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Are there any live service or MMO type games out there that just don't feel gross?


One thing that really bums me out about the current state of gaming is the current landscape of online multiplayer games. It's all about the upsell so much that I haven't been able find one I can get into anymore. It's not like I come purely from a place of single player only games. I was there when the Dreamcast had multiplayer games, and was hooked on stuff like Phantasy Star Online, even when it had a monthly fee. I played Final Fantasy XI for at least 10 years, until I just felt like I couldn't keep up with the game anymore, but I still loved my time with it. Was like my second life for all those years. I was a huge fan of what Star Wars Galaxies was going for before it got major changes, and eventually got destroyed because everything had to turn into WoW, which is a game I never really liked.

For as much money so many live service games make these days, I feel like they've only regressed in their potential for being engaging experiences. At least the ones I've played. People are willing to throw so much money at games that I feel offer them less than the type of live services games I used to play. And even though I bought my fair share of expansions over the years for something like FFXI, they always felt like massive content updates, and I didn't feel like I was being nickeled and dimed, even with the monthly fee.

A friend of mine has been playing Destiny 2 a bunch lately, and I never really booted it up. I played through most of the content Destiny 1 had, but only single player as I didn't have friends to play it with. So stuff like raids mostly eluded me, but I at least felt like I got a somewhat fun experience of out the "campaign" of Destiny 1. Brings me back to Destiny 2, and I boot it up on Steam for the first time...made a new character, and it puts me through the intro of Destiny 1 again, I'm like okay, this is fine, Gunplay still feels fun. After the intro though, I almost immediately felt like I was punched in the gut. I was like ooooh no....


I knew this was wrong...the game literally throws you in with no more direction as to what the hell to do, because all the players are just cogs in this money making machine. Instead of like the first Destiny where I felt like it was decent at guiding you what to do next, the town in dropped me into in Destiny 2 just felt like Microtransaction Square. The nearest damn icon I ran up to didn't take me to any new mission, but rather a fucking storefront to buy more shit. I couldn't even find anything that would guide me to the next thing to do. No context as to what the hell I was supposed to do in the city, just...go do whatevs, just give us money. Least that's how it felt as someone who hadn't ever picked up the game. It just felt dirty, and I didn't waste much time returning to desktop, and uninstalling the game.

This is just the landscape of multiplayer games now also...back in the day I felt guilty for sometimes using gil sellers to afford a piece of armor I wanted in FFXI. The real reward in that game for me was always earning my gear, and spending the time to do it. I knew I was not only killing the spirit to buy gil, but it felt wrong too. Now games seem to be built around just buying your reward, and not earning it, hence the whole satisfying aspect of playing these games seems gone. Don't even get me started on games that charge for fucking emotes. I would not have liked FFXI half as much if I had to pay for my /panic tarutaru animation.
You can say it was worth paying for, but it was part of the damn experience. If I had to pay for it, I probably wouldn't have ever gotten it or used it.

I've kinda veered off on a tangent as to why I made this topic in the first place. I didn't want to purely bitch about the state of these games that do it wrong, but rather find out if there are any games out there that do it right anymore. I was browsing the Steam Sale, and after the all the time it's been out, I've been curious about games like Elder Scrolls online, because it looks like it could be cool, but I'm afraid to even buy these kinds of games anymore because of the experiences I've had that have shown me how greedy they all are now.
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Path of Exile is my current jam. It's on pc, ps4, and Xbox. Completely free to play and microtransactions come in cosmetic and convenience varieties.

I used to play Elder Scrolls Online, it's another good buy to play game. You don't need to spend another dime unless you want some conveniences if you're heavy into crafting.


Path of Exile is my current jam. It's on pc, ps4, and Xbox. Completely free to play and microtransactions come in cosmetic and convenience varieties.

I used to play Elder Scrolls Online, it's another good buy to play game. You don't need to spend another dime unless you want some conveniences if you're heavy into crafting.
Elder Scrolls Online is largely the reason why I made this thread, cuz I was staring at it in the current digital sales for steam and PS4, and debating if I wanna jump in for $20.

Maybe should I just go back to Final Fantasy XI, game has outdated graphics, but still is beautiful to me.
Yeah I just wish some of these games I could pay a one off price and then be done. I like FFXIV but now that I have a kid I can’t play often anymore and can’t justify a monthly sub. Maybe live service games in general aren’t for me, I can sometimes go months without playing and when I log back in everything has changed.


