Where's Ragman? He'd be more useful than half of them.
Heroes v Aliens: The Dominators
2 minute trailer!
This looks fucking hypeHeroes v Aliens: The Dominators
2 minute trailer!
Where the hell is the White Canary?!
Where the hell is the White Canary?!
Knowing Sara, probably have sex with the Dominator's Queen.
One of the best things about the first crossover was Diggle's reaction to Barry. I hope he has the same reaction to Supergirl. Or maybe he has seen too much to have a reaction at all.
One of the best things about the first crossover was Diggle's reaction to Barry. I hope he has the same reaction to Supergirl. Or maybe he has seen too much to have a reaction at all.
I was hoping they'd also bring Constantine back.
So should I binge Supergirl and Legends of Tomorrow in preparation for this or something?
Hmm. I'd say yeah if you want to get a better handle on the characters. Nate from Legends of Tomorrow is new to the team. The best thing about crossovers for me is the interactions that you only get during a team up.
If you're just worried about plot, there has been zero lead up to this in any of the shows. Which is nice, they all suffered having to buildup last year's.
I watched the first few eps of LoT, and it didn't really click with me, but since it's just a season to catch up on, I might just do it.
Heard mixed things about Supergirl, so I'm a bit more apprehensive about that one heh.
Where's Ragman? He'd be more useful than half of them.
I wasn't a huge fan of either in their freshmen season, but they've both come a long way in Year 2. Especially Legends of Tomorrow. Yeah, if you got the time, I say go for it. I'm sure the material will land better if you've got the background on the characters. You could just jump right into Season 2 of Supergirl if you wanted. They cleaned the slate on that one. Everything you need to know is in the opening or "Previously On..." segment.
Supergirl is way, way, way better than LoT.I watched the first few eps of LoT, and it didn't really click with me, but since it's just a season to catch up on, I might just do it.
Heard mixed things about Supergirl, so I'm a bit more apprehensive about that one heh.
When watching the trailer like that, I guess when you put it all together, it's kind of like a made for TV movie.
Better than the famous Avengers team gif
Mid-season finale photos, including:Season 1 Arrow suit
Mid-season finale photos, including:Season 1 Arrow suit
Why would he go back to the worst looking suit ever made.
Mid-season finale photos, including:Season 1 Arrow suit
Mid-season finale photos, including:Season 1 Arrow suit
The show runners have said Prometheus ' s identity ties into Season 1. Maybe this episode's flashbacks are his origin story
Wild Dog chilling with the big boys, and presumably a S1 flashback.
The show runners have said Prometheus ' s identity ties into Season 1. Maybe this episode's flashbacks are his origin story
The show runners have said Prometheus ' s identity ties into Season 1. Maybe this episode's flashbacks are his origin story
So either this is a huge fakeout and they made a deal to get him from Chicago Med, or we're all in for some big disappointment.“There’s a nice nod to Colin, but he’s literally a series regular on another show,” Stephen told us. “We tried to make it work, but we couldn’t make it work.”
I don't understand the desire for Prometheus to be unmasked as Tommy. His storyline feels complete. Him and Oliver were on good terms when he died. Tommy was ok with Oliver dating Laurel and he realized that the Arrow had to stop his father.
"Hey Oliver remember when as I lay dying we had a heart to heart talk, I forgave you and we were friends again. Fuck that shit, now I want to kill you."
The desire for characters to remain or return past their usefulness to the story is one of the more perplexing aspects of CW shows.
It's a god damn comic show, people coming back from the dead and turning heel is half the fun.