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Archer [Mafia] |OT| Wait, I Had Something For This

Here are the mission attendees from Night 4:


Well then...

My role is Roman Clazado, the Hunter. My win condition is to kill the most dangerous game, aka the Honeypot. Each night I'm able to hunt one player and based on who I choose either nothing happens (ISIS or neutral), I die (KGB), or they die (Honeypot). My role is neutral.

My night targets were...
Night 1: El Topo
Night 2: Arkos
Night 3: Darryl
Night 4: Palmer
Night 5: Kristoffer

I'll answer any questions you all have.
I laughed so hard I cried.

Darryl's Goddamn check was N3. I used my power N4 when Darryl was on the mission and got killed.
So, QB didn't really check Palmer, then.


I need to put all actions into one post:

N1 - Mission - Mazre - Town
N2 - Mission - ER - Town
N3 - HQ - TheGoddamn - Town
N4 - Mission - ??? - ??? (died)

YesNo(Role Blocker)
N1 - HQ - Haly - No Death that night
N2 - HQ - Seath - Roy(DR) died
N3 - HQ - Mike - No Death
N4 - HQ - Mike - Darryl(Cop) died on mission
N5 - HQ - Mike - No Death

QB (Hunter?)
N1 - HQ - El Topo - Town/Neutral
N2 - HQ - Arkos - Town/Neutral
N3 - HQ - Darryl - Town/Neutral
N4 - HQ - Palmer(Maybe Squidyj) - Town/Neutral
N5 - HQ - Kristoffer - Town/Neutral

Squidyj(Lightning Rod?)
N1 - HQ - ???
N2 - HQ - ???
N3 - Mission - ???
N4 - HQ - Used ability
N5 - HQ - Didn't use ability.

El Topo(SK) - From memory, verify please.
N1 - HQ - ???
N2 - HQ - Roy???

I don't think he ever admitted to any actions.




Are you a Lightning Rod, as I linked a while ago? Other than how often you can use it, does your power vary at all from that link?

I think hiding it any further just confuses town as much as KGB.

like I said yesterday I attract all actions in my group. mission/non-mission. There's a bit of a minor twist if I activate on the mission tho. I will say what it is before the day phase is over but I want to give it another 24h.


Aside from Mike, we do have to consider lynching QB. It would clear Kristoffer and Arkos if he's not lying.

Is there a chance he really is the Honeypot, and this is his bid to stay alive?

Do people trust him or not about this claim?

I'm inclined to say Mike is a far better target for now. We can keep QB separated from ER, and have QB tell us his target each night, so if he dies, we'll know another Mafia. If he doesn't cooperate, we lynch him and get confirmation on two players. That's win-win for Town.

I like this plan so far.


like I said yesterday I attract all actions in my group. mission/non-mission. There's a bit of a minor twist if I activate on the mission tho. I will say what it is before the day phase is over but I want to give it another 24h.

That's fine.

So I'm on board with lynching Mike to try and verify YesNo. Lynching QB to verify Kris and Arkos is a distant second choice for me right now as well.

El Topo, Seath, and the honeypot's roles are firmly anti-town, while QB is pro-town. I think they mostly balance each other out though, since QB's acts as another form of Cop for us as well.

If we take those 4 out, we're left with 19 players. 3 Mafia would be a little low for that. 4 is more likely, IMO. 5 is unlikely as well, but possible. 4 > 5 > 3 would by my order. That leaves 14, 15, or 16 townies. We've lost Darryl, Roy, Visual, right?

So at worst, it's 11v3 right now. At best, it's 13v1. If Honeypot is actually KGB, it would be further in town's favor.
QB, what do you think of that course of action?
Well in a perfect world I'd want you guys to lynch no one during the day since if you end up lynching the honeypot I can't win. But that's not happening, haha, so I'm fine with the plan Palmer thought up. Any ideas for who I should go after tonight? I was thinking of going after Palmer again.
Well in a perfect world I'd want you guys to lynch no one during the day since if you end up lynching the honeypot I can't win. But that's not happening, haha, so I'm fine with the plan Palmer thought up. Any ideas for who I should go after tonight? I was thinking of going after Palmer again.

also gimme someone to sex with pls


Well in a perfect world I'd want you guys to lynch no one during the day since if you end up lynching the honeypot I can't win. But that's not happening, haha, so I'm fine with the plan Palmer thought up. Any ideas for who I should go after tonight? I was thinking of going after Palmer again.

That makes no damn sense. If I was Honeypot, I woulda killed ER on one of the 2 missions I shared with him.


Well in a perfect world I'd want you guys to lynch no one during the day since if you end up lynching the honeypot I can't win. But that's not happening, haha, so I'm fine with the plan Palmer thought up. Any ideas for who I should go after tonight? I was thinking of going after Palmer again.

septimus. If you die then we learn something.