The nicest person on this forum
Yeah I just wish some of these games I could pay a one off price and then be done. I like FFXIV but now that I have a kid I can’t play often anymore and can’t justify a monthly sub. Maybe live service games in general aren’t for me, I can sometimes go months without playing and when I log back in everything has changed.
Isn't better just play single player games? you choose your own pace you never need to pay sub or anything.


Isn't better just play single player games? you choose your own pace you never need to pay sub or anything.
I mean, that's kinda the thing now. I don't have kids, but that's what eventually happened with FFXI, I just became too busy to devote all my game time to a single game when I like playing a lot of different things.

There was something very comforting about just going into the same game that I was hooked into, and knew what I was doing. FFXI was such a unique beast though. Even though it was so time consuming to just find members to team up with sometimes, whenever it happened, it was like magic. That game needed people to work together to accomplish anything back in the day, and it made the introvert (me) have to socialize to get anywhere. Even if I didn't form long standing friendships with everyone I met, I at least felt like I was still meeting people. I'd give anything to feel that way again in a game. The internet as a whole has sadly changed since then though.


Gold Member
Elder Scrolls Online is largely the reason why I made this thread, cuz I was staring at it in the current digital sales for steam and PS4, and debating if I wanna jump in for $20.

Maybe should I just go back to Final Fantasy XI, game has outdated graphics, but still is beautiful to me.

ESO has more of a single player feel to it than an MMO. You do your own thing most of the time, rarely needing to party, like FFXI or others.


The nicest person on this forum
I mean, that's kinda the thing now. I don't have kids, but that's what eventually happened with FFXI, I just became too busy to devote all my game time to a single game when I like playing a lot of different things.

There was something very comforting about just going into the same game that I was hooked into, and knew what I was doing. FFXI was such a unique beast though. Even though it was so time consuming to just find members to team up with sometimes, whenever it happened, it was like magic. That game needed people to work together to accomplish anything back in the day, and it made the introvert (me) have to socialize to get anywhere. Even if I didn't form long standing friendships with everyone I met, I at least felt like I was still meeting people. I'd give anything to feel that way again in a game. The internet as a whole has sadly changed since then though.
For me when it comes to gaming I'm as anti-social as you can get, I don't want to deal with anybody, gaming is my own relaxation time and I don't want anyone interferer with that. This why I solely play single player games and games like Bloodborne I only play offline.
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IDK, but these live service/MMO lite games (or the ones I've played at least) always end up feeling like a hamster wheel to me. That's why, apart from MCC I don't really play MP games anymore.

I definitely prefer the approach of classic MP games, where you played whatever whenever, just to have fun, without having to worry about progression systems or "being left behind" for not playing enough, or for not playing the right modes, missing timed events, etc. When you add microtransactions and other predatory practices on top of that... yeah, definitely not my thing.


Neo Member
It's odd, normally I'd say FFXIV, ESO, Black Desert, and maybe some others, but recently have gotten something under my skin that's been kinda bugging me a tad.

Recently I started playing Fable 3, because I never played it originally, only 1 & 2.

It looks absolutely gorgeous on my ultra high-end 75" UHD for a last gen game, and always feel SO emerged/immersed even beyond the Fable mechanics, but couldn't put my finger on why... until I could and now it's something that chafes me a tad in other games.

It's the fact Fable has zero overlay UI (outside of nameplates when needed and the occasional QTE buttons), so you're fully experiencing the world with UI slightly breaking immersion.

I get larger scale games need overlays and UIs because there's so much going on, and yes in a lot of MMOs you can hide UI... just really wish there were Fable-like MMOs where you just fully see the world.

PS - It's also why I really love games like Elex due to very minimal overlay and robust immersive push into the world. :)
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I miss FFXI, if I could get a remastered version of the game before the Abyssa stuff and just turning into a single player MMO I'd throw money at it to go back to just playing that only for the most part. They were so much better having a game that wasn't trying to be WoW.


Consider this a hybrid but ultimately is totally an MMO. I put in 250+ hours it was my MMO game of the year for last year, I just really didn't dig the expansion but the primary game is 250+ hours worth of love + that expansion.

