nicki Minaj sure is looking good again... and immediately thought "this implies she was good looking to begin with".
From F4WOnline:

-- For the record, the plan is not to turn Bray babyface until the Shield turns heel, so the two sides will continue to remain on opposite sides of the fence (with the exception of Roman Reigns, of course, who will split off).


Jeeeeeeeeeezus, the "She doesn't owe you an explanation" and "Dear girls who are finally ready..." threads are unbolievable. I wonder how many people on GAF literally can not function in every day life. Maybe everyone on the internet (which is pretty much everyone everywhere) really DOES have Asperger's. I can think of no other explanation.

Maybe it's because I'm tired but I don't really get those thread titles

From F4WOnline:
I don't mind Bray as a babyface, but for the love of god please don't water him down, I don't like the Mark Henry effect
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