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Arrested Development |OT| Season 4 - May 26 - Netflix Unmakes A Huge Mistake

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The Real Abed

Wonder if there's any significance to the movie poster that's prominent in George Michael's dorm, haven't seen it discussed yet. It's a poster for Almodovar's "Tie Me Up! Tie Me Down!" which I don't know much about.imdb, a mental hospital patient is released and kidnaps a porn actress. Anyone seen it? I've only seen one or two Almodovar.
Did somebody say "Wonder"?


wow. just finished it. honestly, it feels like one giant, superlong movie. i loved how everything tied into the cinco de cuatro event.

was there supposed to be a running theme with people heading into hot areas?
michael goes to phoenix, oscar, george, and gob go to the mexican desert, the fünkes go to india... i don't know. seemed somewhat intentional.
wow. just finished it. honestly, it feels like one giant, superlong movie. i loved how everything tied into the cinco de cuatro event.

was there supposed to be a running theme with people heading into hot areas?
michael goes to phoenix, oscar, george, and gob go to the mexican desert, the fünkes go to india... i don't know. seemed somewhat intentional.

Heat is a thing that's been going on since the beginning, though I don't think it's for any particular reason. For example, in S1-3, Michael has to deal with the heat from biking to work, messing up his presentations. The jungle conditions in his office with Gilligan and Tobias. GM/Maeby complaining and then Michael complaining about the heat at the banana stand, Michael ordering the biggest A/C they have. George Sr. ordering the hot tub for the attic and passing out from the heat, not the fun hot spot he had hoped. The cornballer "HOT" stuff and reactions. Hot cops. Hot ham water. Etc.

I'm not sure if it was intentional here, any more than just putting these people into constantly uncomfortable situations.

This needs bumped for awesomeness. Caught that on the first day right away! Maybe you're a Shaman ;)

:lol I knew it was her immediately. I thought it was so obvious that I was shocked that anybody didn't know. A big part of the joke to me was how obvious it was Maeby and how Lindsay knows her daughter so little that she can't even recognize her.
I just thought of something. Is Michael not being able to get George Michael's signature a reference to Michael Cera being one of the last people to sign to the whole AD deal?

And I realize that it wasn't that Michael couldn't get GM's signature as much as it was a wouldn't, I just didn't know how to phrase the sentence properly.


I just thought of something. Is Michael not being able to get George Michael's signature a reference to Michael Cera being one of the last people to sign to the whole AD deal?

And I realize that it wasn't that Michael couldn't get GM's signature as much as it was a wouldn't, I just didn't know how to phrase the sentence properly.
Didnt that end up being a hoax? A gag they were playing on the fans?


I just thought of something. Is Michael not being able to get George Michael's signature a reference to Michael Cera being one of the last people to sign to the whole AD deal?

And I realize that it wasn't that Michael couldn't get GM's signature as much as it was a wouldn't, I just didn't know how to phrase the sentence properly.

The Cera's-not-on-board thing was a hoax.


wow. just finished it. honestly, it feels like one giant, superlong movie. i loved how everything tied into the cinco de cuatro event.

was there supposed to be a running theme with people heading into hot areas?
michael goes to phoenix, oscar, george, and gob go to the mexican desert, the fünkes go to india... i don't know. seemed somewhat intentional.

Maeby it's because the Bluths are a
a hot mess.
Dudes, here's something I just thought of:

- Rebel reminds Michael of his late wife (red hair, etc.)
- Rebel is an illegitimate child of Ron Howard and ____? We don't know who.
- Ron Howard suggests Rebel for the part even though he doesn't really know Michael's late wife... or does he?
- Ron Howard says: "You know her." Like Michael should know her. Sure she's an actress but one of... not necessarily huge renown, right? so why else might Michael know her?

And a big(?) one:
- Ron Howard also says: "You probably think I'm terrible for even mentioning her to you."

- Rebel Alley is the child of Ron Howard and Tracey Bluth
- George Michael is in love with someone related to him again (not cousin... sister? half sister?)


Dudes, here's something I just thought of:

- Rebel reminds Michael of his late wife (red hair, etc.)
- Rebel is an illegitimate child of Ron Howard and ____? We don't know who.
- Ron Howard suggests Rebel for the part even though he doesn't really know Michael's late wife... or does he?

- Rebel Alley is the child of Ron Howard and Tracey Bluth
- George Michael is in love with his cousin again

Except I thought Tracey was supposed to be an angel and pretty much the only one of the Bluth family that wasn't an awful person?

Edit: Also, that means Michael fucked his kinda-sorta daughter? We really need an age on Rebel before making any claims because she seems to be around Michael's and Tracy's would-be age and there's no way Ron Howard fucked a fetus so this seems highly unlikely.


Dudes, here's something I just thought of:

- Rebel reminds Michael of his late wife (red hair, etc.)
- Rebel is an illegitimate child of Ron Howard and ____? We don't know who.
- Ron Howard suggests Rebel for the part even though he doesn't really know Michael's late wife... or does he?

