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Arkham Knight PC patch out. 626mb (9/3/15) [Patch 1]

Such a pleasure to be able to play this game without the constant stuttering and hitching. And with the film grain and CA off, you can actually see all the cool little visual touches in the world.

The level of detail in this image is insane, considering it's an environment you can seamlessly walk into within the open world:



Anyone else having problems with the controller now? I tired both my PS4 controller and 360 controller it doesn't register just flicks between buttons and keyboard.


I'm baffled at how many of you with 970/980's are happy to be getting 60fps but are only playing at 1080p.

Like, what?

Well, the 970 only has 3.5GB of RAM that are usable, so that's the real limiting factor. I'm pretty sure if it had 6GB, I could push 1440p pretty close to 60fps with drops here and there.

Also, the 970 is a year-old card now. It's not exactly the latest and greatest anymore.


Anyone else having problems with the controller now? I tired both my PS4 controller and 360 controller it doesn't register just flicks between buttons and keyboard.
Works fine on my end. I can swap instantly between controller and mouse&keyboard. Using the Xbox One controller.


I'm baffled at how many of you with 970/980's are happy to be getting 60fps but are only playing at 1080p.

Like, what?

The 970/980 can be very heavily stressed even at 1080p. I would not consider either overkill at that res.
Well, the 970 only has 3.5GB of RAM that are usable, so that's the real limiting factor. I'm pretty sure if it had 6GB, I could push 1440p pretty close to 60fps with drops here and there.

Also, the 970 is a year-old card now. It's not exactly the latest and greatest anymore.

970 runs into processing power bottleneck before VRAM in this game.
HD7950 3GB stock
I5-4670k stock
8 gb ram
Windows 8.1

Haven't updated my drivers yet, did some screwing around in ng+

I got 60 frames for the most part but still a micro stutter whenever I throw a batarang in combat and some while gliding. Looks like it's utilizing more of my graphics card, my gpu temp went up 10 degrees vs before the patch, I think I need to reseat my GPU & CPU. Surprised at the difference between 30 & 60 fps in the game, it's way smoother and more pleasing to the eye.

I think I'll wait until the final patch + all DLC before I play again. I'm not going to buy DLC after this fiasco, hopefully WB does the right thing and gives it out to people who sat through them fixing the game.


I think he's inferring that 970s and especially 980s should be able to downsample the game to a degree
Sorry everyone, this is exactly what I meant. No slight to anyone playing @ 1080. Heck, despite being able to play at 4K, I still play at 1080 most of the time.

I'm just shocked that with those cards, especially the 980, some people are still struggling to maintain 60fps at 1080.


Uploaded a video of the game running on my system:

I recorded using ShadowPlay and there seems to be some slowdowns in the footage but I didn't see that while I was recording. I will do another test once I progress a little bit further into the story and open the city up again (Won't let me go to the main city because mission). I do some stupid shit in the video trying to like produce situations where the game would lock up before but runs fine now. I did a little tank combat towards the end and I also die in the middle (lol).

EDIT: I cannot get the FPS counter to come up on screen. Afterburner OSD doesn't work with the nVidia stuff on and the ShdowPlay FPS counter didn't work either.
Just me then. Might be DS4Windows playing up. I'm on Windows 10 and I know there are problems.
Windows 10 always grabs the controller. If you're updated all the way on DS4Windows there's an experimental button on the connected controllers view to try and fix it. Finicky as all hell though.


I did a clean re-install (uninstall from Steam + deleted all folders connected to the game) to make sure none of my previous fiddling with .ini-files screwed things up. I've only played for 20 minutes or so, but had enough time to glide around the city, do some fighting and drive around in the Batmobile. It's near flawless 60fps for me, with some minor hitches here and there that's really not that bothersome. I'm running with everything set to Max, except Nvidia Fog turned off, and in my opinion the game looks fantastic. All in all this patch really was a miracle for me at least, but of course things can always get better. Either way I can finally play this fucking game that's been sitting in my library for months haha.

Windows 10
Nvidia GTX 970
i5-3570K 3.40ghz
16GB Memory
Running on a non-SSD
Did they remove the battle mode toggle option? I can't find it anywhere.
EDIT: It turns out it won't show up until your save has progressed to the tank section, dumb decision.


I have a 970, and I believe that 1080 on a 32 inch TV is plenty for PC gaming. Most games looks insanely better than anything on consoles, and 60 fps stable is just perfect.

Anyway, on Batman - I am maxing out everything on the 970, and even if the game whines that it doesn't have enough VRAM and I'll die, it plays really well. In theory, it is using 4.1 GB of VRAM, but despite the fact that the 970 has 3.5 GB+ 512 MB, the frame rate remains at 60 or very close to it pretty much everywhere. I only ran into crappy performance in one section so far (
airship observation deck

It does help that I just got a PC a month ago, and I was used at PS3-level graphics and performance. This game looks sick no matter what.


I'm severly VRAM limited on my 2gb 770, but the game is at least playable.

Is it just my screen or is that really dark?

And, update on my previous comment where I said it's running buttery smooth now, it's not. Not by a long shot. Still drops to 35ish when flying or driving around and stuttering like crazy. Uninstall and wait for patch #2.


I licked some walls in Batman AK with different texture settings. These are results.

