Funky Papa
Looking forward to see in which new and exciting ways the writers manage to fuck with Laurel now that she's the taking the canary mantle.
Nah. Dexter's last episode wasn't that bad. The very ending was nice and everything before it still was better than the whole S8. It;s the season as a whole that was garbage.
Dexter was a crap show from the start.
Watched it a way back.
Don't believe the hype.
He probably won't be a regular again.Will Manu be a regular again next season? Or was he never a "regular"
I have to agree. The finale was not up to par with what they had built.
Good ep? Yes.
Great season finale? No.
It's true. It ended in the only way that made sense and stayed true to the whole theme of the show. The fact everything before that sucked dick doesn't change that.
Dextershould have died period, preferable from execution on prision
Now that would actually be the worst series finale in the history.
Not at all. It would have been infinitely better thanLumberjack Dexter.
He probably won't be a regular again.
this makes me sad
I have never seen the vampire diaries, so my only knowledge of it comes from CW promos.
From the promos though, it seems like they're only 3 characters, the two guys and that girl, and they are always going on adventures and the girl keeps switching who she wants to bang, and who she wants to kill each episode.
The 3 of them are very pretty.
They need him to rest and gather his strenght for a glorious return in S4 or 5.
That said, I dream about CW doing short summer event series to let us pass the time between regular seasons. Like next year do Suicide Squad and then let some of them escape and do Secret Six the year after![]()
- Thea.
Queen Merlyn's gonna come back next season and silence the haters.
How much hotness can you fit in a picture.
Queen Merlyn's gonna come back next season and silence the haters.
Queen Merlyn's gonna come back next season and silence the haters.
She already silenced me quite well with those latex leggins she was wearing when she boarded Merlyn's limo![]()
I ssslook sssssforward to her ssssreturn ssssspeech.
I ssslook sssssforward to her ssssreturn ssssspeech.
Wow I didn't know Thea posted on here!I ssslook sssssforward to her ssssreturn ssssspeech.
I would disagree with that. I should because I like the show. So: there are other pretty people, prettier than those 3.
Don't lie. There's no male prettier than Damon on VD
When it comes to women though...dat Caroline.
I ssslook sssssforward to her ssssreturn ssssspeech.
What have you done? I will never not notice it again!
To the New AgeWelcome to the New Age
I ssslook sssssforward to her ssssreturn ssssspeech.
if you ssshtrike her down, ssshe sssshall become more powerful than ever
Don't lie. There's no male prettier than Damon on VD
When it comes to women though...dat Caroline.
Damon's the prettiest. <3 None of the other guys are all that.
In Arkham Origins, you get toI wish Slade fought with his mask on for a bit first
But Stefan has dat hero hair.
Stefan was never, ever a hero. Therefore he does not have the hero hair that Damon says he has.
Can we please keep the Vampire Diaries trash out of any and all Arrow threads?
You guys are so sure of yourself now. But we're 4 months untill Season 3. The real hunger hasn't even started yet. In two, three months. when work of Wozzly and his followers will reach unheard levels of depravity, when every bit of dignity will be teared away from you, when the ones who follow this thread will lay destroyed, and the themes and characters we love will become corrut with erotic fanfiction. Once you will loose everyone and everything you value, you will look back at this moment and say "damn, maybe a bit of OT disscussion wasn't such a bad idea". But it will be too late. The only way to stop this madness will be to drive an arrows through your own eyes.Seconded.
You guys have failed this thread
You guys are so sure of yourself now. But we're 4 months untill Season 3. The real hunger hasn't even started yet. In two, three months. when work of Wozzly and his followers will reach unheard levels of depravity you will look back at this moment and say "damn, maybe a bit of OT disscussion wasn't such a bad idea".
4 months.4 months is not too bad, really. How long was between S1 and S2?