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Neo Member
For me when it comes to gaming I'm as anti-social as you can get, I don't want to deal with anybody, gaming is my own relaxation time and I don't want anyone interferer with that. This why I solely play single player games and games like Bloodborne I only play offline.
Compete same exact here. I only like/prefer MMOs due to the virtual-world size/scale/feel, while other players tend to seem like NPC town/world population to me. 🤠:goog_smile_face_eyes::goog_cool::messenger_beaming:

I've also lost count of how many dozens of times random-grouping turned into a compete clusterfuck. o_O


I've kinda veered off on a tangent as to why I made this topic in the first place. I didn't want to purely bitch about the state of these games that do it wrong, but rather find out if there are any games out there that do it right anymore. I was browsing the Steam Sale, and after the all the time it's been out, I've been curious about games like Elder Scrolls online, because it looks like it could be cool, but I'm afraid to even buy these kinds of games anymore because of the experiences I've had that have shown me how greedy they all are now.

If heavy-handed monetization annoys you then stay far, far away from ESO.

Honestly I would say that at this point none of these games are worth playing because they all completely take the piss, and your decision to just ignore them is the correct one. I wish everyone would do this, since then the big publishers that are pushing this crap would go out of business.


If heavy-handed monetization annoys you then stay far, far away from ESO.

Honestly I would say that at this point none of these games are worth playing because they all completely take the piss, and your decision to just ignore them is the correct one. I wish everyone would do this, since then the big publishers that are pushing this crap would go out of business.
I was afraid that this was ultimately the answer, but I was hoping to maybe learn about some hidden gem out there that I wasn't made aware of.

It was bad enough when every game had to be WoW (which after playing FFXI, always felt like it was soooo inferior, and I feel like some crazy minority who must see the world through different eyes), now every game feels like it's just more concerned about reaching into your wallet, rather than providing an engaging experience. I'm not naive enough to think, yeah I know, games exist to make money...but I feel like games today just don't even hide the fact that they're trying to take all your money, at least to me. The tactics employed in these live service games to extract money from you are so blatant and obvious to me. I can't even think about the experience, because all I can think about is how is this game going to punish because I'm not paying money for this service, or this item. Like exp boosters, or money boosters, or cosmetic gear that looks cooler than anything else I can earn in game. The "it's just cosmetic" argument never stuck with me, because working my butt off to get cool looking gear in FFXI was part of the appeal! Every single time I spent real money to buy gil, and purchase gear with it, I never felt half as good about it. Not once. Shit I got from Dynamis though, or getting lucky capturing Mee Deggi The Punisher was exhilarating.


Neo Member
It's odd, normally I'd say FFXIV, ESO, Black Desert, and maybe some others, but recently have gotten something under my skin that's been kinda bugging me a tad.

Recently I started playing Fable 3, because I never played it originally, only 1 & 2.

It looks absolutely gorgeous on my ultra high-end 75" UHD for a last gen game, and always feel SO emerged/immersed even beyond the Fable mechanics, but couldn't put my finger on why... until I could and now it's something that chafes me a tad in other games.

It's the fact Fable has zero overlay UI (outside of nameplates when needed and the occasional QTE buttons), so you're fully experiencing the world with UI slightly breaking immersion.

I get larger scale games need overlays and UIs because there's so much going on, and yes in a lot of MMOs you can hide UI... just really wish there were Fable-like MMOs where you just fully see the world.

PS - It's also why I really love games like Elex due to very minimal overlay and robust immersive push into the world. :)
Oops... "so you're fully experiencing the world with UI slightly breaking immersion" should read as "without". xD


I hate how people bended over for "if its not p2w micro-transactions then its ok". This basically made most mmos completely unfun. Before I would play mmo, see some high-level dude looking amazing in some armor, and go like "wow, I want that too", so you would have a goal to grind for, you would work for it and it will feel satisfying to get this stuff. But now every free mmo is like, you start your character and you can buy, for like 20$-40$ cosmetic armor that will make you look amazing straight away and you get jack shit if you just play it without paying. Suuure, its a lesser evil, but it pretty much destroyed mmos for me and now you get this in full-priced games too...
The only mmo I can recommend is FFXIV, since its a sub, it mostly gives you to earn everything in the game and they add a fair amount of content. I'm not fond of their $ shop, but it was pretty low-key for me so far.
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Project Gorgon is a one-time buy with no microtransactions or anything else after that. It's old school though (new game but old school graphics and feel) so may not appeal to some and the game population isn't very high - still it's my favorite mmo of the last 5 years or so.
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FFXI was such a unique beast though. Even though it was so time consuming to just find members to team up with sometimes, whenever it happened, it was like magic.

