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ARMS |OT| (’-‘)-------------


Anyone know if the upgraded arms carry into ranked? I can't imagine nintendo making it only for the single player content of all things. Upgraded arms in general seem like a weird thing to include.

Just because I've played Ryu for 10 hours doesn't mean his light punch should do 80 damage and not the regular 60.

After you collect all of the Arms and upgrades you get a lot more extended time.

Alright, that makes way more sense.


Anyone know if the upgraded arms carry into ranked? I can't imagine nintendo making it only for the single player content of all things. Upgraded arms in general seem like a weird thing to include.

Just because I've played Ryu for 10 hours doesn't mean his light punch should do 80 damage and not the regular 60.

Yes you can use them in ranked. You can just upgrade each arm once, and you don't get duplicates after that. You can say the game is balanced around the + arms.


I really, really hope Nintendo patches in button remapping. Dodging on L3 breaks my brain and it's annoying to use to boot. I need it on L1 or something.


Has anyone outside Japan Vs someone from Japan yet, just wanting to know if they region locked the matchmaking.

I might have played a few people from Japan in party match, got destroyed every time. Whether they were actually in Japan I have no idea. I don't see why it would be region locked though considering Splatoon wasn't (though that's a shooter and some fighters are region locked I suppose)


I might have played a few people from Japan in party match, got destroyed every time. Whether they were actually in Japan I have no idea. I don't see why it would be region locked though considering Splatoon wasn't (though that's a shooter and some fighters are region locked I suppose)

I'd need to know specifically for ranked matches because it hasn't happened yet for me.


I decided to wait till launch to try the game, rather than the 1 hour test sessions. First impressions have been good. I played through the grand prix on level 1 twice to get the hang of the controls, and then once on level 2. I like the motion controls, although I need to get better at aiming and blocking.

I'm very glad that the announcer voice from the directs is not in the game, or at least in the parts that I've played. I much prefer the little animal crossing jibberish.

I'm generally god awful at fighting games so I'm sure I'll near my ceiling as a player before too long, but I'm really enjoying the game so far.


Party mode is kind of infuriating. When you lose a 1v1 the last thing you want to do is be dumped back into the chaotic free for all or mini-game modes. I know inherently it's meant to be more casual than ranked, but sometimes I want to just do a 1v1 without having to go all out in ranked.


This is definitely an NES style of Difficulty in this game. They make up for the lack of content with an extreme difficulty. It's pretty frustrating.


Do we know what all the different Ranked levels are?

Names or just how high does it go? 101leafy is rank 10, I'm rank 9 along with a few other people on here.

Although with no leader board and no way to even see your rank unless you're in a ranked match or waiting for one, what's the point? I think I'm on a 10 game winning streak right now, but I have no way of knowing since there's no win percentage or anything.

I'd need to know specifically for ranked matches because it hasn't happened yet for me.

You can definitely play people from different regions... and it lags. As far as I can tell there are two types of lag in this game:

Moderate Lag - Everything seems to be fine, but what you're seeing is delayed. Your attacks will miss for seemingly no reason and the opponent seems to be able to dodge everything with practically no recovery on their attacks and movement.

Crazy Lag - The opponent will teleport around and crazy things will happen such as late hits and throws that seem to have an extra 10 frames of animation because the game is trying to keep both players in sync but can't.


I might have played a few people from Japan in party match, got destroyed every time. Whether they were actually in Japan I have no idea. I don't see why it would be region locked though considering Splatoon wasn't (though that's a shooter and some fighters are region locked I suppose)

Because Mario Tennis Open (for 3DS) was region locked in matchmaking and it sucked ass because it reduced the available player pool and made them only available at specific times.

Worst online game for me ever.

It was great that Splatoon wasn't region locked but it's just funny that I haven't faced a Japanese person in a ranked match yet, someone will definitely find one possibly.


Because Mario Tennis Open (for 3DS) was region locked in matchmaking and it sucked ass because it reduced the available player pool and made them only available at specific times.

