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Arrested Development |OT| Season 4 - May 26 - Netflix Unmakes A Huge Mistake

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Death Prophet
You're here!


You beat me to it! I'll just say it then: TASTE THE HAPPY, MICHAEL.


I really doubt it will crash. But I also don't know exactly how their caching system works. It might not be ready for a lot of people to access the exact same piece of content at once, even if it can handle this amount of traffic in general.


I'm about to finish the cast commentary for the S3 finale.

It's a shame we never got to see S4 as a series of Russian stacking dolls.

The Real Abed

You know what's going to happen... it will be up but just in a handful of places, and take several hours to propagate across Netflix's network. There will be much wailing and gnashing of teeth.
As long as it goes up in order I don't see a problem.
What are we doing after?
Complaining about the quality (or comparisons to the original), sifting through everything for all of the jokes, and gifing every possible moment are what I imagine are the most likely outcomes. Those and a lot of the discussion will probably focus on what could happen to the characters in the future. Oh and two minutes! I can't wait!
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