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ARMS |OT| (’-‘)-------------

Cpt Lmao

Party mode is so much fun, nice mix of activities. Hediok fights are hilarious.

Just got put in a three way with a 50% handicap, guess what the other players decided to do 🤔

I Wanna Be The Guy

U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!
Party mode is so much fun, nice mix of activities. Hediok fights are hilarious.

Just got put in a three way with a 50% handicap, guess what the other players decided to do 🤔
Honestly if I'm in a situation against someone with a handicap in a multiman game I do the opposite. Focus on the other player instead.

Kaze Kyou

Man, while the idea of a portable, full Zelda experience sold me on buying the Switch at launch, it's ARMS that's given me the whole Nintendo DS <-> Nintendogs epiphany of completely understanding the true genius of the console's concept.

Caught up with a friend I hadn't met in 8 years, and after a while of chatting, he asked what I've been doing in terms of hobbies. I mentioned gaming and remembered that I had brought the Switch along with me for the commute to city (where we had lunch).

So I pulled out the system, put it on tabletop mode, detached the controllers and handed the joy con to him. We played team versus against the computer and although we only played 5 minutes, it was almost exactly a scene out of the Switch ads.

It also helped that ARMS is an easy to pick-up, hard to master kind of game. My friend has no gaming experience whatsoever, but for him to just get it and play straight away was just mind-blowing for me.

Anyways, enough of the livejournal, this game is just great. The character designs, the catchy music, and the nuanced gameplay is the greatest follow up after 250 hours of Breath of the Wild.


Honestly if I'm in a situation against someone with a handicap in a multiman game I do the opposite. Focus on the other player instead.

Yup that's what I do. It annoys me when two of us are fucked up in a triple threat and the other guy decides to target me instead of the healthy dude. Its like an obvious path to defeat.
I think the problem I'm having at the moment is everyone I fight is playing the keep away game big time.

It seems a bit too easy to run away and a bit to hard to get in on people right now.

Hopefully as the game goes on either:
I'll develop a better rush down strategy
They'll be new fighters/arms for the rush down fight

Either way I'm having a blast!
I played this for a few hours at work and I'm wondering where the games depth lies? I want to pick it up because it looks fun, but it also seemed quite shallow.

Specifically, what is there to stop someone playing reactively? For instance, awaiting for an opponet to throw a punch, then dashing through it and throwing yours? Sure, they can throw a second punch, but you have two so you can hit their second punch and still hit them with yours.

Same with grabs, you can just dash out of the way of them and hit them?

Is there not a way to cancel your moves so as to bait dashes and counter attacks?





I played this for a few hours at work and I'm wondering where the games depth lies? I want to pick it up because it looks fun, but it also seemed quite shallow.

Specifically, what is there to stop someone playing reactively? For instance, awaiting for an opponet to throw a punch, then dashing through it and throwing yours? Sure, they can throw a second punch, but you have two so you can hit their second punch and still hit them with yours.

Same with grabs, you can just dash out of the way of them and hit them?

Is there not a way to cancel your moves so as to bait dashes and counter attacks?

Sheild type Arms for traps, Dragon type Arms for pressure, High arcing arms for strong side steppers, heavy Arms for punch cancelling, etc.

Just some on top of my Head.


I'm starting to really believe that traditional controls are overall better for this game. It's not a coincidence that all traditional control players aren't having as much of a hard type as motion control players in the grand prix.

I'll stick with motion to the death though :p.
Playing this game solo and I must say it is far beyond my expectation. So addicting and full of charm. And really glad Biff has this weird Nintendo voice/gibberish instead of a real voice.


I was pretty good during the test punch and now I'm total garbage. Sheesh.

Also, how do you play TV mode using a button layout?


Really... fighting against someone named "Cumdrinker"

This is why gaming is seen as the past time of basement dwelling slob idiots
Man, while the idea of a portable, full Zelda experience sold me on buying the Switch at launch, it's ARMS that's given me the whole Nintendo DS <-> Nintendogs epiphany of completely understanding the true genius of the console's concept.

Caught up with a friend I hadn't met in 8 years, and after a while of chatting, he asked what I've been doing in terms of hobbies. I mentioned gaming and remembered that I had brought the Switch along with me for the commute to city (where we had lunch).

So I pulled out the system, put it on tabletop mode, detached the controllers and handed the joy con to him. We played team versus against the computer and although we only played 5 minutes, it was almost exactly a scene out of the Switch ads.

It also helped that ARMS is an easy to pick-up, hard to master kind of game. My friend has no gaming experience whatsoever, but for him to just get it and play straight away was just mind-blowing for me.

Anyways, enough of the livejournal, this game is just great. The character designs, the catchy music, and the nuanced gameplay is the greatest follow up after 250 hours of Breath of the Wild.

Yup, I had some friends over last night to demo the game. I was playing a second by myself before anyone showed up. Friend brings his Switch, and converts it into a second controller so we can play 2 player. 2 more friends show up, we hand them a JoyCon each and are now playing 4 player. It's the swiss army knife of consoles.


I am atrocious at this game. I'm still trying to figure out who to main (Twintelle seems to be my best) and to get into some good habits but I can't even get past the second Fighter in difficulty level two.


That invitational was a joke. Zerk was the best player there, but I fought a good number of people in the second Test Punch that were far better than him. Yabuki knew what he was doing, but nothing he did was impressive aside from his stage bounce combo into Rush... which while fun to watch, really wasn't optimal if you examine the situation.

Yabuki's movements in the Twintelle match looked pristine to me. He dodged using minimal movements and he alternated between short hops and longer dashes very precisely and there was very little waste in his movements (it's what you want to do in boxing for real if you're dodging punches). Yes, he definitely wasn't playing optimally, but if you or other players can move at his level, I'd love to see it.
I have never ever seen a game with a cheaper AI than Arms. Seriously this is embarassingly bad. You can literally watch them speed up or down their grabs and punches mid air to connect, hitboxes seem to only work half of the time, and the amount of input reading is pathetic.

I actually want my money back. This is the first Nintendo game I ever actively hated.
Fuck this game.


I'm in ranked mode screwing around and letting this guy grab spam me over and over every match without fighting back.

I wonder how long he would let this go on for.

Kind of a fun way to train and understand a character a bit more.


His breaking point was when I switched to Master Mummy as well and beat him by just waiting all match and doing enough damage right before time expired. So I would chip at the shield and win ahaha. Then he quit.

Screwing around in ranked modes is almost more fun then actually trying


I earned 100 Gamerscore™ for collecting 300 widgets and thereby created Trump's America
Man the title screen theme sung by Ribbon Girl that you unlock is so much better than the normal one

How do you get that one to play? I've ran through 4 Grand Prixs but I'm not getting it.

Is there any list of the specials and nuances of every char?

Like how to charge, what's the special ability etc.

Go to the main menu and go to 'help' at the bottom. Some tips and stuff there for controls and character nuance explanations.
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