Worst online game for me ever.

It was great that Splatoon wasn't region locked but it's just funny that I haven't faced a Japanese person in a ranked match yet, someone will definitely find one possibly.

There was that twitter post of an online tournament based on the best ranked players in Japan. It might be possible it's region based.


I think this game isn't difficult at all, at least up until level 4. I've finished the GP first try on level 4 only going down once against Max Brass.

The only difficulty IMHO are the controls. As soon as you've learned them you execute them intuitively. I've participated in both Testpunches and the first one was horrible to me. I was only fighting with the controls and therefore got subsequently destroyed. During the second Testpunch they clicked for me though.

Since then I having an absolute blast with this game. Finished GP on level 4 yesterday and managed to win my first ranked match plus a few more. Now I'm halfway through rank 2.

GP in Coop and Teammatches are still a chaotic nightmare because of this fucking band. They really should remove this shit.


I'm watching Alex Valle play this game on Twitch (like for real this time... apparently, he only had an hour to play the game for E3 lol) and he's so happy that online works so well lol


Starting to get the hang of it and it's brilliant fun. I feel there must be a good way to counter the super burst things - I feel like if a dash sideways literally at the millisecond they do it then I'm fine but otherwise I get trucked. Not sure if that's meant to be like that though.

The feeling of jumping over a grab, landing a charged freeze lunch thing then counter grabbing is so good. Done GP once at level 1 and once at level 2. Won every game 2-0 at level 1 but got beaten a few times at 2. Really satisfying so far though.

I kinda want them to make an infamous style open world superhero game set in this world, with these controls and these heroes!


Funny how people dismiss this game before because it looks casual and it has low skill ceiling. Now people are dismissing the game because they can't even hit the average skill level needed for ranked games, or worse blaming the motion controls when many people can use it just fine.

Royce McCutcheon

Junior Member
Funny how people dismiss this game before because it looks casual and it has low skill ceiling. Now people are dismissing the game because they can't even hit the average skill level needed for ranked games, or worse blaming the motion controls when many people can use it just fine.

Gotta blame somebody....other than themselves of course


People are having that much trouble with the difficulty? I immediately beat it on the fourth level with the Pro Controller. Only thing that gave me trouble was the target mini-game because I didn't get how the scoring worked.

I also still want to be able to configure my controls freely. I could be even better if I could put block on a button instead of the stick. That really is the dumbest decision ever.
The learning curve is so extensive just like a legit fighting game (which this is). I wish they had more fighters because honestly even after the DLC plans they have they still should have more. I guess however the polish is so top notch that it can be forgiven. I can see Arms really drawing a slow but growing FGC around it. I do feel like the learning curve will scare people away which I get but don't just expect to learn the deeper parts of combat in a few days. You really gotta practice if you want to compete online because everyone else will be getting better and better so now is the time.

Totally lives up to the hype. This has been one great year for games.


One thing I'm missing is a stat tracker including percentage of wins in each mode, individual stats for each character, most used arms...

Have they mentioned something about it for a future update?


Got up to rank 7: Drill.

Now I am going to take a break.

I went to Party Match and easily found Japanese players.

It looks like they definitely region locked matchmaking for ranked mode.


I really don't think the learning curve is all that steep compared to traditional fighting games. I just think there are a lot more casual players getting into Arms that wouldn't normally play a traditional fighting game and they're finding that it actually is a real deal fighting game (even if I still think it's shallow compared to pretty much any other fighting game).


Got up to rank 7: Drill.

Now I am going to take a break.

I went to Party Match and easily found Japanese players.

It looks like they definitely region locked matchmaking for ranked mode.

Got up to rank 7 too, no japanese players. While a shame, I've had a few laggy opponents, and in this game it's just unbearable.


Finally finished Rank 7 on Grand Prix. Was not fun with the near perfect AI. Just camped throwing punches and then using my super on everyone.