- Rebel Alley is the child of Ron Howard and Tracey Bluth
- George Michael is in love with his cousin again

So she's Michael's kind-of-but-not-really daughter, and she was in a Woody Allen movie.


does anyone else think ann is cute ?

i would marry her

Reminds me of Maeby's awesome line at the bar that I almost choked at:

Maeby: Can I get a Macallan 12 neat waterback?

Bartender: I.D.?

Maeby: Actually can we make it -- uh, marry me -- a Wild Turkey?

The way she effortlessly goes into "marry me" out of habit and then continues on with her order is hilarious.

Robot Pants

Dudes, here's something I just thought of:

- Rebel reminds Michael of his late wife (red hair, etc.)
- Rebel is an illegitimate child of Ron Howard and ____? We don't know who.
- Ron Howard suggests Rebel for the part even though he doesn't really know Michael's late wife... or does he?

- Rebel Alley is the child of Ron Howard and Tracey Bluth
- George Michael is in love with someone related to him again (not cousin... thought it through. sister? half sister?)

That would be fucking hilarious.


Corporate Apologist
Dudes, here's something I just thought of:

- Rebel reminds Michael of his late wife (red hair, etc.)
- Rebel is an illegitimate child of Ron Howard and ____? We don't know who.
- Ron Howard suggests Rebel for the part even though he doesn't really know Michael's late wife... or does he?

- Rebel Alley is the child of Ron Howard and Tracey Bluth
- George Michael is in love with someone related to him again (not cousin... thought it through. sister? half sister?)

I like the theory that Rebel is the Daughter to Tracey's Sister, making Rebel Michael's Niece, and George Michael's cousin.

Mr. F

Just finished GOB's first episode (been watching a 2ish per night), was pretty good. Still not really sure what to think of the season so far; the time skips are confusing, the longer episode lengths makes things feel like they drag a bit, and the big laughs are fewer and farther between than I'd have hoped.

There's been some real ups and downs (and admittedly the downs aren't even that bad) and while it's fantastic to see new episodes for the first time in forever it feels like too much time was spent seeding the points at which the episodes cross over instead of making the episodes themselves more interesting and funny, though I am interested to see how all that stuff comes together.

Also, I think they go a bit overboard with the narration saying the same thing as the character on screen, at points there's just way too much audio overlapping (between music, sound, narration, and whoever's talking on-screen) that I've missed a couple of punchlines.

Looking forward to more Tobias, his storyline has been my favourite so far.


Best I can do is "Stay away, Get away" on loop. Sounds ridiculous.

Take to twitter, people. Your mission is to get a clean rip from Hurwitz himself if necessary.


Also makes sense Buster isn't seen or heard very much this season because he is a Milfred man.

Anyone notice if there was a Veep reference in Busters episode? I remember Buster saying something like "She needs her lipstick!" when Lucille is arrested. It immediately made me think it was a reference to an episode of Veep where he is obsessed with a lipstick. Might be a stretch there, but that also seemed out of place

That's the first thing I thought. The other thing is why they didn't get JLD to guest star since if Buster's free, I can imagine JLD being pretty free to shoot a scene or two as well.

And I'm finally done with the season, and while I loved the structure, I do think it made everything harder to follow and even more confusing. I really do think Ron Howard's original idea was great, and would be very easy to implement now that everything is online in Netflix. In the end, everyone had their own paths anyway so even if you follow one character's story first, it wouldn't necessarily reveal what happened to the other characters' stories. But it was pretty obvious that they were writing it expecting that we all watch it from Episode 1 to 15.

For some odd reason, I really do think following the structure of Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep could have worked really well. I think the beauty of how the structure was set up was following one character and bumping in to another, and somehow finding out later how that character actually did something to influence the events around the first character's story. I thought that everything was revealed way too soon, since they would switch to that character's storyline in the next episode, and we have to go back in time again before heading back to the other character's storyline. It really was hard to follow up.

Also, I think I could have done with less narration and explanation. I loved how AD has little easter eggs hidden, but I never really fully appreciated them (and IMHO, I found some AD diehards pretentious for finding the most obscure easter eggs and proclaiming AD BEST SERIES EVAAR). With how the structure is set out, I would have loved to actually hunt those little easter eggs down and see how they fit in the big picture. Sometimes you do see these little easter eggs and the narrator quickly points out and explains how it fits in to the other characters' storyline, even if it really didn't add much to the current story arch.

I do like this season and appreciate the structure. I have to say that this is a really ballsy way to resurrect a series, and deserves many accolades. I guess the disappointed part of me is that they could have done so much with how they structured the series, but it just feels really linear at the end and that makes everything a little bit more dense then it should be.
Also, I think I could have done with less narration.
I agree with this. It felt like I was constantly hearing Ron Howard talk, and there were a few instances where his talking and a character's overlapped to where I could only focus on one. I had to rewind to listen to the other half. I don't remember that happening to me before this season.

