Portia De Rossi looks completely fucked. The Snail looks surprisingly good.
The most obvious is in Lindsay's second episode at the Eeling club (connection with LucEEL, or perhaps the fake eel that swam by buster?) when Michael says he has a script meeting with Warden Gentles.
Lol where I come from that's kind of harsh criticism
Edit: Question:
When GOB roofies Michael he says something like "It's so easy to forget" in a sing-song voice. Does anybody know if that is a real song or if he's just being a goob?
Was the "hey, listen, hey, hey, listen" in one of the first three episodes (don't remember which one) a nod to Zelda:OoT?
Their trial ran out during Buster's episode and the screen froze.
Anyway, I just finished the whole thing and I'm not too positive on it. The lack of the gathered ensemble really hurt the show. The need for the the narrator to talk so much was grating. I also feel some of the show's subtlety was lost with things like GOBs Sh-Sh-Sh-Sh scene, continuously calling Ann different Ann-isms, and the need for these continuous cameos and callbacks that really didn't push the story forward. Hey look it's Bob Loblaw! Ok, now what? Now he said "Bob Loblaw Law Bomb!" You know, like the original series, remember?
Part of the charm of the original series was the gradual building of the reveal, but this one felt like they were forcing it the entire time, especially with the narrator giving too strong of a play by play.
There were great, great jokes, but there were also times when I was looking at how much time was left in the particular episode. Part of the joy of AD is watching it again, but as of now it would be exhausting.
I don't want to be so negative so I'll leave it at this: it felt like Star Wars: the Phantom Menace in comparison to the original trilogy.
Way off base.
The entire series feels like a catch up, and then a set up. They basically spend it setting up new character arcs and development, priming for a new season, which I'm pretty confident will happen. Most of the case was extremely happy to do this, and I can't see them refusing to do another season, especially since a new season would be on more solid ground with better funding (hopefully allowing more of the cast to free up time for those ensemble appearances).
Yep, I felt so too. It feels clear, that they will continue with this somehow and have already an arc figured out.
Absolutely. They would never have ended it the way they did if they weren't sure where they were going. There is so much still to be resolved and we have to see the family get back together.
I just hope that the mixed reaction to the season doesn't screw anything up. I think it gets so much better the second time around and the people at Netflix must have been prepared for a slight backlash given the format (which I don't think would work in a season 5). In a few months once it's all sunk in everyone will be begging for more. They ended it in the perfect way IMO. I wanted more as soon as the credits rolled on episode 13.
Absolutely. They would never have ended it the way they did if they weren't sure where they were going. There is so much still to be resolved and we have to see the family get back together.
I just hope that the mixed reaction to the season doesn't screw anything up. I think it gets so much better the second time around and the people at Netflix must have been prepared for a slight backlash given the format (which I don't think would work in a season 5). In a few months once it's all sunk in everyone will be begging for more. They ended it in the perfect way IMO. I wanted more as soon as the credits rolled on episode 13.
Should I quote this? Probably not.
So I'm probably late on this, but couldn't see it on a search, anyone else notice this?
Rich Aliaandaost - Aliaandanost Rich - Alia and an Ostrich
It sounded really similar to his old "It's not easy being white" song to me.
Why does Sally Sitwell care that Tony Wonder is going to sabotage Gob? Something to do with Lucille 2?
Destroy my life with GOB.
Finished watching last night. I'd be lying if I said the first chunk of episodes wasn't rough, and I'm still disappointed with a lot of it (yeah I'll do a rewatch eventually), but when this season was firing on all cylinders its best moments were right up there with the first three seasons, particularly Gob and Buster's stuff. Hell, the Sound of Silence repeated gag might have been the hardest I've ever laughed at the show
It's not exactly what I wanted out of the show, and while the format is really clever I feel like this wasn't the best show to do it with, though I do understand the necessity. But I still had a lot of fun once I got past the first few episodes, so even if it didn't feel exactly the same I guess I can't complain. Though I do hope that whatever's next for AD they get to have all the Bluths together again
It was for 'Babies having Babies', they were shooting a pregnant girl. Tobias mentioned the show in the same episodeDo they ever explain the film crew that's in Maeby's classroom? There's also one behind Michael and George Michael when they're walking around on campus in the first episode.
Actually, is there a list anywhere of all of the things that aren't answered?
"Footage owned by Ron Howard or Netflix or whatever" made me lol.
Last episode was disappointing, was expecting some classic AD-style mayhem to happen but they just didn't deliver
Hope that season 5 happens and we actually get the actors together this time.
I just finished watching "A New Attitude." THIS is what I was hoping for all along. Great episode with hilarious jokes.
Tony: "Heeeey....you!"
Ann: "It's Ann. Awfully funny time to run into you.
Tony: "Yes, it is an awfully funny time to see you...you."
That part killed me.
Did you watch the after the credits?
I just finished this episode. It was amazing and everything I had hoped for.
always sunny joke
I think the one after accidentally proposing to Egg is the best. The falling like Jesus, the great composition, the shot of the eggs. The best.
always sunny joke[/QUOTE]
I didn't even notice that her last name here is Flunke that is just fantastic.
See, this is what we were talking about several pages ago. If this season had aired right after Season 3 your complaints would not exist, because that is how the show has always been built. There would still be Bob Lawbla, I Blue Myself, sad Peanuts music, there is absolutely no reason for them to NOT continue using those jokes in Season 4. But it's been such a long time, that people just chalk it up to worthless callbacks and appealing to nostalgia.Anyway, I just finished the whole thing and I'm not too positive on it. The lack of the gathered ensemble really hurt the show. The need for the the narrator to talk so much was grating. I also feel some of the show's subtlety was lost with things like GOBs Sh-Sh-Sh-Sh scene, continuously calling Ann different Ann-isms, and the need for these continuous cameos and callbacks that really didn't push the story forward. Hey look it's Bob Loblaw! Ok, now what? Now he said "Bob Loblaw Law Bomb!" You know, like the original series, remember?
Part of the charm of the original series was the gradual building of the reveal, but this one felt like they were forcing it the entire time, especially with the narrator giving too strong of a play by play.