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ARMS |OT| (’-‘)-------------


Thank you. I've got a pro controller so I'll give it a shot. I hope the controller mode doesn't lose out on too much of the tech of the motion controls. I just can't swing those around right now.
The only things that seem easier on motion are wide grabs and curving punches in different directions simultaneously. The first one can be done with practice and the second isn't a skill I find super necessary.
is this game worth getting just for the single player?
There's very little single player content. Grand Prix, 1vs100, arm getting minigame, and uh, that might be it.
Is there any point in attacking first at all ? I could see if the Guard Break/chip actually mattered or something but there is literally no reason to throw the first punch.
Uh, depends on what arms you have. If I'm using something like the dragon or ramram then I'm attacking constantly for zoning. You want to put yourself out there while being safe which usually means punching one at a time as to not leave yourself wide open. I don't find this much of a staredown kind of game so far at all.
This game is trash in my opinion. Get over the art style, and the initial hour or so and you realize how poor it is in so many ways.

Awful lack of SP content.

Locked ranked behind bull shit AI that reads all your inputs and refuses to attack you forcing you to LUCK into a win if you ever get one. Seriously whoever designed the AI and locked ranked behind this level 4 horse shit needs to be shot.

Gameplay is only rewarding for defensive play.

Gameplay is basically rock paper scissors, and that's it.

Some characters are infinitely better than others.

Some arms are infinitely better to use than others.


Throw away game. A Splatoon hit this is not.

-SP content is low yeah.

-I don't get this. I need to try other fighters, but minmin with the dragon made short work of difficulty 4 for me. Level 7 was a bit harder, but I still got it done without much trouble.

-I play keep away with the dragon a lot. I'm also attacking constantly to zone my opponent well and get some hits in while using a megawatt to counter weaker arms. It feels like I'm constantly attacking and I haven't seen much defensive play from opponents that has been rewarded with a win. Unless they're baiting out grabs when they block and counterattacking from that.

-A lot of fighting games are built off rock paper scissors though.

-Which characters do you find better? Everyone seems completely viable, but some require a lot more effort like Mummy to be good.

-What arms do you find better? I feel like most arms have a direct counter. Doesn't really feel like any are just straight better. Although some stuff like elements might become more concrete later if electric is better than ice or vice versa.
I was getting lit up against my second opponent, Ninjara, on level 4. That guy was dodging every dragon arm laser I could shoot at him. My tips for those struggling is to learn how to block and dash upon getting punched and be patient. Yea, Ninjara wasn't throwing out any punches, so you have to get in close for less dodgeable grabs. Once I get past that battle it was smooth sailing.


The only things that seem easier on motion are wide grabs and curving punches in different directions simultaneously. The first one can be done with practice and the second isn't a skill I find super necessary.

There's very little single player content. Grand Prix, 1vs100, arm getting minigame, and uh, that might be it.

Uh, depends on what arms you have. If I'm using something like the dragon or ramram then I'm attacking constantly for zoning. You want to put yourself out there while being safe which usually means punching one at a time as to not leave yourself wide open. I don't find this much of a staredown kind of game so far at all.

-SP content is low yeah.

-I don't get this. I need to try other fighters, but minmin with the dragon made short work of difficulty 4 for me. Level 7 was a bit harder, but I still got it done without much trouble.

-I play keep away with the dragon a lot. I'm also attacking constantly to zone my opponent well and get some hits in while using a megawatt to counter weaker arms. It feels like I'm constantly attacking and I haven't seen much defensive play from opponents that has been rewarded with a win. Unless they're baiting out grabs when they block and counterattacking from that.

-A lot of fighting games are built off rock paper scissors though.

-Which characters do you find better? Everyone seems completely viable, but some require a lot more effort like Mummy to be good.

-What arms do you find better? I feel like most arms have a direct counter. Doesn't really feel like any are just straight better. Although some stuff like elements might become more concrete later if electric is better than ice or vice versa.

This is a good post. I like the min min idea.

I also just got the idea from a poster a bit above who mentioned most rounds on Grand Prix 7 are won with time outs.

I literally just need to play Grand Prix that way and be stupid patient. Get a huge life lead and just let it time out.
I can beat level 1, 2, and 3 without issues.

The jump to 4 is insane.