Well in a perfect world I'd want you guys to lynch no one during the day since if you end up lynching the honeypot I can't win. But that's not happening, haha, so I'm fine with the plan Palmer thought up. Any ideas for who I should go after tonight? I was thinking of going after Palmer again.

Sorry, what was your name again?
Well in a perfect world I'd want you guys to lynch no one during the day since if you end up lynching the honeypot I can't win. But that's not happening, haha, so I'm fine with the plan Palmer thought up. Any ideas for who I should go after tonight? I was thinking of going after Palmer again.

What would going after palmer again do?
Well in a perfect world I'd want you guys to lynch no one during the day since if you end up lynching the honeypot I can't win. But that's not happening, haha, so I'm fine with the plan Palmer thought up. Any ideas for who I should go after tonight? I was thinking of going after Palmer again.
No. What do you think of lynching Mike?
Okay, so ignore that second part, then.

More importantly, I'm thinking that if QB checks me, KGB will night-kill him, and then I'll be boned. On top of this, QB won't be able to reveal who he checked at all if he dies.

So, how about we get QB and whomever you want him to check on the mission?


So..... there's something about Zeke that's been rubbing me the wrong way.
talking about gorlak he's been makign every effort to suggest that gorlak learned about Darryl in the thread without providing any evidence. He also called explicitly for a Lana counterclaim when I did my fake claim which I didn't really like, like I think he would have been happy if I was lynched and darryl revealed in day chat, giving him the cover for the kill.

Furthermore he seems to be quite obsessed with protecting himself which is paradoxical for a role that offers nothing other than to be resilient vs mafia attacks, making him one of hte worst people to protect in the game, worse than a confirmed drone even.

Of course he's claimed Archer and we have no counterclaim at this point but I think it's possible that he's Archer and KGB. He's been implanted with a KGB microchip.

With that said I'm curious what the ordering was on Darryl's n1/n2 checks and I really want EVERYONE to tell me when they knew Greatlord/Darryl was Lana.


So..... there's something about Zeke that's been rubbing me the wrong way.
talking about gorlak he's been makign every effort to suggest that gorlak learned about Darryl in the thread without providing any evidence. He also called explicitly for a Lana counterclaim when I did my fake claim which I didn't really like, like I think he would have been happy if I was lynched and darryl revealed in day chat, giving him the cover for the kill.

Furthermore he seems to be quite obsessed with protecting himself which is paradoxical for a role that offers nothing other than to be resilient vs mafia attacks, making him one of hte worst people to protect in the game, worse than a confirmed drone even.

Of course he's claimed Archer and we have no counterclaim at this point but I think it's possible that he's Archer and KGB. He's been implanted with a KGB microchip.

With that said I'm curious what the ordering was on Darryl's n1/n2 checks and I really want EVERYONE to tell me when they knew Greatlord/Darryl was Lana.

I have to assume based on Seath's role, that Archer is Town. Getting Mafia lynched is just par for the course. Getting town lynched is a neutral role. Plus Darryl cleared him. Do you really think there's another role that can hide their faction, like Nikolai?

3 neutrals:
  1. el topo - SK - neutral neutral (kills can hit either agency or kgb) - role name is from outside game (robin hood)
  2. QB - neutral pro-agency - out to kill honipot - role name: Roman Clazado (from source? idk i havent watched that far maybe)
  3. seath - neutral pro-kgb - out to kill sterling archer - role name: Conway Stern (from source)

... at least 3 KGBs:
  1. haly the super cute framing corgilord
  2. gorlak the betrayer
  3. maybe mike (potentially the honipot???)

There cant be more than that, right? In a 23 players game?


Nose how to spell and rede to
Man sorry I'm behind, MGSV will only make it worse "today"

So..... there's something about Zeke that's been rubbing me the wrong way.
talking about gorlak he's been makign every effort to suggest that gorlak learned about Darryl in the thread without providing any evidence. He also called explicitly for a Lana counterclaim when I did my fake claim which I didn't really like, like I think he would have been happy if I was lynched and darryl revealed in day chat, giving him the cover for the kill.

Furthermore he seems to be quite obsessed with protecting himself which is paradoxical for a role that offers nothing other than to be resilient vs mafia attacks, making him one of hte worst people to protect in the game, worse than a confirmed drone even.

Of course he's claimed Archer and we have no counterclaim at this point but I think it's possible that he's Archer and KGB. He's been implanted with a KGB microchip.

With that said I'm curious what the ordering was on Darryl's n1/n2 checks and I really want EVERYONE to tell me when they knew Greatlord/Darryl was Lana.

