Is there any list of the specials and nuances of every char?
Like how to charge, what's the special ability etc.
Honestly if I'm in a situation against someone with a handicap in a multiman game I do the opposite. Focus on the other player instead.Party mode is so much fun, nice mix of activities. Hediok fights are hilarious.
Just got put in a three way with a 50% handicap, guess what the other players decided to do 🤔
Honestly if I'm in a situation against someone with a handicap in a multiman game I do the opposite. Focus on the other player instead.
God my phone takes crappy pictures vong quality her
I played this for a few hours at work and I'm wondering where the games depth lies? I want to pick it up because it looks fun, but it also seemed quite shallow.
Specifically, what is there to stop someone playing reactively? For instance, awaiting for an opponet to throw a punch, then dashing through it and throwing yours? Sure, they can throw a second punch, but you have two so you can hit their second punch and still hit them with yours.
Same with grabs, you can just dash out of the way of them and hit them?
Is there not a way to cancel your moves so as to bait dashes and counter attacks?
Level 4 wasn't too difficult for me as Min Min but Spring Man was a trial.
Why do you sometimes start matches with partial health or your super powered up?
Valle actually going to the lab right now.
This shit is hella funny lol
(it's cool how into the game he is)
I was pretty good during the test punch and now I'm total garbage. Sheesh.
Also, how do you play TV mode using a button layout?
Really... fighting against someone named "Cumdrinker"
This is why gaming is seen as the past time of basement dwelling slob idiots
Man, while the idea of a portable, full Zelda experience sold me on buying the Switch at launch, it's ARMS that's given me the whole Nintendo DS <-> Nintendogs epiphany of completely understanding the true genius of the console's concept.
Caught up with a friend I hadn't met in 8 years, and after a while of chatting, he asked what I've been doing in terms of hobbies. I mentioned gaming and remembered that I had brought the Switch along with me for the commute to city (where we had lunch).
So I pulled out the system, put it on tabletop mode, detached the controllers and handed the joy con to him. We played team versus against the computer and although we only played 5 minutes, it was almost exactly a scene out of the Switch ads.
It also helped that ARMS is an easy to pick-up, hard to master kind of game. My friend has no gaming experience whatsoever, but for him to just get it and play straight away was just mind-blowing for me.
Anyways, enough of the livejournal, this game is just great. The character designs, the catchy music, and the nuanced gameplay is the greatest follow up after 250 hours of Breath of the Wild.
This is exactly what Sony was talking about!
#4thechildrenThis is exactly what Sony was talking about!
Really... fighting against someone named "Cumdrinker"
This is why gaming is seen as the past time of basement dwelling slob idiots
Is it possible to play this in co-op against AI, split screen or online?
It really should only be for 1v1.getting the +3 disadvantage in a 2v2 is just stupid...
yeah also I dont want to lose the disadvantage just because I lost in hoops....It really should only be for 1v1.
Could totally see myself getting the splatoon ones aswell, poor wallet c:
Seriously these things look so good
Could totally see myself getting the splatoon ones aswell, poor wallet c:
That invitational was a joke. Zerk was the best player there, but I fought a good number of people in the second Test Punch that were far better than him. Yabuki knew what he was doing, but nothing he did was impressive aside from his stage bounce combo into Rush... which while fun to watch, really wasn't optimal if you examine the situation.
Any footage of someone beating level 7 GP yet?
Because NO WAY.
Ok that's it I am hunting down those joy cons today.
Level 5 brass almost made me give up... i dont know if anyone could do grand prix as level6 lol
Man the title screen theme sung by Ribbon Girl that you unlock is so much better than the normal one
Is there any list of the specials and nuances of every char?
Like how to charge, what's the special ability etc.
Seriously these things look so good
Could totally see myself getting the splatoon ones aswell, poor wallet c: