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Arrow S5 |OT| You thought you were out, but Manu Bennett pulls you back in.


This show is just not that great. Hopefully Oliver starts killing more bad guys. Felicity is annoying. The fighting is kinda monotonous at this point. A lot of stuff they do doesn't make much sense. Everyone is so whiny. I wish it was like season 1 arrow again.


This show is just not that great. Hopefully Oliver starts killing more bad guys. Felicity is annoying. The fighting is kinda monotonous at this point. A lot of stuff they do doesn't make much sense. Everyone is so whiny. I wish it was like season 1 arrow again.

Did you uh watch the episode


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
This show is just not that great. Hopefully Oliver starts killing more bad guys. Felicity is annoying. The fighting is kinda monotonous at this point. A lot of stuff they do doesn't make much sense. Everyone is so whiny. I wish it was like season 1 arrow again.

Please elaborate because I literally disagree with everything you just said in regards to this episode. I'm almost inclined to believe this is a parody of driveby shitpost that people do in Arrow threads...but I'm not sure.


Please elaborate because I literally disagree with everything you just said in regards to this episode. I'm almost inclined to believe this is a parody of driveby shitpost that people do in Arrow threads...but I'm not sure.

If you think this is bad, check out the Arrow subreddit. It's a fucking shithole. The top post before the premiere was telling people not to watch it to force them to change the show.
If you think this is bad, check out the Arrow subreddit. It's a fucking shithole. The top post before the premiere was telling people not to watch it to force them to change the show.

The mod recommending Luke Cage lol oh boy! If Luke Cage was played by a capable actor I would agree.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
If you think this is bad, check out the Arrow subreddit. It's a fucking shithole. The top post before the premiere was telling people not to watch it to force them to change the show.

So weird. They could at least watch the premiere and see if it goes in a direction they like. I honestly don't care if people like it or not, I just don't see what more someone could expect from this show. There wasn't a ton of relationship drama, just a little hint that Felicity moved on. Oliver is killing people again and I'm cool with the reasoning. He thinks letting Darhk go all those times lead to thousands of people eventually dying. I can even buy into Thea quitting. It seemed a little contrived at first, just to weaken the team so it can be built up again. But her speech about finally feeling normal and wanting to stay that way even made sense. The action is probably the best it has ever been.

This episode was basically screaming Hey, Remember Season 1! We can do that again! Crime bosses and Homicidal Oliver!


special needs, sexual needs
Honestly I have hope for this season. I like where everybody is at especially Oliver juggling Mayor and being the Green Arrow and realizing that killing may just what needs to be done. The scene about having had opportunities to kill Darhk before Laurel's death was really good.

The subreddit just wants to hate it for no other reason than to hate it. Sure it may be a bit too early to judge season 5 but it really felt like the Arrow I enjoyed back when it premiered. Of course the Olicity drama can seep back in but I have hope!!

The only thing I agree with the subreddit was the fact that isn't the apartment Thea's?? Lol

And that statue was terrible. When it showed Lance's face I thought he was grimacing at how bad it was.


One man's junk is another man's treasure
I'm watching season one of Arrow for first time on TNT, holy crap what the heck is wrong with that island?!!! Landmines, mercenaries, wolves, drug smugglers, evil magic idols, etc, is there a hellmouth underneath Lian Yu or something? Now I'm thinking back to when Oliver brought Thea there to train, what the fuck is wrong with him?

At the end of last season Oliver should have told Felicity to redirect some of those nukes to that piece of crap and blow that place to hell.
I like that Oliver is back to dropping bodies and they dismantled the crew. And no more Olicity for the time being. I'm also liking the Russian flashbacks. It's like the show runners are listening to the fans' compliants.

How the fuck did Ollie get off the Island again? Did he kill that black dude? I forgot.

The Light

Will try to be more positive this season.
This was a great premiere like every other Arrow season. Although I have to shooting the grappling hook into nothing still looks so off.


That was awesome premiere. Killing bad guys, Oliver being completely badass on so many occasions, the action looking great (so many cool little moments, the flip with disarming weapon, hiting the helicopter in midair, breaking that damn arm, explosion knocking Tobias sideways..damn). And the plot going back to street level stuff, as well as tackling the problems of actual city. Even the flashbacks were very good.