Got up to rank 7 too, no japanese players. While a shame, I've had a few laggy opponents, and in this game it's just unbearable.

Yeah, but I don't live in the US so I don't get the benefit of a sizeable playerbase that will still be around after 6 months.

Edit: At least Party Mode is region free in that I'll at least still be able to play online.


Funny how people dismiss this game before because it looks casual and it has low skill ceiling. Now people are dismissing the game because they can't even hit the average skill level needed for ranked games, or worse blaming the motion controls when many people can use it just fine.
Explain how the AI is fair and how the motion controls are superior when it comes to movement.


Explain how the AI is fair and how the motion controls are superior when it comes to movement.

I don't see how motion vs normal controls affect moment: I feel I can do any movement I want with motion vs normal control. The big advantage is reliable aim with normal vs more control of each punch with motion really.

As for AI... It might suck and that sucks for people who care but I always find playing vs CPU one of the most boring things you can do in multiplayer games.


The Cryptarch's Bane
So I finally beat the training Twintelle twice in a row which I decided was enough of a proof of concept to stop or I'd literally be doing that fight all night long.

Went into Grand Prix 1 and beat the everliving shit out of all 10 except for one match (break the targets what?). Was barely even paying attention toward the end. Ditto Grand Prix 2.

the hell. I guess I was indeed trained -_- But the difference in difficulty seems a bit silly. I have no real conception of what skill level that training bout was intended to demand. I guess the spike in is purported to be on GP4 so I'll see how I do.

Nevertheless this is clearly something pretty special. It was 3am before I knewi it.

DEFINITELY not for everyone, but quite an accomplishment for something so risky. I'm pretty surprised at how much there is to it as a strategic/"legit" fighting game. It goes well beyond the cute distraction I was expecting, which is both exciting and a little daunting. The character designs are also a cut above what I expected, having been exposed to very little pre-launch. I can see myself putting a bunch of time into this especially if there are some local people who are into it as well.


I will admit that I understand very little about the process, need, or desire to buy and/or equip different ARMS. Seems like you unlock them per character and each starts with a different set which is sort of cool... but thus far Ninjara's twin Chakrams have been all I need and they seem completely awesome. If there's a primer on how this whole dealy works please point me to it, the OT seems way simplified over what is offered ingame :p

Okay, I'm going to very candidly state the following: My brain does not want to understand this game. It does not want to curve punches using the same means as moving my character's body. I've never come across a game that actively forced me to 'rub my head and pat my tummy', and I'm not used to being so stymied by any sort of hand-eye coordination exercise.

At any rate, I'm going to keep trying in the days ahead. Just whining a bit, finding myself in very unfamiliar territory gaming-wise.
I do quite know what you mean, but I must say that I love it.

I haven't in recent memory, or maybe ever, had so much trouble with the physical dexterity surrounding the control scheme of a new game, but it feels immensely satisfying to get the hang of more and more as I play. It's pretty rare to sit down and play a game that quite literally feels different to anything else I've ever played.

On a related note regarding the different control schemes, I am of what I'm sure is an unpopular opinion in that I wish motion controls were actually enforced. I can understand the learning curve and a degree of unwieldiness, but I just love the idea that people around the world are struggling with this completely foreign method of controling an avatar in a fighting game and trying to hone their skills and looking silly doing it. It's fun as fuck. And it's like a blank slate even before you get anywhere near the metagame. I'll really be kind of disappointed if it turns out that competitive play just across-the-board favors traditional controls because they're more consistent/precise with less effort, and don't induce fatigue. I have this naive wish for the need to get good at the motion controls to be part of the competitive scene for this game. But it's probably not to be.

I'm going to this local Switch Meetup group for the first time since this came out on Tuesday... I hope some of the peeps there are at least willing to fite me joycon to joycon XD
I could barely beat Grand Prix on 4 difficulty, until I figured out that you can "spread" your grabs out wider. I normally just punched with both hands and didn't think much of the positioning of them in relation to each other and just tried to hit the other guy with it.. but I would miss all the time because it was too narrow even if I caught them off guard.