I don't get the "strat" to beat it I guess. I can stand around doing literally nothing myself but dodging and the AI will stand there not caring. Eventually it will throw something out to bait me into a situation where if I try to punish then I eat shit.

I'm calm gang---just done with this game and gave it permanently to my daughter. I'll mess with it with her in co op for casual shenanigans, but yeah this is just lame game design.

Honestly I'm probably one of the most aggressive players because I'm always behind the invisible wall and attacking first and it's still possible to beat level 4 and higher levels if you know what you're doing. Now that's not any insult to you nor any compliment to me, that's just my playstyle. I feel like what your wrote was fueled by emotions of frustration.
Party mode needs a 1v1 fight only option. The other match types are just annoying. Also streaks should only be counted towards or against in 1v1 fight. Oh my streak went down because I got fucked over in a multiman match? Ugh. I love the win x matches you only have x health for the next fight thing. But it would be so much better if 1v1 figbt was all thqt counted towards it. Plus when that goes in to a 2v2 match it's completely unfair on your teammate.
The streak thing is certainly interesting. I kind of like it, because it helps even out some of the matches. However, I completely agree that it sucks for 2v2 (and 1v1v1 for that matter) and is borderline unfair.

I had a 2v2 match tonight where my team had one person starting at 75% health and the other person starting at 50% health, while the enemy started with boost. Needless to say, that match was over quickly.

Still, it's the casual online mode, so in the end it doesn't matter too much. Hopefully it gets tweaked a bit though.
I guess the hardest thing for me is dodging rush attacks. I'm able to block about half the time, but maybe pull off a dodge 1/4 of the time.

Every time I think I have Master Mummy, he's able to come back with his rush and a grab.


Apparently at Difficulty 5+ the CPUs might have Arms+1-3? Seems like you might need to grind out the arm getter minigame to be on even footing technically.
This is a good post. I like the min min idea.

I also just got the idea from a poster a bit above who mentioned most rounds on Grand Prix 7 are won with time outs.

I literally just need to play Grand Prix that way and be stupid patient. Get a huge life lead and just let it time out.
Rounds are only 99 seconds, but they feel like they go by in an instant. Time outs are super viable in single player as well as multiplayer. It doesn't feel like a SFxT situation at least of timeout shenanigans.
At level 4 the dog is doing everything it can to get in my way.
If you're not already, murder that dog constantly. I'm constantly punching his shit because without it Byte is severely limited in his options. With Barq on the field, that shit is hectic with super jumps and small baby 30 damage hits from Barq.
I'm winning ... I'm winning ... I'm winning, Master Mummy rushes me while pushing the bomb toward me and it explodes.
Go longest fucking range you can for what you have I find. If you can lame him out from far away with some attacks then it's usually fine. I feel like the Master Mummy AI is a bit stupid because it seems programmed to not give a shit about attacks due to him not flinching normally. Charged attacks do knock downs though. If you can chip him away with charged attacks with a boomerang or laser then you should be cool.
1v1 best of three only matchmaking should absolutely be an option. I'm trying out Kid Cobra for the first time and my options are to fight the input-reading AI, play ranked and probably get demolished, or play party match and hardly get any meaningful experience through 1v1s.

The streak thing is certainly interesting. I kind of like it, because it helps even out some of the matches. However, I completely agree that it sucks for 2v2 (and 1v1v1 for that matter) and is borderline unfair.

I had a 2v2 match tonight where my team had one person starting at 75% health and the other person starting at 50% health, while the enemy started with boost. Needless to say, that match was over quickly.

Still, it's the casual online mode, so in the end it doesn't matter too much. Hopefully it gets tweaked a bit though.

A handicap would make sense when pitting a player with a winning streak against a player with a losing streak in a 1v1. It makes no sense that I can beat up on less experienced players to acquire a streak, then be matched against a player of roughly equal skill and most likely lose since I start with 50% HP. It benefits no one. It's also an extreme handicap in FFA and doubles.
Go longest fucking range you can for what you have I find. If you can lame him out from far away with some attacks then it's usually fine. I feel like the Master Mummy AI is a bit stupid because it seems programmed to not give a shit about attacks due to him not flinching normally. Charged attacks do knock downs though. If you can chip him away with charged attacks with a boomerang or laser then you should be cool.