Low vs. Normal


Normal vs. High


Low vs. Normal


Normal vs. High


Low vs. Normal


Normal vs. High


I still think that game uses too much VRAM and there is no difference between Normal and High but game demands 4GB VRAM for High settings for nothing.

Also even with everything on low i am getting freezes and FPS drops.


i5 2500k @ 4.5ghz
r9 290 overclocked to 1100/1400
16gb ram
game on 7200rpm HD

It runs pretty much locked 60fps at 1080p all settings maxxed. It has some dips into the low 50's when driving.

The only issue I'm having is that some textures aren't loading when they should and look low res. Is anyone else experiencing that?
i5 2500k @ 4.5ghz
r9 290 overclocked to 1100/1400
16gb ram
game on 7200rpm HD

It runs pretty much locked 60fps at 1080p all settings maxxed. It has some dips into the low 50's when driving.

The only issue I'm having is that some textures aren't loading when they should and look low res. Is anyone else experiencing that?

Texture streaming is still having issues especially on HDDs.
So, this doesn't actually fix anything. I didn't experience the game at launch, but there is enough information and video evidence available to know what many of the problems were. Just fired this up with settings set to normal and no NVIDIA effects turned on, aaaaaaaaaaaand just turning the camera at the beginning of the game drops the performance from 60 to 30. Trash


GTX 4GB 770
Are you using Vsync?
I beat the game back when it ran like garbage and enjoyed it despite its problems. I'm definitely very interested to see how the game runs now, though I doubt I'll play through it again.


Is SLI actually working?

No. I tested it on my 980m GTX SLI(laptop) and MSI Afterburner shows only one GPU working.

The match made the game smoother. I can run max settings 1080p mostly 60fps but it goes down between 51 to 57 while Batmobile on gliding, it's between 60 to 57 and rare 54 drops.

If they can get SLI working, it can run 60fps max no drops.


Neo Member
So played about 2 hours worth of the game from the start so far. For the most part, I get 60 fps @ 1080p on a 970 and i5-4670k. However there are dips into the 40s at the lowest, and get the occasional freeze when driving around. Runs great for the most part, but wish it could be flawless.
I beat the game back when it ran like garbage and enjoyed it despite its problems. I'm definitely very interested to see how the game runs now, though I doubt I'll play through it again.
Yeah, I've played the shit out of this game to the point even This patch doesn't push me to keep playing with it. Once they fix it fully and there's some story DLC on PC (months from now), I'll revisit it.


never left the stone age
See. DLC and stuff like this is why you wait for the GOTY Edition ;P.
Although sometimes that backfires, like Human Revolution Director's Cut being crappy compared to the vanilla game.


I still think that game uses too much VRAM and there is no difference between Normal and High but game demands 4GB VRAM for High settings for nothing.

Yeah, there doesn't seem to be any real difference.
Maybe its a streaming/distance thing?


I preordered the game but stayed away due to all the bad news about it. I finally started last night and put 3 hours in. It ran flawlessly. Such a pretty game. The benchmark tool at 1080p with all nvidia stuff on gave me a minimum of 73 fps. I havent noticed any slowdown in game.

That being said i have dual 970s and a gsync monitor. So that helps. I do plan on getting a higher rez monitor soon.


Yeah, there doesn't seem to be any real difference.
Maybe its a streaming/distance thing?

Who knows, but one thing is sure game is not optimized to use PC hardware in right way. What will they do to fix that i don't know. But there is chance that they won't do a thing and for good experience you will need GTX970 or better card.


never left the stone age
Just wanted to say that is a brave thing to say for any patch.

Amen. Played Chivalry two days ago after a patch had hit to fix map exploits and shit. So the map loads and everyone (both teams) fall through the geometry and die 3 times in a row after the match starts :lol. Though Torn Banner are quite infamous for pushing patches that break more than they fix.
Updated my drivers to latest beta AMD, still getting quickfire stutter in combat. Looks like I'm not alone, submitted a bug report. Hopefully they can get it ironed out.


What is there left to fix?

Upgrade to Windows 10 if you want a performance boost.

There still are performance pitfalls for some users and crashes as well (although that could be driver-related we don't know for sure).
The game is not "done yet" hence why it is still not up for sale.


Okay, AMD's beta drivers seem to have done the trick. I'd qualify this game as playable right now. It still stutters occasionally when you drive the batmobile but it's manageable. This game is still a technical disaster as far as I'm concerned. Whenever I turn the camera or when I'm in motion in the batmobile, the framerate drops, but as soon as I stand still again the framerate crawls back up. What is this shit?

It seems that the average framerate on my 280X is 55fps~ on foot, drops to 45~ on the batmobile. I actually believe this is somewhat worse than what I had before, where I seemed to consistently reach 60fp son foot (before the game eventually crapped out). But I'm not experiencing unplayable drops to 0fps for lengthy periods of time anymore at least, so the memory leak seems to have been relatively contained (comes back with a vengeance if I choose "high" textures though). I'm just running everything on normal and on 1080p. Lowering the resolution improves the framerate but fuck that. Overclocking the CPU does exactly zilch, as usual. Are there any modern games that give a fuck about CPU power btw? :p

Oh well. It's too bad these uneven framerate always feel so much worse on a PC than on a console, for some reason, to me, anyway. I guess I'll finally play this game...after I'm done with MGSV.
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