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Archer [Mafia] |OT| Wait, I Had Something For This


Question for YeNo and Squidy I guess.

So yesterday Squidy claimed he had that ability to make everyone go to people in his sphere of influence. Can you, being Squidy, define what that is? The simplest answer is everyone in the same area as you, so ISIS headquarters or the mission, but then if Squidy used his ability on night 4 then wouldn't yesno have visited him instead of mike hawk?

Top scum and top town with reasons will have to come later. Curry and booze does not w good combo make. But YesNo is in my top town. Mike Hawk and Septimus are my gut picks for top scum but I'd need to read the thread again to reallllly pick with reasons there,

didn't use it last night, decided to save it.


Late game reads courtesy of everyone's favourite Miller:

[m] TheGoddamn

Solid town. Really stepped up the past two days.

[m] Arkos

The PM debacle makes him a good chance of town, but he's had a blunder or three. Nothing suspicious, just amusing mostly.

I think Kris could be scum, his antics yesterday with Eze was very odd, defensive, illogical, nonsensical. His intro was bold but had a number of misses, and he flip flops a lot.

He's either one hell of a messy town or scum.

Septimus Prime
As said, went after him for ages. Recent days has made me think he's just a townie with a lot to learn, mainly the rules. Which he should read to himself and then pretend he knows them all.

Snake. This is MacDonald Miller. It's been a long time [cabbeh]

What a delight. Dealt a clean hand. Completely Miller-free. Fuck Millers. The worst shit.

I initially read as laid back town (like hobo) but now with Yeeny's claim going against him, and no real major helpful contributions overall, I'll accept him at the top of the scum list.

I read him as town in D3, I still do. His big moment was both fucking bonkers and a waste of an ability, but also pretty great because you could see the happiness in his post that he had the ability to take Gorlak down. Made me happy.

Town claim by Darryl

No arguments there from me. I think he's town.

Pretty darn sure she is what she says she is. Yesterday she made a bit of an arse of it. But she at least understood my argument that Gorlak had to go regardless of her feelings on him. I (We) was also right. Nyah!

I've been iffy on Questionbro for a few days now, and I'll wait and see on his role claim. He's reading pretty largely as scum to me


I'm inclined to think Palmer is town but out of these players who I do think are town, he's the bottom in terms of certainty. About 60%

Part of me is just worried he's got some great game plan going on and he was never cleared by Darryl. Just a thought, he's not on the scum list.

I initially read him as town, but the thoughts ever so slightly creep into my mind that he is scum. Gorlak clearing him in mission chat is bad. He was one of the last to vote on Gorlak, and he has nailed the 'contributes but never too much' vibe. We're boys from the dwarf, but he's from that really horrible evil Red Dwarf in the episode Angels & Demons.


Town claim by Darryl.

Still suspicious as hell. Information does point to him being town though.

Mystic Meg (squidyj)

Either he's got a third scum detecting eye, he's some incredibly bold mafia player who busses two of his own men, or he's just a damn good townie who finds people suspicious if they compliment him (VOTE: cabbeh)

I'll go for option 3.

That's my reads. Bring home the booty.


Scum list in order of preference:

Quantum (awaiting claim)


He was asking questions like
"I take it one of you know who the cop is"
"Why you guys trust each other so much, one of you much be the cop and cleared the others?"

Stuff like that. Answered no we didn't know, we were just running with theories. But anyone who was reading the conversation could tell Darryl was cop.

Why did you say "who else was checked" like did he know of someone who was checked?
Mazre, can you confirm that this is what happened?


Someone activate the Arkos signal, he needs to confirm this.

I can confirm it now, and I also said as much on whichever night Squidyj and I were on the mission, which he can verify separately.

He literally came into the chat, cursed at us(I cursed back), then he claimed Cop, then clarified with Lana Kane a few posts later. Mind you this was after the rest of us had posted a bit, since he was a replacement.
If squidy's ability is what he says it is, should we be looking at whomever got investigated the night he used his ability?