I feel like that ship has sailed for most. It was magical when I played SW Galaxies or WoW the first time, even Battlefield 1942. They provided fresh experiences then, that are everywhere now.
Dota 2

Completely free to play and the only transactions are for cosmetics. Has a steep learning curve but well worth it in the long run. Be warned though, other games might cease to exist.


Neo Member
One MMO that I would absolutely LOVE to see make a comeback is, either a reboot or remake of ANARCHY ONLINE.

Also on the Funcom angle, be neat to see Secret World come to consoles. :)

EDIT: Someone also needs to make a front-end emulator (legit and mainstream) to run Ultima 9: Ascension on consoles. Would also love to see Shroud of the Avatar on consoles.
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wants to fuck an Asian grill.
FFXIV is pretty good. Its very comfortable to subscribe for a month after having been unsubscribed for a long period of time. You go at your pace and buy a month when you feel like it.
Elder Scrolls Online is largely the reason why I made this thread, cuz I was staring at it in the current digital sales for steam and PS4, and debating if I wanna jump in for $20.

Maybe should I just go back to Final Fantasy XI, game has outdated graphics, but still is beautiful to me.
I spent way too many hours and years running an endgame Dynamis/Sky/Sea linkshell on Sylph. Miss those days sometimes. Spending days camping that asshole Mee Degi The Punisher, mining in Bastok, doing 12 hour long Optical hat runs... good times.


If you just want to play FF14 as a single player game that just happens to have many multiplayer roadblocks you can get by with just the free logins. The game has around four each year for various amounts of time so you could dedicate a weekend to playing and spend 30 hours or more each time.


FFXIV is pretty good. Its very comfortable to subscribe for a month after having been unsubscribed for a long period of time. You go at your pace and buy a month when you feel like it.
I dunno, I appreciate FFXIV more than most MMOs, because it still tries to be a good game. It just never clicks with me whenever I try to get back into. I subbed for 60 days when the last expansion came out yet again, but I found myself just feeling overwhelmed whenever I logged in.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
Since we are on the subject of live service games, can I just say seasonal events are cancer. Halloween, Christmas, Easter...pls fuck off thanks.

For every worthwhile addition like Mercy's sexy witch costume you get a bunch of unmemorable, tacky worthless fluff that adds nothing to the game.


Since we are on the subject of live service games, can I just say seasonal events are cancer. Halloween, Christmas, Easter...pls fuck off thanks.

For every worthwhile addition like Mercy's sexy witch costume you get a bunch of unmemorable, tacky worthless fluff that adds nothing to the game.
I don't know if it counts as the same thing, but I kinda like the seasonal stuff the way Borderlands 2 did. The headhunter DLCs were cheap, and kinda short, but still fun. They were clearly not part of the main game, but you bought them, and could play them whenever you wanted. Not this timed event bull shit where it only happens during this time frame, so DON'T MISS OUT, we need you on the game all the time for different events so you don't forget to give us money!

I particularly liked the Thanksgiving Headhunter DLC from Borderlands 2 though because then I got a turkey head to wear which always freaked my friend out whenever he saw me wearing it lol


Best way to play older mmo's on private servers. To avoid exactly that. Some mmo's are doable if you accept u can't be the best in things. Classic wow comes to mind, final fantasy 14, black desert online.

Kagey K

I play a few of these games, but I play them in my own time. I don’t care about dailies or weeklies or any of that other fluff.

Im not a streamer and I can’t dedicate 8 hours a day to the games that demand it, so I play them casually, and if I get cool shit, cool. If I don’t, oh well.

I’m not dreaming about being the top of the leaderboard or the best at it, especially since most of the rewards are about time spent instead of actual skill.

If you learn to let that shit go, you will have more fun with games you like.
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Unconfirmed Member
I don't get the appeal of MMO's. Never really played one myself. Danjin44 Danjin44 has the right idea.

Offtopic: Hey OP since you didn't kill yourself why not change your username?


Don't even get me started on games that charge for fucking emotes. I would not have liked FFXI half as much if I had to pay for my /panic tarutaru animation.
You can say it was worth paying for, but it was part of the damn experience. If I had to pay for it, I probably wouldn't have ever gotten it or used it.

