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Arrow S5 |OT| You thought you were out, but Manu Bennett pulls you back in.


I'm going to go with:


As the reasoning for things, no matter what the actual outcome is.


It's just weird to think that Oliver killed someone off screen in S1 and his son managed to go and get trained by
Talia Al Ghul
and rival the person who killed Ra's Al Ghul and just fought off Aliens.


It's just weird to think that Oliver killed someone off screen in S1 and his son managed to go and get trained by
Talia Al Ghul
and rival the person who killed Ra's Al Ghul and just fought off Aliens.

Look what happened with Zoom dude

I'll take the nameless faceless badass over the shock twist surprise it's Wild Dog's split personality

I think there's something cool about a nobody who trains for one dedicated reason. I'm sure it'll end up being some kind of special reveal which is annoying.


Look what happened with Zoom dude

I'll take the nameless faceless badass over the shock twist surprise it's Wild Dog's split personality

I think there's something cool about a nobody who trains for one dedicated reason. I'm sure it'll end up being some kind of special reveal which is annoying.

I would be completely on board if it actually from an episode of S1 and not off screen stuff.


Only one person could dress like a Dark Archer and have League-tier training and believe everything that Ollie touches dies


The League wouldn't take Slade, let's be real. He's unhinged.

They only take nice stable people like Ra's and Merlyn and Sara.


I wonder where Mirakuru Slade stands in terms of strength to the LoA

I feel like Ra's could probably still beat him on skill. Ollie tried to overpower him and failed hard.

My guess is the human power levels in the Arrowverse are something like this:
  1. Oliver
  2. Ra's
  3. Sara
  4. Prometheus
  5. Mick
  6. Slade
  7. Merlyn
  8. Nyssa/Katana
  9. Diggle
  10. Thea/Roy
  11. Laurel
  12. One-Off Villains
  13. Random Mooks
  14. Felicity
  15. Curtis
Obviously Ra's and Mick have a huge advantage due to prolonged life and Time Master fuckery but don't have any biological enhancements so they count. I'll also point out that Thea did not beat Slade solo as some people seem to think. Mirakuru Slade is probably above Sara.

Prometheus is probably lower, but we've only seen him really fight Oliver who he trained specifically to beat and held his own pretty well.
Ollie beating Ra's will always be BS. I'd say Ra's, Super Slade, and Ollie are top three in that order. China White and Bronze Tiger are MIA but fall in the middle.

Wildcat is below Curtis on that list.


Ollie beating Ra's will always be BS. I'd say Ra's, Super Slade, and Ollie are top three in that order. China White and Bronze Tiger are MIA but fall in the middle.

Wildcat is below Curtis on that list.

Yeah I can't say they earned Oliver beating Ra's, but he did, and he's taken down metas and aliens to boot.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Huh. Folks like us in this thread are really twigging to the new season, but ratings are down compared to Seasons 3 and 4.

Season 3
Season 4
Season 5, So Far

I'd have to look into the demographic breakdown.

EDIT: Was trying to figure out the big drop in Season 4.

Feb 24 episode was the mid-season finale, where Felicity broke up with Oliver. I still need to look at demographics, but did Olicity drive that many viewers or am I missing something? The latter part of that season is around where our new normal is.

Is it really surprising after 2 of the worst seasons of television ever produced that people bailed the F out?

Evo X

Guys, Prometheus is obviously Oliver's new reporter girl friend.

Didn't you notice that he mentioned Prometheus did a move that someone in Russia taught him and she reaches for Russian vodka when he goes to her apartment to visit?

She was also standing next to him at the party and saw him shake Billy's hand so she could do the whole dramatic "everything you touch dies" line. Also explains how Prometheus was able to attack Curtis at the party, then disappear so quickly.

Why is everyone assuming Prometheus is male? She uses a voice synthesizer.

The baby in the photo could easily be a girl.

Would also fit right into the typical Arrrowverse trend of being betrayed by someone close.


Is this season worth getting caught up on Arrow? I finished season 2 a long time ago and avoided the show afterwards because I've heard how bad it got.
Is this season worth getting caught up on Arrow? I finished season 2 a long time ago and avoided the show afterwards because I've heard how bad it got.

Yes. It is legitimately great and depending on how the back half goes it could be the best season of any Arrowverse show.


Serious cringe warning for this one. An Olicity fan posted up a big long post about how bad the last episode was and Amell responded:


It's crazy how differently the fanbases read the show. I will acknowledge though it was weird that everybody comforted Oliver while Felicity's boyfriend was the dead one. I guess it seemed natural because he's the lead.