Darryl claimed "Lane Kane" (spelling lol) on N1, which is why I remained semi-suspicious of the claim until the end, and also why I figured he may have announced it in other night chats.
So..... there's something about Zeke that's been rubbing me the wrong way.
talking about gorlak he's been makign every effort to suggest that gorlak learned about Darryl in the thread without providing any evidence.
What evidence can I provide? I can't screenshot and I'm assuming I can't quote it word for word. Also has Mazre said I lied about anything I said? I dont know what's so hard to understand about "The conversation pointed to Darryl having a PR or being Cop".

He also called explicitly for a Lana counterclaim when I did my fake claim which I didn't really like, like I think he would have been happy if I was lynched and darryl revealed in day chat, giving him the cover for the kill.
I called for the counterclaim for Lana because I knew who Lana was and thought it was weird you would use Lana for the claim. On top of not knowing what you were doing.

Furthermore he seems to be quite obsessed with protecting himself which is paradoxical for a role that offers nothing other than to be resilient vs mafia attacks, making him one of hte worst people to protect in the game, worse than a confirmed drone even.
I didn't want to get off a mission to test a mission of yours. I'm not gonna feel bad for trying to protect myself. Why are you volunteering? Have you asked why cabbeh volunteering?

Of course he's claimed Archer and we have no counterclaim at this point but I think it's possible that he's Archer and KGB. He's been implanted with a KGB microchip.
If we are just pulling theories outta nowhere maybe your KGB and you bussed Haly. You were the one that told Darryl to stay on the mission, fearing for his safety. When he was in no danger at all of being killed as far as we know. Maybe your the HP and planned to kill me last day phase, which is why you really wanted me off the mission. Maybe you plan to kill me on this mission and blame it on Mazre, since you already planted the seeds of doubt last day phase.

2 guys confirmed by cop. Last day phase it was Mazre who was the KGB who read ISIS. This day phase it's me?


I'm just having a hard time seeing why Gorlak would throw himself on that grenade if he wasn't sure about Darryl which suggests to me that he was being fed outside knowledge from a mafia teammate to make those decisions, or potentially he was investigated by a mafia investigator on n3, but I find that to be less likely. So the question becomes who would be in a position to give Gorlak that information?
I'm just having a hard time seeing why Gorlak would throw himself on that grenade if he wasn't sure about Darryl

"The conversation pointed to Darryl having a PR or being Cop".

It was extremely obvious Darryl had a PR of some sort. His first post in chat was about being outed. You will see what I mean when you read the mission thread post game.

being fed outside knowledge from a mafia teammate to make those decisions, or potentially he was investigated by a mafia investigator on n3, but I find that to be less likely. So the question becomes who would be in a position to give Gorlak that information?
Darryl did feel like there was a leak as well. He felt like Haly already knew that you were fake claiming. Idk if he was reading too much into something or what.


Also, Gor volunteered first thing that day. So how would he know Darryl would be on the mission that day? Unless he knew someone would convince Darryl to be on a mission.

gee golly why would I want someone who I believe to be the cop to be on the mission if I'm town? IT HAS TO BE A CONSPIRACY!
gee golly why would I want someone who I believe to be the cop to be on the mission if I'm town? IT HAS TO BE A CONSPIRACY!
If you are not town and setup a useless KGB to take the fall, it makes sense. Isn't that the argument you were trying to push that Mazre was doing last day phase? Make a lot more sense than:
Of course he's claimed Archer and we have no counterclaim at this point but I think it's possible that he's Archer and KGB. He's been implanted with a KGB microchip.


So I'm running through thoughts in my head regarding Squidy being a lightning bolt role as I feel it could help us determine if he is town or not. I'm also guessing here that the sphere of influence would draw kills to him as well.

With that in mind I'm trying to determine how it benefits town, as when Squidy uses it there is a good chance he will die (unless doctors are still in play) and we wouldn't gain much info from it. Though I suppose providing one of the roles you draw would protect Squisy it acts as a kinda role block in regards to the killer, who we could assume wouldn't know why the kill didn't go through if YesNo not getting alerted to her change in fuck buddy is to be believed. But at this stage in the game with two doctors gone it's a good chance that it would just result in Squidy dying which I'm not sure would help out much.

So then I got thinking, what if a mafia had lightning rod abilities but would also need be able to draw his teammates actions to him? He would need to be split up from the group then, and on the nigh Squidy used his ability we know that the cop and mafia killer were away on a mission so he wouldn't draw them in. But again this essentially just works as a kind of role block that puts the user at risk, but this is a bigger issue for mafia than town due to there lowered numbers so that seems unlikely to me. Also it still just seems really hard to see Squidy as mafia after he was the driving force in getting Haly and was going in hard on Razmos, who became Gorlak, right from the start as well. If Squidy is mafia then he would have thrown two team mates under the bus in an attempt to win. I could maybe buy one, but two players seems a very dangerous play for mafia.
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