* sigh * finally got him. That was the FIRST fight. Now onto Barq + Byte. It's gonna be a long night.

I'm glad the game saves mid prix.


1v1 best of three only matchmaking should absolutely be an option. I'm trying out Kid Cobra for the first time and my options are to fight the input-reading AI, play ranked and probably get demolished, or play party match and hardly get any meaningful experience through 1v1s.

What about the training mode with all the different exercises? Is that not what you want?
* sigh * finally got him. That was the FIRST fight. Now onto Barq + Byte. It's gonna be a long night.

I'm glad the game saves mid prix.

If you win a round, you can savescum by saving and quitting. You keep the round win and I think you just quit out if you lose or are close to losing before you see the results screen.


Getting coins seems to take forever. Also does it matter which character you pick in the ARMS getter? I got arms for multiple characters after only using Mechanica.
A handicap would make sense when pitting a player with a winning streak against a player with a losing streak in a 1v1. It makes no sense that I can beat up on less experienced players to acquire a streak, then be matched against a player of roughly equal skill and most likely lose since I start with 50% HP. It benefits no one. It's also an extreme handicap in FFA and doubles.
I agree with this for the most part. Maybe they should just increase the number of wins in a row required for this handicap. They could change it so you get -25% HP at 5 wins in a row (but don't count the silly ones like 3vAI, hoops, skill challenge) instead of at 2 wins like it currently stands.

I will say though, one of my favorite matches tonight was one where I started at -50% hp. It ended up being a very close match, and it probably wouldn't have been very fun had there not a handicap. Granted, it was completely luck of the draw that the skill level matched the handicap bonus, but there is at least some value in the system as it stands.


I've gotten 460 coins today. Ranked mode gives me 8 coins a win or so I think. If what people say is true then that's 50~ arms in arm getter.
Not really. I understand how to play the game, but I want some experience against opponents that behave realistically.

Yeah, just that training has some specific exercises for some situations that could help. I'd think if you just want to learn how a character feels before jumping in the deep end then you'd do training, fighting a low level CPU, or party mode. I think you might be overestimating the level of opponents in ranked mode. I've fought some pretty bad people despite them needing to beat the lvl 4 difficulty. As long as you understand how your character moves and your arms move then I think you'd be fine.

People saying that they're beating level 7 Grand Prix "without much difficulty" are lying their fucking asses off.

I'm really not. I lost about 20~ times overall? Maybe? It might just be because the AI can't handle minmin's charged dragon arm too. I just got through it pretty well without hitting too much of a brick wall. Even found a semi reliable strat to beat the final boss too after dying 6+ times.


lol watching DSP play this game, its nuts how much he's failing but honestly the Ai looks pretty damn bad in this game for level 4


It's almost like you aren't as good as you think if the board is what's evening the playing field. Because with this logic, wouldn't you just be untouchable?

I don't think I can explain this to you any better, but I'll give it one last shot. The skate park *lowers* the skill ceiling. Winning tactics are reduced to flailing your Arms around hoping to land a hit. I would only be untouchable if it required *more* skill to win, but since most (if not all) of the advanced techniques in the game are nullified on skate park, being the better player means nothing.

I don't know how else to explain it. However, if you think it's just my lack of skill, we can play some matches and you can tell me what I'm doing wrong if you'd like.

Got to Hedlock level 4 in Grand Prix. I've won every other fight by getting a lead and then just running out the clock, Floyd Mayweather style. Actually have to know this guy out haha. Any tips for how to beat him?

Stay back and use single Arm punches until you build Rush meter. If you want a less cheap way you can just wait until he goes all in with both Arms, dodge toward the side he attacks with last, then counter with your own punch.

Is there any point in attacking first at all ? I could see if the Guard Break/chip actually mattered or something but there is literally no reason to throw the first punch.

I think defensive play is the way to go, but others will argue that point. There's a decent offensive strategy, but it relies on taking a lot more risks for minimal gain, IMO.

On level 4 I got up to the match after the shoot the targets match. So match 4 ?

Spring Man on his stage refuses flat out to attack 99% of the time. He will let 15+ seconds of the timer go without doing shit. I try to throw? I get bopped. I try to do 1 hit into setting him up, I get bopped. I try to block to force him to do something, and he will insta throw me.