Anyway, I don't have a top suspects list right now. Everyone I suspected turned out to be clean and seemingly clean. I'll just go with the flow.

Are we still planning to put all the top suspects into the mission?


If squidy's ability is what he says it is, should we be looking at whomever got investigated the night he used his ability?

Anyway, I don't have a top suspects list right now. Everyone I suspected turned out to be clean and seemingly clean. I'll just go with the flow.

Are we still planning to put all the top suspects into the mission?


Given the situation, probably best to roleclaim QB.

Well then...

My role is Roman Clazado, the Hunter. My win condition is to kill the most dangerous game, aka the Honeypot. Each night I'm able to hunt one player and based on who I choose either nothing happens (ISIS or neutral), I die (KGB), or they die (Honeypot). My role is neutral.

My night targets were...
Night 1: El Topo
Night 2: Arkos
Night 3: Darryl
Night 4: Palmer
Night 5: Kristoffer

I'll answer any questions you all have.

Your ability makes all other night abilities target you, right? So on whatever night you used your ability and assuming you and Darryl were in the same "pool" (I don't have the missions personnel in front of me right now) on the night you used your ability, Darryl would have investigated you instead of whomever he was trying to target that night, no?


Well then...

My role is Roman Clazado, the Hunter. My win condition is to kill the most dangerous game, aka the Honeypot. Each night I'm able to hunt one player and based on who I choose either nothing happens (ISIS or neutral), I die (KGB), or they die (Honeypot). My role is neutral.

My night targets were...
Night 1: El Topo
Night 2: Arkos
Night 3: Darryl
Night 4: Palmer
Night 5: Kristoffer

I'll answer any questions you all have.

Oh very interesting.
Your ability makes all other night abilities target you, right? So on whatever night you used your ability and assuming you and Darryl were in the same "pool" (I don't have the missions personnel in front of me right now) on the night you used your ability, Darryl would have investigated you instead of whomever he was trying to target that night, no?

Darryl was on the mission that night and then died, nothing should've been effected.


N4 chat: I gave some reads, Darryl was really suspicious of Palmer and we didn't say a ton after that, really slow night posr wise.

About to board plane.

Mike would be my go to scum pending further info. Voted him D4 and ynnny new claim as basis.

I'll come back to who may be scum in a while, for now, I'm going to quickly point out why I'm not scummy, though I don't blame Darryl for his suspicions.

I've obviously known he was Cop since N1. He never told us who he planned to investigate. So let's look at this situation as if I've been Mafia this whole time:

1. I'm on a mission with the Cop(Darryl), Arkos(who is already cleared via the drone claim), and Mazre. There's a 50/50 shot he's going to investigate me. We (now)know Arkos and Mazre aren't Mafia, so I have no backup in this situation. The only things that keep me relatively safe are killing him, role blocking him, switching myself with someone, or being a Godfather type role who scans as town. Obviously I didn't kill him. We also know I didn't role block him since he did get a report. It's also likely that I have a similar ability to Nikolai who has died already. That leaves Switching, which is something we legitimately need to keep in mind. In this case, assuming it's allowed by my role, I would have swapped myself with Arkos since he was confirmed town, and there's a chance at the time that Mazre is a neutral of some type that would still get me killed. As you can see already, it's possible that I'm Mafia, but pretty unlikely. Occam's Razor just says I'm town in a favorable position, rather than a Mafia Switcher.

2. For the sake of argument, let's say I was Mafia and somehow made it through unscathed. So why the fuck would I risk all of this for another night by joining the Cop's mission again? I still didn't kill or role block him. There's still the chance of me being a switcher, though.

3. Also, throughout all of this, I never openly bussed Darryl or Squidyj during the Haly thing. I had ample opportunity to save Haly, out a Cop, and out Squidyj at the same time. I was just suspicious of Darryl still, which is why I was hedging my bets to some degree.

