From the official twitter...https://twitter.com/CW_Arrow/status/466279907622801410
I swear to god....
Hahhahaha - they better not! That's not even remotely funny, heh.
Caity is on Mad Men tonight. Grungy and pregnant.
From the official twitter...https://twitter.com/CW_Arrow/status/466279907622801410
I swear to god....
Watch, it's going to be Sara.
From the official twitter...https://twitter.com/CW_Arrow/status/466279907622801410
I swear to god....
No guys, you don't understand. Felicity isn't the victim... she is the perpetrator.
"The Arrow and Canary are heroes, they don't kill. I do."
More fitting with Diggle and would make sense, if he murdered someone gets in jail and from there into the Suicide Squad, but I just want her to die ;___;
He isn't part of the GAF-Hivemind.We hate Sarah now?!
No, Moira died, because she was old.Between Moira and Thea they chose to kill the badass awesome-lady instead of the whiny bratty sister... soooo...
Felicity doesn't stand a chance.
It's just what anyone on team Arrow would say, not what Olli actually do.Right.
No, Moira died, because she was old.
LAUREL!Quick! Who's older? Laurel or Felicity?
Between Moira and Thea they chose to kill the badass awesome-lady instead of the whiny bratty sister... soooo...
Felicity doesn't stand a chance.
But I've grown to like Laurel.LAUREL!
http://arrow.wikia.com/wiki/Laurel_Lance (born 1985)
http://arrow.wikia.com/wiki/Felicity_Smoak (born in 1988)
Die, old hag!
But I've grown to like Laurel.
Black Driver is going to die, calling it.
I'd always guess on the one actress that was already on Mad Men a couple of years back.she's one of the last people from this show that I'd expect to see on Mad Men.
But I've grown to like Laurel.
Black Driver is going to die, calling it.
Volotaire. you have failed this fanbase.Honestly, I've tended to dislike Felicity slightly in recent episodes. She's grown to be evermore annoying.
I'm guessing that they won't kill her but rather cripple her making her the new Oracle! Which would be fun/brilliant move and a nice nod to the comics IMO.
that actually looks rad as fuck
Everyone's in denial already. I love it.
It'll happen.
But can it withstand Slade's mirakuru?Oliver, Felicity, and Black Driver all have super thick plot shields.
After. I think they'll match up timelines so S3 premier of Arrow ~ the time Flash wakes up.
What does the Arrowverse have against colours?
"The" Arrow
"The" Canary
What's next? "The" Beetle and "The" Tornado?
After the finale.
The timeline in Arrow and Flash both correlates with the real world time, if it's Christmas here it's Christmas in Arrow/Flash as well.
The red background on the logo is starting to grow on me. Or maybe it's just this shot idk.
From the official twitter...https://twitter.com/CW_Arrow/status/466279907622801410
I swear to god....
Yeah, I agree with this. Every show that hypes a potential death ends up killing someone else "unexpectedly."if they're hyping up the possibility of Felicity dying then she's totally safe.
Honestly, I've tended to dislike Felicity slightly in recent episodes. She's grown to be evermore annoying.
I'm pretty sure we're called "shippers."Are arrow fans called arrowheads? My buddy is obsessed with felicity so I've been calling him that jokingly. Sounds like something a fandom would adopt tbqh.
Don't forget "The Booster", "The Lantern" and "The Lightning".What does the Arrowverse have against colours?
"The" Arrow
"The" Canary
What's next? "The" Beetle and "The" Tornado?
Well...they did make Laurel be a sort of side kick of Oliver the past few episodes, so why not make it complete. The rise of Laurel is inevitable.
Ohhh!! That explains those pics of Amell in the middle of nowhere. I'm looking forward to The Flash more and more. Can't wait.
Well...they did make Laurel be a sort of side kick of Oliver the past few episodes, so why not make it complete. The rise of Laurel is inevitable.
From the official twitter...https://twitter.com/CW_Arrow/status/466279907622801410
I swear to god....