A good 2000 posts behind on the thread because I didn't want to be spoiled. So I don't know how people felt yet. Here's my reaction:
On Sunday I was telling people to chill out, that the show got better around eps 4/5/6. I spoke too soon. Season 4 was definitely the worst thing Arrested Development has done. Still fine, mind you, but certainly a disappointment.
So Arrested Development was always lauded for its complexity. It was like someone was putting together complex 3D figures or something, and you were often unable to see how each detail came into being. But it was never incomprehensible, and it always ended up being something you could understand, even take in your hands and examine pretty easily to figure out better.
Season 4 is like someone's trying to depict a 4D shape in a 3D space, and it's just constantly changing and it's utterly beyond comprehension. You can get glimpses of stuff that sort of makes sense, but if you think you can understand the full figure you're lying or a genius. What's more is that the person rendering that figure isn't trying to make it easier for you. They're not attempting to make this high-dimension shape easier to understand. They're constantly changing perspective and then snatching it away from you, and rubbing your face in how hard it is to follow. As if we'll be so in awe at its unfathomable complexity we'll drop to our knees and take a chubby. It's more impressed with itself than we could ever be.
Where the layered narrative of seasons 1-3 brought delayed gratification, the overwrought form of season 4 simply denies it. I didn't really like never understanding the timeframe on the entire thing (so it was 5 years? but I thought they said 7? but then at other times it seemed like a character's entire story would be like 3 months?), or having to create a notepad doc just to remember where each character had been last. However it's not just that the narrative is too hard to follow at times, it's that its structure factually denies so many of the show's good qualities. The main one: the ensemble. We were warned about this one, doesn't make it sting any less. It sucks that the characters spend so little time together. Really badly. Audience love family. So I wanted to see them do a lot together, naturally. You put all those funny characters in a room, funny stuff happens. It's basic ensemble sitcom stuff. You want sparks flying between the whole cast. The structure of season 4 goes out of its way to deny that, almost never giving us more than two main characters at a time. Tied closely to that: joke density suffers. The show, due to it constantly shifting locations or explaining what's going on with a character or how much time has passed, doesn't have as much time for jokes. Well actually, I'd say it has the same amount of time for jokes as it did in previous seasons, but that's 21ish minutes and then you have about 10 minutes of narrative grunt work. It's exhausting. The jokes that are there are pretty hysterical. ANUSTART. Maria Bamford everything. BabyTock. Buster and his giant hand (favorite: punching the picture of Love with his real hand, then smacking himself in the head with the monster hand). Gob and Tony Wonder hitting it off. Marky Bark's face blindness. Maeby's amazing reaction to the ostrich. See, now that I'm thinking back on it, there's a ton here that's riotously funny. But it's so spread out and obscured that in the moment the laughter is dulled.
Beyond surface narrative and humor stuff is a little more concerning though. Like, the original series had the family in deals with Iraqis, it had them be offensive to other races, so on. But they seemed sorry about it or simply unaware of their horribleness. In season 4 they so willingly do evil and the show so gleefully throws out racist jokes. Did anyone think asian people pronouncing words wrong was funny? Not even thinking about it on a race level it's such a basic, tired joke. The show puts it out there like it's a hysterical bit to be lingered on. There was a lot that made me uncomfortable in a bad way throughout the season.
Truthfully though, that's not as important as the narrative and comedic problems. Those really did neuter the show to me. It was a fine experiment, structuring a show like this. It's aiming high. Maybe someday someone will do it right. Hurwitz and co. missed the target. Whatever's next, new season or movie, I hope the problems with season 4 are understood and fixed.
a quick note: I already hate how Hurwitz is tweeting basically about how REAL fans are accepting the structure and stuffy ~~critics~~ are disliking it. It's ignorant, plainly. For someone who's so clearly smart to fall into hyperdefensive modes of dividing the audience so cleanly is silly. He had to have known when trying such an obtuse experiment that there was a chance it would fail, or that many would see it as a failure. He apparently didn't toughen up enough for that.