4. Why would I skip two chances to kill him, only to send Gorlak(who nobody would have suspected otherwise) to do it? It makes no goddamn sense. If I was mafia, Darryl woulda been dead N1. Town loses several days of investigations, it scares everyone off the missions, and you still probably waste 1-3 days lynching me, Mazre, and Arkos.

So either lynch me for being a goddamn Switcher genius, or I will assume all accusations leveled at me are coming from a position of deep mental incompetence.
Well then...

My role is Roman Clazado, the Hunter. My win condition is to kill the most dangerous game, aka the Honeypot. Each night I'm able to hunt one player and based on who I choose either nothing happens (ISIS or neutral), I die (KGB), or they die (Honeypot). My role is neutral.

My night targets were...
Night 1: El Topo
Night 2: Arkos
Night 3: Darryl
Night 4: Palmer
Night 5: Kristoffer

I'll answer any questions you all have.
So, given this, we can confirm:

1. Honeypot exists, and
2. Palmer and Kris are town

Ezekel's role claim seems more legit now, too.


Just going after people who went on the first mission or volunteered to go on it, figured the Honeypot would be among them, how wrong I was. RNGesus really needs to stop giving me these important roles.

Any info on the honeypot in your pm apart from he/she exists?


sorry mike but I stole yeeny away with my power one of those nights :p

So I apparently missed your more substantial role claim at some point. Can you reiterate for me what you have previously told us? I have a possible idea, but it depends on your ability and when you used it.
Any info on the honeypot in your pm apart from he/she exists?

Based on the wording in the pm, the Honeypot could be a neutral role, but that's all speculation on my part. Then again, if that's the case I don't think Ezekel would have made it alive this far into the game


Based on the wording in the pm, the Honeypot could be a neutral role, but that's all speculation on my part. Then again, if that's the case I don't think Ezekel would have made it alive this far into the game

Has anyone tried but failed to get onto the mission since Day 2?
Has anyone tried but failed to get onto the mission since Day 2?

YNNYN had tried to get on the missions a few times, either she misses it or unvolunteers right before the end. She was going to be my next target until her role claim today. Now I'll just wait on the results of today's lynching before going after her.
Has anyone tried but failed to get onto the mission since Day 2?

i sort of sometimes try :D

wanted to throw off reads that i was the blocker but i usually unvolunteer before the night begins so i can block/sex people up

mike and squidy :O woh i didn't know i was stolen for one of my mike nights????

@____@ so confusing~ so............ who's my baby's daddy? @_____@

....am... am i malory~


i sort of sometimes try :D

wanted to throw off reads that i was the blocker but i usually unvolunteer before the night begins so i can block/sex people up

mike and squidy :O woh i didn't know i was stolen for one of my mike nights????

@____@ so confusing~ so............ who's my baby's daddy? @_____@

....am... am i malory~

So your results gave no indication that you didn't hit your original night 4 target?
Has anyone tried but failed to get onto the mission since Day 2?
I tried twice:

1. I didn't know wtf I was doing. I then unvolunteered after everyone else told me how dumb I was being.

2. I tried the previous night because squidyj wanted all the top suspects in there, but I didn't make it in because the people ahead of me never unvolunteered.


Well I was referring to El Topo and you. Technically three kill powers but as you said, two are potentially weak.

My guess is Honeypot is similar to QB. She targets every night. If she gets Archer, she kills him and wins. If she gets Roman, she dies and loses. Anyone else, she continues playing.

Also, if Squidyj used his ability the same night Darryl checked TheGoddamn, it means he really checked Squidyj, so TheGoddamn is not safe.

I want squidyj to verify, but he basically sounds like an X-Shot lightning rod: http://wiki.mafiascum.net/index.php?title=Lightning_Rod
My guess is Honeypot is similar to QB. She targets every night. If she gets Archer, she kills him and wins. If she gets Roman, she dies and loses. Anyone else, she continues playing.

Also, if Squidyj used his ability the same night Darryl checked TheGoddamn, it means he really checked Squidyj, so TheGoddamn is not safe.