Awesome premiere. Hyped for the season.

How the fuck did Ollie get off the Island again? Did he kill that black dude? I forgot.
Amanda Waller came back for him with Argus.



So Ollie in S4 is all 'omg don't give into the bloodlust Thea you're not a killer'
First ep of S5

He didn't want Thea to kill. Big difference. Even at his darkest moments he always wanted to limit being monster to himself.

Oliver isn't Barry. He actually learns and adapts based on what happens :)


Hunky Nostradamus
That was a very solid episode to open the season with. Much stronger than The Flash's lazy and underwhelming premiere.

I think the set up for the season is way better than the last two years' because not only is Ollie killing again (yes!), but he's also searching for a new team, which will hopefully bring back some of that "getting the team together" fun of the earlier seasons.

Also, the villain is immediately more interesting than either Raysh or Damien Darhk. Chad Coleman brings a level of energy to his character that Matthew Nable and Neal McDonough sorely lacked.

Also also, the action was pretty cool. Keep it up Arrow!

His fabulous wig is back!


Thank god he brought a parachute arrow to raid an abandoned factory...

but seriously that parachute arrow was p dope
Actually pleasantly surprised. So much so I think that was the best Arrow Ep in probably a year +. Action was good, was a lot more bloody and had enough shenanigans that made it fun.

Everyone has beards now too!


I hope they stick with GA straight up jacking fools. It's the one thing that sets him apart from every other hero.
I don't know why people are getting their kicks at S1 Oliver. Y'all got some deep seated issues.

That being said I don't mind Oliver killing because it separates his character more from Batman.
No killing oliver is trash .
If you don't want to kill fodder all the time that is fine.
Still you got to be willing to take out the main bad guy or people that fucking you up.


Although I have to shooting the grappling hook into nothing still looks so off.

He hit the ceiling of the warehouse. You can hear clear clanks and when he goes up the ceiling becomes visible. I guess it's just the ridiculousness of previous grapling hooks escapes that makes it seems like it's the repeat of that :D


So who is the new archer? Is it an established character in the comics?
No. It looks like they're taking a character name from the comics
and turning him into specific Green Arrow villain. The way they're describing him (
a a monster created by Oliver's actions
, I get the feeling there will also be a lot of Lemire's Richard Dragon in him.

Anway..bring archery duels. We didn't get a good once since S2.


Wow, I actually enjoyed that premiere.

Was it just me or did the fight scenes get better?



Blue is my favorite color.


Enjoyed it more than Flash's pilot but that's Arrow's shtick. Strong start, weak middle and end.

I really liked the villain's mask, tho.


I liked seasons 3/4 enough, but I mean this show did a terrible job of showing Oliver needs a team.

He is much better flying solo.


I liked seasons 3/4 enough, but I mean this show did a terrible job of showing Oliver needs a team.

He is much better flying solo.

Now that Oliver seems to have actual duties a team is probably a good idea. He technically ran a company for a while, but that really wasn't much of anything and he spent the last two years unemployed. He's now in a position where he's the public face of the city. He can't slack there.


I feel like this episode showed a good reason why he needs a team. He can handle all the baddies himself it seems, but he needs help in protecting the streets so he can do his actual day job. Him being Major seemed to suffer while out alone.

I feel the same for Season 2. For the 1st half, he was really alone out there (had backup in the Arrow cave of course, but still by himself on the streets) and it showed with his company leadership slacking.


Wow Arrow > Flash this week by a mile. Even if I wasn't disappointed in Flash I'd still be impressed with this premier. I think the flashback line will actually be relevant this season. I also think they've looked at the Netflix shows and are trying to have more compelling villains.

The action scenes with the slowmo are also kickass! How good was that Man of Steele zoom into the parachute arrow?

Looking forward to next week!


Yeah, angry killer Oliver is best Oliver. Overall that was a pretty solid debut, but is it just me or did the episode feel like it went by really fast?


Just watched it. Was surprised at how good it was. Loved the Felicity drama tease at the end. Can't wait for more of that shit.

Fight scenes were good and I hope this is a return to form of S1 Oliver. No more of this boy scout bullshit.
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