And, reposting just because I added some new info and didn't want it to be buried. I shan't post it again!

Dudes, here's something I just thought of:

- Rebel reminds Michael of his late wife (red hair, etc.)
- Rebel is an illegitimate child of Ron Howard and ____? We don't know who.
- Ron Howard suggests Rebel for the part even though he doesn't really know Michael's late wife... or does he?
- Ron Howard says: "You know her." Like Michael should know her. Sure she's an actress but one of... not necessarily huge renown, right? so why else might Michael know her?

And a big(?) one:
- Ron Howard also says: "You probably think I'm terrible for even mentioning her to you."

- Rebel Alley is the child of Ron Howard and Tracey Bluth
- George Michael is in love with someone related to him again (not cousin... sister? half sister?)


Reminds me of Maeby's awesome line at the bar that I almost choked at:

The way she effortlessly goes into "marry me" out of habit and then continues on with her order is hilarious.

The Wild Turkey thing just reminded me of the season's huge, but seemingly unimportant theme of birds in general, not just ostriches. There are:

  • ostriches, obviously
  • vulture
  • chicken dance
  • Phoenix
  • Lucielle 2 "practically counting [Lucielle 1's] crow's feet"
  • to which Lucielle 1 turns the boat around to "show her another bird"
  • the Thanksgiving miracle duck
  • Lucielle 2 is referred to as a "crazy old bird"or something similar at one point
  • Dove (bar) do not eat!
I'm sure there are plenty of others I'm missing. The question is, why? Is there some greater significance to the birds, or is it just a "coiiiiiincideeeence"?
The Wild Turkey thing just reminded me of the season's huge, but seemingly unimportant theme of birds in general, not just ostriches. There are:

  • ostriches, obviously
  • Phoenix
  • Lucielle 2 "practically counting [Lucielle 1's] crow's feet"
  • to which Lucielle 1 turns the boat around to "show her another bird"
  • the Thanksgiving miracle duck
  • Lucielle 2 is referred to as a "crazy old bird"or something similar at one point
  • Dove (bar) do not eat!
I'm sure there are plenty of others I'm missing. The question is, why? Is there some greater significance to the birds, or is it just a "coiiiiiincideeeence"?

From the FB page



The Wild Turkey thing just reminded me of the season's huge, but seemingly unimportant theme of birds in general, not just ostriches. There are:

  • ostriches, obviously
  • Phoenix
  • Lucielle 2 "practically counting [Lucielle 1's] crow's feet"
  • to which Lucielle 1 turns the boat around to "show her another bird"
  • the Thanksgiving miracle duck
  • Lucielle 2 is referred to as a "crazy old bird"or something similar at one point
  • Dove (bar) do not eat!
I'm sure there are plenty of others I'm missing. The question is, why? Is there some greater significance to the birds, or is it just a "coiiiiiincideeeence"?

The chicken dances!

Cocka-kaw! Cocka-kaw! Cocka-kaw!


I still want GOB to figure out who sabotaged his act. I'm almost positive it was Ann's father.

Pretty sure it was Ann.

Here's a shot of her from when she and GOB are on her father's show:


And one from later when she visits GOB in the hospital:


Notice the cross is missing from her necklace.
A friend just pointed out that Sally Sitwell has the same hairless condition as her father, which completely flew over my head the first time I watched that scene of her in bed with Tony Wonder. My mind exploded.
Wow. Good catch with the T. I could have sworn it was Ann's dad since he entered the cave.

A friend just pointed out that Sally Sitwell has the same hairless condition as her father, which completely flew over my head the first time I watched that scene of her in bed with Tony Wonder. My mind exploded.

Lol this brings new meaning in S1/S2 to that time Michael and Maggie were talking about Sally. Maggie said she had a Sally Sitwell doll when she was little and whenever she "pulled her hair, she would cry"...Michael says something like "This one kind of does that too".


It was an interesting idea to go this route for the story telling, but it kind of sucked how limited the scope was in the end. Overall I enjoyed it, but I want more now :/


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
Just finished the Maeby episode. Best one by far, one of my favourites of the whole show. Felt like classic AD. It's funny how like Buster at the Milford school, she stayed on after she was supposed to have graduated.

I think Maeby might have become my favourite character. She's like Lucille x Michael.
Just finished up the last episode. Loved the season, and those early episodes that felt weird will definitely be better on a rewatch. Just top notch writing, and too many great moments to even pick favorites right now.

If the next step in AD is to be the final step, I hope Netflix is happy with how this is performing and orders another 15 episodes. I gotta tell ya, I think movies are dead. Maeby...it should be a 5th season.


Also just finished this season.There better be a 5th season.

Way too much interesting stuff that got put onto the table. This season had made the recipe for Arrested Development richer and more complicated, the show is better than what it used to be. Which is a huge feat in of itself.
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