I want squidyj to verify, but he basically sounds like an X-Shot lightning rod: http://wiki.mafiascum.net/index.php?title=Lightning_Rod
Lightning Rod may be X-Shot. If so, they may choose each Night whether to switch on the mass redirection. If there exists a scum Lightning Rod, it would be this variant.
Do you think he's KGB?

I think there's a good chance he's town if he did steal TheGoddamn's read, since it came up clean.
So your results gave no indication that you didn't hit your original night 4 target?

nope. i only wake up to see if people ded or not....

but i blocked mike 3 times and 3 times no death (outside of the missions)

the second time i blocked him, there WAS death, but it was inside the missions. (darryl)


Well then...

My role is Roman Clazado, the Hunter. My win condition is to kill the most dangerous game, aka the Honeypot. Each night I'm able to hunt one player and based on who I choose either nothing happens (ISIS or neutral), I die (KGB), or they die (Honeypot). My role is neutral.

My night targets were...
Night 1: El Topo
Night 2: Arkos
Night 3: Darryl
Night 4: Palmer
Night 5: Kristoffer

I'll answer any questions you all have.

...why did you do all that weird stuff yesterday?
...why did you do all that weird stuff yesterday?

I was planning to go on the mission and hunt Mazre, but then Darryl died and info came out of that. I figured at that point I might as well stay on the mission since I had already gone to the trouble of exposing myself, and to be able to make sure information got passed on even in my death.


Do you think he's KGB?

I think there's a good chance he's town if he did steal TheGoddamn's read, since it came up clean.

I don't think he's Mafia, no.

The reason i assume X-shot is because, as the article points out, a lightning rod combined with a doctor means town is safe from night kills until one of the two gets killed another way. So logically, he's either an X-shot Townie LR, or he's a whatever KGB LR. That would also have had evil connotations since EVERY cop read would come back KGB, and we'd have no idea why. I suppose there's a chance this was happening, but we were segregated to the mission and got lucky. Otherwise we would have had the Cop wait X days, confirm 2-3 Mafia, we lynch 1, find out they're really town, lynch the cop, find out he wasn't lying, and just be completely fucking confused. On the other hand, the Mafia wouldn't be able to kill anyone while this was going on either, and it almost completely screws El Topo out of his easier win condition. I really hope Ouro designed the game better than that.

He's either X-shot Town, or x-shot KGB, but Darryl's read means it must be town.
Do you think he's KGB?

I think there's a good chance he's town if he did steal TheGoddamn's read, since it came up clean.

I don't think he's Mafia, no.

The reason i assume X-shot is because, as the article points out, a lightning rod combined with a doctor means town is safe from night kills until one of the two gets killed another way. So logically, he's either an X-shot Townie LR, or he's a whatever KGB LR. That would also have had evil connotations since EVERY cop read would come back KGB, and we'd have no idea why. I suppose there's a chance this was happening, but we were segregated to the mission and got lucky. Otherwise we would have had the Cop wait X days, confirm 2-3 Mafia, we lynch 1, find out they're really town, lynch the cop, find out he wasn't lying, and just be completely fucking confused. On the other hand, the Mafia wouldn't be able to kill anyone while this was going on either, and it almost completely screws El Topo out of his easier win condition. I really hope Ouro designed the game better than that.

He's either X-shot Town, or x-shot KGB, but Darryl's read means it must be town.

I said this earlier, but it might have been glossed over. Squidy used his ability on night four and the Goddamn read was on night three. Also, Haly was alive and in the town during night three.


Aside from Mike, we do have to consider lynching QB. It would clear Kristoffer and Arkos if he's not lying.

Is there a chance he really is the Honeypot, and this is his bid to stay alive?

Do people trust him or not about this claim?

I'm inclined to say Mike is a far better target for now. We can keep QB separated from ER, and have QB tell us his target each night, so if he dies, we'll know another Mafia. If he doesn't cooperate, we lynch him and get confirmation on two players. That's win-win for Town.
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