Guys, Prometheus is obviously Oliver's new reporter girl friend.

Didn't you notice that he mentioned Prometheus did a move that someone in Russia taught him and she reaches for Russian vodka when he goes to her apartment to visit?

She was also standing next to him at the party and saw him shake Billy's hand so she could do the whole dramatic "everything you touch dies" line. Also explains how Prometheus was able to attack Curtis at the party, then disappear so quickly.

Why is everyone assuming Prometheus is male? She uses a voice synthesizer.

The baby in the photo could easily be a girl.

Would also fit right into the typical Arrrowverse trend of being betrayed by someone close.

I was going to point out that her learning about Oliver's Russia connection was new information, but I rewatched the scene and she never actually said it was new to her, she just smiled so I can't see anything that contradicts here at the moment. Except...

Her body type is drastically different to Prometheus. Obviously they use stunt actors, but it's going to be really hard to say this 5'5" woman is Prometheus who seems to be only a little bit shorter than GA with a bit of muscle.

Then again Human Target magically had Oliver's build until he didn't lol

Nah that's a boy, felicity confirmed as much with her info digging. However that doesn't mean that Prometheus is the son of the guy Oliver killed. The pic could've been planted.

Doesn't seem like that information is 100% reliable. It wasn't birth records as far as I can tell, just court records?


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Sure fire way to kill this awesome season...

Bring back Bee Girl

That episode had potential! The low budget Die Hard premise they had going on was cool. And the motivation that someone would want Felicity's magical spine chip is actually pretty decent. I think the main issue is that character is approaching Batman 66 levels of campy. Her name, the entire bee shtick, the puns. It would be like Captain Cold being a villain on Arrow.

I actually hope they bring her back in Flash, Legends or even Supergirl. She can work, just not on a show that takes itself so seriously. Of course I could be totally wrong since she has had two episodes and hasn't worked either time lol
That was a pretty wrenching ep to see Olly kill Felicity's boyfriend accidentally.

Its probably been answered, but is that Michael Dorn doing Prometheus' voice?


Serious cringe warning for this one. An Olicity fan posted up a big long post about how bad the last episode was and Amell responded:


It's crazy how differently the fanbases read the show. I will acknowledge though it was weird that everybody comforted Oliver while Felicity's boyfriend was the dead one. I guess it seemed natural because he's the lead.

Show brings back Laurel:
"This is midseason; the point when the path should be paved for viewers to understand where things may be headed. I truly have NO idea where this show is going, which isn’t something I’m used to as a viewer who’s been savvy/observant enough to figure it out without someone holding my hand."

seems quite clear to me.
as far Oliver going to Laurel, in tough times it sometimes helps having an outside person to talk to.
"If this show has any intention of showcasing why Oliver and Felicity truly are endgame, that would’ve been a fantastic opportunity to showcase what makes their journey so special, a worth it. But guess what? ANOTHER nice moment overshadowed by hoopla that doesn’t jive"
I guess that answers itself really. they arent endgame. At the start, Oliver and Laurel were end game, but somewhere that changed, and now they want to change it back.
Now, after 9 episodes in, my assumption is that a female viewers opinion is unwanted by everyone, and the growing perception is that Arrow doesn’t want a primary audience of fans who expect a 4 year long arc of Oliver and Felicity’s relationship to make sense, or independent storylines for Felicity to pay off. I truly do not believe you feel this way about your female viewers in particular, so feel free to prove this perception wrong because that’s why I’m coming to you in the first place.
an arc doesn't have to end in happy endings. This is their arc, they were friends, they wee more. things went wrong, and they drifted, and now they repair ttheir friendship.

sounds like an arc to me.
Is this why we’re seeing less and less of Felicity, more newbies, and being told there’s “not time for romance” while Oliver plays tonsil hockey with Susan and Felicity can date a detective that could’ve easily discovered she works for GA?
Oliver has been reluctant with susan since the start, and she has done most of the advances.
Why has Arrow become my crappy paper mache project from third grade? Can you make sense of these layers for me? I truly believe time is of the essence after last night, if you want to see a good return in viewership and positive engagement after winter hiatus.
Please help shed some light without saying “you can’t always get what you want”----because I really REALLY want to see this show return to its former glory. You guys had it, and I’m just not sure why you took it apart.
ironically, here is how she started her diatribe:
"Just for a moment, put aside the notion that I’m “just a shipper who can’t always get what they want”---but an impassioned and loyal viewer that is beyond confused and disheartened by the show that seems to be a shell of its former self.​
she wants to get what she wants

ANYWAY, Here is Stephen's response: https://www.facebook.com/stephenamell/posts/1228839840534614?comment_id=1229369777148287


i regret reading that


Huh. Folks like us in this thread are really twigging to the new season, but ratings are down compared to Seasons 3 and 4.