Not sure why people are recommending FFXIV when it has exactly what you say you don't want to deal with, think people just like a game and say "here play this one!" without even reading a post. Lot of emotes in the cash shop that you can't get elsewhere - either they are from prior events or some that were strictly just cash shop to begin with. Same way with a lot of the mounts and other things.


Technically your feelings have changed or dulled down. Would you rather feel nothing at all?
My only point was the feeling that you don't want to live doesn't just go away for many. For me it is reoccurring, seemingly always just below the surface. There are many things that give me joy in life, and I usually lean into them.

...But none of those things are live service games or MMO's!
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I don't get the appeal of MMO's. Never really played one myself. Danjin44 Danjin44 has the right idea.

Offtopic: Hey OP since you didn't kill yourself why not change your username?
Can't change my username til December 24, least not without mod help, but I don't wanna bother anyone.

Once the time comes to change it, I'm not sure what I'll change it to, because I feel like people here probably are starting to recognize me by my current name. I am terrible at coming up with usernames, or game character names in general.

Like some others have replied with though, even though I'm still alive, there are many times throughout the day the my username still feels like it applies to me.

Kagey K

Can't change my username til December 24, least not without mod help, but I don't wanna bother anyone.

Once the time comes to change it, I'm not sure what I'll change it to, because I feel like people here probably are starting to recognize me by my current name. I am terrible at coming up with usernames, or game character names in general.

Like some others have replied with though, even though I'm still alive, there are many times throughout the day the my username still feels like it applies to me.
I think I might have played some CoD against you tonight. If it wasn’t you it was a user who has a very similar name to yours.


I think I might have played some CoD against you tonight. If it wasn’t you it was a user who has a very similar name to yours.
Definitely wasn't me cuz I hate CoD, and wouldn't be caught dead playing that lol. I slept most of the day cuz I'm working third shift right now. Playing some Disgaea 1 Complete on my Switch.


Unconfirmed Member
Can't change my username til December 24, least not without mod help, but I don't wanna bother anyone.

Once the time comes to change it, I'm not sure what I'll change it to, because I feel like people here probably are starting to recognize me by my current name. I am terrible at coming up with usernames, or game character names in general.

Like some others have replied with though, even though I'm still alive, there are many times throughout the day the my username still feels like it applies to me.
Nah man I only mentioned it as a positive thing. That you can move on after starting a thread like that and staying around here.


I dunno, I appreciate FFXIV more than most MMOs, because it still tries to be a good game. It just never clicks with me whenever I try to get back into. I subbed for 60 days when the last expansion came out yet again, but I found myself just feeling overwhelmed whenever I logged in.
Thar overwhelming feeling comes from thinking you have to do everything, and in a game like FF14 or BDO there is just too much for that to ever be possible.

If you approach them by realising you will never do everything, and just fish if you feel like it, or do quests if you feel like it etc, they can be sooo relaxing.

Destiny 2 can fuck off though, I love that game so damn much but their business model is so shitty I will never touch it again.
Destiny 2 and I disagree with the user above me, their business model is fine. 10 bucks for 3 months worth of content right now and I already feel like I got my 10 bucks worth.


Elder Scrolls Online is largely the reason why I made this thread, cuz I was staring at it in the current digital sales for steam and PS4, and debating if I wanna jump in for $20.

Maybe should I just go back to Final Fantasy XI, game has outdated graphics, but still is beautiful to me.

ESO is the most money-sucking, cash hungry, egregious Pay-Store I have ever seen.

To max out your crafting levels, you need to spent at least $11,000 of real money (and thats just to have everything researched, not even making 1 item) - otherwise it takes about 1 year of real time coolers to get everything done. Probably more.

There is a game there where you dont have to pay, but they monetize every nook and cranny of that game.

A 1 year subsription (over $100) will still NOT even net you enough Crowns for a purchase of ONE of the highest-class houses. Many houses cost upwards of $100 real cash to get, and theres alot of houses.

And EVERY SINGLE ITEM you can put in the house is monetized. There are about 4000+ items to buy for your house, with ONE PREMIUM HOUSE ITEM costing $50 alone, out of the 1000's of items...


Pretty good time to get into Fallout 76 if you're after a live service game with an "MMO" feel.

Tonnes of content you can do either solo or in groups including dungeons and world bosses.

Wastelanders update is coming soon.
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