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Are there FPSes that let you choose from throwing a grenade overhand or underhand ?


For example, let's say I didn't want to throw a grenade overhand but instead wanted to throw it underhand so it would roll along the floor instead of bouncing all over the place. Y'know, like if there was some dude hiding in a toilet stall and I knew he was in there, but I didn't want to chance throwing a grenade overhand and having it roll back out at the bottom. :D


Uh, you could just throw it at the gound at an angle that it will roll.....

True, but it's just not the same. It's more like making a touchdown with a football, not to mention it gets difficult if the opening is ground level and really small.
Not an FPS (with the default view anyway), but SOCOM automatically switches based on the distance you want to throw it. And it essentially has the effect you're talking about.

Musashi Wins!

Socom 2 does indeed have an excellent grenade throwing mechanic. It displays a curvature so you're not surprised by the physics or distance of your throw.

I'm pretty fond of the Killzone mechanic too, though it's not as precise. It has fantastic "baking" too, which is essential for catching someone in an enclosed area before they can run out.


Yeah, I'm half remembering at least one PC FPS that had a seperate button for underhanded throw, to roll shit into rooms mainly. I think it was America's Army, but now Rogue Spear is ringing a bell too. I'm sure it's been in a few games. Maybe the latest Delta Force game too?

I still think Vietcong had the best nades around. Any modern FPS that makes you do stupid tricks to time the nades is weaksauce, they should all have multi-step priming and throwing.


calder said:
Yeah, I'm half remembering at least one PC FPS that had a seperate button for underhanded throw, to roll shit into rooms mainly. I think it was America's Army, but now Rogue Spear is ringing a bell too. I'm sure it's been in a few games. Maybe the latest Delta Force game too?

I still think Vietcong had the best nades around. Any modern FPS that makes you do stupid tricks to time the nades is weaksauce, they should all have multi-step priming and throwing.

Ya AA did it, as well as the multistep priming/throwing.


I hate grenades in Socom 2...nothing worse than havin to wait til 500 grenades go off every round before you can safely move around and actually use some skill to kill someone -_-
calder said:
Yeah, I'm half remembering at least one PC FPS that had a seperate button for underhanded throw, to roll shit into rooms mainly. I think it was America's Army, but now Rogue Spear is ringing a bell too. I'm sure it's been in a few games. Maybe the latest Delta Force game too?

I still think Vietcong had the best nades around. Any modern FPS that makes you do stupid tricks to time the nades is weaksauce, they should all have multi-step priming and throwing.

Same here. I mean I can't for the life of me think of the name but I remember a PC FPS where you could choose to do an underhand/overhand throw.

As far as grenade physics go, I think Halo is probably the only FPS game where I actually found grenades to be pretty useful. With more tactical FPS games like Rainbow Six or Counter-Strike, I almost always go for smoke bombs or flashbangs before the explosive variety.
The Shadow said:
As far as grenade physics go, I think Halo is probably the only FPS game where I actually found grenades to be pretty useful.
I agree that they have a lot of application and their use tends to separate the skilled players from the rest, but Halo's grenade system is pretty weak. The physics are such that the grenades have a tendency to 'stick' to the ground, and there's no way you can bake the nades to allow for more actual strategy and timing. You can throw a grenade halfway across the map, yet the game still allows for you to drop it in front of you and suddenly be hit with a suicide penalty two seconds later.

RTCW is the one game that comes to mind where grenades were more than just a backup weapon. Seeing as how I played as an Engineer 90% of the time, the timing and arcs on grenades become sort of an art.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher

Halo's grenade system may not be entirely realistic, but it is THE most functional system from a gameplay perspective.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
Download the "traptown" Half-Life 2 video from filefront or some similar site. You can roll grenades on the ground and cause objects to come crashing down on people.
dark10x said:

Halo's grenade system may not be entirely realistic, but it is THE most functional system from a gameplay perspective.

Yeah. Maybe "Physics" was the wrong word to use but I still stand by what I said. Halo still is one of the few games where I thought offensive grenades where pretty damn useful and actually fun to use. I really can't remember another game where I used them so frequently.


Ramirez said:
I hate grenades in Socom 2...nothing worse than havin to wait til 500 grenades go off every round before you can safely move around and actually use some skill to kill someone -_-

agreed, happens a lot in certain maps. I always liked the m203/ grenades bombarding the hill for about 20 seconds about 30 seconds into a foxhunt game.
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