We are not the main target audience. Never were.

Is it really surprising after 2 of the worst seasons of television ever produced that people bailed the F out?

Reminder: season 2 and 5 are the worst watched seasons of the show. People bailed the fuck out of season 2. Also, Arrow S3 and S4 wouldn't even be in the bottom 70% of television ranked to quality.


Serious Sam is a wicked gahbidge series for chowdaheads.
I come back into the OT because I guess I'm going to watch the first nine due to the really good feedback but then I see this... They must be doing something right.


Good to have you back.

PhoenixZero was the only person who took me up on my offer to remind him he said he was done with the show and would no longer be posting. However, he did give himself a slight out, depending on how the show was doing at the mid-season.

I think you'll really enjoy the show again. Good luck!

The Hobo

Please help shed some light without saying “you can’t always get what you want”----because I really REALLY want to see this show return to its former glory. You guys had it, and I’m just not sure why you took it apart.

I would rather Arrow be canceled than return to the "glory" she talks about.


There is really no reason not to have Olicity as long as they keep using the newbies to force the drama, or use villains for the drama. I would like to see Oliver happy for once.
Good to have you back.

PhoenixZero was the only person who took me up on my offer to remind him he said he was done with the show and would no longer be posting. However, he did give himself a slight out, depending on how the show was doing at the mid-season.

I think you'll really enjoy the show again. Good luck!

To be fair, I already watched the crossover episode but that was another out of mine and part why I'm giving it all a shot again, I didn't think it was great or anything but the lack of some ridiculous drama like what happened with last season's crossover was a plus.
Oliver is no longer a billionaire and Felicity was fired. They need to improvise now.

Having never finished Season 4, I've been wondering what's up with Felicity at Palmer Tech. Or why Thea stopped being Speedy. Or why Diggle rejoined the military. Or that whole nuke business. I surmised what I could though conversations.
Having never finished Season 4, I've been wondering what's up with Felicity at Palmer Tech. Or why Thea stopped being Speedy. Or why Diggle rejoined the military. Or that whole nuke business. I surmised what I could though conversations.
Here's what you need to know: nothing. It's better to just pretend seasons 3 and 4 never happened.

If something comes up where they reference that time (which is actually rare, thankfully), just consider it an effect of Flashpoint.


Serious cringe warning for this one. An Olicity fan posted up a big long post about how bad the last episode was and Amell responded:


It's crazy how differently the fanbases read the show. I will acknowledge though it was weird that everybody comforted Oliver while Felicity's boyfriend was the dead one. I guess it seemed natural because he's the lead.

Why did I read that? Someone should show Amell this thread, that may brighten his day a bit with the reactions S5 is getting so far from us. Maybe. No idea.
Don't show it to Gustin though. :'D


What a fantastic midseason finale. The season 1 callbacks, the intensity, the villain, and the final setup that went all the way back to where it started.

The only way this could have been better is if Oliver actually took down Claybourne in season 1.


Having never finished Season 4, I've been wondering what's up with Felicity at Palmer Tech. Or why Thea stopped being Speedy. Or why Diggle rejoined the military. Or that whole nuke business. I surmised what I could though conversations.

- Felicity got fired because it turns out IT girl is not a good CEO.
- Thea and Diggle got depressed when Laurel died.
- Dahrk tried to nuke the world. They stopped it.


Serious cringe warning for this one. An Olicity fan posted up a big long post about how bad the last episode was and Amell responded:


It's crazy how differently the fanbases read the show. I will acknowledge though it was weird that everybody comforted Oliver while Felicity's boyfriend was the dead one. I guess it seemed natural because he's the lead.

Can anyone do a tldr?


LOL, talk about being stuck between a rock and a hard place.

I know it's possible to have a great plot and Olicity but it's CW..


Best part were the flash backs to serial killer Ollie and him constantly reflecting on it. How much he has grown...

Also him killing was so brutal and unforgiving it was so awesome.
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