Much different now and am successfully grabbing so much more and made the boss beatable for me


I don't see how motion vs normal controls affect moment: I feel I can do any movement I want with motion vs normal control. The big advantage is reliable aim with normal vs more control of each punch with motion really.

As for AI... It might suck and that sucks for people who care but I always find playing vs CPU one of the most boring things you can do in multiplayer games.
Maneuvering is far more cumbersome with motion controls. It's simply faster to move a stick with your thumbs than to tilt both your wrists. Not to mention involuntarily moving because your hands twist and shift when throwing punches. Aiming is much easier with motion, but you are giving up the ability to maneuver accurately, and vice versa with the pro controller.

I agree that playing against the CPU is not fun. Too bad ranked is locked and there's no 1v1 in unranked mode.

This game is so disappointing on all fronts. Maybe in six months with updates it will be good, but if you're on the fence now, stay away.


I could barely beat Grand Prix on 4 difficulty, until I figured out that you can "spread" your grabs out wider. I normally just punched with both hands and didn't think much of the positioning and would miss all the time because it was too narrow even if I caught them off guard.

You can do this deliberately?

I guess it's easier to counter, but this would've helped me vs Ninjara.

I beat Gran Prix last night too. Funnily enough I found headlock a hell of a lot easier than any fight before it. I just cheesed it. I sat just outside of it's range (pushed him off one side of the stage and I went to the other) then I just kept hitting him as he tried to jump over to me.


Explain how the AI is fair and how the motion controls are superior when it comes to movement.

Uhm, first many people already defeated level 4 AI. It's hard, but not that hard. It is simple as countering the AI's punches.

Motion controls has better control on the trajectory and grab range. You can watch the video of the exibition fight between the Champ of the ARMS invitational and the producer Mr. yabuki. Mr. yabuki moves effortless.


Maneuvering is far more cumbersome with motion controls. It's simply faster to move a stick with your thumbs than to tilt both your wrists. Not to mention involuntarily moving because your hands twist and shift when throwing punches. Aiming is much easier with motion, but you are giving up the ability to maneuver accurately, and vice versa with the pro controller.

I agree that playing against the CPU is not fun. Too bad ranked is locked and there's no 1v1 in ranked mode.

This game is so disappointing on all fronts. Maybe in six months with updates it will be good, but if you're on the fence now, stay away.

I mean... I've tried both motion and normal, and anything I can do with normal motion wise, I can replicate with motion, with the same accuracy. Maybe it's different for you but there is nothing cumbersome with the moving for me. If anything, the thing that will take some getting used to is to always "reset" your arms before you punch in a neutral position.

Also ranked is only 1v1 so not sure what you mean.

If you don't like the game atm I fail to see what additions of characters, arms and stages will tbh. Hope you get around to the game more tho.
You can do this deliberately?

I guess it's easier to counter, but this would've helped me vs Ninjara.

I beat Gran Prix last night too. Funnily enough I found headlock a hell of a lot easier than any fight before it. I just cheesed it. I sat just outside of it's range (pushed him off one side of the stage and I went to the other) then I just kept hitting him as he tried to jump over to me.

I kept getting beat by Heldock over and over but it was much easier to beat him when I figured it out. I found him way harder than anyone else. I lost a couple times in my way there but had me totally stuck.

Just spread your arms out like the sides of an upsidedown trapezoid and flick your rists to have it out as wide as possible.

It should be easier for a non AI to counter that way but it was effective at catching him where as before it seemed like he was just too fast and would dodge; it also help block a lot of his punches because my arms were spread even if I didn't connect. Where as before my missed grabs would be punished every time
Man, I just can't do as well with standard controls. Motion controls work so much better, imo. Which is a shocker, as I usually dislike motion controls.
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