It's nuts. I am forced to be the offensive player here, but the game is giving me 0 opportunities to do just that. I try to be reactive to the AI, and it isn't having it.

I don't know what else I can learn or adapt to make it easier.

Stay back out of his range and toss out single punches. He'll attack first after a little bit.

The game's AI is reading your button inputs and movement like any other fighting game. It's just ruthless here cuz unlike those other games you have to turtle a lot and make your shots count. The AI on higher difficulty is good at countering your every move. Almost too good.

I haven't seen the AI do anything that I can't or haven't done as a player. It's just super, super defensive. Outside of
Hedlok with six Arms
it's fair, just very good at being defense.
Is there any definitive science yet to this game or am I gonna have to wait? I'm enjoying it, but I keep finding myself not being sure why certain punches aren't hitting, or why some go through my opponents.

It also is just way easier to dodge everything once you're ahead than to risk going for a KO in so many matches.

Hopefully they rebalance some stuff next patch.


Getting coins seems to take forever. Also does it matter which character you pick in the ARMS getter? I got arms for multiple characters after only using Mechanica.

I think the first one you get is always for the character you pick. Also I've noticed I get more for the character I've picked than other ones, but I'm not sure.
Post Master Mummy (which was fight 1 for me) level 4 hasn't been that difficult actually.Byte and Barq went down easy, got Spring Man down in the Final Round (he's only hard once he's down to a quarter health). So I guess I just have to anticipate Hedlock as a roadblock.


The AI does indeed read your inputs to a degree. Fighting level 7 hedlok, I activated super, and hedlok was already guarding during my super pop animation. It was only the beginning frames of a block, but he was still pretty much blocking the frame after I popped super.


The AI does indeed read your inputs to a degree. Fighting level 7 hedlok, I activated super, and hedlok was already guarding during my super pop animation. It was only the beginning frames of a block, but he was still pretty much blocking the frame after I popped super.

To a degree? This is the most blatant input reading I've ever encountered. It's shitty on rank 4 and only gets worse from there. Easily the worst fighting game AI of the past decade.
Man, this game is really light on single player content. I guess I can forgive that since it's a launch window game, but they'd better step things up for the sequel.

Otherwise, a really solid game, though the AI is completely insane.

Are gamers only capable of speaking in hyperbole?

Eh, I think I agree with him.
This is a good post. I like the min min idea.

I also just got the idea from a poster a bit above who mentioned most rounds on Grand Prix 7 are won with time outs.

I literally just need to play Grand Prix that way and be stupid patient. Get a huge life lead and just let it time out.
I've been using Minmins dragon arm. You shield yourself and chargecit up and use the charged shot. It can break through grabs and blocks a lot of attacks. If you keep your distance you can whittle your opponent down.

It's not the most fun way to play, but I just want to unlock ranked and never touch Grand Prix again.


Unconfirmed Member
Whew, level 4 Hedlok was something else. Finally beat after a few tries though! I think tomorrow I'll try some ranked matches


I don't want to take this seriously and play ranked but boy oh boy party mode is terrible. It's like they try their hardest to never give you a normal 1 v 1 match, and half the time they make you play those bad minigames.


People saying that they're beating level 7 Grand Prix "without much difficulty" are lying their fucking asses off.

I can get all the way through it without losing a match. I will lose a round or two, but that's it. Is it easy? No. But it's certainly doable.


I don't want to take this seriously and play ranked but boy oh boy party mode is terrible. It's like they try their hardest to never give you a normal 1 v 1 match, and half the time they make you play those bad minigames.

Yeah. Lack of "casual" match really hurts. Hopefully that's one of the modes they add as DLC.

I can get all the way through it without losing a match. I will lose a round or two, but that's it. Is it easy? No. But it's certainly doable.

It's not doable if you try to play like you would against another player. I read your guide about cheesing it and that certainly makes it "easier," but still tedious as hell. It's terrible practice for online.
So I try my first ranked match, with someone who's rank 4, and of course just as I'm about to win, he quits and I get nothing.

I cannot believe we are still getting fighting games with no penalty for rage quits. Street Fighter V's ranked mode was plagued with this shit for a long time and people complained about it non-stop until Capcom eventually fixed it.

Why on earth do devs still release games like this? It's only one match, but it really makes me not even feel like playing Ranked right now.
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